ano 2014
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Instituto de Química
Departamento de Físico-Química
Produções / Capítulos de livros publicados

  GONÇALVES, M. do C.; FERRAREZI, MMF; "Recent developments in cellulose and cellulose derivatives / clay nanocomposites", "Handbook of Polymernanocomposites. Processing, Performance and Application", 12/2014, ed. 1, Springer, pp. 19, pp.109-127, 2014
  DURÁN, N; SEABRA, A. B.; TREMATORE, R. L.; "Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of biogenically synthesized silver nanoparticles.", "Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of biogenically synthesized silver nanoparticles.", 01/2014, ed. 1, Springer, Vol. 1, pp. 19, pp.245-263, 2014
  RAI, MK; INGLE, AP; GAIKWAD, S; GADE, A; RUBILAR, O; DURÁN, N; "Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of copper nanoparticles.", "Nanotoxicology: Materials, methodologies, and assessments.", 01/2014, ed. 1, Springer, Vol. 1, pp. 21, pp.325-345, 2014
  GASPARI, PDM; DURÁN, N; "Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of solid lipid nanoparticles", "Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of solid lipid nanoparticles", 01/2014, ed. 1, Springer, Vol. 1, pp. 16, pp.229-244, 2014 *
  SILVA MELO, Paulo; GASPARI, PDM; DANIELE RIBEIRO DE, Araújo; DURÁN, N; "Nanoparticles cytotoxicity", "Nanoparticles cytotoxicity", 01/2014, ed. 1, Springer, Vol. 1, pp. 13, pp.111-123, 2014 *
  REIS, M. C.; BASSI, A.B.M.S.; "On the electromechanical behavior of electrolyte solutions", "Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics", 01/2014, ed. 1, Blucher, Vol. 1, pp. 1, pp.1-1, 2014
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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