ano 2014
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Instituto de Química
Departamento de Química Inorgânica
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Internacional
  PIRES, B. M.; JANNUZZI, S. A. V.; FORMIGA, A. L. B.; BONACIN, J. A.; Prussian Blue Films Produced by Pentacyanidoferrate(II) and Their Application as Active Electrochemical Layers, 12/2014, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry,Vol. 1, Fac. 34, pp.5812-5819, Weinheim, Alemanha, 2014
  JEHNICHEN, D; ZAKRZEWSKA, S; OUROS, A. C.; SCHRAMM, N; HÄUSSLER, L; POSPIECH, D; VOIT, B; SCHULZE, U; PASTORE, H O; Synthesis of Nanocomposites by in situ Metallocene-Catalyzed Polymerization of Propene, 12/2014, European Polymer Journal,Vol. 63, Exeter EX1 2AH, Reino Unido, 2014
  MARTINEZ, D. S. T.; ALVES,, O.L.; BARBOSA, G. M.; FAGAN, S. B.; MARTINEZ, D. S. T.; ALVES, O.L.; RODRIGUES JR, LC; Lipopolysaccharide influences on the toxicity of oxidised multiwalled carbon nanotubes to murine splenocytes in vitro, 12/2014, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience,pp.1-9, Oxfordshire, Reino Unido, 2014 *
  LOPES, J. H.; MAGALHAES, A; MAZALI, IO; BERTRAN, CA; Effect of Niobium Oxide on the Structure and Properties of Melt-Derived Bioactive Glasses, 12/2014, Journal of the American Ceramic Society,Vol. 97, Fac. 12, pp.3843-3852, Westerville, OH, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  GALLO, J. M. R.; BUENO, J M C; SCHUCHARDT, U. F.; Catalytic transformations of ethanol for biorefineries, 12/2014, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso),Vol. 25, Fac. 12, pp.2229-2243, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2014
  OUROS, A. C.; SOUZA, M O; PASTORE, H O; Metallocene supported on inorganic solid supports: An unfinished history, 12/2014, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso),Vol. 25, Fac. 12, pp.2164-2185, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2014
  BEZERRA, RDS; SILVA, MMF; MORAIS, AIS; OSAJIMA, JA; SANTOS, M. R. M. C.; AIROLDI, C.; SILVA FILHO, E. C.; Phosphated Cellulose as an Efficient Biomaterial for Aqueous Drug Ranitidine Removal, 12/2014, Materials (Basel),Vol. 7, Fac. 12, pp.7907-7924, Basel, Suiça, 2014
  KIRNER, SV; GULDI, DM; MEGIATTO JUNIOR, J. D.; SCHUSTER, DI; Synthesis and photophysical properties of new catenated electron donor–acceptor materials with magnesium and free base porphyrins as donors and C 60 as the acceptor, 12/2014, Nanoscale (Print),Vol. 7, Fac. 3, pp.1145-1160, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2014
  KHAN, A.; BADSHAH, S.; AIROLDI, C.; Environmentally benign modified biodegradable chitosan for cation removal, 12/2014, Polymer Bulletin (Berlin. Print),Berlin, Alemanha, 2014
  PIRES, CTGVMT; VILELA, J. A. P.; AIROLDI, C.; The effect of Chitin Alkaline Deacetylation at Different Condition on Particle Properties, 12/2014, Procedia Chemistry,Vol. 9, pp.220-225, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  ULLAH, H.; FERREIRA, AV; BENDASSOLLI, José Albertino; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, M. T.; FORMIGA, A. L. B.; COELHO, F.A.S.; A Versatile Approach to Noncoded &#946;-Hydroxy-&#945;-amino Esters and &#945;-Amino Acids/Esters from Morita–Baylis–Hillman Adducts, 12/2014, Synthesis (Stuttgart),Vol. 47, Fac. 01, pp.113-123, Stuttgart, Alemanha, 2014 *
  GALLO, MC; PIRES, B. M.; TOLEDO, K. C. F.; JANNUZZI, S. A. V.; ARRUDA, E. G. R.; FORMIGA, A. L. B.; BONACIN, J. A.; The use of modified electrodes by hybrid systems gold nanoparticles/Mn-porphyrin in electrochemical detection of cysteine, 12/2014, Synthetic Metals,Vol. 198, pp.335-339, Lausanne, Suiça, 2014
  FREITAS, F. S.; MERLO, R. B.; MARQUES, F.C.; NOGUEIRA, A. F.; Hybrid silicon/P3HT solar cells based on an interfacial modification with a molecular thiophene layer, 11/2014, Physica Status Solidi. A: Applications and Materials Science (Print),Vol. 211, Fac. 11, pp.2657-2661, Weinheim, Alemanha, 2014 *
  STRAUSS, M.; PEREIRA, M. P.; SIGOLI, F. A.; SILVA, J. M. S.; MAZALI, IO; Singular effect of crystallite size on the charge carrier generation and photocatalytic activity of nano-TiO2, 11/2014, Applied Surface Science,Vol. 319, pp.151-157, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  DE OLIVEIRA, M.G.; BLANCO, P. T.; BALDIM, V.; LOURENÇO, S. M.; SANTOS, K. S. R.; Increasing dermal blood flow with photochemical NO release from topical formulations, 11/2014, Nitric Oxide (Print),Vol. 42, pp.119-120, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  ZAMARION, VM; ASSUMPÇÃO, AMC; BONACIN, J. A.; TOMA, S H; TOMA, H. E.; Probing surface&#8722;complex interactions with the bis(4-thienylterpyridine)iron(II) complex anchored on TiO 2 and gold nanoparticles, 10/2014, Canadian Journal of Chemistry (Print),Vol. 92, Fac. 10, pp.918-924, Ottawa, Canadá, 2014
  TKACHENKO, O; PANTELEIMONOV, A.; PADALKO, I; KOROBOV, A; GUSHIKEM, Y.; KHOLIN, Y. V.; Silica functionalized with 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride as an efficient adsorbent for the removal of Eosin Yellow and Reactive Blue 4, 10/2014, Chemical Engineering Journal (1996),Vol. 254, Fac., pp.324-332, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  CASTRO, DT; HOLTZ, R. D.; ALVES, O.L.; WATANABE, E; VALENTE, MLC; SILVA, CHL; REIS, AC; Development of a novel resin with antimicrobial properties for dental application, 10/2014, Journal of Applied Oral Science (Impresso),Vol. 22, Fac. 5, pp.442-449, Bauru, SP, Brasil, 2014
  DUNSTAN LOZANO, P.O.; KHAN, AM; Metal-Nitrogen Coordinated Bond Energies in 3-Ethyl-4-methylpyridine Complexes of Certain Metal(II) Bromides, 10/2014, Journal of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Research,Vol. 1, Fac. 4, pp.238-245, South El Monte, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  TOLEDO, K. C. F.; MATIAS, TA; JORGE, HB; TOMA, H. E.; BONACIN, J. A.; SOUZA, V R de; Non-innocent behavior of 1-(2&#8242;-pyridylazo)-2-naphtholate coordinated to polypyridine ruthenium(II) complexes, 10/2014, Journal of Coordination Chemistry (Print),Vol. 67, Fac. 20, pp.3311-3323, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  ALMEIDA, JC; MARZANO, IM; DE PAULA, F. C. F.; PIVATTO, M; LOPES, N.P.; DE SOUZA, Priscila Carvalhido; PAVAN, F. R.; FORMIGA, A. L. B.; PEREIRA-MAIA, BC; GUERRA, W; Complexes of platinum and palladium with beta-diketones and DMSO: Synthesis, characterization, molecular modeling, and biological studies, 10/2014, Journal of Molecular Structure (Print),Vol. 1075, Fac., pp.370-376, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  SESHADRI, M.; CHILLCCE, Enver Fernández; MARCONI, J. D.; SIGOLI, F. A.; RATNAKARAM, Y. C.; BARBOSA, L. C.; Optical characterization, infrared emission and visible up-conversion in Er3+ doped tellurite glasses, 10/2014, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,Vol. 402, pp.141-148, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014 *
  SANTOS, E. B.; SIGOLI, F. A.; MAZALI, IO; Study of structure of the TiO2-MoO3bilayer films by Raman spectroscopy, 10/2014, Materials Research Bulletin,Vol. 60, pp.242-246, Oxford, França, 2014
  PANICE, LB; DE ARRUDA OLIVEIRA, Elisângela; MOLIN, RAD; OLIVEIRA, DP; LAZARIN, A. M.; ANDREOTTI, Elza Isabel Suely; SERNAGLIA, R L; GUSHIKEM, Y.; Electrochemical properties of the hexacyanoferrate(II)-ruthenium(III) complex immobilized on silica gel surface chemically modified with zirconium(IV) oxide, 10/2014, Materials Science & Engineering. B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology,Vol. 188, Fac., pp.78-83, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  FREITAS, JN; GONÇALVES, A. S.; NOGUEIRA, A. F.; A comprehensive review of the application of chalcogenide nanoparticles in polymer solar cells, 10/2014, Nanoscale (Print),Vol. 6, pp.6371-6397, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2014
  RIBEIRO, RU; MEIRA, DM; RODELLA, C. B.; OLIVEIRA, Daniela Croco; BUENO, J M C; ZANCHET, D; Probing the stability of Pt nanoparticles encapsulated in sol-gel Al2O3 using in situ and ex situ characterization techniques, 09/2014, Applied Catalysis. A, General (Print),Vol. 485, Fac., pp.108-117, Amsterdan, Holanda, 2014
  RODRIGUEZ, RA; LAFFITA, YM; PÉREZ-CAPPE, EL; AGUILAR-FRUTIS, MA; SALAZAR, JS; ALVES, O.L.; A new strategy toward enhancing the phosphate doping in LixMn2O4 cathode materials, 09/2014, Ceramics International,Vol. 40, Fac. 8, pp.12413-12422, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2014
  BADSHAH, S.; AIROLDI, C.; Pendant chains containing thiopropanamide groups inside talc-like phyllosilicate galleries as thermodynamically favorable agents for cation removal, 09/2014, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,Vol. 2, Fac. 3, pp.1386-1393, Amsterdã, Holanda, 2014
  AIROLDI, C.; OLIVEIRA, VV; Hydrophobic contribution to amoxicillin release associated with organofunctionalized mesoporous SBA-16 carriers, 09/2014, Materials Research Bulletin,Vol. 59, pp.214-222, Oxford, França, 2014
  CORRICELLI, M; ALTAMURA, D; CURRI, ML; SIBILLANO, T; SILIQI, D; MAZZONE, A; DEPALO, N; FANIZZA, E; ZANCHET, D; GIANNINI, C; STRICCOLI, M; GISAXS and GIWAXS study on self-assembling processes of nanoparticle based superlattices, 08/2014, CrystEngComm (Cambridge. Online),Vol. 16, Fac. 40, pp.9482-9492, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2014
  CAMPOS, R. P. S.; YOSHIDA, IVP; SILVA, J. A. F.; Surface modification of PDMS microchips with poly(ethylene glycol) derivatives for mu TAS applications, 08/2014, Electrophoresis (Weinheim. Print),Vol. 35, Fac. 16, pp.2346-2352, Weinheim, Alemanha, 2014 *
  MELLO, L. B.; SIGOLI, F. A.; MAZALI, IO; Structural and Optical Properties of Erbium and Ytterbium Codoped Germanoniobophosphate Glasses, 08/2014, Journal of the American Ceramic Society,Vol. 97, Fac. 8, pp.2462-2470, Westerville, OH, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  FERREIRA, GR; NOWACKI, BF; MAGALHAES, A; DE AZEVEDO, E R; DE SA, E. L.; AKCELRUD, L C; FERNANDO BIANCHI, Rodrigo; Controlling photo-oxidation processes of a polyfluorene derivative: The effect of additives and mechanism, 08/2014, Materials Chemistry and Physics,Vol. 146, Fac. 3, pp.212-217, Lausanne, Suiça, 2014
  SANTOS, E. B.; SIGOLI, F. A.; MAZALI, IO; Facile synthesis of the dendritic structure of silver nanoparticles–chitosan and its application as an effective SERS substrate, 08/2014, New Journal of Chemistry (1987),Vol. 38, Fac. 11, pp.5369-5375, Cambridge, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  MELO JÚNIOR, M. A.; PIRES, CTGVMT; AIROLDI, C.; The influence of the leaving iodine atom on phyllosilicate syntheses and useful application in toxic metal removal with favorable energetic effects, 08/2014, RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences,Vol. 4, Fac. 77, pp.41028-41038, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2014
  SOUZA, FM; DIAS, APB; BABETO, B; PELISSON, S; LAZARIN, A. M.; SERNAGLIA, R L; ANDREOTTI, E.I.S.; AIROLDI, C.; Thermodynamics of the nickel, cobalt and zinc removal from ethanolic solution by p-aminobenzoic acid intercalated on layered calcium phosphate, 08/2014, Thermochimica Acta (Print),Vol. 589, Fac., pp.107-113, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  REHMANN, Franz Josef K.; VOLPE, P.L.O.; AIROLDI, C.; The applicability of ordered mesoporous SBA-15 and its hydrophobic glutaraldehyde-bridge derivative to improve ibuprofen-loading in releasing system, 07/2014, Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces (Print),Vol. 119, pp.82-89, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014 *
  PAZZINI, C.; GASPARI, PDM; PRADO, L. B.; ALESSIO, A. M.; HÖEHR, Nelci Fenalti; MONTALVÃO, S. A. L.; COSTA, DSP; DURÁN, N; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; Polymeric nanoparticles of enoxaparin as a delivery system: in vivo evaluation in normal rats and in a venous thrombosis rat model., 07/2014, Journal of Clinical Apheresis,Vol. 15, pp.4837-4843, Hoboken, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  ARCE, V B; SCOTTO, J; ALLEGRETTI, P E; MELO JÚNIOR, M. A.; AIROLDI, C.; MORAIS, M.L.S.; ERRA-BALSELLS, R; DIEZ, RP; MARTIRE, D O; Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation of the Fluorescence Quenching of Riboflavin by Cinnamic Alcohol Chemisorbed on Silica Nanoparticles, 07/2014, Journal of Physical Chemistry. C,Vol. 118, Fac. 28, pp.15348-15355, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  MARTINEZ, D. S. T.; FARIA, A. F.; BERNI NETO, E. A.; SOUZA FILHO, AG; ALMEIDA, Gilberto de; OLIVEIRA, A. C.; GROSSMAN, MJ; DURRANT, Lucia Regina; UMBUZEIRO, G. A.; ALVES, O.L.; Exploring the use of biosurfactants from Bacillus subtilis in bionanotechnology: A potential dispersing agent for carbon nanotube ecotoxicological studies, 07/2014, Process Biochemistry (1966) (Cessou em 1990. Cont. c/ outro título e ISSN. Cessou novamente e voltou a ter o título anterior [Process Biochemistry]),Vol. 49, Fac. 7, pp.1162-1168, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2014 *
  ANDRADE, P. F.; FARIA, A. F.; SILVA, D. S.; BONACIN, J. A.; GONÇALVES, M. do C.; Structural and morphological investigations of beta-cyclodextrin-coated silver nanoparticles, 06/2014, Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces (Print),Vol. 118, pp.289-297, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014 *
  PAIVA, R. E. F.; ABBEHAUSEN, C.; BERGAMINI, F. R. G.; THOMPSON, AL; ALVES, D. A.; LANCELLOTTI, M.; CORBI, PP; Investigating the inclusion of the Ag(I)-nimesulide complex into &#946;-cyclodextrin: studies in solution and in the solid state, 06/2014, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry,Vol. 79, Fac. 1-2, pp.225-235, Boston, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  SILVEIRA, J. V.; SAVU, R.; CANESQUI, M. A.; ALVES, O.L.; MENDES FILHO, JOSUE; SWART, Jacobus Willibrordus; SOUZA FILHO, AG; MOCHKALEV, S.; Improvement of Electrical and Thermal Contacts Between Carbon Nanotubes and Metallic Electrodes by Laser Annealing, 06/2014, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics,Vol. 9, Fac. 3, pp.374-380, Valencia, CA, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  GASPARI, PDM; FAVARO, W. J.; DURÁN, N; Cisplatin properties in a nanobiotechnological approach to cancer: A mini-review, 05/2014, Current Cancer Drug Targets (Print),Vol. 14, pp.1-10, Oak Park, IL, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  MONTEIRO, J. H. S. K.; FORMIGA, A. L. B.; SIGOLI, F. A.; The influence of carboxilate, phosphinate and seleninate groups on luminescent properties of lanthanides complexes, 05/2014, Journal of Luminescence,Vol. 154, pp.22-31, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  OTUBO, L.; FERREIRA, O. P.; SOUZA FILHO, AG; ALVES, O.L.; Raman spectroscopy for probing covalent functionalization of single-wall carbon nanotubes bundles with gold nanoparticles, 05/2014, Journal of Nanoparticle Research,Vol. 16, Fac. 5, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2014
  MEGIATTO JUNIOR, J. D.; MÉNDEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, DD; TEJEDA-FERRARI, ME; TEILLOUT, AL; LLANSOLA-PORTOLÉS, MJ; KODIS, G; POLUÉKTOV, OG; RAJH, T; MÚJICA, V; GROY, T; GUST, D; MOORE, TA; MOORE, AL; A bioinspired redox relay that mimics radical interactions of the Tyr-His pairs of photosystem II, 05/2014, Nature Chemistry,Vol. 6, Fac. 5, pp.423-428, London, Inglaterra, 2014
  CASSINELLI, W H; DAMYANOVA, S; PARIZOTTO, N. V.; ZANCHET, D; BUENO, J M C; DE PAULA MARQUES, C M; Study of the properties of supported Pd catalysts for steam and autothermal reforming of methane, 04/2014, Applied Catalysis. A, General (Print),Vol. 475, pp.256-269, Amsterdan, Holanda, 2014
  CUNHA, VRR; IZUMI, CMS; PETERSEN, PAD; MAGALHAES, A; TEMPERINI, MLA; PETRILLI, HM; CONSTANTINO, V R L; Mefenamic acid anti-inflammatory drug: Probing its polymorphs by vibrational (IR and Raman) and solid-state NMR spectroscopies, 04/2014, Journal of Physical Chemistry. B,Vol. 118, Fac. 16, pp.4333-4344, Columbus, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  SEGATELLI, M. G.; KANEKO, M. L. Q. A.; SILVA, V. P.; YOSHIDA, IVP; Porous Ceramic Materials From Polysiloxane-Clay Composites, 04/2014, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso),Vol. 25, Fac. 4, pp.716-725, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2014
  MOURA, K. O.; PASTORE, H O; Physico-chemical of organo-functionalized magnesium phyllosilicate prepared by microwave heating, 04/2014, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (Print),Vol. 190, pp.292-300, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  MEIRA, DM; RIBEIRO, RU; BUENO, J M C; ZANCHET, D; Impact of metal-support interaction of Pt/Ce-Al2O3 catalysts for hydrogen production probed by in situ techniques, 03/2014, Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society (Cessou em 2005),Vol. 247, Fac., pp.1-2, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  BETTENCOURT-DIAS, A; MONTEIRO, J. H. S. K.; SIGOLI, F. A.; HOLLANDA, LUCIANA MARIA DE; MACHADO, D.; LANCELLOTTI, M.; Spectroscopy and cell studies of water-soluble lanthanide ion complexes with -NH2-bearing ligands, 03/2014, Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society (Cessou em 2005),Vol. 247, pp.1-2, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  PAULA, AJ; MARTINEZ, D. S. T.; SOUZA FILHO, AG; ROMERO, F. G. V.; FONSECA, L. C.; TASIC, L; ALVES, O.L.; DURÁN, N; Topography-driven bionano-interactions on colloidal silica nanoparticles, 03/2014, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (Print),Vol. 6, Fac. 5, pp.3437-3447, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  VIEIRA, A P; ; ; SILVA, H A S; SANTOS, KCA; MELO, J. C. P.; SILVA FILHO, E. C.; AIROLDI, C.; High performance maleated lignocellulose epicarp fibers for copper ion removal, 03/2014, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso),Vol. 31, Fac. 1, pp.183-193, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2014
  MANDELLI, F.; MERCADANTE, Adriana; DOS SANTOS, Déborah Yara Alves Cursino; MANDELLI, F.; MERCADANTE, Adriana Zerlotti; Standardization of a protocol to extract and analyze chlorophyll a and carotenoids in Gracilaria tenuistipitata Var. Liui. Zhang and Xia (Rhodophyta), 03/2014, Brazilian Journal of Oceanography (Online),Vol. 62, Fac. 1, pp.57-63, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2014 *
  RAHIM, A.; SANTOS, L. S. S.; BARROS, S. B. A.; KUBOTA, L.T.; LANDERS, R.; GUSHIKEM, Y.; Electrochemical Detection of Nitrite in Meat and Water Samples Using a Mesoporous Carbon Ceramic SiO2/C Electrode Modified with In Situ Generated Manganese(II) Phthalocyanine, 03/2014, Electroanalysis (New York, N.Y.),Vol. 26, Fac. 3, pp.541-547, Deerfield Beach, FL, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  BEZERRA, RDS; SILVA, MMF; MORAIS, AIS; SANTOS, M. R. M. C.; AIROLDI, C.; SILVA FILHO, E. C.; Natural cellulose for ranitidine drug removal from aqueous solutions, 03/2014, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,Vol. 2, Fac. 1, pp.605-611, Amsterdã, Holanda, 2014
  SEABRA, A. B.; PAULA, AJ; LIMA, RSN; ALVES, O.L.; DURÁN, N; Nanotoxicity of graphene and graphene oxide, 02/2014, Chemical Research in Toxicology,Vol. 27, Fac. 2, pp.159-168, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  MARONEZE, CM; RAHIM, A.; FATTORI, N.; COSTA, L. P.; SIGOLI, F. A.; MAZALI, IO; CUSTODIO, R.; GUSHIKEM, Y.; Electroactive Properties of 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium Ionic Liquid Covalently Bonded on Mesoporous Silica Surface: Development of an Electrochemical Sensor Probed for NADH, Dopamine and Uric Acid Detection, 02/2014, Electrochimica Acta,Vol. 123, pp.435-440, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2014 *
  VIEIRA, R. B.; PASTORE, H O; Polyethylenimine-Magadiite Layered Silicate Sorbent for CO2 Capture, 02/2014, Environmental Science & Technology,Vol. 48, Fac. 4, pp.2472-2480, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  MARCINIUK, L. L.; HAMMER, P.; PASTORE, H O; SCHUCHARDT, U. F.; CARDOSO, D.; Sodium titanate as basic catalyst in transesterification reactions, 02/2014, Fuel (Guildford),Vol. 118, Fac., pp.48-54, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2014
  DIEZ, M.C.; TORTELLA, G.R.; RUBILAR, O; DIEZ, M. C.; BRICE, G; GASPARI, PDM; DURÁN, N; New Strategies and Challenges for Nanobiotechnology in Agriculture, 02/2014, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,Vol. 8, Fac. 1, pp.1-12, Valencia, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  ZOLA, AS; RIBEIRO, RU; BUENO, J M C; ZANCHET, D; ARROYO, PA; Cobalt nanoparticles prepared by three different methods, 02/2014, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience,Vol. 9, Fac. 4, pp.398-405, Oxfordshire, Reino Unido, 2014
  STRAUSS, M.; MARTINS, G. A. V.; BERLIER, G; COLUCCIA, S; MARCHESE, L.; PASTORE, H O; [M]-CAL-2: MeAPSO-34-like molecular sieves using a lamellar aluminophosphate as precursor, 02/2014, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (Print),Vol. 187, pp.135-144, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  PANTELEIMONOV, A.; TKACHENKO, O; BARABAN, A; BENVENUTTI, E. V.; GUSHIKEM, Y.; KHOLIN, Y. V.; Probing Silica-Organic Hybrid Materials Using Small Probes: Simulation of Adsorption Equilibria Influenced by Cooperativity Effects, 01/2014, Adsorption Science & Technology,Vol. 32, Fac. 4, pp.305-320, Essex, Reino Unido, 2014
  SANTOS, E. B.; OLIVEIRA, C. S.; SIGOLI, F. A.; MAZALI, IO; LIMA, ECNL; Fast detection of paracetamol on gold nanoparticles-chitosan substrate by SERS., 01/2014, Analytical Methods (Print),Vol. 6, Fac. 11, pp.3564-3568, London, Reino Unido, 2014
  SCHUCHARDT, U. F.; FRANCO, Telma Teixeira; MELO, J. C. P.; CORTEZ, Luis Augusto Barbosa; Sustainable aviation fuels for Brazil, 01/2014, Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining,Vol. 8, pp.151-154, West Sussex, Reino Unido, 2014 *
  OLIVEIRA, C. S.; AIROLDI, C.; Pyridine derivative covalently bonded on chitosan pendant chains for textile dye removal, 01/2014, Carbohydrate Polymers,Vol. 102, Fac. 1, pp.38-46, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2014
  PILA, CRM; OTERO, TM; PÉREZ-CAPPE, EL; ALVES, O.L.; ARANDA, P; AGUILAR-FRUTIS, MA; LAFFITA, YM; Influence of citrate/nitrate ratio on the preparation of Li0.5La0.5TiO3 nanopowder by combustion method, 01/2014, Ceramics International,Vol. 40, Fac. 1, pp.249-256, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2014
  FARIA, A. F.; MARTINEZ, D. S. T.; MEIRA, SMM; MORAES, A. C. M.; BRANDELLI, A; SOUZA FILHO, AG; ALVES, O.L.; Anti-adhesion and antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles supported on graphene oxide sheets, 01/2014, Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces (Print),Vol. 113, Fac., pp.115-124, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  HUBER, S. C.; GASPARI, PDM; DURÁN, N; COSTA, A. M. A.; ANNICHINO-BIZZACCHI, Joyce Maria; Preparation and application of mucoadhesive nanoparticles containing enoxaparin in a wound healing animal model, 01/2014, Current Nanoscience,Vol. 10, Fac. 06, pp.779-785, Bussum, Holanda, 2014 *
  GUTIERREZ, M. C.; DE PAOLI, M -A; FELISBERTI, MI; Cellulose acetate and short curauá fibers biocomposites prepared by large scale processing: Reinforcing and thermal insulating properties, 01/2014, Industrial Crops and Products (Print),Vol. 52, pp.363-372, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014 *
  MOURA, HM; PASTORE, H O; Functionalized mesoporous solids based on magadiite and [Al]-magadiite, 01/2014, Journal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions,Vol. 43, Fac. 27, pp.10471-10483, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2014
  AMARAL, TC; CARVALHO, GSG; SILVA, AD; CORBI, PP; MASCIOCCHI, N; CASTELLANO, EE; CUIN, A; Three new mononuclear group 12 complexes with benzimidazole, 01/2014, Journal of Coordination Chemistry (Print),Vol. 67, Fac. 8, pp.1380-1391, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
  FOZIA, Fozia; VOLPE, P.L.O.; AIROLDI, C.; Free amino and imino-bridged centres attached to organic chains bonded to structurally ordered silica for dye removal from aqueous solution, 01/2014, Journal of Environmental Management,Vol. 133, pp.135-143, London, Reino Unido, 2014 *
  SOUZA, ERICA RENATA DE; MAZALI, IO; SIGOLI, F. A.; Structural Investigation and Photoluminescent Properties of Gadolinium(III), Europium(III) and Terbium(III) 3-Mercaptopropionate Complexes, 01/2014, Journal of Fluorescence,Vol. 24, Fac. 1, pp.203-211, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2014
  FARIA, A. F.; MORAES, A. C. M.; GASPARI, PDM; MARTINEZ, D. S. T.; DURÁN, N; SOUZA FILHO, AG; BRANDELLI, A; ALVES, O.L.; Eco-friendly decoration of graphene oxide with biogenic silver nanoparticles: antibacterial and antibiofilm activity, 01/2014, Journal of Nanoparticle Research,Vol. 16, Fac. 2, pp.1-17, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2014 *
  COLUCI, V. R.; MARTINEZ, D. S. T.; HONORIO, J. G.; FARIA, A. F.; MORALES, D. A.; SKAF, M.S.; ALVES, O.L.; UMBUZEIRO, G. A.; Noncovalent interaction with graphene oxide: The crucial role of oxidative debris, 01/2014, Journal of Physical Chemistry. C,Vol. 118, Fac. 4, pp.2187-2193, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2014 *
  CHAVES, TF; PASTORE, H O; HAMMER, P.; CARDOSO, D.; As-synthesized TEA-BEA zeolite: Effect of Si/Al ratio on the Knoevenagel condensation, 01/2014, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (Print),Vol. 202, pp.198-207, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2014
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