Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica
Departamento de Energia
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
CAPITANI, D. H. D.; GOMES, M. S.; WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva; LEAL, M. R. L. V.; Condições de trabalho na atividade canavieira brasileira, 06/2015, Revista de Politica Agricola,Vol. XXIV, Fac. 2, pp.64-77, Brasilia, DF, Brasil, 2015 *
BERNI, Mauro D.; BAJAY, Sérgio Valdir; MEYERS, Paula; FOSTER-CARNEIRO, T.; Biorefining for the brazilian pulp and paper industry, 01/2015, O Papel (São Paulo),Vol. 1, pp.58-62, Aclimação, SP, Brasil, 2015 *
CORREIA, B. B.; WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva; Regime Climático e as Normas do Comércio Internacional : uma análise à luz do Direito Internacional do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 01/2015, Revista de Direito Ambiental,Vol. 79, pp.409-427, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2015
Circulação Internacional
FRANKLIN, E. M.; Formation of sand ripples under a turbulent liquid flow, 12/2015, Applied Mathematical Modelling,Vol. 39, Fac. 23-24, pp.7390-7400, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
DE SOUZA-SANTOS, Marcio L.; Very High-Pressure Fuel-Slurry Integrated Gasifier/Gas Turbine (FSIG/GT) Power Generation Applied to Biomass, 12/2015, Energy & Fuels (Print),Vol. 29, Fac. 12, pp.8066-8073, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
MAYER, A. L.; SPAROVEK, Gerd; VENIER, L. A.; KLINE, K.; MARTINELLI, Fabiana Spina; SANTOS, R. M.; OLIVEIRA, Camila Ortolan Fernandes; WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva; Bioenergy and Biodiversity: Key Lessons from the Pan American Region, 12/2015, Environmental Management,Vol. 56, Fac. 6, pp.1377-1396, New York, NY, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
ROSA, Eugênio Spanó; SOUZA, M. A. S. F.; Spatial void fraction measurement in an upward gas-liquid flow on the slug regime, 12/2015, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,Vol. 46, pp.139-154, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2015
WOLF, W. R.; Large Eddy Simulations of convergent–divergent channel flows at moderate Reynolds numbers, 12/2015, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,Vol. 56, pp.137-151, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
MACHADO, P. G.; PICOLI, Michelle Cristina Araújo; TORRES, L. J.; OLIVEIRA, J. G.; WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva; The use of socioeconomic indicators to assess the impacts of sugarcane production in Brazil, 12/2015, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,Vol. 52, pp.1519-1526, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2015
KIM, N. R.; RIBEIRO, Paulo Roberto; PESSOA FILHO, PEDRO DE ALCANTARA; PVT behavior of methane and ester-based drilling Emulsions, 11/2015, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Vol. 135, pp.360-366, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015 *
MAZZA, R.A.; ROSA, Eugênio Spanó; MAZZA, R. A.; MORALES, Rigoberto Melgarejo; RODRIGUES, H. T.; COZIN, C.; Analysis of slug tracking model for gas-liquid flows in a pipe, 11/2015, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso),Vol. 37, Fac. 6, pp.1665-1686, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2015
WOLF, W. R.; BACKES, B.; Sound and Sources of Sound in a Model Problem with Wake Interaction, 09/2015, AIAA Journal (Print),Vol. 53, Fac. 9, pp.2588-2606, Reston, VA, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
FRANKLIN, E. M.; ZAMBRANO, C. A. A.; Length scale of density waves in the gravitational flow of fine grains in pipes, 09/2015, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso),Vol. 37, Fac. 5, pp.1507-1513, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2015
SANCTIS, C. M.; GALLO, Waldyr Luiz Ribeiro; Load control in spark-ignited engines possibilities: early or late intake valve closure, 09/2015, SAE Technical Paper Series,Vol. 1, pp.1-12, Warrendale, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
MADY, C. E. K.; HENRIQUES, I. BG.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S.; A thermodynamic assessment of therapeutic hypothermia techniques, 06/2015, Energy (Oxford),Vol. 85, pp.392-402, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2015
DE SOUZA-SANTOS, Marcio L.; BERNAL, A. F. B.; TORRES, A. F. R.; New Developments on Fuel-Slurry Integrated Gasifier/Gas Turbine (FSIG/GT) Alternative for Power Generation Applied to Biomass; Configuration Requiring No Steam for Gasification, 06/2015, Energy & Fuels (Print),Vol. 29, Fac. 6, pp.3879-3889, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
ROCHA, A. D.; BANNWART, A. C.; GANZAROLLI, Marcelo Moreira; Numerical and experimental study of an axially induced swirling pipe flow, 06/2015, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,Vol. 53, pp.81-90, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
PAZETTI, B. A.; DAVÓLIO, A.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; The Impact of Rock and Fluid Uncertainties in the Estimation of Saturation and Pressure from 4D Seismic Impedances, 06/2015, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (Print),Vol. 12, pp.686-701, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2015 *
PINTO, M. A. S.; BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Assisted Optimization Method for Comparison between Conventional and Intelligent Wells Considering Uncertainties, 06/2015, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Vol. 133, pp.268-279, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015 *
BIZOTTO, V. C.; BANNWART, A. C.; DESTEFANI, T. A.; SABADINI, E.; Comparative Study of Drag Reducers for Light Hydrocarbon Flow, 06/2015, Petroleum Science and Technology,Vol. 33, Fac. 8, pp.943-951, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2015 *
GEEST, C. V. D.; BANNWART, A. C.; BIZOTTO, V. C.; A modified elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic model for two commercial gelled waxy crude oils, 06/2015, Rheologica Acta,Vol. 54, Fac. 6, pp.545-561, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2015 *
ALVES, T. A.; ALTEMANI, Carlos Alberto C.; Numerical Analysis of the Conjugate Cooling of a 2D Protruding Heater in Laminar Channel Flow, 05/2015, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (Testo Stampato),Vol. 9, Fac. 3, pp.257-265, Wantag, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
BETÔNICO, G. C.; BANNWART, A. C.; GANZAROLLI, Marcelo Moreira; Determination of the temperature distribution of ESP motors under variable conditions of flow rate and loading, 05/2015, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Vol. 129, pp.110-120, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
CORREIA, Manuel Gomes; MASCHIO, C.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Integration of Multiscale Carbonate Reservoir Heterogeneities in Reservoir Simulation, 05/2015, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Vol. 131, pp.34-50, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015 *
PAES, D. M.; RIBEIRO, Paulo Roberto; SHIRDEL, M.; SEPEHRNOORI, KAMY; Study of asphaltene deposition in wellbores during turbulent flow, 05/2015, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Vol. 129, pp.77-87, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
PATERNOST, G. M.; BANNWART, A. C.; ESTEVAM, V.; Experimental Study of a Centrifugal Pump Handling Viscous Fluid and Two-Phase Flow, 05/2015, SPE Production & Operations,Vol. 30, Fac. 02, pp.146-155, Richardson, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
HIDALGO, I. G.; BARBOSA, Paulo Sergio Franco; FRANCATO, Alberto Luiz; LUNA, Ivette; CORREIA, Paulo de Barros; PEDRO, P. S. M.; Management of inflow forecasting studies, 05/2015, Water Practice and Technology,Vol. 10, Fac. 2, pp.402-408, London, Reino Unido, 2015 *
MOURA, Luiz Felipe M. de; ROMÃO, E. C.; 3D Unsteady Convection Problems via LSFEM Solver, 04/2015, Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vol. 751, pp.319-324, Stafa-Zurich, Suiça, 2015
ROMÃO, E. C.; MOURA, Luiz Felipe M. de; 3D Unsteady Convection-Diffusion-Reaction via GFEM Solver, 04/2015, Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vol. 751, pp.319-324, Stafa-Zurich, Suiça, 2015
GARCÍA, P. R.; ÁLVAREZ, J. E. B.; SEABRA, J. E. A.; WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva; BALTAZAR, A. E.; Environmental implications of anaerobic digestion for manure management in dairy farms in Mexico: a life cycle perspective, 04/2015, Environmental Technology,Vol. 36, Fac. 17, pp.2198-2209, Londres, Reino Unido, 2015
CASTRO, M. S.; Interfacial waves in stratified viscous oil–water flow, 04/2015, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,Vol. 62, pp.85-98, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
MAZO, E. O. M.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Numerical Simulation Analysis of the Water Injection with Fracture Propagation Pressure Process, 04/2015, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation for the Petroleum Industry (Impresso),Vol. 9, Fac. 1, pp.1-12, Recife, PE, Brasil, 2015 *
GASPAR, A. T. F. S.; AVANSI, G. D.; SANTOS, A. A. S.; HOHENDORFF FILHO, J. C. V.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; UNISIM-I-D: Benchmark Studies for Oil Field Development and Production Strategy Selection, 04/2015, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation for the Petroleum Industry (Impresso),Vol. 9, Fac. 1, pp.47-55, Recife, PE, Brasil, 2015 *
AVANSI, G. D.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; UNISIM-I: Synthetic Model for Reservoir Development and Management Applications, 04/2015, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation for the Petroleum Industry (Impresso),Vol. 9, Fac. 1, pp.21-30, Recife, PE, Brasil, 2015 *
BERTOLINI, A. C.; MASCHIO, C.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; A Methodology to Evaluate and Reduce Reservoir Uncertainties using Multivariate Distribution, 04/2015, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Vol. 128, pp.1-14, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015 *
KARCHER, V.; PERRECHIL, F. A.; BANNWART, A. C.; INTERFACIAL ENERGY DURING THE EMULSIFICATION OF WATER-IN-HEAVY CRUDE OIL EMULSIONS, 03/2015, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso),Vol. 32, Fac. 1, pp.127-137, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2015
GOPAL, A. R.; SOUZA, S. P.; SEABRA, J. E. A.; Life cycle assessment of biofuels from an integrated Brazilian algae-sugarcane biorefinery, 03/2015, Energy (Oxford),Vol. 81, pp.373-381, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2015
DE SOUZA-SANTOS, Marcio L.; Introductory study on Fuel-Slurry Integrated Gasifier/Gas Turbine (FSIG/GT) alternative for power generation applied to high-ash or low-grade coal, 03/2015, Fuel (Guildford),Vol. 143, pp.275-284, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2015
ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; LINO, F. A. M.; SEDANO, C. T. S.; SCALON, Vicente Luiz; SILVA, R. C. R.; Numerical and experimental investigation on frost formation on cold cylinders, 03/2015, IOSR Journal of Engineering,Vol. 05, Fac. 03, pp.43-58, Bangladesh, Índia, 2015
MASCHIO, C.; DAVÓLIO, A.; CORREIA, Manuel Gomes; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; A New Framework for Geostatistics-Based History Matching Using Genetic Algorithm with Adaptive Bounds, 03/2015, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Vol. 127, pp.387-397, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015 *
RIAÑO, A. B.; BANNWART, A. C.; RODRÍGUEZ, O. M.H.; Film thickness planar sensor in oil-water flow: prospective study, 03/2015, Sensor Review: the international journal of sensing for industry,Vol. 35, Fac. 2, pp.200-209, Bingley, Reino Unido, 2015
WOLF, W. R.; Effects of trailing edge bluntness on airfoil tonal noise at low Reynolds numbers, 02/2015, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso),Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2015
MASCHIO, C.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; A New Optimization Framework Using Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network to Reduce Uncertainties in Petroleum Reservoir Models, 01/2015, Engineering Optimization (Print),Vol. 47, pp.72-86, Abingdon, Inglaterra, 2015 *
LINO, F. A. M.; ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; Assessement of the energy potential from urban wastes of Bélem city, Brazil:case study, 01/2015, European International Journal of Science and Technology,Vol. 4, pp.95-109, Belfast, Reino Unido, 2015
LOIOLA, B. R.; ALTEMANI, Carlos Alberto C.; Experimental Evaluation of the Conjugate Cooling of a Protruding Heater in a Duct, 01/2015, Heat Transfer Engineering,Vol. 36, Fac. 11, pp.984-990, Bristol, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
LINO, F. A. M.; ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; Municipal solid waste as sustainable energy source for Brazil, 01/2015, International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering,Vol. 4, pp.197-204, New York, NY, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; SOUSA FILHO, L. M.; LINO, F. A. M.; Solidification of PCM around curved tubes including natural convection effects, 01/2015, International Journal of Energy Engineering,Vol. 5, pp.57-74, Hong Kong, China, 2015
ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; CASTRO, J. N.; LINO, F. A. M.; Thermal insulation of walls and roofs by PCM: modeling and experimental validation, 01/2015, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol. 2, pp.83-93, Islamabad, Paquistão, 2015
ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; BATALHA, T. P.; LINO, F. A. M.; Hydrokinetic turbines for electricity generation in isolated areas in the Brazilian Amazon, 01/2015, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,Vol. 3, pp.127-135, Coimbatore, Índia, 2015
ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; BATALHA, T. P.; A comparative study on river hydrokinetic turbines blade profiles, 01/2015, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,Vol. 5, pp.1-10, Uttar Pradesh, Índia, 2015
ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; GONCALVES, MONICA MARIA; LINO, F. A. M.; A parametric study of solidification of PCM in an annulus wit alternating fins, 01/2015, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology,Vol. 3, pp.188-202, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; HENRIQUEZ, J.R.; LINO, F. A. M.; Modeling and experimental of PCM double glass windows, 01/2015, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology,Vol. 3, pp.213-225, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
LINO, F. A. M.; ISMAIL, Kamal Abdel Radi; Energy potential from treatment of wastes in São Luis-Brazil, 01/2015, IOSRJEN Journal of Engineering,Vol. 5, pp.31-41, Índia, 2015
HIDALGO, I. G.; BARROS, R. S.; FERNANDES, J. P. T.; ESTRÓCIO, J. P. F.; CORREIA, Paulo de Barros; Metaheuristic Approaches for Hydropower System Scheduling, 01/2015, Journal of Applied Mathematics (Online),Vol. 15, pp.1-7, New York, NY, Estados Unidos da América, 2015 *
BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Optimal Placement Design of Inflow Control Valve using a Dynamic Optimization Process Based on Technical and Economic Indicators, 01/2015, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Vol. 125, pp.117-127, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015 *
TARDIN, Paulo Roberto; GOLDSTEIN JR., Leonardo; BIZZO, Waldir Antonio; Entrainment of FCC particles from a pilot scale bubbling fluidized bed. Part 2: A mechanistic model, 01/2015, Powder Technology (Print),Vol. 269, pp.605-616, Lausanne, Suiça, 2015 *
TARDIN, Paulo Roberto; GOLDSTEIN JR., Leonardo; BIZZO, Waldir Antonio; Entrainment of FCC particles from a pilot-scale bubbling fluidized bed. Part 1: Experimental study, 01/2015, Powder Technology (Print),Vol. 269, pp.596-604, Lausanne, Suiça, 2015 *
CRESPO, Y. A.; NARANJO, R. A.; BURGOS, J. C. V.; SANCHEZ, Caio Glauco; SANCHES, E. M. S.; Thermogravimetric analysis of thermal and kinetic behavior of Acácia Mangium Wood, 01/2015, Wood and Fiber Science,Vol. 47, pp.327-335, Blacksburg, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
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