ano 2015
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Instituto de Computação
Departamento de Teoria da Computação
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  MEIDANIS, J.; MIRA, C. V. G.; VIADANNA JÚNIOR, P. R.; LIMA, M. A. S. S.; MOURA, A.V.; LIMA, G. A. C.; BOSSOLAN, R. P.; Project Scheduling Optimization in Electrical Power Utilities, 05/2015, Pesquisa Operacional (Impresso),Vol. 35, pp.1-16, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2015
Circulação Internacional
  BAUDET, C.; DIAS, Z.; DIAS, U. M.; Sorting by weighted inversions considering length and symmetry, 12/2015, BMC Bioinformatics,Vol. 16, Fac. Suppl 19, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  REIS, M. F.; LEE, O.; USBERTI, F. L.; Flow-based formulation for the maximum leaf spanning tree problem, 12/2015, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,Vol. 50, pp.205-210, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  FELICE, M. C. S.; LEE, O.; WILLIAMSON, D. P.; S. S., Cheung; The Online Prize-Collecting Facility Location Problem, 12/2015, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,Vol. 50, pp.151-156, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  HEBERLE, H.; DOMINGUES, Romenia R.; GRANATO, Daniela C.; YOKOO, Sami; WINCK, Flavia V.; BARBUTO, J. A.; MINGHIM, R.; FONSECA, F. P.; COLETTA, Ricardo D.; SHERMAN, N. E.; PAES-LEME, Adriana; KAWAHARA, R.; BRANDAO, Thais Bianca; FILGUEIRAS, P. R.; CRUZ, K. S. P.; J. A., Barbuto; TELLES, G. P.; FOX, J.W.; SILVA, A. R. S.; DELLA COLETTA, Ricardo; MEIRELLES, G. V.; DOMINGUES, R R; CANEVAROLO, R. R.; RIBEIRO, A. C. P.; POPPI, R.J.; Integrative analysis to select cancer candidate biomarkers to targeted validation, 12/2015, Oncotarget,pp.41-52, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2015 *
  CANO, R. G.; DE SOUZA, C. C.; DE REZENDE, P. J.; YUNES, T. H.; Arc-based integer programming formulations for three variants of proportional symbol maps, 11/2015, Discrete Optimization,Vol. 18, pp.87-110, Amsterdam, Reino Unido, 2015
  SANTOS, D. O.; XAVIER, E. C.; Taxi and Ride Sharing: A Dynamic Dial-a-Ride Problem with Money as an Incentive, 11/2015, Expert Systems with Applications,Vol. 42, Fac. 19, pp.6728-6737, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2015
  REBIHA, R.; MOURA, A.V.; MATRINGE, N.; Generating invariants for non-linear loops by linear algebraic methods, 11/2015, Formal Aspects of Computing: applicable formal methods,Vol. 27, Fac. 5-6, pp.805-829, Secaucus, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  LEE, O.; LESTON-REY, M.; A faster algorithm for packing branchings in digraphs, 10/2015, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 194, pp.121-131, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  LESTON-REY, M.; LEE, O.; Stronger bounds and faster algorithms for packing in generalized kernel systems, 09/2015, Mathematical Programming,Vol. 1, pp.1-50, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  TWIGG, A.; XAVIER, E. C.; Locality-preserving allocations problems and coloured bin packing, 09/2015, Theoretical Computer Science,Vol. 596, pp.12-22, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  ANDRADE, C. E.; RESENDE, M. G. C.; ZHANG, WM; SINHA, R.; REICHMANN, K.; DOVERSPIKE, R.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; A Biased Random-key Genetic Algorithm for Wireless BackhaulNetwork Design, 08/2015, Applied Soft Computing (Print),Vol. 33, pp.150-169, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  LINTZMAYER, C. N.; FERTIN, G.; DIAS, Z.; Approximation algorithms for sorting by length-weighted prefix and suffix operations, 08/2015, Theoretical Computer Science,Vol. 593, pp.26-41, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  CREPALDI, B. E.; DE REZENDE, P. J.; DE SOUZA, C. C.; Solving the natural wireless localization problem to optimality efficiently, 07/2015, Computational Geometry,Vol. 48, Fac. 5, pp.370-379, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  QUEIROZ, T. A.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; WAKABAYASHI, Y.; On the $$L$$ L -approach for generating unconstrained two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting patterns, 06/2015, 4 OR: quarterly journal of operations research,Vol. 13, pp.199-219, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2015
  DE SOUZA, C. C.; BRAGA, A. A. S.; LEE, O.; The Eternal Dominating Set problem for proper interval graphs., 06/2015, Information Processing Letters (Print),Vol. 115, Fac. 6-8, pp.582-587, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  SAITO, P. T. M.; NAKAMURA, R. Y. M.; AMORIM, W. P.; PAPA, J. P.; DE REZENDE, P. J.; FALCÃO, A. X.; Choosing the Most Effective Pattern Classification Model under Learning-Time Constraint, 06/2015, PLoS ONE,Vol. 10, Fac. 6, pp.1-24, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  GALVÃO, G. R.; LEE, O.; DIAS, Z.; Sorting signed permutations by short operations, 03/2015, Algorithms for Molecular Biology,Vol. 10, pp.1-18, London, Inglaterra, 2015
  LUIZ, A. G.; CAMPOS, C. N.; MELLO, C. P.; AVD-total-colouring of complete equipartite graphs, 03/2015, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 184, pp.189-195, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  USBERTI, F. L.; CAVELLUCCI, C.; LYRA FILHO, Christiano; GONZÁLEZ, J. F. V.; Hierarchical multiple criteria optimization of maintenance activities on power distribution networks, 01/2015, Annals of Operation Research,Vol. 224, Fac. 1, pp.171-192, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2015 *
  DIAS, Z.; DIAS, U. M.; Sorting by Prefix Reversals and Prefix Transpositions, 01/2015, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 181, pp.78-89, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  ANDRADE, C. E.; TOSO, R. F.; RESENDE, M. G. C.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithms for theWinner Determination Problem in Combinatorial Auctions, 01/2015, Evolutionary Computation (Print),Vol. 23, Fac. 2, pp.279-307, Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  FERNANDES, C.G.; MEIRA, L. A. A.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; PEDROSA, L. L. C.; A systematic approach to bound factor-revealing LPs and its application to the metric and squared metric facility location problems, 01/2015, Mathematical Programming,Vol. 153, pp.655-685, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  OLIVEIRA, L.; DE SOUZA, C. C.; YUNES, T. H.; On the complexity of the traveling umpire problem, 01/2015, Theoretical Computer Science,Vol. 562, pp.101-111, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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