ano 2015
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Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Departamento de Matemática
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; DA COSTA AZEVEDO MEYER, João Frederico; SOUZA, J. M. R.; H5N1, aves silvestres e de criação: equilíbrios mais prováveis, 01/2015, Biomatemática (UNICAMP),Vol. 25, pp.145-145, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2015 *
  MINCAUSCASTE MENDES, Daniel Mincauscaste Mendes; LEAO, R. F.; PEREIRA, L. F. T. R.; Drift fences in traps: theoretical evidence of effectiveness of the two most common arrays applied to terrestrial tetrapods, 01/2015, Natureza & Conservação,Vol. 13, Fac. 1, pp.60-66, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2015 *
Circulação Internacional
  LLIBRE, Jaume; NOVAES, D. D.; TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; Periodic solutions of Lienard differential equations via averaging theory of order two, 12/2015, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Online),Vol. 87, Fac. 4, pp.1905-1913, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2015
  FURTADO, Marcelo F.; MEDEIROS, Everaldo S.; FERREIRA, L. C. F.; FURTADO, M. F.; MEDEIROS, E.; Existence and multiplicity of self-similar solutions for heat equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, 12/2015, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations,Vol. 54, Fac. 4, pp.4065-4078, Berlin, Alemanha, 2015
  SANTOS, Sandra A.; COSTA, Sueli Irene R.; SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; STRAPASSON, J. E.; Fisher information distance: A geometrical reading, 12/2015, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 197, pp.59-69, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015 *
  LUCAS D OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL GREGORIO; FIRER, M.; The packing radius of a code and partitioning problems: The case for poset metrics on finite vector spaces, 12/2015, Discrete Mathematics,Vol. 338, Fac. 12, pp.2143-2167, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  KAYGORODOV, Ivan; POPOV, Yury; LOPATIN, A.; Identities of sum of two PI-algebras in the case of positive characteristic, 12/2015, International Journal of Algebra and Computation,Vol. 25, Fac. 08, pp.1265-1273, River Edge, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  WEBER, J.; Contraction method and Lambda-Lemma, 12/2015, Resenhas do Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica da Universidade de Sao Paulo (Cessou em 2005. Cont. ISSN 1982-6907 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences),Vol. 9, Fac. 2, pp.263-298, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2015
  A. TUDOR, CIPRIAN; OLIVERA, C. H.; The density of the solution to the stochastic transport equation with fractional noise, 11/2015, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print),Vol. 431, Fac. 1, pp.57-72, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  FERREIRA, L. C. F.; MESQUITA, C. A. A. S.; An approach without using Hardy inequality for the linear heat equation with singular potential, 10/2015, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics,Vol. 17, Fac. 05, pp.1550041-1550041, Singapore, Cingapura, 2015
  LLIBRE, Jaume; NOVAES, D. D.; TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; Limit Cycles Bifurcating from the Periodic Orbits of a Discontinuous Piecewise Linear Differentiable Center with Two Zones, 10/2015, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering,Vol. 25, Fac. 11, pp.1550144-1550144, Cingapura, Cingapura, 2015
  CARVALHO NETO, Paulo Mendes; PLANAS, G.; Mild solutions to the time fractional Navier?Stokes equations in R^N, 10/2015, Journal of Differential Equations (Print),Vol. 259, Fac. 7, pp.2948-2980, Orlando, FL, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  DE OLLVEIRA VIEIRA, Marcelo Gonçalves; KIZIL, E.; CATUOGNO, P. J.; Regular Trajectories of Young Systems, 10/2015, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems,Vol. 21, Fac. 4, pp.539-558, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  COSTA, Laura; MIRO-ROIG, Rosa M.; MARCHESI, S.; Tango bundles on Grassmannians, 10/2015, Mathematische Nachrichten,Berlin, Alemanha, 2015
  NEVES, Wladimir; OLIVERA, C. H.; Wellposedness for stochastic continuity equations with Ladyzhenskaya-Prodi-Serrin condition, 10/2015, NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (Printed ed.),Vol. 22, Fac. 5, pp.1247-1258, Basel, Suiça, 2015
  EARP, H. N. S.; ROMEIRO, Ademar Ribeiro; The Entropy Law and the Impossibility of Perpetual Economic Growth, 10/2015, Open Journal of Applied Sciences,Vol. 05, Fac. 10, pp.641-650, Irvine, Estados Unidos da América, 2015 *
  LEAO, R. F.; (1,1)-Forms Acting on Spinors on Kähler Surfaces, 09/2015, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras,Vol. 25, Fac. 3, pp.569-575, México, México, 2015
  RODRIGUES, C. S.; RUFFINO, Paulo Regis Caron; A FAMILY OF ROTATION NUMBERS FOR DISCRETE RANDOM DYNAMICS ON THE CIRCLE, 09/2015, Stochastics and Dynamics,Vol. 15, Fac. 03, pp.1550021-1550021, River Edge, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  REZENDE, Ketty A. de; LEDESMA, Guido G. E.; MANZOLI NETO, Oziride; Smale flows on S-2 x S-1, 08/2015, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems (Print),Vol. 35, pp.1546-1581, New York, N.Y., Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  NATALI, Fabio; FERREIRA, A. P.; Orbital instability of standing waves for the quadratic&#45;cubic Klein-Gordon&#45;Schrödinger system, 08/2015, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (Printed ed.),Vol. 66, Fac. 4, pp.1341-1354, Basel, Alemanha, 2015
  TEIXEIRA, Eduardo V.; LEITÃO, Raimundo Leitão; QUEIROZ, O. S.; Regularity for degenerate two-phase free boundary problems, 07/2015, Annales de l Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse non Linéaire,Vol. 32, Fac. 4, pp.741-762, Paris, França, 2015
  LA MATTINA, Daniela; KOCHLOUKOV, P. E.; Graded algebras with polynomial growth of their codimensions, 07/2015, Journal of Algebra (Print),Vol. 434, pp.115-137, London, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  NATALI, Fabio; FERREIRA, A. P.; The Fourth-Order Dispersive Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation: Orbital Stability of a Standing Wave, 07/2015, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,Vol. 14, Fac. 3, pp.1326-1347, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  BANQUET, Carlos Alberto; FERREIRA, L. C. F.; VILLAMIZAR-ROA, E.J.; On existence and scattering theory for the Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger system in an infinite $$L^{2}$$ L 2 -norm setting, 06/2015, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta,Vol. 194, Fac. 3, pp.781-804, Bologna, Itália, 2015
  BARTHOLDI, Laurent; DE CORNULIER, Yves; KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; HOMOLOGICAL FINITENESS PROPERTIES OF WREATH PRODUCTS, 06/2015, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 66, Fac. 2, pp.437-457, Oxfordshire, Reino Unido, 2015
  BOLDRINI, José Luiz; MIRANDA, L. H.; PLANAS, G.; A Mathematical analysis of fluid motion in irreversible phase transitions, 06/2015, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (Printed ed.),Vol. 66, Fac. 3, pp.785-817, Basel, Alemanha, 2015
  MEDEIROS, Everaldo; FERREIRA, L. C. F.; MEDEIROS, E.; MONTENEGRO, Marcelo da Silva; An elliptic system and the critical hyperbola, 05/2015, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis,Vol. 14, Fac. 3, pp.1169-1182, Springfield, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  JORGE, Grasiele; ANDRADE, Antonio Aparecido; COSTA, Sueli Irene R.; STRAPASSON, J. E.; Algebraic constructions of densest lattices, 05/2015, Journal of Algebra (Print),Vol. 429, pp.218-235, London, Estados Unidos da América, 2015 *
  WALPUSKI, Thomas; EARP, H. N. S.; G -instantons over twisted connected sums, 05/2015, JP Journal of Geometry and Topology,Vol. 19, Fac. 3, pp.1263-1285, Uttar Pradesh, Índia, 2015
  KRASILNIKOV, A.; ANTONIO DE OLIVEIRA FREITAS, Jose; KOCHLOUKOV, P. E.; Z-graded identities of the Lie algebra W1, 04/2015, Journal of Algebra (Print),Vol. 427, pp.226-251, London, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  BIÂNCHI, A. C.; MACEDO, Tiago; MOURA, A. A.; ON DEMAZURE AND LOCAL WEYL MODULES FOR AFFINE HYPERALGEBRAS, 04/2015, Pacific Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 274, Fac. 2, pp.257-303, Los Angeles, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  COSTA, P.H.P.; RUFFINO, Paulo Regis Caron; Degenerate Semigroups and Stochastic Flows of Mappings in Foliated Manifolds, 04/2015, Potential Analysis,Vol. 1, Dordrecht, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  J. CORCHO, Adán; FERREIRA, L. C. F.; Global existence for Schrödinger-Debye system for initial data with infinite ${L}^{2}$-norm, 04/2015, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics,Vol. 73, Fac. 2, pp.253-264, Providence, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  ENTRINGER, A. P.; BOLDRINI, José Luiz; A PHASE FIELD alpha-NAVIER-STOKES VESICLE-FLUID INTERACTION MODEL: EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF SOLUTIONS, 03/2015, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B,Vol. 20, Fac. 2, pp.397-422, Springfield, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  SILVEIRA, M. R. da; BERTOLIM, M. A.; V.S LIMA, Dahisy; PINHEIRO MELLO, Margarida; REZENDE, Ketty A. de; SILVEIRA, M.R. da; A global two-dimensional version of Smale s cancellation theorem via spectral sequences, 03/2015, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems (Print),Vol. 1, pp.1-44, New York, N.Y., Estados Unidos da América, 2015 *
  CENTRONE, L.; CIRRITO, Alessio; Y-proper graded cocharacters of upper triangular matrices of order m graded by the m-tuple \varphi=(0,0,1,...,m-2), 03/2015, Journal of Algebra (Print),Vol. 425, pp.546-562, London, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; ZALESSKII, Pavel; Subdirect products of pro-p groups, 03/2015, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Print),Vol. 158, Fac. 2, pp.289-303, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2015
  TOREZZAN, C.; STRAPASSON, J. E.; COSTA, Sueli Irene R.; SIQUEIRA, R. M.; Optimum commutative group codes, 02/2015, Designs, Codes and Cryptography,Vol. 74, Fac. 2, pp.379-394, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2015 *
  FERREIRA, A. P.; Weak concentration and wave operator for a 3D coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system, 02/2015, Journal of Mathematical Physics,Vol. 56, Fac. 2, pp.21507-21507, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  EARP, H. N. S.; -instantons over asymptotically cylindrical manifolds, 02/2015, JP Journal of Geometry and Topology,Vol. 19, Fac. 1, pp.61-111, Uttar Pradesh, Índia, 2015
  CENTRONE, L.; MELLO, T. C.; On DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z(n)-graded identities of block-triangular matrices, 02/2015, Linear and Multilinear Algebra,Vol. 63, Fac. 2, pp.302-313, Oxfordshire, Reino Unido, 2015
  LLIBRE, Jaume; SILVA, P.R.; TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; Sliding vector fields for non-smooth dynamical systems having intersecting switching manifolds, 02/2015, Nonlinearity (Bristol. Print),Vol. 28, Fac. 2, pp.493-507, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2015
  LLIBRE, Jaume; TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; Limit cycles for m-piecewise discontinuous polynomial Li,nard differential equations, 02/2015, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (Printed ed.),Vol. 66, Fac. 1, pp.51-66, Basel, Alemanha, 2015
  MONTENEGRO, Marcelo da Silva; ARAÚJO, A.; The mean curvature equation with oscillating nonlinerity, 01/2015, Advanced Nonlinear Studies,Vol. 15, pp.183-189, Texas, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  ESFAHANI, Amin; FERREIRA, A. P.; BONA, J.; Stability and decay properties of solitary-wave solutions to the BO-ZK equation, 01/2015, Advances in Differential Equations,Vol. 20, pp.801-834, Athens, Ohio, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  STRAPASSON, J. E.; PINELE SANTOS PORTO, Julianna; COSTA, Sueli Irene R.; On bounds for the Fisher-Rao distance between multivariate normal distributions, 01/2015, AIP Conference Proceedings (Online),Vol. 1641, pp.313-320, College Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2015 *
  MARCOS GUZZO, Sandro; PLANAS, G.; Existence of solutions for a class of Navier-Stokes equations with infinite delay, 01/2015, Applicable Analysis,Vol. 94, pp.840-855, Abingdon, Reino Unido, 2015
  LLIBRE, Jaume; NOVAES, D. D.; TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; On the birth of limit cycles for non-smooth dynamical systems, 01/2015, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques (Paris. 1885),Vol. 139, pp.229-244, Montrouge, França, 2015
  ALMEIDA, Kisnney Almeida; KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; The Sigma1-invariant for some Artin groups of rank 3 presentation, 01/2015, Communications in Algebra,Vol. 43, pp.702-718, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  BRONZI, A. C.; LOPES FILHO, Milton da Costa; LOPES, Helena Judith N.; Wild solutions for 2D incompressible ideal flow with passive tracer, 01/2015, Communications in Mathematical Sciences,Vol. 13, Fac. 5, pp.1333-1343, Somerville, MA, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  DINEEN, Sean; MUJICA ASCUI, Jorge Túlio; Banach spaces of homogeneous polynomials without the approximation propertry, 01/2015, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (Prague, Print) Cessou em 2006),Vol. 65, pp.367-374, Praha, República Tcheca, 2015
  COSTA, Sueli Irene R.; SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; STRAPASSON, J. E.; Fisher information distance: A geometrical reading, 01/2015, Discrete Applied Mathematics,Vol. 197, pp.59-69, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015 *
  PRATA, D. M.; JARDIM, M. B.; Vector bundles on projective varieties and representations of quivers, 01/2015, Discrete Mathematics,Vol. 20, pp.217-249, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  VARAO FILHO, J. R. A.; Lyapunov exponents and smooth invariant foliations for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms on, 01/2015, Dynamical Systems (Print),Vol. 30, Fac. 2, pp.189-199, London, Reino Unido, 2015
  RUFFINO, Paulo Regis Caron; Application of an averaging principle on foliated diffusions: topology of the leaves, 01/2015, Electronic Communications in Probability,Vol. 20, Fac. 0, Bethesda, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  MORGADO, L. B.; RUFFINO, Paulo Regis Caron; Extension of time for decomposition of stochastic flows in spaces with complementary foliations, 01/2015, Electronic Communications in Probability,Vol. 20, Fac. 0, pp.38-38, Bethesda, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  ALMEIDA, Kisnney Almeida; KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; The Sigma1-invariant for Artin groups of circuit rank 1, 01/2015, Forum Mathematicum,Vol. 5, pp.2901-2925, Berlin, Alemanha, 2015
  MARTINS, R. M.; TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; Minimal sets in double-perturbed differential equations, 01/2015, Houston Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 41, pp.491-512, Houston, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  PATRÃO, M. M. A.; SAN MARTIN, Luiz Antonio B.; The Isotropy Representation of a Real Flag Manifold: Split Real Forms, 01/2015, Indagationes Mathematicae (Print),Vol. 26, pp.547-579, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2015
  LOPES, Helena Judith N.; LOPES FILHO, Milton da Costa; BRONZI, A. C.; Global existence of a weak solution of the incompressible Euler equations with helical symmetry and $L^p$ vorticity, 01/2015, Indiana University Mathematics Journal,Vol. 64, Fac. 1, pp.309-341, Bloomington, Indiana, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  SHVYDKOY, Roman; BRONZI, A. C.; On the energy behavior of locally self-similar blowup for the Euler equation, 01/2015, Indiana University Mathematics Journal,Vol. 64, Fac. 5, pp.1291-1302, Bloomington, Indiana, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  VIDAL MARTINS, Renato; CORRÊA JR., Maurício; JARDIM, M. B.; On the singular scheme of split foliations, 01/2015, Indiana University Mathematics Journal,Vol. 64, Fac. 5, pp.1359-1381, Bloomington, Indiana, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; YEGANEH MOKARI, Fatemeh; Virtual rational Betti numbers of abelian-by-polycyclic groups, 01/2015, Journal of Algebra (Print),Vol. 443, pp.75-98, London, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  LOPATIN, A.; Orthogonal matrix invariants, 01/2015, Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications,Vol. s1, pp.7-10, Roisin, Bélgica, 2015
  GARIBALDI, E.; THIEULLEN, Philippe; An Ergodic Description of Ground States, 01/2015, Journal of Statistical Physics,Vol. 158, Fac. 2, pp.359-371, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  MUJICA ASCUI, Jorge Túlio; TAKATSUKA, P.; tau-Normal families of holomorphic mappings on infinite dimensional spaces, 01/2015, Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy,Vol. 115A, pp.27-37, Dublin, Irlanda (Eire), 2015
  KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; ZALESSKII, Pavel; Subgroups and homology of extensions of centralizers of pro-p groups, 01/2015, Mathematische Nachrichten,Vol. 288, pp.604-618, Berlin, Alemanha, 2015
  HOEGELE, Michael; RUFFINO, Paulo Regis Caron; Averaging along foliated Lévy diffusions, 01/2015, Nonlinear Analysis,Vol. 112, pp.1-14, Elmsford, NY, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  MARTINS, R. M.; MEREU, A. C. O.; SANTOS OLIVEIRA, Regilene Delazari; An estimation for the number of limit cycles in a Liénard-like perturbation of a quadratic nonlinear center, 01/2015, Nonlinear Dynamics,Vol. 79, Fac. 1, pp.185-194, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2015
  BOLDRINI, J.L.; FRIZ, L; BOLDRINI, José Luiz; NOTTE CUELLO, E.A.; POBLETE CANTELLANO, Mariano Edgardo; ROJAS-MEDAR, Marko A.; Pointwise Error Estimate for Spectral Galerkin Approximations of Micropolar Equations, 01/2015, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimizations,Vol. 36, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2015 *
  BRIDSON, Martin; KOCHLOUKOVA, D. H.; The virtual first Betti number of soluble groups, 01/2015, Pacific Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 274, pp.497-510, Los Angeles, Estados Unidos da América, 2015
  JARDIM, M. B.; MARCHESI, S.; p-Buchsbaum rank 2 bundles on the projective space, 01/2015, Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Università di Trieste,Vol. 47, pp.1-9, Trieste, Itália, 2015
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