ano 2016
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Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  MAIKE, V. R. M. L.; MARTINI, Luiz Cesar; FLORÊNCIO, D.; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C.; BRITTO NETO, L. S.; ARÉVALO, F. L. G.; ROCHA, A. R.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; A Kinect-Based Wearable Face Recognition System to Aid Visually Impaired Users, 01/2016, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems,Vol. 1, pp.1-13, Piscataway, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
Circulação Internacional
  FELICE, M. C. S.; WILLIAMSON, D. P.; LEE, O.; A Randomized -Competitive Algorithm for the Online Connected Facility Location Problem, 12/2016, Algorithmica,Vol. 76, Fac. 4, pp.1139-1157, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  LUCENA, T F. R.; ROSA, S. R. F.; MIOSSO, C. J.; TORRES, R. S.; DOMINGUES, D. M. G.; KRUEGER, T. E.; Walking and health: an enactive affective system, 12/2016, Digital Creativity,Vol. 27, Fac. 4, pp.314-333, Abingdon, Reino Unido, 2016
  PEDRINI, H.; ALCANTARA, M. F.; MOREIRA, T. P.; Real-time action recognition using a multilayer descriptor with variable size, 12/2016, Journal of Electronic Imaging (Print),Vol. 25, Fac. 1, pp.13020-13028, Bellingham, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  TORRES, R. S.; PhenoVis - A Tool for Visual Phenological Analysis of Digital Camera Images Using Chronological Percentage Maps, 12/2016, Journal of Information Science,Vol. 372, pp.181-195, Thousand Oaks, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  PEDRINI, H.; EDUARDO SANT´ANA, Silva; Connected-Component Labeling based on Hypercubes for Memory Constrained Scenarios, 11/2016, Expert Systems with Applications,Vol. 61, pp.272-281, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  MOREIRA, D. C.; AVILA, S. E. F.; PEREZ, M.; MORAES, D. B.; TESTONI, V.; VALLE JUNIOR, E. A.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; ROCHA, A. R.; Pornography classification: The hidden clues in video space-time, 11/2016, Forensic Science International,Vol. 268, pp.46-61, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016 *
  SILVA, F. A. M.; PEDRINI, H.; Geometrical Features and Active Appearance Model Applied to Facial Expression Recognition, 11/2016, International Journal of Image and Graphics,Vol. 16, Fac. 04, pp.1650019-1650045, River Edge, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  PEDRINI, H.; EDUARDO SANT´ANA, Silva; Embedded Hypercube Graph Applied to Image Analysis Problems, 11/2016, Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology,Vol. 20, Fac. 10, pp.1-10, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  PEDRONETTE, D. C. G.; ALMEIDA JUNIOR, J. G.; TORRES, R. S.; A graph-based ranked-list model for unsupervised distance learning on shape retrieval, 11/2016, Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol. 83, pp.357-367, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016 *
  FREITAS, Anderson; TORRES, R. S.; MIRANDA, P. A. V.; TSS & TSB: Tensor scale descriptors within circular sectors for fast shape retrieval, 11/2016, Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol. 83, pp.303-311, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  SILVA, R. D.; PEDRINI, H.; Hyperspectral data classification improved by minimum spanning forests, 10/2016, International Journal of Remote Sensing (Print),Vol. 10, Fac. 2, pp.25007-25012, London, Inglaterra, 2016
  JORGE, L. R.; ROCHA, A.; PERRE, P.; FARIA, F. A.; JORGE, L. R.; ROCHA, A. R.; TORRES, R. S.; DE SOUZA FILHO, Miguel Francisco; LEWINSOHN, Thomas Michael; ZUCCHI, R. A.; Toward an Automated Identification of Anastrepha Fruit Flies in the fraterculus group (Diptera, Tephritidae), 10/2016, Neotropical Entomology (Impresso),Vol. 45, Fac. 5, pp.554-558, Londrina, PR, Brasil, 2016 *
  CALUMBY, R. T.; GONÇALVES, M. A.; TORRES, R. S.; On interactive learning-to-rank for IR: Overview, recent advances, challenges, and directions, 10/2016, Neurocomputing (Amsterdam),Vol. 208, pp.3-24, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  FARIA, F. A.; ALMEIDA JUNIOR, J. G.; ALBERTON, B. C.; MORELATTO, L.P.C.; ROCHA, A. R.; TORRES, R. S.; Time Series-based Classifier Fusion for Fine-Grained Plant Species Recognition, 10/2016, Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol. 1, pp.51-56, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  PEDRINI, H.; CALLAÑAUPA, B. S. T.; Detection of complex video events through visual rhythm, 10/2016, The Visual Computer,Vol. 43, Fac. 3, pp.16-21, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2016
  PISANI, F.; PEDRONETTE, D. C. G.; TORRES, R. S.; BORIN, E.; Contextual Spaces Re-Ranking: accelerating the Re-sort Ranked Lists step on heterogeneous systems, 09/2016, Concurrency and Computation,Vol. ?, West Sussex, Reino Unido, 2016 *
  SARAIVA, P. C.; CAVALCANTI, J. M. B.; MOURA, E. S.; GONÇALVES, M. A.; TORRES, R. S.; A multimodal query expansion based on genetic programming for visually-oriented e-commerce applications, 09/2016, Information Processing & Management,Vol. 52, Fac. 5, pp.783-800, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  FIRER, M.; LIBERTI, Leo; OIKAWA, M. A.; DIAS, Z.; ROCHA, A. R.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; Distances in multimedia phylogeny, 09/2016, International Transactions in Operational Research,Vol. 23, Fac. 5, pp.921-946, Kidlington, Reino Unido, 2016 *
  LESTON-REY, M.; LEE, O.; Stronger bounds and faster algorithms for packing in generalized kernel systems, 09/2016, Mathematical Programming,Vol. 159, Fac. 1-2, pp.31-80, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  OLIVEIRA, L.; DE SOUZA, C. C.; YUNES, T. H.; Lower bounds for large traveling umpire instances: New valid inequalities and a branch-and-cut algorithm, 08/2016, Computers & Operations Research,Vol. 72, pp.147-159, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  SCHEIRER, W. J.; FORSTALL, C. W.; CAVALCANTE, T.; SHEN, B.; STAMATATOS, E.; ROCHA, A. R.; CARVALHO, A.M.B.R.; Authorship Attribution for Social Media Forensics, 08/2016, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,Vol. 12, Fac. 1, pp.5-33, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  DIAS, Z.; ROCHA, A. R.; OIKAWA, M. A.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; Manifold Learning and Spectral Clustering for Image Phylogeny Forests, 08/2016, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,Vol. 11, Fac. 1, pp.5-18, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
  PEDRONETTE, D. C. G.; TORRES, R. S.; Combining re-ranking and rank aggregation methods for image retrieval, 08/2016, Multimedia Tools and Applications,Vol. 75, Fac. 15, pp.9121-9144, Chicago, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  LOPES, M. C.; ANDRADE, C. E.; QUEIROZ, T. A.; RESENDE, M. G. C.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; Heuristics for a Hub Location-Routing Problem, 08/2016, Networks (New York, N.Y. Print),Vol. 68, Fac. 1, pp.54-90, West Sussex, Reino Unido, 2016
  DE CARVALHO, J. B.; SANTOS, B. M.; GOMES, Jancarlo Ferreira; SUZUKI, C.T.N.; SHIMIZU, Sumie Hoshino; FALCÃO, A. X.; PIERUCCI, J. C.; MATOS, L. V. S. de; BRESCIANI, K. D. S.; TF-Test Modified: New Diagnostic Tool for Human Enteroparasitosis, 07/2016, Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis (Print),Vol. 30, Fac. 4, pp.293-300, Hoboken, Reino Unido, 2016 *
  WAINER, J.; MORAES, D. B.; ROCHA, A. R.; Low False Positive Learning with Support Vector Machines, 07/2016, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Print),Vol. 38, pp.340-350, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  DIAS, Z.; MARMEROLA, G. D.; OIKAWA, M. A.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; ROCHA, A. R.; On the Reconstruction of Text Phylogeny Trees: Evaluation and Analysis of Textual Relationships, 05/2016, PLoS ONE,Vol. 11, Fac. 12, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
  ZANETTI, J. P. P.; BILLER, P. N.; MEIDANIS, J.; Median Approximations for Genomes Modeled as Matrices, 04/2016, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (Print),Vol. 78, Fac. 4, pp.786-814, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  FERREIRA, A. T.; SANTOS, J. A.; ROCHA, A. R.; Multi-directional and Multi-scale Per- turbation Approaches for Blind Forensic Median Filtering Detection, 04/2016, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (Print),Vol. 1, pp.10-16, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  PAZINATO, D. V.; STEIN, B. V.; ALMEIDA, W. R.; WERNECK, R. O.; PEDRO, Mendes; PENATTI, O. A. B.; TORRES, R. S.; MENEZES, F. H.; ROCHA, A. R.; Pixel-Level Tissue Classification for Ultrasound Images, 04/2016, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,Vol. 20, Fac. 1, pp.256-267, Piscataway, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
  CARVALHO, T. J.; FARIA, F. A.; PEDRINI, H.; TORRES, R. S.; ROCHA, A. R.; Illuminant-Based Transformed Spaces for Image Forensics, 04/2016, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,Vol. 11, Fac. 4, pp.720-733, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  SANTOS, A. C. S.; PEDRINI, H.; A combination of k -means clustering and entropy filtering for band selection and classification in hyperspectral images, 04/2016, International Journal of Remote Sensing (Print),Vol. 37, Fac. 13, pp.3005-3020, London, Inglaterra, 2016
  BONDI, Luca; BAROFFIO, Luca; CESANA, Mateo; TAGLIASACCHI, M.; CHIACHIA, G.; ROCHA, A. R.; Rate-energy-accuracy optimization of convolutional architectures for face recognition, 04/2016, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Print),Vol. 36, pp.142-148, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  AMORIM, W. P.; FALCÃO, A. X.; PAPA, J. P.; CARVALHO, M.H.; Improving Semi-Supervised Learning through Optimum Connectivity, 04/2016, Pattern Recognition,Vol. 60, pp.72-85, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  PAIVA, J. L.; TOLEDO, Claudio Motta; PEDRINI, H.; An approach based on hybrid genetic algorithm applied to image denoising problem, 03/2016, Applied Soft Computing (Print),Vol. 46, pp.778-791, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  PEDRINI, H.; EDUARDO SANT´ANA, Silva; Inferring patterns in mitochondrial DNA sequences through hypercube independent spanning trees, 03/2016, Computers in Biology and Medicine,Vol. 70, pp.51-57, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  RUBIRA, C. M. F.; RUIZ, J. L. Z.; Quality of Service Conflict During Web Service Monitoring: A Case Study, 03/2016, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,Vol. 321, pp.113-127, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  MEDEIROS, C. M. B.; D. S., Katz; eScience today and tomorrow, 03/2016, Future Generation Computer Systems,Vol. 56, pp.523-525, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  FLORÊNCIO, D.; ARÉVALO, F. L. G.; MARTINI, Luiz Cesar; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; A Manifold Learning Approach for Personalizing HRTFs from Anthropometric Features., 03/2016, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,Vol. 24, Fac. 3, pp.559-570, Piscataway, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
  SILVA, R. A. C.; FONSECA, N. L. S.; Topology-Aware Virtual Machine Placement in Data Centers, 03/2016, Journal of Grid Computing,Vol. 14, Fac. 1, pp.75-90, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2016
  PIÑEROS, Miguel A.; PRADIER, P. L.; SHAW, N. M.; ASSARANURAK, I.; MCCOUCH, S.R.; STURROCK, C.; BENNETT, M.; KOCHIAN, L. V.; LARSON, B. G.; SHAFF, J. E.; SCHNEIDER, D. J.; FALCÃO, A. X.; YUAN, L.; CLARK, R.T.; CRAFT, E. J.; DAVIS, T. W.; Evolving technologies for growing, imaging, and analyzing 3D root system architecture of crop plants, 03/2016, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (Print),Vol. 58, Fac. 3, pp.230-241, Luton, Austrália, 2016
  SOUZA, D.; SOUZA, D. F.; SCARAZZATO, Paulo Sergio; PEDRINI, H.; Classifying skies from images: A multidimensional approach to detecting high dynamic range imaging attributes, 03/2016, Lighting Research and Technology (2001. Print),Vol. 1, pp.1-10, London, Reino Unido, 2016
  CROWELL, S.; P, Korniliev; FALCÃO, A. X.; A, Ismail; G, Gregório; J, Mezey; MCCOUCH, S.R.; Genome-wide association and high-resolution phenotyping link Oryza sativa panicle traits to numerous trait-specific QTL clusters, 02/2016, Nature Communications,Vol. 7, pp.10527-10541, London, Inglaterra, 2016
  PEDRINI, H.; FAZANARO, D. I.; AMORIM, P. H. J.; MORAES, T. F.; SILVA, J. V. L.; NURBS Parameterization for Medical Surface Reconstruction, 02/2016, Applied Mathematics,Vol. 07, Fac. 02, pp.137-144, Irvine, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  PICCOLO, L. S. G.; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C.; AZEVEDO, R. J.; A socially inspired energy feedback technology: challenges in a developing scenario, 02/2016, Ecology and Society: a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability,Vol. 31, pp.1-17, Waterloo, Canadá, 2016 *
  FERRARA, P.; DE ROSA, A.; PIVA, A.; BARNI, M.; DIAS, Z.; OLIVEIRA, A. A.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; ROCHA, A. R.; Multiple Parenting Phylogeny Relationships in Digital Images, 02/2016, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,Vol. 11, Fac. 2, pp.328-343, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
  CAMARGO, Maria; MARIANO, G. C.; MORELATTO, L.P.C.; ALMEIDA JUNIOR, J. G.; ALBERTON, B. C.; TORRES, R. S.; Modeling plant phenology database: Blending near-surface remote phenology with on-the-ground observations, 06/2016, Ecological Engineering,Vol. 91, pp.396-408, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  COLOMBINI, E. L.; SIMÕES, A. F.; RIBEIRO, C. H. C.; An Attentional Model for Autonomous Mobile Robots, 01/2016, IEEE Systems Journal,Vol. PP, pp.1-10, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  SIMÕES, A. F.; COLOMBINI, E. L.; RIBEIRO, C. H. C.; CONAIM: A conscious attention-based integrated model for human-like robots, 01/2016, IEEE Systems Journal,Vol. PP, pp.1-10, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  AROCA, Rafael; PAZELLI, T. F. P. .T,; F., Tonidandel; FILHO, Azamor; SIMÕES, A. da S.; COLOMBINI, E. L.; MEDEIROS FILGUEIRA BURLAMAQUI, Aquiles; GONÇALVES, Luis; Brazilian Robotics Olympiad: A successful paradigm for science and technology dissemination, 01/2016, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems,Vol. 13, Fac. 5, pp.1-1, Rijeka, Croácia, 2016
  PHELLAN, R.; FALCÃO, A. X.; UDUPA, J.K.; Medical image segmentation via atlases and fuzzy object models: Improving efficacy through optimum object search and fewer models, 01/2016, Medical Physics (Lancaster),Vol. 43, Fac. 1, pp.401-410, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  PONTES, A. S. L.; FONSECA, N. L. S.; DRUMMOND, A.C.; Schemes for inter-domain lightpath establishment based on PCE architecture, 01/2016, Optical Switching and Networking (Print),Vol. 19, pp.10-21, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  FARIA, F. A.; ALMEIDA JUNIOR, J. G.; ALBERTON, B. C.; MORELATTO, L.P.C.; TORRES, R. S.; Fusion of time series representations for plant recognition in phenology studies, 11/2016, Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol. 83, pp.205-214, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  ALMEIDA JUNIOR, J. G.; SANTOS, J. A.; ALBERTON, B. C.; MORELLATO, L. P. C.; TORRES, R. S.; Phenological visual rhythms: Compact representations for fine-grained plant species identification, 01/2016, Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol. 81, pp.90-100, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  GOMES, Jancarlo Ferreira; OLIVEIRA, B. C. M.; SUZUKI, C.T.N.; SANTOS, B. M.; DE AQUINO, M. C. C.; RIBEIRO, R. S. de P.; CASEMIRO, P. A. F.; BRESCIANI, K. D. S.; INÁCIO, S. V.; MEIRELES, M.V.; FALCÃO, A. X.; DE ASSUNÇÃO, D. M.; Validation of a new technique to detect Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts in bovine feces, 11/2016, Preventive Veterinary Medicine (Print),Vol. 134, pp.1-5, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
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