ano 2016
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Instituto de Computação
Departamento de Teoria da Computação
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Internacional
  FERREIRA, C. E.; FERNANDES, C.G.; FERREIRA CE, Carlos Eduardo Ferreira; FRANCO, Alvaro Junio Pereira; SCHOUERY, R. C. S.; The envy-free pricing problem, unit-demand markets and connections with the network pricing problem, 11/2016, Discrete Optimization,Vol. 22, pp.141-161, Amsterdam, Reino Unido, 2016
  MIYAZAWA, F. K.; PEDROSA, L. L. C.; SCHOUERY, R. C. S.; SVIRIDENKO, Maxim; WAKABAYASHI, Y.; Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for Circle and Other Packing Problems, 10/2016, Algorithmica,Vol. 76, pp.536-568, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  MEIRA, L. A. A.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; PEDROSA, L. L. C.; Clustering through Continuous Facility Location Problems, 10/2016, Theoretical Computer Science,Vol. 10, pp.10-18, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016 *
  TOZONI, D. C.; DE REZENDE, P. J.; DE SOUZA, C. C.; Algorithm 966: A Practical Iterative Algorithm for the Art Gallery Problem Using Integer Linear Programming, 09/2016, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,Vol. 43, pp.1-27, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  FIRER, M.; LIBERTI, Leo; OIKAWA, M. A.; DIAS, Z.; ROCHA, A. R.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; Distances in multimedia phylogeny, 09/2016, International Transactions in Operational Research,Vol. 23, Fac. 5, pp.921-946, Kidlington, Reino Unido, 2016 *
  RIBEIRO, Helder; PARAENSE, A. L. O.; ARANHA, D. F.; Crowdsourced integrity verification of election results, 08/2016, Annales des Telecommunications,Vol. 71, Fac. 7-8, pp.287-297, Paris, França, 2016
  AGRA, A. M. M.; MAHDI, Doostmohammadi; DE SOUZA, C. C.; Valid inequalities for a single constrained 0-1 MIP set intersected with a conflict graph, 08/2016, Discrete Optimization,Vol. 21, pp.42-70, Amsterdam, Reino Unido, 2016
  DIAS, Z.; ROCHA, A. R.; OIKAWA, M. A.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; Manifold Learning and Spectral Clustering for Image Phylogeny Forests, 08/2016, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,Vol. 11, Fac. 1, pp.5-18, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
  MELO, L. P.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; PEDROSA, L. L. C.; SCHOUERY, R. C. S.; Approximation algorithms for k-level stochastic facility location problems, 08/2016, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization,Vol. 76, pp.536-568, Boston, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  HOKAMA, P. H. D. B.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; SCHOUERY, R. C. S.; A bounded space algorithm for online circle packing, 05/2016, Information Processing Letters (Print),Vol. 116, Fac. 5, pp.337-342, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  DIAS, Z.; MARMEROLA, G. D.; OIKAWA, M. A.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; ROCHA, A. R.; On the Reconstruction of Text Phylogeny Trees: Evaluation and Analysis of Textual Relationships, 05/2016, PLoS ONE,Vol. 11, Fac. 12, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
  CASTRO, D. A.; STOLFI, J.; CASTRO, D.A.; GOMES, Sonia Maria; High order adaptive finite volume schemes in the context of multiresolution analysis for dyadic grids, 04/2016, Computational & Applied Mathematics,Vol. 35, Fac. 1, pp.1-16, Petropolis, RJ, Brasil, 2016 *
  HOKAMA, P. H. D. B.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; XAVIER, E. C.; A branch-and-cut approach for the vehicle routing problem with loading constraints, 04/2016, Expert Systems with Applications,Vol. 47, pp.1-13, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  GOG, S.; TUSTUMI, W. H. A.; TELLES, G. P.; LOUZA, F. A.; An improved algorithm for the all-pairs suffix-prefix problem, 03/2016, Journal of Discrete Algorithms,Vol. 37, pp.34-43, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  FERRARA, P.; DE ROSA, A.; PIVA, A.; BARNI, M.; DIAS, Z.; OLIVEIRA, A. A.; GOLDENSTEIN, S. K.; ROCHA, A. R.; Multiple Parenting Phylogeny Relationships in Digital Images, 02/2016, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,Vol. 11, Fac. 2, pp.328-343, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
  BRAGA, A. A. S.; DE SOUZA, C. C.; LEE, O.; A note on the paper 'Eternal security in graphs' by Goddard, Hedetniemi, and Hedetniemi (2005), 02/2016, JCMCC. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,Vol. 96, pp.13-22, Winnipeg-MB, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  LOPES, B. C.; ECCO, L. L.; XAVIER, E. C.; AZEVEDO, R. J.; Design and evaluation of compact ISA extensions, 02/2016, Microprocessors and Microsystems,Vol. 40, pp.1-15, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016 *
  WILLIAMSON, D. P.; LEE, O.; FELICE, M. C. S.; A Randomized O(log n)-Competitive Algorithm for the Online Connected Facility Location Problem, 01/2016, Algorithmica,Vol. 1, pp.1-19, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  LEE, O.; FERNANDES, C.G.; C. H., Vélez; PINA JUNIOR, José Coelho de; Spanning trees with nonseparating paths, 01/2016, Discrete Mathematics,Vol. 339, Fac. 1, pp.365-374, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  GALVÃO, G. R.; BAUDET, C.; DIAS, Z.; Sorting Circular Permutations by Super Short Reversals, 01/2016, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Print),pp.1-1, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  HOKAMA, P. H. D. B.; MIYAZAWA, F. K.; SCHOUERY, R. C. S.; A bounded space algorithm for online circle packing, 01/2016, Information Processing Letters (Print),Vol. 116, pp.337-342, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  MARTINS-DE-SOUZA, D.; AGUIAR, R.; ARRUDA, Paulo; NOVELLO, J.C.; MEIDANIS, J.; SETUBAL, J. C.; Pela saúde das pessoas e das plantas, 01/2016, Revista de Sociologia e Política,Vol. 1, pp.54-57, João Pessoa, PB, Brasil, 2016 *
  HIRATA, A. T.; XAVIER, E. C.; BORIN, J. F.; Load Balance and User Association on HetNets, 01/2016, Revista IEEE América Latina,Vol. 14, Fac. 12, pp.4781-4786, Piscataway, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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