ano 2016
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Instituto de Geociências
Departamento de Geologia e Recursos Naturais
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  PEREIRA, Sueli Yoshinaga; GASPARINI, Felipe; LEITE, VALTER; NEGRÃO, Paulo Cesar; Determinação do gradiente hidráulico médio em aquífero costeiro influenciado pela variação constante de carga hidráulica em ambiente estuarino, 09/2016, Águas Subterrâneas (São Paulo),Vol. 30, Fac. 3, pp.427-428, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2016
  AMARAL, W. S.; COSTA, F. G.; SOUSA, Daniel Francisco Martins de; PERPETUO, M. P.; UCHÔA FILHO, Evilarde Carvalho; Geochemistry of the Serra das Melancias Pluton in the Serra da Aldeia Suite: a classic post-collisional high Ba-Sr granite in The Riacho do Pontal Fold Belt, NE Brazil, 06/2016, Brazilian Journal of Geology,Vol. 46, Fac. 2, pp.221-237, SP, SP, Brasil, 2016
  MATOS, Gabriel Correa de; LOURENÇO, F. S.; ALKMIN, Fernando F.; ARAÚJO, Mario Neto de Cavalcanti; ROMEIRO, M. A. T.; CRÓSTA, A.P.; The Piúma lineament, southern Espirito Santo: structural expression and tectonic significance, 01/2016, Brazilian Journal of Geology,Vol. 46, Fac. 4, pp.531-546, SP, SP, Brasil, 2016
  SILVA, M. L.; BATEZELLI, A.; LADEIRA, F. S. B.; Uso de estimativas de paleoprecipitação e paleotemperatura em paleossolos cretáceos no Brasil: abordagem crítica, 01/2016, Geochimica Brasiliensis,Vol. 30, pp.72-83, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2016 *
  MARSOLA, Julio C. de A.; BATEZELLI, A.; MONTEFELTRO, Felipe C; TINNER, Gerald Grellet-; LANGER, Max C.; Paleontologists uncover ancient crocodile nesting ground in Brazil, 01/2016, Scientific American Brasil,Vol. 1, pp.1-1, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2016
  CARNEIRO, Celso Dal Ré; Glaciação antiga no Brasil: parques geológicos do Varvito e da Rocha Moutonnée nos municípios de Itu e Salto, SP, 01/2016, Terrae Didática,Vol. 12, pp.209-219, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2016
  ZABINI, C.; SOUZA, Maria Antônia Michels de; Três conceitos biológicos/paleontológicos que seguem as diretrizes dos PCN do ensino médio para aplicação em aulas de Biologia, 01/2016, Terrae Didática,Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2016
Circulação Internacional
  LIESENBERG, V.; SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; GLOAGUEN, RICHARD; Evaluating Moisture and Geometry Effects on L-Band SAR Classification Performance Over a Tropical Rain Forest Environment, 12/2016, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,Vol. 9, Fac. 12, pp.5357-5368, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  KAVALI, PAULINE SABINA; MUNE, SANDRA EIKO; SHIVANNA, MAHESH; SOUZA, Paulo Alves de; IANNUZZI, Roberto; JASPER, André; HOELZEL, AMANDA; BOARDMAN, DAIANA R.; OLIVEIRA, MARY ELIZABETH CERRUTI Bernard; DAVIS, Rosemarie Rohn; RICARDI-BRANCO, Fresia; Pennsylvanian - Early Cisuralian interglacial macrofloristic succession in Paraná Basin of the State of São Paulo, 12/2016, Journal of South American Earth Sciences,Vol. 72, pp.351-374, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  COSTA, JULIANA SAMPAIO; MARTINE, Ariel Milani; RICARDI-BRANCO, Fresia; DAVIS, Rosemarie Rohn; LONGHIM, M.E.; COSTA, J. S.; SOUZA, I. C. C.; Rare Carboniferous and Permian glacial and non-glacial bryophytes and associated lycophyte megaspores of the Paraná Basin, Brazil: A new occurrence and paleoenvironmental considerations, 12/2016, Journal of South American Earth Sciences,Vol. 72, pp.63-75, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  CORREIA, Ulisses Miguel da Costa; VIDAL, Alexandre Campane; HONÓRIO, B. C. Z.; MARCÍLIO CASTRO, de Matos; Similarity attributes from differential resolution components, 11/2016, Interpretation,Vol. 5, Fac. 1, Tulsa, OK, Estados Unidos da América, 2016 *
  DEMELO,, GUSTAVO H. C.; SANTIAGO, Erika S. B. Santiago; DUFRANE, S. ANDREW; AIRES, Benevides; SANTOS, ANTONIO F. F.; MONTEIRO, L. V. S.; XAVIER, Roberto Perez; MORETO, C. P. N.; Temporal evolution of the giant Salobo IOCG deposit, Carajás Province (Brazil): constraints from paragenesis of hydrothermal alteration and U-Pb geochronology, 11/2016, Mineralium Deposita,Vol. XX, pp.1-2, Berlin, Alemanha, 2016
  SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; ASADZADEH, S.; Iterative Curve Fitting: A Robust Technique to Estimate the Wavelength Position and Depth of Absorption Features From Spectral Data, 10/2016, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,Vol. 54, Fac. 10, pp.5964-5974, Piscataway, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; SALLES, R. R.; CUDAHY, Thomas; VICENTE, L. E.; MONTEIRO, L. V. S.; Hyperspectral remote sensing applied to uranium exploration: A case study at the Mary Kathleen metamorphic-hydrothermal U-REE deposit, NW, Queensland, Australia., 10/2016, Journal of Geochemical Exploration,Vol. 168, pp.1-15, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  JAQUETO, PLÍNIO F.; TRINDADE, Ricardo Ivan Ferreira; HARTMANN, G. A.; NOVELLO, VALDIR F.; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; KARMANN, IVO Karmann; STRAUSS, BECKY E.; FEINBERG, JOSHUA M.; Linking speleothem and soil magnetism in the Pau d'Alho cave (central South America), 10/2016, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,Vol. 121, Fac. 10, pp.7024-7039, Hoboken, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  PRADO, Elias Martins Guerra; SILVA, A. M.; DUCART, D. F.; TOLEDO, Catarina L.Benfica; ASSIS, Luciano Mozer de; Reflectance spectroradiometry applied to a semi-quantitative analysis of the mineralogy of the N4ws deposit, Carajás Mineral Province, Pará, Brazil, 10/2016, Ore Geology Reviews,Vol. 78, pp.101-119, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  SCAFUTTO, R. P. M.; SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; RIVARD, Benoit; Characterization of mineral substrates impregnated with crude oils using proximal infrared hyperspectral imaging., 10/2016, Remote Sensing of Environment,Vol. 179, pp.116-130, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  JOCHUM, Klaus Peter; WEIS, Ulrike; SCHWAGER, BEATE; STOLL, Brigitte Stoll; WILSON, SA; HAUG, GERALD H.; ANDREAE, MEINRAT O.; ENZWEILER, Jacinta; Reference Values Following ISO Guidelines for Frequently Requested Rock Reference Materials, 09/2016, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research,Vol. 40, Fac. 3, pp.333-350, Paris, França, 2016
  BATEZELLI, A.; MONTEFELTRO, Felipe C; LANGER, Max C.; MARSOLA, Julio C. de A.; TINNER, Gerald Grellet-; Palaeoenvironmental characterization of a crocodilian nesting site from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil and the evolution of crocodyliform nesting strategies, 09/2016, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology and Palaecology,Vol. 457, pp.221-232, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  SCAFUTTO, R. P. M.; SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; Quantitative characterization of crude oils and fuels in mineral substrates using reflectance spectroscopy: Implications for remote sensing, 08/2016, ITC Journal,Vol. 50, pp.221-242, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  DAMIANI, NADIR; POLÉTTI, WILBOR; TRINDADE, Ricardo Ivan Ferreira; HARTMANN, G. A.; RECH, RAQUEL M.; Archeomagnetism of Jesuit Missions in South Brazil (1657-1706 AD) and assessment of the South American database, 07/2016, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,Vol. 445, pp.36-47, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  AMIT, Hagay; SANTOS, Filipe Terra Nova dos; HARTMANN, G. A.; TRINDADE, Ricardo Ivan Ferreira; Using archaeomagnetic field models to constrain the physics of the core: robustness and preferred locations of reversed flux patches, 07/2016, Geophysical Journal International (Print),Vol. 206, Fac. 3, pp.1890-1913, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  LUIZ-SILVA, W.; DANTAS, Elton Luiz; NAVARRO, Margareth Sugano; SANTOS, A. B.; SILVA-FILHO, EMMANOEL V.; CORRÊA, DE SOUZA, MONIQUE DIAS; Fractionation of rare earth and other trace elements in crabs, Ucides cordatus, from a subtropical mangrove affected by fertilizer industry, 07/2016, Journal of Environmental Sciences (China),Vol. xx, pp.10-11, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  UHL, DIETER; VALERIUS, Talyssa; MANFROI, JOSELINE; FRESIA SOLEDAD RICARDI-BRANCO, Fresia Soledad Ricardi-Branco; JASPER, André; GUERRA-SOMMER, M.; RICARDI-BRANCO, Fresia; Hepaticites iporangae Ricardi-Branco, Faria, Jasper, and Guerra-Sommer, 2011 from the early Permian of the Paraná Basin, Brazil, is not a liverwort but a tracheophyte, 07/2016, Journal of Paleontology,Vol. 90, Fac. 04, pp.632-639, Lancaster, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  FIORELLI, LUCAS ERNESTO; BASILICI, Giorgio; BÓ, P. F. F.; Comment on -Evolution and palaeoenvironment of the Bauru Basin (Upper Cretaceous, Brazil)- by Luiz Alberto Fernandes & Claudia Maria Magalhães Ribeiro, 07/2016, Journal of South American Earth Sciences,Vol. 1, pp.1-5, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  GANDOLFO,, O.C.B.; ABREU, Ana Elisa Silva; VILAR, Orencio Monje; ABREU, A. E. S.; Characterizing a Brazilian sanitary landfill using geophysical seismic techniques, 07/2016, Waste Management (Elmsford),Vol. 53, pp.116-127, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  FERREIRA, MATHEUS PINHEIRO; ZORTEA, MACIEL; ZANOTTA, DANIEL CAPELLA; SHIMABUKURO, Yosio; SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; Mapping tree species in tropical seasonal semi-deciduous forests with hyperspectral and multispectral data, 06/2016, Remote Sensing of Environment,Vol. 179, pp.66-78, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  LEARDI, Juan M.; POL, Diego Pol; BASILICI, Giorgio; FIORELLI, Lucas; HECHENLEITNER, Esteban Martín; TINNER, Gerald Grellet-; A new Late Cretaceous crocodyliform from the western margin of Gondwana (La Rioja Province, Argentina), 05/2016, Cretaceous Research (Print),Vol. 60, pp.194-209, London, Reino Unido, 2016
  CAMPOS, F. F.; ENZWEILER, Jacinta; Anthropogenic gadolinium anomalies and rare earth elements in the water of Atibaia River and Anhumas Creek, Southeast Brazil, 05/2016, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Print),Vol. 188, Fac. 5, pp.281-281, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2016
  KURODA, M. C.; VIDAL, Alexandre Campane; PAPA, J. P.; KURODA, Michelle Chaves; Analysis of porosity, stratigraphy, and structural delineation of a Brazilian carbonate field by machine learning techniques: A case study, 05/2016, Interpretation,Vol. 4, Fac. 3, Tulsa, OK, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  ASADZADEH, S.; SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; ASADZADEH, S.; A review on spectral processing methods for geological remote sensing, 05/2016, ITC Journal,Vol. 47, pp.69-90, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; SABATINO, GIOVANNI; MURPHY, S. W.; WRIGHT, Robin Michel; PABÓN, R. E. C.; HOTMAP: Global hot target detection at moderate spatial resolution, 05/2016, Remote Sensing of Environment,Vol. 177, pp.78-88, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  BASILICI, Giorgio; OLIVEIRA, E. F.; BÓ, P. F. F.; Distribution of palaeosols and deposits in the temporal evolution of a semiarid fluvial distributary system (Bauru Group, Upper Cretaceous, SE Brazil), 05/2016, Sedimentary Geology,Vol. 1, pp.1-20, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  SILVA, S. A. Silva; FRANKLIN, R. L.; SILVA, Sharlleny Alves; FAVARO, D.I.T.; LUIZ-SILVA, W.; Trace and some rare earth elements distribution in a sediment profile from Jurumirim Reservoir, São Paulo State, Brazil: total content and extracted phases, 03/2016, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Print),Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Lausanne, Suiça, 2016
  SILVA, D.; LANA, Cristiano de Carvalho; SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; Petrographic and geochemical characterization of the granitic rocks of the Araguainha impact crater, Brazil, 03/2016, Meteoritics & Planetary Science,Vol. 51, Fac. 3, pp.443-467, Arizona, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; PABÓN, R. E. C.; Spectroscopic characterization of red latosols contaminated by petroleum-hydrocarbon and empirical model to estimate pollutant content and type, 03/2016, Remote Sensing of Environment,Vol. 175, pp.323-336, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  ASADZADEH, S.; SOUZA FILHO, Carlos Roberto; ASADZADEH, S.; Investigating the capability of WorldView-3 superspectral data for direct hydrocarbon detection, 02/2016, Remote Sensing of Environment,Vol. 173, pp.162-173, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  CARNEIRO, Celso Dal Ré; BARBOSA, Ronaldo; BRIGHETTI, J. M. P.; MALAQUIAS JUNIOR, J. R.; The Geo-School Project: Local Knowledge on Geosciences for Brazilian Teachers of Basic Education, 01/2016, ATINER CONFERENCE PAPER SERIES,Vol. EDU2016-20, pp.3-15, Athens, Grécia, 2016
  MACHADO, Wilson; SANTOS, Isaac R.; SANDERS, Luciana M.; SILVA-FILHO, EMMANOEL V.; LUIZ-SILVA, W.; SANDERS, C J; SANTOS, I. R.; Mercury dilution by autochthonous organic matter in a fertilized mangrove wetland, 06/2016, Environmental Pollution (1987),Vol. 213, pp.30-35, London, Reino Unido, 2016
  MIGUEL, M. G.; PAIXÃO FILHO, J. L.; BENATTI, J. C. B.; LEME, M. A. G.; MORTATTI, B. C.; GABRIELLI, G.; PEREIRA, Sueli Yoshinaga; TEIXEIRA, Eglé Novaes; Gravimetric composition of municipal solid waste disposed in a large-scale experimental cell in Southeastern Brazil, 01/2016, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (Print),Vol. 17, pp.128-145, Bucks, Suiça, 2016
  BETTENCOURT, Jorge S.; FERNANDES, Carlos Marcello D.; PEREIRA, V P; JULIANI, Caetano; XAVIER, Roberto Perez; MONTEIRO, L. V. S.; BASTOS NETO, Artur C; KLEIN, Evandro Luiz; ASSIS, R. R.; LEITE JUNIOR, Washington Barbosa; MORETO, C. P. N.; Metallogenetic systems associated with granitoid magmatism in the Amazonian Craton: An overview of the present level of understanding and exploration significance, 01/2016, Journal of South American Earth Sciences,Vol. 68, pp.22-49, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  PITOMBEIRA, João Paulo Araújo; AMARAL, W. S.; UCHÔA FILHO, Evilarde Carvalho; FUCK, Reinhardt A; DANTAS, Elton Luiz; PARENTE, Clóvis Vaz; COSTA, Felipe Grandjean; VERISSIMO, CÉSAR U.V.; Vestiges of a continental margin ophiolite type in the NOVO Oriente region, Borborema Province, NE Brazil, 01/2016, Journal of South American Earth Sciences,Vol. 73, pp.78-99, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2016
  DUCART, D. F.; SILVA, A. M.; TOLEDO, Catarina Labouré Benfica; ASSIS, Luciano Mozer de; Mapping iron oxides with Landsat-8/OLI and EO-1/Hyperion imagery from the Serra Norte iron deposits in the Carajás Mineral Province, Brazil, 01/2016, Ore Geology Reviews,Vol. 46, pp.331-349, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  HECHENLEITNER, Esteban Martín; FIORELLI, Lucas; TINNER, Gerald Grellet-; LEUZINGER, Léa; BASILICI, Giorgio; B. TABORDA, J.; A new Upper Cretaceous titanosaur nesting site from La Rioja (NW Argentina), with implications for titanosaur nesting strategies, 05/2016, Palaeontology (London),Vol. 59, Fac. 3, pp.433-446, Sussex, Reino Unido, 2016
  UCKER, Fernando; CAMPOS, A. B.; HERNANI, Luís Carlos Hernani; MACEDO, José Ronaldo; MELO, A.S.; Movimentação vertical do íon potássio em Neossolos Quartzarênicos sob cultivo com cana-de-açúcar, 01/2016, Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (Online),Vol. 51, pp.1548-1556, Brasília, DF, Brasil, 2016
  QUEIRÓZ, MARCELO V.B.; D AGRELLA FILHO, MANOEL S.; TRINDADE, Ricardo Ivan Ferreira; MEIRA, V. T.; ANIKIAN,, LILIANE; RUIZ, Amarildo Salina Ruiz; SANTOS, FRANKLIN Bispo; Reassessment of Aguapeí (Salto do Céu) paleomagnetic pole, Amazonian Craton and implications for Proterozoic supercontinents, 01/2016, Precambrian Research,Vol. 272, pp.1-17, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2016
  NOVELLO, VALDIR F.; VUILLE, MATHIAS; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; PAULA, MARCOS SAITO de Paula; EDWARDS, R. LAWRENCE; CHENG, HAI; KARMANN, IVO Karmann; JAQUETO, PLÍNIO F.; MOQUET, JEAN S.; TRINDADE, Ricardo Ivan Ferreira; HARTMANN, G. A.; STRÍKIS, NICOLÁS M.; Centennial-scale solar forcing of the South American Monsoon System recorded in stalagmites, 01/2016, Scientific Reports,Vol. 6, pp.24762-24762, Londres, Reino Unido, 2016
  VILAR, Orencio Monje; ABREU, A. E. S.; Accessing the Biological Stability of Municipal Solid Waste of Different Landfilling Aages, 01/2016, The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management,Vol. 42, pp.236-244, Chester, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
  ABREU, A. E. S.; GANDOLFO,, O.C.B.; VILAR, Orencio Monje; Characterizing a Brazilian sanitary landfill using geophysical seismic techniques, 01/2016, Waste Management (Elmsford),Vol. 53, pp.116-127, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2016
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