ano 2017
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DE - Resumos publicados em anais de congressos
Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica
Departamento de Energia
Produções / Resumos Publicados

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos
  NETTO, A. T. S.; MADY, C. E. K.; Análise termodinâmica da viabilidade de implantação de coletores solares em ciclos rankine, 10/2017, XXV Congresso de iniciação científica da Unicamp,pp.1-1, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido
  PEDRAZA, P. M.; CENZI, J. R.; MADY, C. E. K.; Exergy analysis of the respiratory system for different intoxication levels of carbon monoxide. Applications to pathology: anemia, 10/2017, XXV Congresso de iniciação científica da Unicamp,pp.1-1, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido
  MORAES, Tiago Felix; SOUZA, L. R. M.; BARBOSA, G. E. H.; TRIGO, C.C.O.; MOROOKA, Celso Kazuyuki; Experimentos em Laboratório com Tubos Flexíveis e a Supressão da Vibração Mecânica em Duto Submarino na Produção Marítima de Petróleo e Gás, 10/2017, XXV Congresso de iniciação científica da Unicamp,pp.1-1, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2017
  KIRYU, P. O.; MOROOKA, Celso Kazuyuki; Simulação do Escoamento ao Redor de Dutos de Seção Circular com Uso de CFD, 10/2017, XXV Congresso de iniciação científica da Unicamp,Vol., pp.1-1, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2017
  GERMSCHEIDT, R. L.; VESSALLI, B. A.; BIZZO, Waldir Antonio; T, Mazon; Synthesis of graphene oxide from biomass, 09/2017, XVI Brazilian MRS Meeting,pp.1-1, Gramado, RS, Brasil, 2017
  PERLES, C. E.; SCHMITT, M.; GUERSONI, V.C.B.; BANNWART, A. C.; Estudo do efeito do tamanho de gota sobre a viscosidade e comportamento reológico de emulsões, 05/2017, IV Congresso Brasileiro de Reologia,pp.1-10, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2017 *
  SILVA, R. O.; SANTOS, R. G.; Data transition from 3d to 1d simulation for underhood analysis of cooling system, 12/2017, 24 International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM),pp.1-6, CuritibA, PR, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido
  REIS, M. W. F.; OLIVEIRA, A. V.; SANTOS, R. G.; Determination of Nukiyama and Leidenfrost Temperatures for Hydrocarbons using the Droplet Evaporation Method, 12/2017, 24 International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM),Vol., pp.1-6, CuritibA, PR, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido
  GOMES, N. G. B.; CHÁVEZ, J. V.; MEDEIROS FILHO, D. L.; CARVALHO, D. J.; SANTOS, R. G.; BIZZO, Waldir Antonio; Methodology for burner design - combustion of pyrolysis gas from charcoal production, 12/2017, 24 International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM),Vol., pp.1-6, CuritibA, PR, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido
  ARMENGOL, J. M.; VICQUELIN, R.; COUSSEMENT, A.; SANTOS, R. G.; GICQUEL, O.; Turbulence-Radiation Interactions in a Spatially Developing Heated Jet, 12/2017, 24 International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM),pp.1-6, CuritibA, PR, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido
  SARACHE, H. A. M.; BIZZO, Waldir Antonio; Study of high?temperature interactions between ashes from cassava harvesting residues and inert materials via DTA/TG and SEM/EDS, 12/2017, 24 International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM),pp.1-5, CuritibA, PR, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido
  FRANKLIN, E. M.; The growth and equilibrium of barchan dunes, 11/2017, 70 Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Mechanics - 70th DFD-APS,Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Denver, Estados Unidos da América, 2017
  GUARENGHI, M. M.; WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva; IDENTIFYING POTENTIAL AREAS FOR SUGARCANE EXPANSION AIMING TO REDUCE NEGATIVE IMPACTS ON LANDSCAPE CONNECTIVITY: A CASE STUDY IN A DRACENA, STATE OF SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL, 10/2017, BBEST 2017 Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-4, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido *
  MACHADO, P. G.; WALTER, Arnaldo C. da Silva; CUNHA, M. P.; FAAIJ, A. P. C.; MACROECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF A BIOBASED ECONOMY IN BRAZIL IN 2030, 10/2017, BBEST 2017 Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-4, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido *
  GODOY FALCO, Daniela; CAVALIERO, C. K. N.; An environmental performance assessment of collective urban transport in the state of São Paulo: a diesel and battery electric bus life cycle approach, 10/2017, BBEST 2017 Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference,Vol. cd, pp.1-1, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil, 2017 *
  HERNANDES, T. A. D.; SEABRA, J. E. A.; EVALUATION OF WATER FOOTPRINT OF SUGARCANE AND OTHER CROPS USING BASIN LEVEL WATER BALANCE COMPONENTS, 10/2017, BBEST 2017 Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference,Vol. cd, pp.1-1, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil, 2017 *
  SEABRA, J. E. A.; EXPANSION DYNAMICS OF SUGARCANE PRODUCTION, 10/2017, BBEST 2017 Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference,Vol. cd, pp.1-1, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil, 2017 *
  CERVI, Walter; HILST, F. V. D.; SEABRA, J. E. A.; LAMPARELLI, R. A. C.; SPATIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE TECHNO-ECONOMIC POTENTIAL AND COST-SUPPLY CURVES OF SUGARCANE STRAW, 10/2017, BBEST 2017 Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference,Vol. cd, pp.1-1, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil, 2017 *
  ESTEVES, O. L. A.; CAVALIERO, C. K. N.; Peak shaving and energy management for distributed photovoltaic generation and energy storage systems for residential consumers, 08/2017, 6 International Conference & Exhibition on Clean Energy - ICCE 2017,Vol. cd, pp.1-1, Toronto, Canadá, 2017 *
  KAZAMA, F. N.; GRANADA, L. J. S.; CORREIA, Paulo de Barros; REPRESENTATION OF THE UNCERTAINTY SCENARIOS IN THE BRAZILIAN HYDROTHERMAL DISPATCH: REPLACEMENT OF INFLOW TREE BY LATTICE, 07/2017, 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2017),Vol. cd, pp.1-1, Québec, Canadá, 2017 *
  MARCELO, D.; BIZZO, Waldir Antonio; GARCIA, RICARDO; Cálculo de las Velocidades de Fluidización y Caída de Presión en Gasificador de Lecho Fluidizado Burbujeante, 07/2017, 15 LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology,pp.1-5, Boca Raton, Estados Unidos da América, 2017. Resumo expandido
  CORREIA, G. F. G.; MAZO, E. O. M.; MALEKI, M.; CÔRTE, G. A.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Geostatistical-based History Matching guided by Pilot Wells: application to the Norne field, 06/2017, SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Paris, França, 2017. Resumo expandido *
  DONNO, Daniela; PAZETTI, B. A.; DAVOLIO, a.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; ROMANO, J. M. T.; Estimation of Time and Spatial Shifts in 4D Seismic Surveys Using Mutual Information and Signal Envelope, 06/2017, SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Paris, França, 2017. Resumo expandido *
  BANNWART, A. C.; Experimental Study of Phase Inversion Phenomena in Electrical Submersible Pumps Under Oil Water Flow, 06/2017, 36th ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,Vol. 8, pp.1-8, Trondheim, Noruega, 2017 *
  CASTRO, M. S.; COLMANETTI, A. R. A.; BARBOSA, M.C.; RODRIGUEZ, O. M. D.; DERKS, P. W. J.; KJELDBY, T. K.; Experimental Study on Air-Water flows in annular ducts, 06/2017, 9 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics,pp.1-4, Foz do Iguacu, PR, Brasil, 2017. Resumo expandido
  MARIANI, L.; BOCHMANN, G.; MARQUES, F. S.; CAVALIERO, C. K. N.; GLAVÃO, R. R. A.; OVERVIEW OF THE BIOMETHANE SECTOR IN BRAZIL, 05/2017, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology (REGATEC 2017),Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Verona, Itália, 2017 *
  FERREIRA, T.A.; SANTOS, R. G.; VIANNA, S. S. V.; The Laminar Flamelet Model Combined with Col- lision Porosity Distance Algorithm Applied to Ac- cidental Explosion Modelling, 04/2017, 16 Sixteenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion (NC17),pp.1-6, Orlando, Estados Unidos da América, 2017. Resumo expandido *
  GRANADA, L. J. S.; CORREIA, Paulo de Barros; EVALUACIÓN DE LA LOGÍSTICA DE TRANSPORTE DE GAS NATURAL (GNL, GNC Y GASODUCTOS) APLICADA AL PRE-SAL BRASILERO, 03/2017, VI Ibero-American Congress on Operations Research and Management Sciences (IOCA 2017),Vol. cd, pp.1-1, Barranquilla, Colômbia, 2017 *
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