ano 2017
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DOR - Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
Departamento Odonto-Restauradora
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  VITTI, Rafael Pino; FEITOSA, V. P.; BACCHI, A.; CUNHA BRANDT, Willian; MIRANDA, M.E.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Dimensional accuracy of different impression techniques of partially edentulous mandibular arch, 03/2017, RGO. Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Online),Vol. 65, Fac. 1, pp.25-29, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 2017
  LORENA DOS SANTOS OLIVEIRA, Bruna; CORRER, A. B.; COSTA, Ana Rosa; CREPALDI, Marcus Vinicius; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; SANTOS, Julio Cesar B. dos; Influence of adhesive and bonding material on the bond strength of bracket to bovine tooth, 01/2017, Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Online),Vol. 16, pp.1-1, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, 2017
Circulação Internacional
  RODRIGUES, R. V.; GIANNINI, Marcelo; PASCON, F. M.; MARINS CARVALHO, Ricardo; Effect of conditioning solutions containing ferric chloride on dentin bond strength abd collagen degradiotin., 10/2017, Dental Materials,Vol. 33, Fac. 10, pp.1093-1102, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017 *
  RODRIGUES, R. V.; SAMPAIO, C. S.; PACHECO, R. R.; PASCON, F. M.; PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Influence of adhesive cementation systems on the bond strength of relined fiber posts to root dentin, 10/2017, The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry (Print),Vol. 118, Fac. 4, pp.493-499, St. Louis, Estados Unidos da América, 2017 *
  GROPPO, M. F.; CARIA, P. H. F.; FREIRE, A. R.; FIGUEROBA, Sidney Raimundo; RIBEIRO NETO, Wilson Alves; BRETAS, RES; PRADO, F. B.; HAITER NETO, Francisco; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; ROSSI, A. C.; The effect of a hydroxyapatite impregnated PCL membrane in rat subcritical calvarial bone defects, 10/2017, Archives of Oral Biology,Vol. 82, pp.209-215, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2017 *
  VERMELHO, Paulo Moreira; FIGUEIREDO REIS, André; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Adhesion of multimode adhesives to enamel and dentin after one year of water storage, 06/2017, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 21, Fac. 5, pp.1707-1715, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2017
  LIMA, Thiago Farias Rocha; PRADO, M.; CASARIN, R. C. V.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; ALMEIDA, J.F.A.; ZAIA, Alexandre Augusto; SOARES, A. J.; Multidisciplinary approach for replacement root resortio following severe intrusive luxation: a case report of decoronation., 06/2017, Quintessence International,Vol. 48, Fac. 7, pp.555-561, Hanover Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2017 *
  GOBBO, V. C.; SILVA, B. G.; ABUNA, G. F.; MARSON, F. C.; TABCHOURY, CÍNTHIA PEREIRA MACHADO; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Effect of Adhesive Restoration and Bleaching Technique on the Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide In the Pulp Chamber, 03/2017, Operative Dentistry,Vol. 42, Fac. 2, pp.44-54, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2017 *
  GUIRALDO, R. D.; BERGER, S. B.; M. T. SIQUEIRA, Ronaldo; H.GRANDI, Victor; BAENA LOPES, Murilo; GONINI JÚNIOR, Alcides; VIEIRA CAIXETA, Rodrigo; CARVALHO, Rodrigo Varella; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Surface detail reproduction and dimensional accuracy of molds: influence of disinfectant solutions and elastomeric impression materials, 01/2017, Acta odontológica latinoamericana,Vol. 30, pp.13-18, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017
  ALBUQUERQUE, CIBELE GONÇALVES, ALBUQUERQUE, CIBELE GONÇALVES; CORRER, A. B.; VENEZIAN, Giovana Cherubini; SANTAMARIA JR, MILTON, SANTAMARIA JR, MILTON; VEDOVELLO, S. M. S.; TUBEL, Carlos Alberto M.; Deflection and Flexural Strength Effects on the Roughness of Aesthetic-Coated Orthodontic Wires, 01/2017, Brazilian Dental Journal,Vol. 28, Fac. 1, pp.40-45, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2017
  COSTA, Ana Rosa; GARCIA-GODOY, Franklin; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; NAVES, L. Z.; RAPOSO, L. H. A.; CARVALHO, F. G.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; Influence of different dentin substrate (caries-affected, caries-infected, sound) on long-term μTBS, 01/2017, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 28, pp.16-23, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2017 *
  PEREIRA JURUBEBA, José Eliú; COSTA, A. R.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; TUBEL, CARLOS ALBERTO MALAN; CORRER, A. B.; VEDOVELLO, S. M. S.; CREPALDI, Marcus Vinicius; VEDOVELLO FILHO, M, MARIO VEDOVELLO FILHO; Influence of Thermal Cycles Number on Bond Strength of Metallic Brackets to Ceramic, 01/2017, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 28, Fac. 2, pp.206-209, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2017
  SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; SOARES, E. F.; ABUNA, G. F.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; FRANÇOIS ROULET, Jean; GERALDELI, Saulo; Microtensile bond strength of adhesive systems in different dentin regions on a class II cavity configuration, 01/2017, Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso),Vol. 28, Fac. 1, pp.474-481, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, 2017
  FREITAS, P. H.; GIANNINI, Marcelo; CORRER, A. B.; CONSANI, Simonides; PAULA FRANÇA, Rodrigo de; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; Correlation between bond strength and nanomechanical properties of adhesive interface, 01/2017, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 21, Fac. 4, pp.1055-1062, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2017
  SFALCIN, R. A.; CORRER, A. B.; RAFAEL MORBIDELLI, Lucas; ARAÚJO, T. G. F.; FEITOSA, V. P.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; WATSON, T. F.; SAURO, S.; Influence of bioactive particles on the chemical-mechanical properties of experimental enamel resin infiltrants, 01/2017, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 21, Fac. 6, pp.2143-2151, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2017
  SAMPAIO, C. S.; ATRIA, Pablo J; RUEGGEBERG, Frederick Allen; YAMAGUCHI, Satoshi; GIANNINI, Marcelo; COELHO, Paulo G; HIRATA, Ronaldo; PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; Effect of blue and violet light on polymerization shrinkage vectors of a CQ/TPO-containing composite., 01/2017, Dental Materials,Vol. 33, pp.796-804, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017 *
  ANDRÉ, C. B.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; DUQUE, T. M.; ROSALEN, PEDRO LUIZ; CHI NGAI CHAN, Daniel; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Antimicrobial activity, effects on Streptococcus mutans biofilm and interfacial bonding of adhesive systems with and without antibacterial agent, 01/2017, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives,Vol. 72, pp.123-129, London, Inglaterra, 2017 *
  BRANDT, W. C.; BOSQUIROLI, Virgínia; VITTI, Rafael Pino; MIRANDA, M.E.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CUNHA BRANDT, Willian; Effects of monomer compositions on physicochemical properties of composite resins, 01/2017, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology (Print),Vol. 34, pp.1-6, AH Zeist, Holanda, 2017
  BORGES, B. C. D.; DE SOUSA LIMA, RODOLFO XAVIER; BEZERRA PINHEIRO MORENO, GABRIELLA; GONDIM LAMBERT MOREIRA, DEBORAH; OLIVEIRA, D. C. R. S.; SOUZA JÚNIOR, E. J. C.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; Polymerization and adhesion behavior of experimental dental bonding materials with different initiator systems, 01/2017, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology (Print),Vol. 59, pp.1-8, AH Zeist, Holanda, 2017
  MATTOS NASCIMENTO, Marcelle; SOARES, E. F.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; GERALDELI, Saulo; A new arginine-based dental adhesive system: formulation, mechanical and anti-caries properties, 01/2017, Journal of Dentistry,Vol. 63, pp.72-80, Inglaterra, Inglaterra, 2017
  ROCHA, M. G.; OLIVEIRA, D. C. R. S.; CORRER, A. B.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORREA, I. C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; L. FERRACANE, Jack; Light-emitting Diode Beam Profile and Spectral Output Influence on the Degree of Conversion of Bulk Fill Composites, 01/2017, Operative Dentistry,Vol. 42, Fac. 4, pp.418-427, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2017
  PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Microcomputed tomography evaluation of polymerization shrinkage of class I flowable resin composite restorations., 01/2017, Operative Dentistry,Vol. 42, pp.16-23, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2017 *
  PUPPIN RONTANI, Julia; SANDFELD-NETO, Daniel; COSTA, Ana Rosa; CORRER, A. B.; PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; BORGES, Gilberto Antonio; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; The Effect of Hydrofluoric Acid Concentrations and Etching Periods on the Bonding Strength to Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramic, 01/2017, Operative Dentistry,Vol. 42, Fac. 1, pp.606-615, Seattle, Estados Unidos da América, 2017 *
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