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CEPETRO - Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
Centro de Estudos de Petróleo
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
ASSUNÇÃO, G. S. C. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); 24th COBEM - 2017, (03/12/2017 a 08/12/2017), Curitiba, PR, Brasil, Oral:"Application of an Empirical Model to Identify Stratified Gas–Liquid Flow in the Whole Range of Pipe Inclinations". *
MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); Workshop on Second Generation Bioethanol and Biorefining 2017, (29/11/2017 a 30/11/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Oral:"FAPESP Bioenergy Research Round Table: Accelerating the Bioeconomy". *
ABREU, E. C. (Docente); XI Encontro Mineiro de Equações Diferenciais, (20/11/2017 a 24/11/2017), Poços de Caldas, MG, Brasil, Oral:"Lagrangian-Eulerian finite volume approach for transport models and related applications with balancing source terms". *
MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); BBEST 2017 Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference, (16/10/2017 a 20/10/2017), Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Biochemical Versus Thermochemical Routes". *
GALLO, Waldyr Luiz Ribeiro (Autor); BBEST 2017 Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference, (16/10/2017 a 20/10/2017), Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Ethanol use in transportation: Brazilian scene". *
BOTECHIA, V. E. (Pesquisador); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE ATCE, (09/10/2017 a 11/10/2017), San Antonio, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Comparison between Production and Economic Indicators in the Production Strategy Selection for Polymer Flooding". *
ALMEIDA, F. R. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE ATCE, (09/10/2017 a 11/10/2017), San Antonio, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Methodology to Systematically Reduce Uncertainty Assimilating Quantitatively 4D Seismic and Well Data in a Probabilistic and Multi-objective History Matching". *
ASSUNÇÃO, G. S. C. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); OTC Brasil, (24/10/2017 a 26/10/2017), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Application of a Methodology to Incorporate Probabilistic Data From two Technologies: Reservoir Simulation Models and 4D Seismic". *
FERREIRA, C. J. (Pesquisador); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); OTC Brasil, (24/10/2017 a 26/10/2017), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Evaluation of the Discrete Latin Hypercube with Geostatistical Realizations Sampling for History Matching under Uncertainties in Real Complex Reservoir Model". *
RIOS, V. S. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); OTC Brasil, (24/10/2017 a 26/10/2017), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Methodology to Improve Miscible Gas Injection Model Forecast Based on a Field Scale Simulation". *
ABREU, E. C. (Docente); 31 Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, (30/07/2017 a 05/08/2017), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Computing numerical solutions of the modified Buckley-Leverett equation with a dynamic nonequilibrium capillary pressure model". *
ABREU, E. C. (Docente); Projeto Métodos multi-scala para a Simulação Numérica de Reservatórios de Petróleo, (07/08/2017 a 08/08/2017), São Carlos, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Apresentação de resultados parciais em Análise Numérica de Modelos Diferenciais na Ciência do Petróleo". *
ARRUDA, M.A.Z. (Docente); V International Conference on Analytical Proteomics, (03/07/2017 a 06/07/2017), Caparica, Portugal, Oral:"Expanding resolution of metalloprotein separations using multidimensional approaches". *
DAVOLIO, a. (Pesquisador); 15 15th CISbgf, (31/07/2017 a 03/08/2017), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Seismic history matching and PEM uncertainties".
GALLO, Waldyr Luiz Ribeiro (Autor); CASTRO, M. J. S. (Autor); DIAS, R. (Autor); GALLEGO, A. G. (Autor); 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy and Process Systems (ECOS), (03/07/2017 a 06/07/2017), San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Part-load exergy assessment of steam bottoming cycle and carbon capture systems: integration with oil and gas platforms". *
SILVA, E. P. A. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); 15th International Congress Brazilian Geophysical Society, (31/07/2017 a 04/08/2017), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Application of Velocity-Deviation Log to Predict the Aspect Ratio in Pre-Salt Carbonate Rocks". *
MENDES, J. R. P. (Docente); BORDALO, Sergio Nascimento (Docente); ARIZA, S. F. C. (Discente); MIURA, Kazuo (Professor Visitante); 36 International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), (25/06/2017 a 30/06/2017), Trondheim, Noruega, Oral:"Case Studies of Petroleum Production Systems with the Flow Performance Index". *
MARTINS, C. F. (participante); MOROOKA, Celso Kazuyuki (Docente); 36 International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), (25/06/2017 a 30/06/2017), Trondheim, Noruega, Oral:"Effects in Free Water Knockout Separator Caused By FPSO Motions in Ocean Waves". *
MAZZA, R. A. (Autor); 36th ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, (25/06/2017 a 30/06/2017), Trondheim, Noruega, Oral:"EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF LIQUID-LIQUID FLOW THROUGH UPWARD VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL TRANSITION". *
CORREIA, G. F. G. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, (12/06/2017 a 15/06/2017), Paris, França, Oral:"Geostatistical-based History Matching guided by Pilot Wells: application to the Norne field". *
DONNO, Daniela (Colaborador); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, (12/06/2017 a 15/06/2017), Paris, França, Oral:"Estimation of Time and Spatial Shifts in 4D Seismic Surveys Using Mutual Information and Signal Envelope". *
CORREIA, Manuel Gomes (Pesquisador); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, (12/06/2017 a 15/06/2017), Paris, França, Oral:"Integration of High Permeable Thin Layers in Reservoir Simulation". *
FERREIRA, C. J. (Pesquisador); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, (12/06/2017 a 15/06/2017), Paris, França, Oral:"Use of a Probabilistic and Multi-Objective History Matching for Uncertainty Reduction for the Norne Benchmark Case". *
NASCIMENTO, J. H. L. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, (12/06/2017 a 15/06/2017), Paris, França, Oral:"Decision Risk Analysis To Evaluate Uncertainty On Percentage of Sharing Between Oil Companies And Government At Brazilian PSC". *
POLIZEL, G. A. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, (12/06/2017 a 15/06/2017), Paris, França, Oral:"Use of Proxy Models in Risk Analysis of Petroleum Fields". *
SANTOS, S. M. G. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, (12/06/2017 a 15/06/2017), Paris, França, Oral:"Assessing the Value of Information According to Attitudes Towards Downside Risk and Upside Potential". *
TOLEDO, S. P. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, (12/06/2017 a 15/06/2017), Paris, França, Oral:"The Use of Well Test and Production Logging Data in Geostatistical Modelling and Probabilistic History Matching For Reduction of Uncertainties in Field Development – A Quantitative Study". *
ABREU, E. C. (Autor); BUSTOS, A. A. (Autor); LAMBERT, WANDERSON JOSE (Autor); 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, (08/05/2017 a 11/05/2017), Utrecht, Holanda, Oral:"On the late time behavior of a relaxation compositional flow problem modelling the injection of heated fluid in a porous media ". *
DUARTE, L. T. (Docente); SUYAMA, R. (Docente); ATTUX, R.R.F. (Docente); ROMANO, João Marcos Travasso (Docente); JUTTEN, Christian (Docente); The International Symposium on Olfaction and Eletronic Nose (ISOEN 2017), (28/05/2017 a 31/05/2017), Montreal, Canadá, Oral:"A novel blind source separation method based on monotonic functions and its application to ion-selective electrode arrays". *
FIGUEROA, J. E. J. (Autor); ARDILA, Y. C. (Autor); MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf (Autor); 13th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, (28/05/2017 a 31/05/2017), Milão, Itália, Oral:"Biomass Gasification Optimization: Semi-Pilot Scale 2 kg/h of Bagasse in Fluidized Bed Reactor". *
OLIVEIRA, R. A. (Autor); KOMESU, A. (Autor); ROSSELL, C. E. V. (Autor); MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf (Autor); MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); 13th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, (28/05/2017 a 31/05/2017), Milão, Itália, Oral:"Hybrid Short Path Evaporation as an Option to Lactic Acid". *
MIRANDA, N. T. (Autor); MOTTA, I. L. (Autor); MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf (Autor); 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, (01/05/2017 a 04/05/2017), São Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Investigation of sugarcane bagasse fast pyrolysis conditions for bio-oil production via Aspen PlusTm". *
MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); 13th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, (28/05/2017 a 31/05/2017), Milão, Itália, Oral:"Biobased Fuels and Chemicals: The New Era for Chemical Engineering". *
OLIVEIRA, R. A. (Autor); KOMESU, A. (Autor); ROSSELL, C. E. V. (Autor); MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf (Autor); MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); 13th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, (28/05/2017 a 31/05/2017), Milão, Itália, Oral:"Hybrid Short Path Evaporation as an Option to Lactic Acid Recovery from Fermentation Broth". *
ABREU, E. C. (Docente); Workshop Métodos Numéricos para EDPs - Em homenagem aos 70 anos do Professor Abimael Fernando Dourado Loula, (18/05/2017 a 19/05/2017), Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Combining mixed finite element and finite volume formulations for numerically solving nonequilibrium effects in model of two-phase immiscible incompressible flow in porous media". *
OLIVEIRA, R. A. (Autor); KOMESU, A. (Autor); ROSSELL, C. E. V. (Autor); MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf (Autor); 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, (01/05/2017 a 04/05/2017), São Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Lactic acid purification process using molecular distillation on a fermented molasses broth". *
ABREU, E. C. (Autor); VIEIRA, Jardel (Autor); 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, (08/05/2017 a 11/05/2017), Utrecht, Holanda, Oral:"Poster - On the numerical simulation of the two-phase pseudo-parabolic Buckley-Leverett flow equation with heterogeneities and dynamic capillary pressure". *
MEIRA, L. A. A. (Docente); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, (17/05/2017 a 19/05/2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oral:"RMFinder 2.0: An Improved Interactive Multi-criteria Scenario Reduction Methodology". *
MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); SILVA, J. F. L. (Autor); 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, (01/05/2017 a 04/05/2017), São Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"IMPACT OF HEAT INTEGRATION IN A BIOREFINERY PRODUCING ETHANOL, ELECTRICITY AND FURFURAL FROM SUGARCANE". *
MACIEL FILHO, Rubens (Autor); SILVA, J. F. L. (Autor); 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, (01/05/2017 a 04/05/2017), São Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Prospects of ethyl levulinate production from sugarcane bagasse in Brazil: a cheap biodiesel additive". *
RODOLFO JUNIOR, A. (Autor); MEI, Lucia H. Innocentini (Autor); The Thirteenth International PVC Conference, (25/04/2017 a 27/04/2017), Brighton, Reino Unido, Oral:"Smoke suppression of PVC and Copper(II), Molybdenum and Zinc Oxides Mixture: TG/MS and TG/FTIR Studies". *
ALAHMED, N. (Discente); BORDALO, Sergio Nascimento (Docente); SPE Latin America and Caribbean Mature Fields Symposium, (15/03/2017 a 16/03/2017), Salvador, BA, Brasil, Oral:"Experimental Study of the Dynamics and Stability of Intermittent Gas-lift in a Laboratory Scale Model ". *
SANTOS, D. R. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Latin America and Caribbean Mature Fields Symposium, (15/03/2017 a 16/03/2017), Salvador, BA, Brasil, Oral:"Influence of Well Control Management on Production Strategy Selection Under Uncertainties During the oil Field Development Phase Applied to UNISIM-I-D Benchmark Case". *
MORAIS, V. L. R. S. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, (20/02/2017 a 22/02/2017), Montgomery, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Methodology to Estimate Intelligent Wells Economic Impact Considering Reservoir Uncertainties". *
SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Autor); 2017 International Workshop on Robotics - IWR 2017, (30/03/2017 a 31/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Oral:"CEPETRO and Research Areas in Reservoir Development and Management". *
MAZALI, IO (Docente); 2nd Caparica Christmas Conference on Sample Treatment, (05/12/2016 a 07/12/2016), Caparica, Portugal, Poster:"Microwave-based approach for nanoparticles and applications". *
SOUZA, P. M. S. (Autor); MORALES, Ana Rita (Autor); SANCHEZ, E. M. S. (Autor); MEI, Lucia H. Innocentini (Autor); 33 33rd International Conference of Polymer Processing Society, (10/12/2017 a 14/12/2017), Cancun, México, Poster:"Study of chain scission and crosslink due to photodegradation of PBAT films with carbon black in combination with vitamin E and HALS additives". *
SOUZA, P. M. S. (Autor); MORALES, Ana Rita (Autor); SANCHEZ, E. M. S. (Autor); MEI, Lucia H. Innocentini (Autor); 33 33rd International Conference of Polymer Processing Society, (10/12/2017 a 14/12/2017), Cancun, México, Poster:"Study of PBAT photostabilization using HALS and vitamin E additives in combination with carbon black, aiming application for mulch films". *
MAHJOUR, S. K. (Aluno); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); 9° Congresso Brasileiro de P&D em Petróleo e Gás – PDPETRO, (09/11/2017 a 11/11/2017), Maceió, AL, Brasil, Poster:"Flow Units Characterization Methods in a Synthetic Carbonate Reservoir Model". *
SABADINI, E. (Docente); 46th World Chemistry Congress e 40ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, (09/07/2017 a 14/07/2017), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Enthalpy of formation of wormlike micelles involving TTAB and halogen derivatives of benzoate". *
SABADINI, E. (Docente); 254th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, (20/08/2017 a 24/08/2017), Washington, Estados Unidos da América, Poster:"Stabilization of spherical nanoparticles of iron (III) oxy-hydroxides by wormlike micelles". *
SABADINI, E. (Docente); 46th World Chemistry Congress e 40ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, (09/07/2017 a 14/07/2017), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Variation of Enthalpy associated with the Formation of Wormlike Micelles. Their Enthalpometric Signature". *
ARRUDA, M.A.Z. (Docente); 46th World Chemistry Congress e 40ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, (09/07/2017 a 14/07/2017), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Unraveling soybean/sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts through fractionation and chemical speciation". *
MORGON, N.H. (Docente); 46th World Chemistry Congress e 40ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, (09/07/2017 a 14/07/2017), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Computational study on the proton transfer reaction using ECD". *
MORGON, N.H. (Docente); 46th World Chemistry Congress e 40ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, (09/07/2017 a 14/07/2017), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Experimental (ECD) and Theoretical (TD-DFT) study of the interaction between Bovine Serum Albumin and Divanilin". *
LOH, W. (Docente); PetroPhase 2017, 18th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behaviour and Fouling, (11/06/2017 a 15/06/2017), Le Havre, França, Poster:"Flocculant-induced asphaltene precipitation from crude oil: structure and kinectics". *
ARRUDA, M.A.Z. (Docente); 9th Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on LIBS, (11/06/2017 a 16/06/2017), Pisa, Itália, Poster:"Metabolomic approach investigating differences in two generation of genetically modified and non-modified soybean seeds". *
ARRUDA, M.A.Z. (Docente); 14th Rio Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry, (02/04/2017 a 07/04/2017), Vitória, ES, Brasil, Poster:"EVALUATION OF THE IN VITRO BIOACCESSIBILITY OF TELLURIUM IN OIL SEEDS (BRAZIL NUT): DETERMINATION OF THE TOTAL TELLURIUM CONTENT". *
ARRUDA, M.A.Z. (Docente); 14th Rio Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry, (02/04/2017 a 07/04/2017), Vitória, ES, Brasil, Poster:"TRANSLOCATION AND ACCUMULATION OF METALS THROUGH LASER ABLATION IMAGING APPLIED TO SUNFLOWER SEEDS: QUANTITATIVE APPROACH FOR Cd, Cu, Fe, AND Mn". *
BIGON, J. P. (Autor); LONA, Liliane Maria Ferrareso (Autor); 1st Pan-American Polymer Science Conference (PanPoly), (22/03/2017 a 24/03/2017), Guarujá, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Study of argan oil as costabilizer in miniemulsion polymerization". *
HOHENDORFF FILHO, J.C.V. (Pesquisador); SCHIOZER, Denis Jose (Docente); SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, (20/02/2017 a 22/02/2017), Montgomery, Estados Unidos da América, Poster:"Evaluation of Reservoir and Production System Integration in Production Strategy Selection". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos
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