CLE - Resumos publicados em anais de congressos
Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e Historia da Ciencia
Produções / Resumos Publicados
Resumos publicados em anais de congressos
ANGIONI, Lucas; Necessidade, essência e explicação na teoria da demonstração de Aristóteles, 09/2017, V Congresso ALFA,Vol. 1, pp.44-45, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2017 *
VENTURI, Giorgio; Towards a theory of speech acts in mathematics: The case of naturalness, 08/2017, 3rd Filomena - Workshop on Philosophy, Logic, and Analytical Metaphysics,Vol. ., pp.6-6, Natal, RN, Brasil, 2017 *
CONIGLIO, Marcelo E.; FÍGALLO, Martín; PEREIRA, Germán Tadeo Gomez; Semantics of triples for the first-order paraconsistent logic QCiore, 06/2017, XIV Congreso Dr. Antonio Monteiro - Lógica,Vol. 1, pp.2-2, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2017 *
CONIGLIO, Marcelo E.; FIGALLO-ORELLANO, Aldo; A model-theoretic study of the class of F-structures for mbC, 06/2017, XIV Congreso Dr. Antonio Monteiro - Lógica,Vol. 1, pp.3-3, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2017 *
VENTURI, Giorgio; Genericity and arbitrariness, 06/2017, The second Set Theoretic Pluralism Symposium,Vol. 1, pp.1-1, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2017 *
CARNIELLI, Walter A.; CONIGLIO, Marcelo E.; RODRIGUES FILHO, Abilio Azambuja; An epistemic approach to paraconsistency, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.35-35, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
DOTTAVIANO, Ítala M. Loffredo; GOMES, Evandro Luís; A brief history of paraconsistency: from Heraclitus to Newton da Costa, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.36-37, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
CONIGLIO, Marcelo E.; FIGALLO-ORELLANO, Aldo; A model-theoretic study of the category of Fidel structures for mbC, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.99-99, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
CARNIELLI, Walter A.; Possibility theory, evidence and uncertainty, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.116-116, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
CONIGLIO, Marcelo E.; PEREIRA, Germán Tadeo Gomez; FÍGALLO, Martín; Model theory for LFI1-structures, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.129-129, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
GOLZIO, Ana Cláudia de Jesus; CONIGLIO, Marcelo E.; About a new algebraization method for some modal systems, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.130-130, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
FREIRE, Rodrigo de Alvarenga; MARIANO, Hugo Luiz; VENTURI, Giorgio; Genericidade e arbitrariedade em teoria dos conjuntos, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.42-42, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
VENTURI, Giorgio; Genericidade e a extensão do universo conjuntista, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.45-45, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
FREIRE FILHO, Alfredo Roque de Oliveira; Análise da comparação do comprometimento ontológico entre uma teoria de primeira ordem e suas extensões conservativas, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.53-53, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
MENDONÇA, Bruno Ramos; On Bar-Hillel and Carnap’s paradox of semantic information, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.62-62, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
SILVA, Hendrick Cordeiro Maia e; Teoria da complexidade descritiva via teoria das categorias, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.87-87, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
CÂMARA, Igor de Camargo e Souza; What would be a logic for counterpossibles?, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.92-92, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
RUFFINO, Marco A. Caron; Did Frege bridge the gap between description and reference?, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.102-102, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
SILVA JÚNIOR, Rogério José de Ribamar; Modalidades paraconsistentes como base para lógicas epistêmico-doxásticas, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.112-113, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
BEZERRA, Edson Vinícius; On Suszko’s thesis: a defense of Tarskian consequence relation, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.120-120, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
BOCCARDI, Emiliano; Time as motion, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.123-123, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
DOTTAVIANO, Ítala M. Loffredo; FEITOSA, Hércules de Araújo; MOREIRA, Angela Pereira Rodrigues; Relations between conservative translations, contextual translations and abstract contextual translations, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.132-132, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
DOTTAVIANO, Ítala M. Loffredo; GOMES, Evandro Luís; 'Pseudo-Scotus’ ex falso historical statements, 05/2017, XVIII EBL - 18th Brazilian Logic Conference,Vol. 1, pp.134-135, Pirenopolis, GO, Brasil, 2017 *
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