ano 2017
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Centro Pesq.Químicas,Biológias e Agrícolas
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  TERAMOTO, Juliana; SACHS, Raquel Castellucci Caruso; GARCIA, V L; DUARTE, Marta Cristina Teixeira; Atividade antimicrobiana das folhas de duas variedades de Oliveira e a contextualização deste coproduto da produção paulista e mundial de azeite de oliva., 08/2017, Intellectus. Revista Acadêmica Digital da Faculdade de Jaguariúna,Vol. 37, Fac. -, pp.63-83, Sumaré, SP, Brasil, 2017
  VALENTE, magno sávio ferreira; CHAVES, F. C. M.; LOPES, maria teresa gomes; OKA, jaisson myiosi; RODRIGUES, Rodney Alexandre F.; Crop yield, genetic parameter estimation and selection of sacha inchi in central Amazon, 01/2017, Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical (Impresso),Vol. 47, pp.226-236, Goiania, GO, Brasil, 2017
Circulação Internacional
  BREDA, Caroline A; MORGADO, Daniella L; ASSIS, O B G; DUARTE, Marta Cristina Teixeira; BREDA, C. A.; Processing and characterization of chitosan films with incorporation of ethanolic extract from -Pequi- peels, 11/2017, Macromolecular Research,Vol. 25, Fac. 11, pp.1049-1056, Seoul, Coréia do Sul, 2017
  GOULART, T. M.; SILVA, Flavia; MACHADO, Vicente; OLIVEIRA, Wanderson; CASTRO, Camila; VILLA NOVA RODRIGUES, Marili; PINTO, Mara Cristina; PINTO, Mara Cristina; Breeding protocol for the sand fly Nyssomyia neivai (Diptera: Psychodidae) in laboratory conditions, 10/2017, Acta Tropica,Vol. 174, pp.102-105, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017
  ANGELIS, D. A.; Comparative Genomics of Sibling Species of Fonsecaea Associated with Human Chromoblastomycosis, 10/2017, Frontiers in Microbiology (Online),Vol. 8, pp.184-204, Lausanne, Suiça, 2017
  R SANTOS, Anderson; S. BENTHI, Thalita Gilda; NEPEL, Angelina; MARQUES, Marques, F A; LOBÃO, Adriana Q; DUARTE, Marta Cristina Teixeira; RUIZ, A.L.T.G.; CARVALHO, J. E.; LAMEIRO NORONHA SALES, Beatriz Helena; Antiproliferative and antibacterial activities of essential oils from four species of, 09/2017, Chemistry & Biodiversity,Vol. 14, Fac. -, pp.1-6, Weinheim, Alemanha, 2017 *
  COSTA, J. H.; COSTA, B. Z.; ANGELIS, D. A.; MARSAIOLI, A.J.; Monoamine oxidase and transaminase screening: biotransformation of 2-methyl-6-alkylpiperidines by Neopestalotiopsis sp CBMAI 2030, 08/2017, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,Vol. 101, Fac. 15, pp.6061-6070, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2017 *
  MERZEL, V.M.O.; Diversity of aromatic hydroxylating dioxygenase genes in mangrove microbiome and their biogeographic patterns across global sites, 08/2017, MicrobiologyOpen,Vol. 6, pp.490-490, Chichester, Reino Unido, 2017
  SETTI, AS; BRAGA, DPAF; MONTANNI, DA; CABRAL, EC; EBERLIN, M.N.; LO TURCO, E. G.; BORGES, E.G.; Non-invasive prediction of blastocyst implantation and live birth by day three embryo culture medium lipid fingerprinting, 07/2017, Human Reproduction (Oxford. Print),Vol. 32, Fac., pp.74-74, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2017 *
  RAJCA FERREIRA, Agnieszka; KANEKO, Telma; SARTORATTO, A.; MORAIS, DR; EBERLIN, M.N.; SANTOS LOPES, Patricia; SUFFREDINI, I.B.; MORENO, Paulo; Antimicrobial, antioxidant, antitumor activities of Guatteria elliptica R. E. Fries (Annonaceae) alkaloids and their safety, 07/2017, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,Vol. 8, Fac. 7, pp.1130-1135, Gurgaon, Índia, 2017 *
  NUNES, J. H. B.; PAIVA, P. P.; RUIZ, A.L.T.G.; CARVALHO, J. E.; CORBI, PP; A platinum(II) complex with the antitumor drug 5-fluorouracil: synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and biological assays, 07/2017, JBIC. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (Print),Vol. 22, Fac., pp.93-93, Heidelberg, Albânia, 2017 *
  CÂNDIDO, T. Z.; RUIZ, A.L.T.G.; TINTI, SV; ABBEHAUSEN, C.; CORBI, PP; CARVALHO, J. E.; LIMA, C. S. P.; Antiproliferative screening of Gold, Palladium and Silver Metallic Complexes, 07/2017, Psychiatry Research,Vol. 22, pp.65-65, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017 *
  MERZEL, V.M.O.; Taxonomic and functional patterns across soil microbial communities of global biomes, 07/2017, Science of the Total Environment,Vol. 609, pp.1064-1074, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017
  SANTOS, B. F.; N. PONEZI, Alexandre; FILETI, Ana Maria Frattini; Development of Artificial Intelligence Models to Monitor Biosurfactant Concentration in Real-Time using Waste as Substrate in Bioreactor Through Fermentation by Bacillus Subtilis, 06/2017, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 57, pp.1009-1014, Sorrento, Itália, 2017 *
  GONÇALVES, N. D.; PENA, F. L.; SARTORATTO, A.; DERLAMELINA, Camila; DUARTE, Marta Cristina Teixeira; ANTUNES, A. E. C.; SOARES, A. S. P.; Encapsulated thyme (Thymus vulgaris) essential oil used as a natural preservative in bakery product, 06/2017, Food Research International,Vol. 96, Fac., pp.154-160, Barking, Reino Unido, 2017 *
  GROENEWALD, J.Z.; PAGNOCCA, F. C.; ANGELIS, D. A.; Riding with the ants, 06/2017, Persoonia (Leiden),Vol. 38, Fac. 1, pp.81-99, Leiden, Holanda, 2017
  LEÃO, BCS; FRIGONI, NASR; NOGUEIRA, E; CABRAL, EC; FERREIRA, Christina R.; EBERLIN, M.N.; ACCORSI, MF; NEVES, TV; MINGOTI, GZ; Membrane lipid profile of in vitro-produced embryos is affected by vitrification but not by long-term dietary supplementation of polyunsaturated fatty acids for oocyte donor beef heifers, 06/2017, Reproduction, Fertility and Development,Vol. 29, Fac. 6, pp.1217-1230, Canberra, Austrália, 2017 *
  DELFORNO, T. P.; LACERDA JÚNIOR, G. V.; GARCIA, Isabel Natalia Sierra; OKADA, D. Y.; MACEDO, T. Z.; VARESCHE, Maria Bernadete Amâncio; OLIVEIRA, V.M.; OKADA, D. Y.; Metagenomic analysis of the microbiome in three different bioreactor configurations applied to commercial laundry wastewater treatment, 06/2017, Science of the Total Environment,Vol. 587-588, pp.389-398, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017 *
  SANTANA PRATA, Paloma; AUGUSTO, F.; FUKUDA, K.; ALEME, H. G.; DUARTE, R. M. T.; DUARTE, Marta Cristina Teixeira; SARTORATTO, A.; POPPI, R.J.; Screening da atividade antimicótica de Mentha sp. por cromatografia gasosa bidimensional abrangente combinada a análise de dados multivariada, 06/2017, Scientia Chromatographica,Vol. 9, Fac. 1, pp.41-54, Rua Atibaia, 52 - Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2017 *
  MERZEL, V.M.O.; Functional metagenomics of oil-impacted mangrove sediments reveals high abundance of hydrolases of biotechnological interest, 06/2017, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology,Vol. 33, pp.141-141, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2017
  MENEZES, C. B. A.; AFONSO, R. S.; DE SOUZA, W.; PARMA, M.M.; MELO, Itamar Soares de; ZUCCHI, Tiago Domingues; FANTINATTI-GARBOGGINI, Fabiana; Williamsia spongiae sp. nov., an actinomycete isolated from the marine sponge Amphimedon viridis, 05/2017, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (Print),Vol. 67, Fac. 5, pp.1260-1265, Reading, Inglaterra, 2017
  BUGNOTTO PEREIRA, Camila; CRISTINE KANUNFRE, Carla; FARAGO, Paulo Vitor; BORSATO, Débora Maria; MANFRON BUDEL, Jane; NORONHA SALES, Beatriz Helena L.; CAMPESATTO, Eliane Aparecida; SARTORATTO, A.; DALLARMI MIGUEL, Marilis; GOMES MIGUEL, Obdulio; Cytotoxic mechanism of Baccharis milleflora (Less.) DC. essential oil, 05/2017, Toxicology in Vitro,Vol. 42, pp.214-221, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2017
  VENANCIO, P. C.; FIGUEROBA, Sidney Raimundo; NANI, B. D.; FERREIRA, L. E. N.; MUNIZ, B. V.; FIOL, Fernando de Sá Del; SARTORATTO, A.; RIBEIRO ROSA, Edvaldo Antonio; GROPPO, FRANCISCO CARLOS; Antimicrobial Activity of Two Garlic Species (Allium Sativum and A. Tuberosum) Against Staphylococci Infection. In Vivo Study in Rats, 04/2017, Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin,Vol. 7, Fac. 1, pp.115-121, Tabriz, Irã, 2017 *
  BARBOSA, P. P. M.; SPERANZA, P.; OHARA, A.; SILVA, É. B.; ANGELIS, D. A.; MACEDO, G. A.; OHARA, A.; Fungi from Brazilian Savannah and Atlantic rainforest show high antibacterial and antifungal activity, 04/2017, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology,Vol. 10, pp.1-8, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017 *
  PENA, F. L.; SARTORATTO, A.; DUARTE, Marta Cristina Teixeira; ANTUNES, A. E. C.; GONÇALVES, N. D.; DELARMELINA, C.; SOARES, A. S. P.; Encapsulated thyme ( Thymus vulgaris ) essential oil used as a natural preservative in bakery product, 03/2017, Food Research International,Vol. 96, pp.154-160, Barking, Reino Unido, 2017 *
  SILVA, I.C. da; FOGLIO, M. A.; MAGALHÃES, Pedro Melillo de; SOUSA, I. M. O.; LEONARDECZ, E.; ESTEVES, S. N.; CHAGAS, A.C.S.; Anthelmintic activity of Artemisia annua in sheep-model, 02/2017, Journal of Medicinal Plant Research,Vol. 11, Fac. 7, pp.137-143, Lagos, Nigéria, 2017 *
  MERZEL, V.M.O.; Microbial diversity of a full-scale UASB reactor applied to poultry slaughterhouse wastewater treatment: integration of 16S rRNA gene amplicon and shotgun metagenomic sequencing, 02/2017, MicrobiologyOpen,Vol. 6, pp.443-443, Chichester, Reino Unido, 2017
  MERZEL, V.M.O.; Metagenomic analysis of the microbiome in three different bioreactor configurations applied to commercial laundry wastewater treatment, 02/2017, Science of the Total Environment,Vol. 587, pp.389-398, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017
  FERREIRA, J. F.; SANTOS, B. F.; N. PONEZI, Alexandre; TAMBOURGI, Elias Basile; SECATO, Juliana; Optimization Techniques and Development of Neural Models Applied in Biosurfactant Production by Bacillus subtilis Using Alternative Substrates, 01/2017, Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology,Vol. 08, Fac. 10, pp.343-360, Irvine, Estados Unidos da América, 2017 *
  SANTOS, A.R.; BENGHI, T. G. S.; NEPEL, A.; MARQUES, Francisco A.; LOBÃO, Adriana Q; DUARTE, Marta Cristina Teixeira; RUIZ, A.L.T.G.; CARVALHO, J. E.; NORONHA SALES, Beatriz Helena L.; Antiproliferative and Antibacterial Activities of Essential Oils from Four Species of, 01/2017, Chemistry & Biodiversity (Print),Vol. 14, pp.1-6, Weinheim, Alemanha, 2017 *
  BITENCOURT, RG; CORREA, H. A. M.; BITENCOURT, R. G.; KAYANO, A. C. A. V.; MAGALHÃES, Pedro Melillo de; COSTA, F. T. M.; CABRAL, Fernando Antonio; Integrated extraction process to obtain bioactive extracts of Artemisia annua L. leaves using supercritical CO2, ethanol and water, 01/2017, Industrial Crops and Products (Print),Vol. 95, pp.535-542, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017 *
  REÁTEGUI, J. L. P.; BARRALES, F. M.; REZENDE, C. A.; QUEIROGA, Carmen; MARTINEZ, J.; Production of Copaiba oleoresin particles from emulsions stabilized with modified starches, 01/2017, Industrial Crops and Products (Print),Vol. 108, pp.128-139, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2017 *
  STECKELBERG, Claudia; KITAKA, P.R.; ANDRIETTA, Silvio Roberto; ANDRIETTA, Graca; dominance and persistence of PE strains (Saccharomyces sensu stricto) in Brazilian Bioethanol fermentation tanks (one unit,four seasons, 01/2017, International journal of emerging technology and research,Vol. 3, pp.1-1, Índia, 2017
  BASTOS, L A. D.; UETA, Marlene Tiduko; REHDER, Vera Lúcia Garcia; PINTO, Mara Cristina; MENDES, T.; ALLEGRETTI, S. M.; Ethanolic extracts of different fruit trees and their activity against Strongyloides venezuelensis, 01/2017, International Journal of Modern Biological Research,Vol. 1, Fac. 1, pp.1-10, Southport, Reino Unido, 2017 *
  BREDA, Caroline A; MORGADO, Daniella L; ASSIS, O B G; DUARTE, Marta Cristina Teixeira; Effect of chitosan coating enriched with pequi ( C aryocar brasiliense Camb.) peel extract on quality and safety of tomatoes ( L ycopersicon esculentum Mill.) during storage, 01/2017, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,Vol. 41, Fac. 6, West Port, Estados Unidos da América, 2017
  MONROY, Y. M.; RODRIGUES, Rodney Alexandre F.; VILLA NOVA RODRIGUES, Marili; SANT'ANA, A. S.; BEATRIZ S SILVA, Beatriz S.Silva; CABRAL, Fernando Antonio; RODRIGUES, R. A. F.; Brazilian green propolis extracts obtained by conventional processes and by processes at high pressure with supercritical carbon dioxide, ethanol and water, 01/2017, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids,Vol. 130, pp.189-197, Cincinnati, Estados Unidos da América, 2017 *
  PAULA, JT; QUEIROGA, Carmen L; CORREA, H. A. M.; KAYANO, A. C. A. V.; QUEIROGA, Carmen; MAGALHÃES, Pedro Melillo de; COSTA, F. T. M.; CABRAL, Fernando Antonio; Composition and antimalarial activity of extracts of Curcuma longa L. obtained by a combination of extraction processes using supercritical CO2, ethanol and water as solvents, 01/2017, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids,Vol. 119, pp.122-129, Cincinnati, Estados Unidos da América, 2017 *
  ANDRIETTA, Graca; STECKELBERG, Claudia; KITAKA, P.R.; GOLDBECK, R.; ANDRIETTA, Silvio Roberto; yeast from ethanol production source of SCP (Single Cell Protein), 01/2017, WJRR: World Journal of Research and Review,Vol. 4, pp.1-1, Jaipur, Índia, 2017 *
  ANDRIETTA, Graca; STECKELBERG, Claudia; KITAKA, Patricia; GOLDBECK, R.; ANDRIETTA, S.R.; Yeast from Ethanol Production ? Source of SCP (Single Cell Protein), 01/2017, WJRR: World Journal of Research and Review,Vol. 4, pp.87-89, Jaipur, Índia, 2017 *
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