DDPP - Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Faculdade de Engenharia Química
Departamento Desenvolvimento de Processos e Produtos
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
CAROLINE PEREIRA RODRIGO, Isabella; KAASI, A.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; MUNHOZ, A. L. J.; GABRIEL, L. P.; Cardiac tissue engineering: current state-of-the-art materials, cells and tissue formation, 09/2018, Einstein (São Paulo),Vol. 16, pp.1-9, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2018 *
Circulação Internacional
LINAN, L. Z.; LIMA, N. M. N.; BENATTI, C.; XAVIER, M.; RODRIGUES, A. A.; MANENTI, F; MUNHOZ, A. L. J.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; GILIOLI, Rovilson; Cytotoxicity Assessment of a Poly(methyl methacrylate) Synthesized for the Direct Fabrication of Bone Tissues, 12/2018, Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Online),Vol. 61, pp.1-13, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2018 *
COSTA, J. M.; NEPEL, T. C. M.; ALMEIDA NETO, A. F.; Influence of current density and W concentration on Co-W alloys used as catalysts in electrodes for Li-O2 batteries, 12/2018, Chemical Papers (Online),Vol. 69, pp.316-317, Bratislava, Eslováquia, 2018
OLIVEIRA, M. F.; SOUZA, V. M.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; Fixed-Bed Adsorption of Caffeine onto Thermally Modified Verde-lodo Bentonite, 12/2018, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Vol. 57, Fac. 51, pp.17480-17487, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2018
FREITAS, E. D.; VIDART, J. M. M.; SILVA, E. A.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; Development of mucoadhesive sericin/alginate particles loaded with ibuprofen for sustained drug delivery, 12/2018, Particuology: science and technology of particles,Vol. 41, pp.65-73, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2018
G. SAUSEN, Mateus; SCHEUFELE, Fabiano Bisinella; ALVES, H.J.; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; H. BORBA, F.; BORBA, C. E.; Efficiency maximization of fixed-bed adsorption by applying hybrid statistical-phenomenological modeling, 12/2018, Separation and Purification Technology (Print),Vol. 207, pp.477-488, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
JESUS, SERGIO SANTOS DE; FERREIRA, G. F.; FREGOLENTE, L. V.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; FREGOLENTE, LV; Laboratory extraction of microalgal lipids using sugarcane bagasse derived green solvents, 11/2018, Algal Research: biology, biomass and biofuels,Vol. 35, pp.292-300, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2018
DAMACENO, D. S.; JESUS, E. P.; CERIANI, R.; DAMACENO, DS; Experimental data and prediction of normal boiling points of partial acylglycerols, 11/2018, Fuel (Guildford),Vol. 232, pp.470-475, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
PADILHA, G. S.; CAMPOS, V. A. B.; COSTA, M. C.; FRANCO, Telma Teixeira; COSTA, M.C.; Multi-walled carbon nanotubes used as support for lipase from Burkholderia cepacia, 11/2018, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,Vol. 134, Fac. 2, pp.1021-1029, Dordrecht, Estados Unidos da América, 2018 *
MEILI, Lucas; GODOY, R. P. S.; SOLETTI, João Inácio; CARVALHO, S.H.V.; RIBEIRO, L. M. O.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; GIMENES, Marcelino L.; Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Stump Biochar: Physical/Chemical Characteristics and Dye Affinity, 10/2018, Chemical Engineering Communications (Print),Vol. 2, pp.1-13, Abingdom, Reino Unido, 2018
SILVA, J. F. L.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Comparison of Extraction Solvents in the Recovery of Levulinic Acid from Biomass Hydrolysate Using a Group Contribution Method, 10/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 69, pp.373-378, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
KOMESU, A.; OLIVEIRA, J. A. R.; MARTINS, L. H. S.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Effect of Operating Conditions and Split Ratio for Lactic Acid Purification by Short Path Evaporation System, 10/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 69, pp.601-606, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
SILVA, J. F. L.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Optimization of High Temperature Reactive Distillation for Production of Ethyl Levulinate, 10/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 69, pp.379-384, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
FREGOLENTE, L. V.; VENTURELLI, H. C. A.; RODRIGUES, J.; SILVA, E. M.; DINIZ, I. S.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Project-Based Learning Applied to Distillation and Absorption Education: Integration Between Industry and a Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Course, 10/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 69, pp.427-432, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
SANTOS, N. T. G.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; Development of novel sericin and alginate-based biosorbents for precious metals removal from wastewater, 10/2018, Environmental Science and Pollution Research International,Vol. 25, pp.16533-16548, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2018
TANNOUS, Katia; MITRI, A. G.; MIZONOV, Vadim; EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF FLUID DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF BIOMASS PARTICLES IN FLUIDIZED BEDS: A REVIEW, 10/2018, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Seriya Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya: nauchno-tekhnicheskii zhurnal,Vol. 61, Fac. 9-10, pp.4-14, Ivanovo, Rússia, 2018
VIDART, J. M. M.; SILVA, T. L.; ROSA, P. C. P.; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; Development of sericin/alginate particles by ionic gelation technique for the controlled release of diclofenac sodium, 10/2018, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Print),Vol. 135, pp.45919-45931, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2018 *
PERINA, H; SANTOS, K. A; FIORESE, M. L.; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; SILVA, E. A.; SCHEUFELE, Fabiano Bisinella; BORBA, C. E.; Oil Extraction from Rana catesbeiana by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Mechanical Pressing, 10/2018, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society,Vol. 95, pp.1575-1585, Champaign, Estados Unidos da América, 2018
GERALDO, V. C.; EDUARDO, Toledo; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; BONOMI, Antonio Maria Francisco Luiz; MORAIS, Edvaldo; DE TOLEDO, Eduardo C. vasco; Sugar Extraction via Moving-Bed Diffusers in Ethanol Production Industry: Phenomenological Modeling and Finite-Volumes Simulation, 09/2018, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Vol. 57, Fac. 41, pp.13769-13782, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2018
COSTA, Camila Stefanne Dias; QUEIROZ, Bruno Galdeano Mello; LANDERS, R.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; Equilibrium study of binary mixture biosorption of Cr(III) and Zn(II) by dealginated seaweed waste: investigation of adsorption mechanisms using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis, 08/2018, Environmental Science and Pollution Research International,Vol. 119, pp.135-146, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2018 *
DAMACENO, D. S.; A. PEREDERIC, Olivia; CERIANI, R.; M. KONTOGEORGIS, Georgios; GANI, R.; Improvement of predictive tools for vapor-liquid equilibrium based on group contribution methods applied to lipid technology, 08/2018, Fluid Phase Equilibria,Vol. 470, pp.249-258, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2018
MAXIMO, G. J.; MAGALHÃES, A. M. S.; GONÇALVES, M. M.; ESPERANÇA, E. S.; COSTA, M. C.; MEIRELLES, Antonio J.de Almeida; COUTINHO, João; Improving the cold flow behavior of methyl biodiesel by blending it with ethyl esters, 08/2018, Fuel (Guildford),Vol. 226, pp.87-92, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018 *
BONHIVERS, J. C.; MOUSSAVI, A; HACKL, R; MARIANO, A. P.; REDDICK, J C; SORIN, M; STUART, P R; Analysis of Heat Cascade Through Process Components to Reduce the Energy Consumption in Industrial Systems, 08/2018, Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability,Vol. 21, Fac. 4, pp.466-467, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2018
GOLDEMBERG, J.; SOUZA, G. M.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; CANTARELLA, Heitor; SOUZA, G. M.; Scaling up biofuels? A critical look at expectations performance and governance, 07/2018, Energy Policy,Vol. 118, pp.655-657, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
OLIVEIRA, R. A.; ROSSELL, C. E. V.; VÊNUS, J; RABELO, S. C.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Detoxification of sugarcane-derived hemicellulosic hydrolysate using a lactic acid producing strain, 07/2018, Journal of Biotechnology,Vol. 278, pp.56-63, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2018
VIEIRA, M. G. A.; Use of supercritical CO2 and ultrasound-assisted extractions to obtain α / β -amyrin-rich extracts from uvaia leaves (Eugenia pyriformis Cambess.), 07/2018, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids,Vol. 137, pp.1-8, Cincinnati, Estados Unidos da América, 2018
ORTIZ, P. A. S.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Comparative Performance Indexes for Ethanol Production Based on Autonomous and Annexed Sugarcane Plants, 06/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.625-630, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
FERREIRA, G. F.; FERNANDES, D.; PINTO, L. F. R.; TASIC, MARIJA; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Investigation of Desmodesmus Sp. Growth in Photobioreactor Using Vinasse as a Carbon Source., 06/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.721-726, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
LANZIANO, C. A. S.; COSTA, M. M.; F. MOYA, Silvia; BARRETT, D.H.; RODELLA, C. B.; GUIRARDELLO, Reginaldo; Ni/TiO2 catalysts for liquid-phase hydrogenation of levulinic acid to gama-valerolactone, 06/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.139-144, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
SOEIRO, T. N.; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; GUIRARDELLO, Reginaldo; Optimization of the particle diameter profile in a fixed bed for separation of gama-valerolactona, 06/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.583-588, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
MOTTA, I. L.; MIRANDA, N. T.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Sugarcane Bagasse Gasification: Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Operating Effects in a Steam-oxygen-blown Fluidized Bed Using Aspen Plus, 06/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.169-174, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
JUNQUEIRA, T. L.; CHAGAS, Mateus; WATANABE, M. D. B.; SOUZA, N.R.D.; DAYAN FARIAS DE JESUS, Charles; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; BONOMI, A.; Sustainable Production of Food and Bioenergy: Techno-economic and Environmental Assessment of Sugarcane Ethanol and Livestock Integration, 06/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.631-636, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
FREGOLENTE, P. B. L.; GONÇALVES, H. L.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; FREGOLENTE, L. V.; Swelling Degree and Diffusion Parameters of Poly(Sodium Acrylate-Co-Acrylamide) Hydrogel for Removal of Water Content From Biodiesel, 06/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.445-450, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
MARQUES, F. H.; GUIRARDELLO, Reginaldo; Thermodynamic analysis for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using biomass, 06/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.397-402, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
ESPERANÇA, E. S.; BONATTO, M. S.; SHIMAMOTO, G. G.; TUBINO, M.; COSTA, M. C.; MEIRELLES, Antonio J.de Almeida; MAXIMO, G. J.; Phase behavior of cholesterol in mixtures with hypo- and hypercholesterolemic lipids, 06/2018, Food & Function,Vol. 9, Fac. 6, pp.3447-3455, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2018 *
MOTTA, I. L.; MIRANDA, N. T.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; Biomass gasification in fluidized beds: A review of biomass moisture content and operating pressure effects, 06/2018, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,Vol. 94, pp.998-1023, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
OLIVEIRA, R. A.; KOMESU, A.; ROSSELL, C. E. V.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Concentrating second-generation lactic acid from sugarcane bagasse via hybrid short path evaporation: Operational challenges, 06/2018, Separation and Purification Technology (Print),Vol. 209, pp.26-31, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
OLIVEIRA, R. A.; KOMESU, A.; ROSSELL, C. E. V.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Challenges and opportunities in lactic acid bioprocess design-From economic to production aspects, 05/2018, Biochemical Engineering Journal,Vol. 133, pp.219-239, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2018
CABALLERO, D. M. Y.; BIEGLER, Lorenz T.; GUIRARDELLO, Reginaldo; Large-Scale DAE-Constrained Optimization Applied to a Modified Spouted Bed Reactor for Ethylene Production from Methane, 05/2018, Computers & Chemical Engineering,Vol. 113, pp.162-183, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
LANZIANO, C. A. S.; F. MOYA, Silvia; BARRETT, D.H.; GUIRARDELLO, Reginaldo; SILVA, F.S.; RINALDI SOBRINHO, R.; RODELLA, C. B.; Hybrid-organic-inorganic anatase as a bifunctional catalyst for enhanced production of HMF from glucose in water, 03/2018, Chemistry & Sustainability Energy & Materials,Vol. 11, Fac. 5, pp.872-880, Weinheim, Alemanha, 2018
PINTO, L. F. R.; MARTINEZ, A; KLEIN, B. C.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Comparison of Growth and Lipid Accumulation at Three Different Growth Regimes with Desmodesmus sp., 03/2018, Waste and Biomass Valorization,Vol. 9, Fac. 3, pp.421-427, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2018
CALDEIRA QUINTINO PEREIRA, Guilherme; BRAZ, D. S.; HAMAGUCHI, Marcelo; CHUKWUEMEKA EZEJI, Thaddeus; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; MARIANO, A. P.; Process design and economics of a flexible ethanol-butanol plant annexed to a eucalyptus kraft pulp mill, 02/2018, Bioresource Technology,Vol. 250, pp.345-354, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2018
CALDEIRA QUINTINO PEREIRA, Guilherme; BRAZ, D. S.; HAMAGUCHI, Marcelo; CHUKWUEMEKA EZEJI, Thaddeus; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; MARIANO, A. P.; Process design and economics of a flexible ethanol-butanol plant annexed to a eucalyptus kraft pulp mill, 02/2018, Bioresource Technology,Vol. ., pp.345-354, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2018
OLIVEIRA, R. A.; KOMESU, A.; ROSSELL, C. E. V.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Evaluation of Hybrid Short Path Evaporation to Concentrate Lactic Acid and Sugars from Fermentation, 02/2018, Bioresources (Raleigh, N.C),Vol. 13, pp.2187-2203, North Carolina, Estados Unidos da América, 2018 *
SCALCON, Araceli; SONE, Ana Paula; JOHANN, Gracielle; GIMENES, Marcelino L.; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; Shrinkage of digested sludge from gelatin production, 02/2018, Drying Technology,Vol. 36, Fac. 13, pp.1603-1618, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2018
ANDRADE, Júlia Resende de; OLIVEIRA, M. F.; SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; Adsorption of Pharmaceuticals from Water and Wastewater Using Nonconventional Low-Cost Materials: A Review, 02/2018, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Vol. 57, Fac. 9, pp.3103-3127, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2018
DIAS, T. P. V. B.; LUNELLI, B. H.; HIRATA, G. A. M.; MIELKE NETO, P.; FOLLEGATTI-ROMERO, L. A.; BATISTA, E. A. C.; MEIRELLES, Antonio J.de Almeida; Kinetics of Ethyl Ester Production from Soybean and Sunflower Oils Catalyzed by Sodium Ethoxide, 02/2018, International Journal of Engineering Research & Science,Vol. 4, pp.19-27, Bikaner, Índia, 2018 *
RIBEIRO, Caroline; SCHEUFELE, Fabiano Bisinella; ESPINOZA-QUIÑ, Fernando Rodolfo; MODENES, Aparecido; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; KROUMOV, AD; BORBA, C. E.; A comprehensive evaluation of heavy metals removal from battery industry wastewaters by applying bio-residue, mineral and commercial adsorbent materials, 02/2018, Journal of Materials Science,Vol. 41, pp.98-118, London, Reino Unido, 2018
HIJO, A. A. C. T.; MAXIMO, G. J.; LOPES DA CUNHA, Rosiane; CARDOSO, L. P.; PEREIRA, Jorge Fernando Brandão Pereira; COSTA, M. C.; BATISTA, E. A. C.; MEIRELLES, Antonio J.de Almeida; Phase equilibrium and physical properties of biobased ionic liquid mixtures, 02/2018, PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print),Vol. 20, Fac. 9, pp.6469-6479, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2018 *
PANIZ FLEIG, Olivia; LOPES, E. S.; RIVERA, E. A. C.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; TOVAR, L. P.; Concept of rice husk biorefining for levulinic acid production integrating three steps: Multi-response optimization, new perceptions and limitations, 02/2018, Process Biochemistry,Vol. 65, pp.146-156, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2018
PANIZ FLEIG, Olivia; LOPES, E. S.; RIVERA, E. A. C.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; TOVAR, L. P.; Concept of rice husk biorefining for levulinic acid production integrating three steps: Multi-response optimization, new perceptions and limitations, 02/2018, Process Biochemistry,Vol. 63, pp.22-33, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2018
KLEIN, B. C.; BONOMI, Antonio Maria Francisco Luiz; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; BONOMI, A.; Integration of microalgae production with industrial biofuel facilities: A critical review, 02/2018, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,Vol. 82, pp.1376-1392, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
KLEIN, B. C.; BONOMI, Antonio Maria Francisco Luiz; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Integration of microalgae production with industrial biofuel facilities: A critical review, 02/2018, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,Vol. 82, pp.1-16, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
ASSUMPÇÃO, D. C.; SCHIAVON, M. I. R. B.; MARIANO, A. P.; MACIEL, Maria Regina Wolf; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Investigation for Sustainable Polymers - Insights for the Use Glycerol as a Biorefinery Product for the Synthesis of Monomers and Polymers, 01/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.703-708, Sorrento, Itália, 2018
VIOLARO, F. A. R.; RIVERA, E. A. C.; TORO, L. A. A.; Multivariable Model Predictive Control of a Continuous Fermentation Unit for First-Generation Ethanol Production, 01/2018, Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 65, pp.67-72, Sorrento, Itália, 2018 *
SOUZA, FM; LAZARIN, A. M.; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; ANDREO DOS SANTOS, Onélia Aparecida; Kinetic, Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Study on Atrazine Adsorption in Organophilic Clay, 01/2018, Desalination and Water Treatment (Online),Vol. 123, pp.240-252, Hopkinton, MA, Estados Unidos da América, 2018
OLIVEIRA, R. A.; ROSSELL, C. E. V.; LUNELLI, B. H.; SCHICHI, P.O.M.; VÊNUS, J; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; Different Strategies to Improve Lactic Acid Productivity based on Microorganism Physiology and Optimum Operating Conditions, 01/2018, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Vol. 3, pp.1-30, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2018
HOMRICH, P. O. B.; DIAS, L. G.; MARIUTTI, L. R. B.; BRAGAGNOLO, N.; CERIANI, R.; Liquid-liquid equilibria and density data for pseudoternary systems of refined soybean oil + (hexanal, or heptanal, or butyric acid, or valeric acid, or caproic acid, or caprylic acid) + dimethyl sulfoxide at 298.15 K, 01/2018, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,Vol. 131, pp.149-158, London, Reino Unido, 2018 *
FREITAS, E. D.; ALMEIDA, H. J.; ALMEIDA NETO, A. F.; VIEIRA, M. G. A.; Continuous adsorption of silver and copper by Verde-lodo bentonite in a fixed bed flow-through column, 01/2018, Journal of Cleaner Production,Vol. 171, pp.613-621, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
BÉRE, M.; MACIEL FILHO, Rubens; SILVA, C.C.; SARVEZUK, P.W.C.; WU, L.M.; ANTUNES, L. H. M.; MUNHOZ, A. L. J.; FEITOSA, A.L.M.; ILKOVÁ, J.; ABREU, H. F. G.; JARDINI, A. L.; FILHO, R.M.; Mechanical and phase transformation behaviour of biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloy fabricated by direct metal laser sintering, 01/2018, Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: properties, microstructure and processing,Vol. 714, pp.36-42, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2018
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