ano 2018
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DBANI - Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
Instituto de Biologia
Departamento Biologia Animal
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos

Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
  TAUMATURGO, T. Z. B. (Autor); LOPES, A. C. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); II Seminário Internacional de Gestão de Acervos Científicos, (06/08/2018 a 10/08/2018), João Pessoa, PB, Brasil, Oral:"A coleção de Lepidoptera do Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas 'Adão José Cardoso', São Paulo, Brasil".
  AMARAL, A. C. Z. (Autor); V simposio Latinoamericano de Polychaeta, (17/07/2018 a 19/07/2018), San José, Costa Rica, Oral:"Desafios e oportunidades para a conservação da biodiversidade de poliquetas no Brasil".
  SILVA, C. F. (Autor); AMARAL, A. C. Z. (Autor); V simposio Latinoamericano de Polychaeta, (17/07/2018 a 19/07/2018), San José, Costa Rica, Oral:"Scyphoproctus Gravier 1904 (Annelida: Capitellidae) along the Brazilian coast with descripition of three new species".
  PIRES, M. M. (Docente); GALETTI, M. (Autor); The 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conserv, (01/07/2018 a 05/07/2018), Kuching, Malásia, Oral:"The multiple states of mammalian communities in the Anthropocene".
  OLIVEIRA, P. S. (Autor); XVIIIth International Congress of IUSSI, (05/08/2018 a 10/08/2018), Guarujá, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Canopy-dwelling Odontomachus ants in Atlantic rainforest: Their behavior, ecology, and effects on nest plants".
  OLIVEIRA, V. da L. (Autor); YAMASHIRO-KANASHIRO, E. H. (Autor); ROCHA, M. C. (Autor); COTRIM, PAULO CESAR (Autor); COELHO, A. C. (Autor); XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology / XLV Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease, (05/11/2018 a 07/11/2018), Caxambu, MG, Brasil, Poster:"Investigation of susceptibility to paromomycin in isolates of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum".
  FERREIRA, B. A. (Autor); YAMASHIRO-KANASHIRO, E. H. (Autor); ROCHA, M. C. (Autor); COTRIM, PAULO CESAR (Autor); COELHO, A. C. (Autor); XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology / XLV Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease, (05/11/2018 a 07/11/2018), Caxambu, MG, Brasil, Poster:"Miltefosine susceptibility of isolates of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum from dogs of the municipality of Embu-Guaçu, Brazil".
  COSER, E. M. (Autor); YAMASHIRO-KANASHIRO, E. H. (Autor); LINDOSO, J. A. L. (Autor); COELHO, A. C. (Autor); XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology / XLV Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease, (05/11/2018 a 07/11/2018), Caxambu, MG, Brasil, Poster:"Paromomycin susceptibility of Brazilian clinical isolates of Leishmania spp. responsible for tegumentary disease".
  ESPADA, CAROLINE R. (Autor); ULIANA, Silvia R.B. Silvia R.B. (Autor); CARVALHO FILHO, E.M. (Autor); PAULA, P. R. M. (Autor); SCHRIEFER, N.A.B. (Autor); HORNILLOS, V. (Autor); ACUNA, A.U. (Autor); MAGALHÃES, R. D. M. (Autor); CRUZ, Angela Kaysel (Autor); COELHO, A. C. (Autor); XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology / XLV Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease, (05/11/2018 a 07/11/2018), Caxambu, MG, Brasil, Poster:"Unveiling the pathways related to intrinsic miltefosine tolerance in Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis clinical isolates: take it in and die.".
  PIFFER, A. B. (Autor); FESTUCCIA, W. T. (Autor); MIGUEL, D. C. (Autor); XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology / XLV Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease, (05/11/2018 a 07/11/2018), Caxambu, MG, Brasil, Poster:"FABP4 AND PPAR-GAMMA INVOLVEMENT IN L. (L.) AMAZONENSIS-INFECTED MACROPHAGES".
  GRAZZIA, N. (Autor); JUNIOR, S. B. (Autor); GARCIA, V L (Autor); MIGUEL, D. C. (Autor); XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology / XLV Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease, (05/11/2018 a 07/11/2018), Caxambu, MG, Brasil, Poster:"INVESTIGATION OF ARTEMISININ AND ITS DERIVATIVES ACTIVITY AGAINST LEISHMANIA (VIANNIA) BRAZILIENSIS".
  COSTA, M. B. (Autor); VIEIRA, K. C. M. (Autor); MARUYAMA, V. M. (Autor); MIGUEL, D. C. (Autor); XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology / XLV Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease, (05/11/2018 a 07/11/2018), Caxambu, MG, Brasil, Poster:"L. (L.) AMAZONENSIS MACROPHAGIC INFECTION IS MEDIATED BY THE FATTY ACID BINDING PROTEIN TYPE 4".
  FERREIRA, B. A. (Autor); YAMASHIRO-KANASHIRO, E. H. (Autor); ROCHA, M. C. (Autor); COTRIM, PAULO CESAR (Autor); COELHO, A. C. (Autor); XXVI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, (21/08/2018 a 21/08/2018), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Miltefosine susceptibility of isolates of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum from dogs of the municipality of Embu-Guaçu".
  OLIVEIRA, DC (Autor); RUGGERI-GOMES, J. (Autor); TOLEDO, L. F. (Autor); XXVI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, (21/08/2018 a 21/08/2018), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Relação entre a sazonalidade e prevalência do fungo Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis em girinos do estado de São Paulo".
  PABLOS, J.L. (Autor); SILVA, A. K. (Autor); SILVA, KARINA LUCAS DA (Autor); SOUZA, A. P. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); International Congress of Genetics 2018, (10/09/2018 a 14/09/2018), Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brasil, Poster:"Genetic diversity of the Morpho epistrophus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) species complex from the Atlantic Forest". *
  DELAREZI, F. (Autor); ERNETTI, J.R. (Autor); BASTIANI, (Autor); LINGNAU, R. (Autor); TOLEDO, L. F. (Autor); LUCAS, E. M. (Autor); 3rd International Symposium of Ecology, (26/09/2018 a 28/09/2018), Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brasil, Poster:"Chytrid fungus in populations of Boana curupi in southern brazil".
  ERNETTI, J.R. (Autor); BOSCHETTI, J.P. (Autor); DELAZERI, F. (Autor); BASTIANI, (Autor); LINGNAU, R. (Autor); TOLEDO, L. F. (Autor); LUCAS, E. M. (Autor); 3rd International Symposium of Ecology, (26/09/2018 a 28/09/2018), Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brasil, Poster:"Chytridiomycosis infection in Pithecopus rusticus (Anura: Phyllomedusidae)".
  MAGALDI, L. M. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); SILVA, KARINA LUCAS DA (Autor); II Joint Congress on Evolutionaty Biology, (19/08/2018 a 22/08/2018), Montpellier, França, Poster:"Atlantic Fores butterflies help to understand diversification patterns and processes on montane habitats". *
  GALETTI, M. (Autor); PEDROSA, F. (Autor); PIRES, M. M. (Docente); BERCÊ, W. (Autor); LEVI, T. (Autor); ESA Annual Meeting - Ecological Society of America, (05/08/2018 a 10/08/2018), Louisiana, Estados Unidos da América, Poster:"The frugivores of the Anthropocene: invasive species promote critical seed dispersal services in defaunated landscapes".
  RONQUE, M. U. V. (Autor); OLIVEIRA, P. S. (Autor); XVIIIth International Congress of IUSSI, (05/08/2018 a 10/08/2018), Guarujá, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Bacterial community of fungus-growing ants in Atlantic rainforest".
  SOARES JUNIOR, H. (Autor); OLIVEIRA, P. S. (Autor); XVIIIth International Congress of IUSSI, (05/08/2018 a 10/08/2018), Guarujá, SP, Brasil, Poster:"ECOLOGY AND FIELD BIOLOGY OF CAMPONOTUS LEYDIGI (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) IN CERRADO VEGETATION".
  SILVA, M. A. (Autor); CORTÊS, M. C. (Autor); CARVALHO, Carolina de Souza (Autor); MORI, G. M. (Autor); SANTOS, J.L. (Autor); SOUZA, A. P. (Autor); OLIVEIRA, P. S. (Autor); XVIIIth International Congress of IUSSI, (05/08/2018 a 10/08/2018), Guarujá, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Landscape genetics of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Cerrado savanna: The importance of preserving vegetation physiognomies". *
  BONALDO, R. (Autor); STEINER, Tatiana MEnchini (Autor); AMARAL, A. C. Z. (Autor); V simposio Latinoamericano de Polychaeta, (17/07/2018 a 19/07/2018), San José, Costa Rica, Poster:"Dorvilleidae: um estudo de taxonomia integrativa".
  SAMPIERI, B. R. (Autor); STEINER, Tatiana MEnchini (Autor); BARONI, P. C. (Autor); SILVA, C. F. (Autor); AMARAL, A. C. Z. (Autor); V simposio Latinoamericano de Polychaeta, (17/07/2018 a 19/07/2018), San José, Costa Rica, Poster:"Estudo comparativo da gametogênese em Polychaeta: uma abordagem morfohistológica".
  CHECON, H. H. (Autor); CORTE, G. N. (Autor); SILVA, C. F. (Autor); AMARAL, A. C. Z. (Autor); V simposio Latinoamericano de Polychaeta, (17/07/2018 a 19/07/2018), San José, Costa Rica, Poster:"Polychaete composition on mangroves and adjacent sandflats on a subtropical bay, SE Brazil".
  BENINCASA, J.C. (Autor); FREITAS FILHO, Luiz G. (Autor); CARNEIRO, G.N. (Autor); SIELSKI, M. S. (Autor); GIORGIO, Selma (Autor); WERNECK, C. C. (Autor); VICENTE, C. P. (Autor); XIX Congress of the Brazilian Society for Cell Biology, (18/07/2018 a 21/07/2018), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Poster:"HYPERBARIC OXYGEN AFFECTS ENDOTHELIAL PROGENITOR CELLS PROLIFERATION IN THE PRESENCE OF TNF- IN VITRO". *
  BARBOSA, E. P. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); TAUMATURGO, T. Z. B. (Autor); XXXVII Annual Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society, (29/06/2018 a 01/07/2018), Barcelona, França, Poster:"A new genus for Neonympha innocentia C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867 with description of five additional new species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) based on morphological and molecular data".
  TAUMATURGO, T. Z. B. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); 67th Annual Meeting of the Lepidopterists' Society, (11/06/2018 a 14/06/2018), Bangalore, Índia, Poster:"Possible cases of oviviparity in Neotropical butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)".
  BARBOSA, Emanuel Pimentel (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); 47 Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular (SBBq), (27/05/2018 a 30/05/2018), Joinville, SC, Brasil, Poster:"Systematics of the Neotropical genus Yphthimoides Forser 1964 and the clade composed by the genera Moneuptychia Forster, 1964, Pharneuptychia Forster, 1964 and the speces Euptychoides castrensis (Schaus, 1902) (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) with notes on the biogeographic history of Yphthimoides". *
  MAIA, J. D. (Autor); SOARES, A. S. P. (Autor); PAREDES, Caroline (Autor); RODRIGUES, Rodney Alexandre F. (Autor); R L CORTE, R L Corte (Autor); UBBINK, Job B. (Autor); TRIGO, J. R. (Autor); SCHMIELE, M. (Autor); CLERICI, M. T. P. S. (Autor); MARTINEZ, J. (Autor); Simposio Brasileiro de Oleos e Gorduras - SBOG 2018, (15/05/2018 a 17/05/2018), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"AVALIAÇÃO BIOLÓGICA DE ÓLEOS COMERCIAIS E EXTRATOS NATURAIS DE TOMILHO, NEEM E JAMBU". *
  NASCIMENTO, A. R. (Autor); MASSAD, T. (Autor); TACIOLI, A. (Autor); MACHADO, P. A. (Autor); COSMO, L. G. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); VI ELEN - Encuentro de Lepidoptera Neotropicales, (08/01/2018 a 12/01/2018), Concepción, Chile, Poster:"Beta diversity of caterpillar species reared from Piper (piperaceae) in a savanna gallery forest".
  SHIRAI, L. T. (Autor); ROSSER, N. S. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); VI ELEN - Encuentro de Lepidoptera Neotropicales, (08/01/2018 a 12/01/2018), Concepción, Chile, Poster:"Biodiversity in the heart of the Amazon Forest ? hotspot or artefact?".
  SHIRAI, L. T. (Autor); MACHADO, P. A. (Autor); MOTA, L. L. (Autor); ROSA, A. H. B. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); VI ELEN - Encuentro de Lepidoptera Neotropicales, (08/01/2018 a 12/01/2018), Concepción, Chile, Poster:"Featuring: DnB, the database of nymphalids in Brazil".
  GUERATTO, P. E. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); SANTOS, J. P. (Autor); CARREIRA, J. Y. O. (Autor); VI ELEN - Encuentro de Lepidoptera Neotropicales, (08/01/2018 a 12/01/2018), Concepción, Chile, Poster:"Do forest trails affect community structure in tropical fruit-feeding butterflies?".
  GUERATTO, P. E. (Autor); MACHADO, P. A. (Autor); AGUIAR, T. M. C. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); VI ELEN - Encuentro de Lepidoptera Neotropicales, (08/01/2018 a 12/01/2018), Concepción, Chile, Poster:"Immature stages and natural history of Memphis acidalia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Charaxinae)".
  MARIN, Mario Alejandro (Autor); BARBOSA, E. P. (Autor); WILLMOTT, Keith R. (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); VI ELEN - Encuentro de Lepidoptera Neotropicales, (08/01/2018 a 12/01/2018), Concepción, Chile, Poster:"Phylogeny and biogeography of butterflies of the ?Pareuptychia clade? (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae): the history of a journey from the Amazon to North America".
  MACHADO, P. A. (Autor); NASCIMENTO, A. R. (Autor); MORAES, S. S. (Autor); YAMAGUCHI, L.F. (Autor); KATO, Massuo Jorge (Autor); FREITAS, A. V. L. (Autor); VI ELEN - Encuentro de Lepidoptera Neotropicales, (08/01/2018 a 12/01/2018), Concepción, Chile, Poster:"Temporal distribution of Eois caterpillars (Geometridae) associated with Piper (Piperaceae) species in southern Brazilian rain forest".
  CALHEIROS, A.C. (Autor); RONQUE, M. U. V. (Autor); SOARES JUNIOR, H. (Autor); OLIVEIRA, P. S. (Autor); XVIIIth International Congress of IUSSI, (05/08/2018 a 10/08/2018), Guarujá, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Foraging ecology of the fungus-growing ant, Acromyrmex subterraneus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in cerrado vegetation".
  OLIVEIRA, P. S. (Autor); MAGALHÃES, V. B. (Autor); ESPIRITO-SANTO, N. B. (Autor); SALLES, L.F.P. (Autor); SOARES, H. (Autor); Entomological Society of America (SE Branch) Annual Meeting, (08/03/2010 a 09/03/2010), Atlanta Georgia, Estados Unidos da América, Poster:"Interaction between ants and fleshy seeds in a neotropical savanna: Species-specific effects on seeds and seedlings of a primarily bird-dispersed tree".
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