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CLE - Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e Historia da Ciencia
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
VENTURI, Giorgio (Expositor); IX Congreso de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España (SLMFCE), (13/11/2018 a 16/11/2018), Madri, Espanha, Oral:"Expositor no Symposium Illocutionary Acts in Mathematics. Participantes: Marco Ruffino (Df-Ifch-Unicamp) e Luca San Mauro". *
RUFFINO, Marco A. Caron (Expositor); IX Congreso de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España (SLMFCE), (13/11/2018 a 16/11/2018), Madri, Espanha, Oral:"Expositor no Symposium Illocutionary Acts in Mathematics. Participantes: Giorgio Venturi (Df-Ifch-Unicamp) e Luca San Mauro". *
SCHMIDT, João Vítor (Autor); 9º Encontro de Estudos das Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea, (26/11/2018 a 30/11/2018), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Assertion and Information in Frege's Logic". *
CARNIELLI, Walter A. (Expositor); Logic Bochum IV including the 4th workshop on conexive logics, (19/10/2018 a 21/10/2018), Bochum, Alemanha, Oral:"A probabilistic approach to evidence and truth: On paraconsistency, probability, and evidence". *
SCHMIDT, João Vítor (Expositor); V Conference of the Brazilian Society for Analytic Philosophy (Sbfa), (10/09/2018 a 14/09/2018), Salvador, BA, Brasil, Oral:"Frege and the problem of the informativity of logic". *
VENTURI, Giorgio (Expositor); V Conference of the Brazilian Society for Analytic Philosophy, (10/09/2018 a 14/09/2018), Salvador, BA, Brasil, Oral:"An illocutionary distinction between axioms and postulates". *
ANGIONI, Lucas (Expositor); 5th Campinas Conference on Aristotle's Theory of Demonstration, (25/09/2018 a 28/09/2018), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Oral:"'How to parse' being [the case] necessarily because of this? [This is a necessity] in two passages from Aristotle's Organon". *
CARNIELLI, Walter A. (Expositor); International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 (ICM 2018), (01/08/2018 a 09/08/2018), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"The Principle of Ariadne as a New Choice Paradigm in Mathematics". *
VENTURI, Giorgio (Expositor); Conference on Mathematical Logic as a satellite conference of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 (ICM 2018), (01/08/2018 a 09/08/2018), Niterói, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Modelos genéricos arbitrários de teoria dos conjuntos". *
CARNIELLI, Walter A. (Autor); First Joint Workshop on Ontologies, Uncertainty, and Inconsistency Handling, (26/06/2018 a 29/06/2018), Dresden, Alemanha, Oral:"Non-standard possibilistic and necessitistic measures as foundations for artificial reasoning". *
CARNIELLI, Walter A. (Autor); The 6th UNILOG – World Congress and School on Universal Logic: Probability, and their Generalizations, (16/06/2018 a 20/06/2018), Vichy, França, Oral:"Paraconsistent autonomous probabilities". *
CARNIELLI, Walter A. (Autor); LIMA-MARQUES, Mamede (Autor); The 6th UNILOG – World Congress and School on Universal Logic: Probability, and their Generalizations, (16/06/2018 a 20/06/2018), Vichy, França, Oral:"Society semantics and meta-levels of many-valued logic". *
CONIGLIO, Marcelo E. (Expositor); First Joint Workshop on Ontologies, Uncertainty, and Inconsistency Handling, (26/06/2018 a 29/06/2018), Dresden, Alemanha, Oral:"Handling inconsistencies with Logics of Formal Inconsistency". *
TESTA, R. R. (Expositor); First Joint Workshop on Ontologies, Uncertainty, and Inconsistency Handling, (26/06/2018 a 29/06/2018), Dresden, Alemanha, Oral:"On Paraconsistent Belief Change". *
VENTURI, Giorgio (Expositor); ALFAn - V Conference of the Latin American Association for Analytic Philosophy & Philogica and V Colombian Conference on Logic, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, (16/05/2018 a 18/05/2018), Villa de Leyva, Colômbia, Oral:"Speech act theory and the philosophy of mathematics". *
ANGIONI, Lucas (Expositor); Aristotle on Learning to be Good - A Discussion of the Book Manuscript Aristotle on Shame and Learning to be Good With its Author, Marta Jimenez, (22/05/2018 a 25/05/2018), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Aristotle on Becoming Virtuous by Doing Virtuous Actions: a discussion of Nicomachean Ethics II". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos
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