ano 2019
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DPMP - Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Psicologia Médica Psiquiatria
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  MARQUES, P. P.; ASSUMPÇÃO, D.; REZENDE, R.; NERI, Anita Liberalesso; FRANCISCO, P. M. S. B.; Polifarmácia em idosos comunitários: resultados do estudo Fibra, 01/2019, Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia (UnATI. Impresso),Vol. 22, pp.1-12, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2019 *
  AZEVEDO, R. C. S.; SANTOS JÚNIOR, A.; Abordagem do tabagismo no cotidiano clínico (Editorial), 01/2019, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Clínica Médica,Vol. 17, pp.61-62, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2019
Circulação Internacional
  COSTA, Taiguara Bertelli; NERI, Anita Liberalesso; Life satisfaction and participation among community-dwelling older adults: Data from the FIBRA study, 12/2019, British Journal of Health Psychology,Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-13, Leicester, Inglaterra, 2019 *
  MELIA, L.; SANTOS, A.; DALGALARRONDO, Paulo; Impact of SSRIs on cognition of older adults with cognitive complaints and without dementia: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study, 12/2019, European Neuropsychopharmacology,Vol. 29, Fac., pp.518-518, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2019
  MARIANO, M. Z.; SANTOS JÚNIOR, A.; LIMA, J.L.; PERISSINOTTO, J.; BRANDÃO, C. A.; SURKAN, P.J.; MARTINS, S. S.; CAETANO, S.C.; Ready for School? A Systematic Review of School Readiness and Later Achievement, 12/2019, Global Journal of Human Social Sciences,pp.57-71, Texas, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  PEREIRA, Mário E.C.; DANTAS, C. R.; BANZATO, Cláudio E. M.; Epistemology of Psychopathology, 12/2019, Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental,Vol. 22, Fac. 4, pp.677-681, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2019
  TASIC, L; LACERDA, Acioly L. T. de; PONTES, J. G. M.; COSTA, T. B. B. C.; NANI, JVS; MARTINS, L. G.; SANTOS, LA; NUNES, MFQ; ADELINO, MPM; PEDRINI, M; CORDEIRO, Q; SANTANA, F. B.; POPPI, R.J.; ; HAYASHI, M. A. F.; Peripheral biomarkers allow differential diagnosis between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, 10/2019, Journal of Psychiatric Research,Vol. 119, pp.67-75, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2019 *
  BARBOSA, E.A.; BOSO, A. L. M.; CRISTINA ATIHE, Camila; HUARACHI, D. R. G.; VASCONCELOS, Marcelo Ribeiro; FERRER, M.; DALGALARRONDO, Paulo; PARISI, M. C. R.; FRANÇA, A. F. E. C.; ALVES, Monica; Characterization of Dry Eye and Meibominan Gland Dysfunciton in distinct related conditions, 07/2019, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science,Vol. 60, Fac. 9, pp.1-4, Rockville, Estados Unidos da América, 2019 *
  SOUZA, R. C. Z.; ZANDONADI, FS; FREITAS, D. P.; TÓFOLI, L. F.; SUSSULINI, A; Validation of an analytical method for the determination of the main ayahuasca active compounds and application to real ayahuasca samples from Brazil, 07/2019, Journal of Chromatography. B (Print),Vol. 1124, pp.197-203, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2019 *
  MEDEIROS, D.; FARIA, Pedro Henrique de; SOUSA CAMPOS, Gastão Wagner de; TÓFOLI, L. F.; Política de drogas e Saúde Coletiva: diálogos necessários, 06/2019, Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Online),Vol. 35, Fac. 7, pp.519-530, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2019 *
  SPREMBERG, A. N.; ODA, A. M. G. R.; BANZATO, Cláudio E. M.; Struggling with Reality: Anomalous Self-Experiences in Max Blecher's Adventures in Immediate Irreality, 06/2019, Revista Psicopatologia Fenomenológica Contemporânea,Vol. 8, Fac. 1, pp.34-43, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2019
  FARIA, D. B.; SURITA, F. G.; ALVES, V.L.P.; ALMEIDA BASTOS, Rodrigo; CAMPOS, C. J. G.; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; Seven steps for qualitative treatment in health research: The Clinical-Qualitative Content Analysis, 05/2019, Ciência e Saúde Coletiva (Impresso),Vol. 24, pp.1-1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2019 *
  LEME, P. A. T.; VEDOVELLO, S. M. S.; ALMEIDA BASTOS, Rodrigo; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; BOTAZZO, Carlos; CASTRO MENEGHIM, Marcelo de; How Brazilian dentists work within a new community care context? A qualitative study, 05/2019, PLoS ONE,Vol. 14, Fac. 5, pp.1-16, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  FARIA, D. B.; BASTOS, R. V.; ALVES, V.; CAMPOS, C. J. G.; SURITA, F. G.; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; The seven steps of the clinical-qualitative content analysis: a data-processing technique for research into clinical care settings, 04/2019, Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Print),Vol. 56, pp.53-54, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2019 *
  VASCONCELLOS, J. P. C.; FARIA-SHUTZER, d.b.; SURITA, F. G.; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; 'Becoming dad': a qualitative study about the search for meanings of fatherhood by brazilian adolescent fathers, 04/2019, European Psychiatry (Paris),Vol. 56, pp.49-50, Paris, França, 2019 *
  WEBER, Adriana; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; LUZARDO, a.r.; RODRIGUES MALTA, Adams; MÉLLA, L. F. B.; "Take care of your memory": an experience of promotion program of attention and prevention in cognitive health for the staff of a Brazilian university, 04/2019, European Psychiatry (Paris),Vol. 56, Fac., pp.435-435, Paris, França, 2019
  VIEIRA, C.M.; FARIA-SHUTZER, d.b.; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; Eating behaviour and obesity: experiences of a nutritionist working at a Brazilian University psychiatric outpatient service, 04/2019, European Psychiatry (Paris),Vol. 56, Fac., pp.494-494, Paris, França, 2019
  RODRIGUES MALTA, Adams; WEBER, Adriana; BREMBERGER, M. E. D. F.; LIMA, C. S. P.; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; Emotional meanings attributed to the head and neck cancer by Brazilian University outpatient service during radiotherapy: a qualitative study, 04/2019, European Psychiatry (Paris),Vol. 56, Fac., pp.106-106, Paris, França, 2019 *
  BASTOS, R. V.; CAMPOS, L. K. S.; FARIA, D. B.; BRITO, M. E.; SILVA, D.A.R.; JUNIOR, A.D.S.; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; Offspring of mothers with bipolar disorder: systematic review on psychological characteristics, 04/2019, European Psychiatry (Paris),Vol. 56, Fac., pp.331-331, Paris, França, 2019
  RODRIGUES MALTA, Adams; WEBER, Adriana; LIMA, C. S. P.; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; Psychoeducational videos about illness and treatment of head and neck cancer proposed from reported experiences by Brazilian patients, 04/2019, European Psychiatry (Paris),Vol. 56, Fac., pp.437-437, Paris, França, 2019 *
  WEBER, Adriana; RODRIGUES MALTA, Adams; MÉLLA, L. F. B.; LUZARDO, a.r.; TURATO, Egberto Ribeiro; Qualitative studies contributions to clinical manage in old age patients with subjective cognitive decline: a comprehensive integrative review, 04/2019, European Psychiatry (Paris),Vol. 56, Fac., pp.434-434, Paris, França, 2019
  PEDRINI, M; CAO, B; NANI, JVS; CERQUEIRA, R. B. O.; MANSUR, RB; TASIC, L; HAYASHI, MAF; MCINTYRE, RS; ; Advances and challenges in development of precision psychiatry through clinical metabolomics on mood and psychotic disorders, 04/2019, Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry,Vol. 93, pp.182-188, Ste-Foy, Canadá, 2019 *
  PALHANO-FONTES, F.; TÓFOLI, L. F.; YONAMINE, Mauricio; ARAÚJO, Dráulio; Rapid antidepressant effects of the psychedelic ayahuasca in treatment-resistant depression: a randomized placebo-controlled trial, 03/2019, Psychological Medicine (Print),Vol. 49, Fac. 4, pp.655-663, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2019
  KOMATSU, T. R.; ARBEX, F. S.; NERI, Anita Liberalesso; CORONA, L. P.; Association of dynapenia, obesity and chronic diseases with all-cause mortality of community-dwelling older adults: A path analysis, 02/2019, Geriatrics and Gerontology International,Vol. 19, Fac. 2, pp.108-112, Richmond, Austrália, 2019 *
  OLIVEIRA, K. D.; GIMENES, V. C.; AZEVEDO, R. C. S.; FRAGA, G. P.; BARACAT, Emilio Carlos Elias; MORCILLO, André Moreno; LANARO, R.; COSTA, J L; CAPITANI, Eduardo Mello de; BUCARETCHI, Fábio; FERREIRA FILHO, A. I.; Prevalence of cocaine and derivatives in blood and urine samples of trauma patients and correlation with injury severity: a prospective observational study, 01/2019, European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery,Vol. 45, pp.159-165, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2019 *
  COSTA, T. B. B. C.; LACERDA, Acioly L. T. de; MAS, CD; ; PONTES, J. G. M.; MARINS, L. A. N.; MARTINS, L. G.; NUNES, MV; PEDRINI, M; CARVALHO, MS; MITROVITCH, M. P.; HAYASHI, M. A. F.; SALDANHA, N. L.; POPPI, R.J.; TASIC, L; Insights into the Effects of Crack Abuse on the Human Metabolome Using a NMR Approach, 01/2019, Journal of Proteome Research (Print),Vol. 18, Fac. 1, pp.341-348, Washington, Estados Unidos da América, 2019 *
  DANTAS, C. R.; Folk and Philosophical Epistemologies: A Double Bookkeeping of Sorts by Delusion?s Theoreticians?, 01/2019, Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology (Online),Vol. 26, Fac. 2, pp.121-123, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  PEREIRA, B. A. A. X.; AZEVEDO, R. C. S.; Real-life challenge: training program on drug use and adolescence in primary health care, 01/2019, Revista de Saúde Pública (Impresso),Vol. 53, Fac., pp.1-7, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2019
  HILDEBRAND, N. A.; CELERI, Eloisa H.R. Valler; MORCILLO, André Moreno; ZANOLLI, Maria de Lurdes; Resilience and mental health problems in children and adolescents who have been victims of violence, 01/2019, Revista de Saúde Pública (Impresso),Vol. 53, pp.1-15, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2019 *
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