ano 2019
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Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos
  DESTRO, J. M.; REIS, J. C.; TORRES, R. S.; RICARTE, I.L.M.; Evolution-based refinement of cross-language ontology alignments, 11/2019, 31 Brazilian Symposium on Databases,pp.61-72, Salvador, BA, Brasil, 2019 *
  CARNEIRO, S. de A.; SILVA, Gabriel; GUIMARÃES, S. J. F.; PEDRINI, H.; Fight Detection in Video Sequences Based on Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks, 10/2019, 32nd CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI 2019),Vol. 1, pp.1-8, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2019
  GUTIÉRREZ CASTILLA, Nicolas; TORRES, R. S.; FALCÃO, A. X.; KOZERKE, Sebastian; SCHWITTER, Jurg; MASCI, Pier-Giorgio; MONTOYA-ZEGARRA, J.A.; Long-Range Decoder Skip Connections: Exploiting Multi-Context Information for Cardiac Image Segmentation, 10/2019, 32nd CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI 2019),pp.60-67, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2019
  MALTA, E. M.; AVILA, S. E. F.; BORIN, E.; Exploring the Cost-benefit of AWS EC2 GPU Instances for Deep Learning Applications, 12/2019, 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing - UCC '19,Vol. 104, pp.21-29, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2019 *
  CORNEJO, J. Y. R.; PEDRINI, H.; Bimodal Emotion Recognition Based on Audio and Facial Parts Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, 12/2019, 18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2019),Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Boca Raton, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  VIEIRA LEITE, Guilherme; SILVA, Gabriel; PEDRINI, H.; Fall Detection in Video Sequences Based on a Three-Stream Convolutional Neural Network, 12/2019, 18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2019),Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Boca Raton, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  MAIA, H. A.; DE PAULO, Marcos Roberto; SANTOS, A. C. S.; PEDRINI, H.; TACON, H.; BRITO, A. de S.; CHAVES, H. de L.; B. VIEIRA, Marcelo; MORAES VILLELA, Saulo; Learnable Visual Rhythms Based on the Stacking of Convolutional Neural Networks for Action Recognition, 12/2019, 18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2019),Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Boca Raton, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  NEIRA, M. A. C.; TORRES, R. S.; PEDRINI, H.; PINTO, A. S.; Pelee-Text: A Tiny Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection, 12/2019, 18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2019),Vol. 1, pp.1-6, Boca Raton, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  RODRIGUES JÚNIOR, E. O.; MONTECCHI, L.; Towards a Structured Specification of Coding Conventions, 12/2019, 24th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing - PRDC 2019,pp.168-16809, Kyoto, Japão, 2019
  RODRIGUES, C. M.; PEREIRA, L. A. M.; ROCHA, A. R.; DIAS, Z.; Image Semantic Representation for Event Understanding, 12/2019, IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security- WIFS'2019,pp.1-6, Delft, Holanda, 2019 *
  MOTA, M. F. M.; PANTOJA, F.; MOTA, M. S.; GRANGEIA, T. A. G.; CARVALHO FILHO, M. A.; SANTANCHÈ, A.; Analytical Design of Clinical Cases for Educational Games, 11/2019, 10th IFIP Joint Conference on Serious Games 2019,pp.1-13, Arequipa, Peru, 2019 *
  SANTO, J. M. E.; PAULA, E. V.; MEDEIROS, C. M. B.; Exploring Semantics in Clinical Data Interoperability, 11/2019, Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modelling (in ER 2019),pp.1-8, Salvador, BA, Brasil, 2019 *
  KIM, Byeongwoo; RIVERA, G. A. R.; CHAE, Oksam; KIM, Jaemyun; Background Modeling Through Spatiotemporal Edge Feature and Color, 10/2019, 14th International Symposium on Visual Computing - ISVC 2019,pp.196-208, Nevada, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  ROBLES, Sandra; S. GOMEZ, Jonathan; RIVERA, G. A. R.; GONZÁLEZ, Jenny; D. PADILLA, Nelson; DUJOVNE, Diego; A Halo Merger Tree Generation and Evaluation Framework, 10/2019, 13th International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning - ICML 2019,pp.1-11, Thessaloniki, Grécia, 2019
  CORNEJO, J. Y. R.; PEDRINI, H.; Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition using a Hybrid Deep Convolutional Neural Network based on Census Transform, 10/2019, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC),pp.1-7, BANFF, Canadá, 2019
  SEOLIN GALINDO, Eldrey; PEDRINI, H.; Image Super-Resolution Improved by Edge Information, 10/2019, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2019),pp.1-7, Bari, Itália, 2019
  MÁRQUEZ HERRERA, Alejandra; CUADROS-VARGAS, Alex Jesus; PEDRINI, H.; Improving Semantic Segmentation of 3D Medical Images on 3D Convolutional Neural Networks, 10/2019, XLV LATIN AMERICAN COMPUTING CONFERENCE - CLEI 2019,pp.1-8, Cidade do Panamá, Panamá, 2019
  PRADO NETO, E. X.; PEDRINI, H.; Space-Time Graphs Based on Interest Point Tracking for Sign Language, 10/2019, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2019),pp.1-6, Bari, Itália, 2019
  MURIANA, L. M.; DALLE LUCCA TOSI, Mauro; REIS, J. C.; Aprendendo via o Papel de Designer e de Stakeholder: Uma Estratégia Pedagógica para Ensino de IHC, 10/2019, XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais,pp.88-93, Vitória, ES, Brasil, 2019
  DALLE LUCCA TOSI, Mauro; REIS, J. C.; C-Rank: A Concept Linking Approach to Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction (aceito), 10/2019, 13th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research,Vol. 1057, pp.236-247, Roma, Itália, 2019
  DESTRO, J. M.; MUÑOZ, J. A. V.; REIS, J. C.; TORRES, R. S.; EVOCROS: results for OAEI 2019, 10/2019, 14th International Workshop on Ontology Matching - OM 2019,pp.1-7, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2019
  VIRGINIO JUNIOR, L. A.; REIS, J. C.; Finding Relations Between Requirements for Healthcare Information Systems Use in Hospitals: A Study on EMRAM and JCI (aceito), 10/2019, 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics - CISP-BMEI 2019,pp.1-6, Suzhou, China, 2019
  ROSSANEZ, Anderson; REIS, J. C.; Generating Knowledge Graphs from Scientific Literature of Degenerative Diseases, 10/2019, 4th International Workshop on Semantics-Powered Data Mining and Analytics - SEPDA 2019,Vol. 2427, pp.12-23, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2019
  REGINO, A. G.; REIS, J. C.; MATSOUI, J. K. R.; VIDIGAL, Rodrigo Fernandes; MORSHED, Ahsan; SELLIS, Timos; Understanding Link Changes in LOD via the Evolution of Life Science Datasets, 10/2019, Workshop Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics - SeWeBMeDA'19,pp.40-54, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2019
  SANTOS, Andressa Cristina; MURIANA, L. M.; R. O. G. PIMENTA, Josiane; SILVA, J. V. da; MOREIRA, E. A.; REIS, J. C.; Investigating Aspects of Affectibility for Universal Access in Socioenactive System Scenarios, 10/2019, XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais,pp.1-11, Vitória, ES, Brasil, 2019
  DESTRO, J. M.; REIS, J. C.; TORRES, R. S.; RICARTE, I.L.M.; Ontology changes-driven semantic refinement of cross-language biomedical ontology alignments, 10/2019, Workshop Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics - SeWeBMeDA'19,pp.1-15, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2019 *
  ANGELONI, M.; PEREIRA, R. F.; PEDRINI, H.; Age Estimation From Facial Parts Using Compact Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks, 10/2019, International Conference on Computer Vision - ICCV 2019,Vol. 1, pp.1-8, Seol, Coréia do Sul, 2019
  AMORIM, P. H. J.; MORAES, T. F.; SILVA, J. V. L.; PEDRINI, H.; Lung Nodule Segmentation Based on Convolutional Neural Networks Using Multi-Orientation and Patchwise Mechanisms, 10/2019, VII Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing - VipImage 2019,pp.286-295, Porto, Portugal, 2019
  YAMAMOTO, V. E.; REIS, J. C.; Updating Ontology Alignments in Life Sciences based on New Concepts and their Context, 10/2019, Workshop Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics - SeWeBMeDA'19,pp.16-30, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2019
  ANDRADE, G. P.; COLOMBINI, E. L.; A Multiclass Object and Depth Estimation Deep Model for Humanoids Robots in a Soccer Simulated Dataset, 10/2019, 16th IEE Latin American Robotics Symposium - LARS 2019,pp.1-6, Rio Grande, RS, Brasil, 2019
  PINHEIRO, G. R.; CIRNE, M. V. M.; BESTAGINI, P.; TUBARO, S.; ROCHA, A. R.; Detection and synchronization of video sequences for event reconstruction, 09/2019, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),Vol., pp.1-5, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019
  ROCHA, A. R.; MENDES JÚNIOR, P. R.; BONDI, Luca; BESTAGINI, P.; TUBARO, S.; A PRNU-based method to expose video device compositions in open set., 09/2019, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019
  MENDES JÚNIOR, P. R.; BONDI, Luca; BESTAGINI, P.; ROCHA, A. R.; TUBARO, S.; A Prnu-Based Method to Expose Video Device Compositions in Open-Set Setups, 09/2019, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),pp.96-100, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019
  BRAGA, Alexandre Melo; SILVA, J. L. M.; RUBIRA, C. M. F.; DAHAB, R.; An Approach for Adaptive Security of Cloud Applications within the ATMOSPHERE Platform, 09/2019, 19 Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais - SBSeg 2019,pp.1-6, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2019 *
  BASSO, T.; SILVA, H. O.; MONTECCHI, L.; FRANÇA, B. B. N.; MORAES, R.; Towards trustworthy cloud service selection: monitoring and assessing data privacy, 09/2019, XX Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas - WTF 2019,Vol., pp.1-14, Gramado, RS, Brasil, 2019 *
  VICTORELLI, Eliane Zambon; REIS, J. C.; SANTOS, A. A. S.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Participatory Evaluation of Human-Data Interaction Design Guidelines, 08/2019, 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,Vol. 11746, pp.475-494, Paphos, Chipre, 2019 *
  RAMOS, P. A. T.; REIS, J. C.; SANTOS, A. A. S.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Participatory Design of System Messages in Petroleum Fields Management Software, 07/2019, 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI),Vol. 1, pp.1-17, Orlando, Estados Unidos da América, 2019 *
  TACON, H.; BRITO, A. de S.; CHAVES, H. de L.; B. VIEIRA, Marcelo; MORAES VILLELA, Saulo; MAIA, H. A.; TTITO CONCHA, Darwin; PEDRINI, H.; Human Action Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Symmetric Time Extension of Visual Rhythms, 07/2019, 19th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications - ICCSA,Vol. 1, pp.1-8, Saint Petersburg, Rússia, 2019
  SANTOS, Andressa Cristina; MAIKE, V. R. M. L.; MENDOZA, Y. L. M.; SILVA, J. V. da; VIDIGAL, Rodrigo Fernandes; REIS, J. C.; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C.; Inquiring Evaluation Aspects of Universal Design and Natural Interaction in Socioenactive Scenarios, 07/2019, 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI),Vol. 11572, pp.39-56, Orlando, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  CARNEIRO, S. de A.; SILVA, Gabriel; VIEIRA LEITE, Guilherme; MORENO, R. A. H.; GUIMARÃES, S. J. F.; PEDRINI, H.; Deep Convolutional Multi-Stream Network Detection System Applied to Fall Identification in Video Sequences, 07/2019, 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining,pp.681-695, Newark, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  CORNEJO, J. Y. R.; PEDRINI, H.; Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Based on Visual Rhythms and Motion History Images, 07/2019, 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining,pp.599-613, Newark, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  BORGES, M. V. M.; REIS, J. C.; Semantic-Enhanced Recommendation of Video Lectures, 07/2019, 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced Learning - ICALT 2019,pp.42-46, Macéio, AL, Brasil, 2019
  SANTOS, E. S.; ALBERTON, B. C.; MORELATTO, L.P.C.; TORRES, R. S.; An Information Retrieval Approach for Large-Scale Time Series Retrieval, 07/2019, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,pp.6586-6589, Valencia, Espanha, 2019
  A. TAVARES, Eduardo; SANTOS, J. A.; TORRES, R. S.; Evaluating Deep Contextual Description of Superpixels for Detection in Aerial Images, 07/2019, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,pp.254-257, Valencia, Espanha, 2019
  DIAS, D. C. R.; DIAS, U. M.; CARDOSO DOS SANTOS, Nathalia Menini; LAMPARELLI, R. A. C.; LA MAIRE -, Guerric; TORRES, R. S.; Pixelwise Remote Sensing Image Classification based on Recurrence Plot Deep Features, 07/2019, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,pp.1310-1313, Valencia, Espanha, 2019 *
  BERNARDO, I. R.; PEDRINI, H.; SANTANCHÈ, A.; Annotating Biodiversity Spreadsheets through 5W1H based on Machine Learning, 06/2019, 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining,pp.1-15, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  TTITO CONCHA, Darwin; CONDORI, Edgar; RIVERA, G. A. R.; PEDRINI, H.; Where are the People? A Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Network for Crowd Counting via Density Map from Complex Images, 06/2019, 26th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - IWSSIP,pp.241-246, Osijek, Croácia, 2019
  PILCO, D. D. S.; RIVERA, G. A. R.; Graph Learning Network: A Structure Learning Algorithm, 06/2019, Learning and Reasoning with Graph-Structured Representations - ICML 2019 Workshop,pp.1-11, Long Beach, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  VASCONCELOS, R. C. S.; PEDRINI, H.; Estimation of Fingerprint Image Quality Based on Neighborhood Strengthness Homogeneity, 06/2019, 26th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - IWSSIP,Vol. 1, pp.45-50, Osijek, Croácia, 2019 *
  CARNEIRO, S. de A.; SILVA, Gabriel; VIEIRA LEITE, Guilherme; MORENO, Ricardo; GUIMARÃES, S. J. F.; PEDRINI, H.; Multi-Stream Deep Convolutional Network Using High-Level Features Applied to Fall Detection in Video Sequences, 06/2019, 26th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - IWSSIP,Vol. 1, pp.293-298, Osijek, Croácia, 2019
  SOUZA, Marcos; BERTOLINI, Diego; PEDRINI, H.; COSTA, Y. M. e G. da; Offline Handwritten Script Recognition Based on Texture Descriptors, 06/2019, 26th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - IWSSIP,Vol. 1, pp.57-62, Osijek, Croácia, 2019
  CACEFFO, R. E.; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C.; MOREIRA, E. A.; VIDIGAL, Rodrigo Fernandes; REIS, J. C.; CARBAJAL, M. L.; BRENNAND, C.V. L. T.; D'ABREU, João Vilhete Viegas; LOMBELLO, L. O.; VALENTE, José Armando; Collaborative meaning construction in social enactive systems: Study with the mBot, 06/2019, 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI),Vol. 11590, pp.237-255, Orlando, Estados Unidos da América, 2019 *
  BORGES, M. V. M.; P. GRIBELER, Guilherme; REIS, J. C.; Empirical Analysis of Semantic Metadata Extraction from Video Lecture Subtitles, 06/2019, 28th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies - WETICE 2019,pp.301-306, Napoles, Itália, 2019
  VIEIRA, G. da S.; ROCHA, B. M.; SOARES, F. A. A. de M. N.; DE LIMA, Júnio César; PEDRINI, H.; COSTA, Ronaldo; FERREIRA, J. C.; Extending the Aerial Image Analysis from the Detection of Tree Crowns, 06/2019, 31th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence - ICTAI,Vol. 1, pp.1-8, Portland, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  LOMBELLO, L. O.; REIS, J. C.; BONACIN, R.; Soft Ontologies as Fuzzy RDF Statements, 06/2019, 28th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies - WETICE 2019,pp.289-294, Napoles, Itália, 2019
  I. C., Dourado; TABBONE, S.; TORRES, R. S.; Event Prediction Based on Unsupervised Graph-Based Rank-Fusion Models, 06/2019, 12th International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition - GbR 2019,pp.88-98, Tours, França, 2019
  BISSOTO, A.; FORNACIALI, M. S.; VALLE JUNIOR, E. A.; AVILA, S. E. F.; (De)Constructing Bias on Skin Lesion Datasets, 06/2019, Skin Image Analysis Workshop - 2019,pp.1-1, Long Beach, Estados Unidos da América, 2019 *
  PEREZ, Fabio Luis; AVILA, S. E. F.; VALLE JUNIOR, E. A.; Solo or Ensemble? Choosing a CNN Architecture for Melanoma Classification, 06/2019, Skin Image Analysis Workshop - 2019,pp.1-1, Long Beach, Estados Unidos da América, 2019 *
  VICTORELLI, Eliane Zambon; REIS, J. C.; SANTOS, A. A. S.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Design Process for Human-Data Interaction: Combining Guidelines with
Semio-participatory Techniques, 05/2019, 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2019,pp.410-421, Heraklion, Grécia, 2019 *

  ISHIKAWA, A.; BOLLIS, E. R.; AVILA, S. E. F.; Combating the Elsagate Phenomenon: Deep Learning Architectures for Disturbing Cartoons, 05/2019, IAPR/IEEE Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF),pp.1-6, Cancun, México, 2019
  KHUSAINOVA, Albina; KHAN, Adil; RIVERA, G. A. R.; SART---Similarity, Analogies, and Relatedness for Tatar Language: New Benchmark Datasets for Word Embeddings Evaluation, 04/2019, 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing - CICLing,pp.1-11, La Rochelle, França, 2019
  FERRO, S. K. V.; MONTECCHI, L.; REIS, J. C.; RUBIRA, C. M. F.; Towards a Metamodel for Supporting Decisions in Knowledge-Intensive Processes, 04/2019, 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing,pp.75-84, Limassol, Chipre, 2019
  RAMOS, L. O.; DIVINO, Gabriel Lisboa Guimarães; FRANÇA, B. B. N.; MONTECCHI, L.; COLOMBINI, E. L.; The RoCS Framework to Support the Development of Autonomous Robots, 04/2019, 22nd Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering - CIBSE 2019,pp.1-15, Havana, Cuba, 2019
  MEDEIROS, C. M. B.; REIS, J. C.; SALLES, Marcos A.Vaz; ZHOU, Y; BORGGREN, K. M.; WANG, Y; Modeling and Building IOT: Data Platforms with Actor Oriented Databases, 03/2019, 22nd Internacional Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT),Vol. 1, pp.1-12, Lisboa, Portugal, 2019
  DE MELO E SOUSA, Azael; FALCÃO, A. X.; BAGATIN, Ericson; LIMA, G. M.; A computational method to aid the detection and annotation of pleural lesions in CT images of the thorax, 03/2019, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),Vol. 10949, pp.34-41, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019 *
  YASUDA, C. L.; MARTINS, S. B.; BENATO, B. C.; FALCÃO, A. X.; SILVA, B. F.; YASUDA, C.L.; Modeling normal brain asymmetry in MR images applied to anomaly detection without segmentation and data annotation, 03/2019, SPIE MEDICAL IMAGING 2019,Vol. 11, pp.11-20, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2019 *
  BASSO, T.; DE OLIVEIRA SILVA, Herbert; MONTECCHI, L.; FRANÇA, B. B. N.; MORAES, Regina de Oliveira; Towards trustworthy cloud service selection: monitoring and assessing data privacy., 03/2019, XX Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas - WTF 2019,pp.1-14, Gramado, RS, Brasil, 2019 *
  VASCONCELOS, R. C. S.; PEDRINI, H.; Fingerprint Image Segmentation based on Oriented Pattern Analysis, 02/2019, 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - VISAPP 2019,pp.405-412, Prague, República Tcheca, 2019 *
  SANTOS, Anderson; PEDRINI, H.; Spatio-temporal Video Autoencoder for Human Action Recognition, 02/2019, 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - VISAPP 2019,pp.114-123, Prague, República Tcheca, 2019
  MORAES, T. F.; AMORIM, P. H. J.; SILVA, J.; PEDRINI, H.; Web-based Interactive Visualization of Medical Images in a Distributed System, 02/2019, 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - VISAPP 2019,pp.346-353, Prague, República Tcheca, 2019
  BHARATI, A.; MOREIRA, D. H.; BROGAN, J.; HALE, P.; BOWYER, K.; FLYNN, P.; ROCHA, A. R.; SCHEIRER, W. J.; Beyond Pixels: Image Provenance Analysis Leveraging Metadata, 01/2019, IEEE Intl. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV),pp.1-7, Waikoloa, Estados Unidos da América, 2019
  THEOPHILO, A.; PEREIRA, L. A. M.; ROCHA, A. R.; A needle in a haystack? Harness- ing onomatopoeia and user-specific stylometrics for authorship attribution of micro-messages., 01/2019, 2019 IEEE Intl. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),,pp.1-5, Brighton, Reino Unido, 2019
  PEREZ, M. L.; KOT, ALEX; ROCHA, A. R.; Detection of Real-world Fights in Surveillance Videos., 01/2019, 2019 IEEE Intl. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),,pp.1-5, Brighton, Reino Unido, 2019
  PRITSOS, Dimitrios; ROCHA, A. R.; STAMATATOS, E.; Open-set Web Genre Identification Using Distributional Features and Nearest Neighbors Distance Ratio, 01/2019, European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR),pp.1-2, Colônia, Alemanha, 2019
  OLIVEIRA, A. A.; ROCHA, A. R.; Score-Based Learning for Relevance Prediction in Image Similarity Search, 01/2019, 2019 IEEE Intl. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),,pp.1-1, Brighton, Reino Unido, 2019
  PEIXOTO, B. M.; SEFIDGARI, B. L.; MARTIN, João; AVILA, S. E. F.; DIAS, Z.; ROCHA, A. R.; Toward Subjective Violence Detection in videos, 01/2019, 2019 IEEE Intl. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),,pp.1-5, Brighton, Reino Unido, 2019 *
  LEYVA, Roberto Leyva; SANTOS, G. K. S.; ROCHA, A. R.; SANCHEZ, Victor; LI, Chang-Tsun; Accelerometer Dense Trajectories for Activity Recognition and People Identification, 01/2019, IAPR/IEEE Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF),pp.1-2, Cancun, México, 2019
  CIRNE, M. V. M.; ANDALÓ, F. A.; DIAS, Rafael; ANJOS, T. R. F.; BERTOCCO, G.; TORRES, R. S.; ROCHA, A. R.; Deep Face Verification for Spherical Images, 01/2019, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),pp.1-5, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019
  FERRO, S. K. V.; REIS, J. C.; MONTECCHI, L.; RUBIRA, C. M. F.; Towards a metamodel for supporting decisions in knowledge-intensive processes, 01/2019, 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing,pp.75-84, Limassol, Chipre, 2019
  ZANINI, Rafael; CASTRO, Maria C. Ferrari de; COLOMBINI, E. L.; Parkinson EMG Signal prediction using Neural Networks, 01/2019, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2019),pp.2446-2453, Bari, Itália, 2019
  ROSSANEZ, Anderson; REIS, J. C.; Generating Knowledge Graphs from Scientific Literature of Degenerative Diseases, 01/2019, 4th International Workshop on Semantics-Powered Data Mining and Analytics - SEPDA 2019,Vol. 2427, pp.12-23, Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 2019
  CONCEIÇÃO, J. S. J.; PINTO, A. S.; DECKER, Luis; FLORES CAMPANA, Jose Luis; NEIRA, M. A. C.; SANTOS, A. A.; PEDRINI, H.; TORRES, R. S.; Multi-Lingual Text Localization via Language-Specific Convolutional Neural Network, 01/2019, Workshop of Undergraduate Works - WUW 2019,Vol. 1, pp.1-8, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2019
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