ano 2019
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DMA - Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos

Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
  ROMANAZZI, G. (Autor); Workshop sobre Barragens, Desastres e Modelagem, GT Modelagem - CRIAB, (08/11/2019 a 08/11/2019), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Wave Models and Dam Break".
  RIBEIRO LEITE DE OLIVEIRA, Aurélio (Docente); V Coloquio de Matematicas Aplicadas, (04/11/2019 a 09/11/2019), Bogotá, Colômbia, Oral:"Interior point methods and dc power systems".
  CUNHA, M. O. T. (Docente); Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information, (29/10/2019 a 01/11/2019), Puerto Madryn, Argentina, Oral:"Contextuality in Quantum Open Systems".
  SILVA, P. J. S. (Docente); French Latin-American Conference on New Trends in Applied Mathematics - FLACAM, (05/11/2019 a 08/11/2019), Santiago, Chile, Oral:"Robust Nonlinear Support Vector Machine based on Difference of Convex Functions".
  ANDREANI, Roberto (Docente); French Latin-American Conference on New Trends in Applied Mathematics - FLACAM, (05/11/2019 a 08/11/2019), Santiago, Chile, Oral:"Sequential optmality condition, theory and practice".
  CORREA, M. R. (Docente); XL Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering (CILAMCE 2019), (11/11/2019 a 14/11/2019), Natal, RN, Brasil, Oral:"Numerical modeling of three-phase flow in poroelastic media". *
  DA COSTA AZEVEDO MEYER, João Frederico (Autor); XI Congresso Latinoamericano de Biologia Matematica, (22/10/2019 a 25/10/2019), Talca, Chile, Oral:"'Ecología Matemática: la diversidad y la transdisciplinaridad como herramienta de trabajo".
  SANTOS, Sandra Augusta (Autor); SIMÕES, L. E. A. (Autor); HELOU NETO, E. S. (Autor); Encontro Especial de Matemática Aplicada, (07/10/2019 a 08/10/2019), Curitiba, PR, Brasil, Oral:"PACNO: a novel penalty algorithm for constrained nonsmooth optimization".
  RODRIGUES, C. S. (Autor); Smooth and Homogeneous Dynamics, (23/09/2019 a 04/10/2019), Bengaluru, Índia, Oral:"Smooth and Homogeneous Dynamics - ICTS - Índia".
  SANTOS, Sandra Augusta (Autor); XIII Brazilian Workshop in Continuous Optimization, (23/09/2019 a 27/09/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Recent advances on the solution of nonlinear least-squares problems".
  ABREU, E. C. (Docente); Applied Mathematics meeting, (26/09/2019 a 28/09/2019), Medellin, Colômbia, Oral:"Mathematics and flow in natural porous media systems". *
  LAUREANO, E. E. (Docente); 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), (09/09/2019 a 13/09/2019), Praga, República Tcheca, Oral:"Numerical solution for lotka-volterra model of oscillating chemical reactions with interactive fuzzy initial conditions".
  NOVAIS, Amelia (Docente); SEG International Exposition and 89th Annual Meeting, (15/09/2019 a 21/09/2019), San Antonio, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Procedural strategies for depth migration velocity analysis by image wave propagation in common image gathers". *
  SUSSNER, Peter (Docente); 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), (09/09/2019 a 13/09/2019), Praga, República Tcheca, Oral:"An Approach Towards Image Edge Detection Based on Interval-Valued Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology and Admissible Orders".
  LAUREANO, E. E. (Docente); 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), (09/09/2019 a 13/09/2019), Praga, República Tcheca, Oral:"Free mechanical vibrations models via p-fuzzy systems".
  SILVA, P. J. S. (Docente); XIII Brazilian Workshop in Continuous Optimization, (23/09/2019 a 27/09/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Robust Nonlinear Support Vector Machine based on Difference of Convex Functions".
  CORREA, M. R. (Autor); MURAD, MURAD, MARCIO A. (Autor); BORGES, Márcio Rentes Borges (Autor); 3rd BR InterPore Conference on Porous Media, (05/08/2019 a 08/08/2019), Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"A Numerical Study of the Total Compressibility in Three-Phase Immiscible Flow in Poroelastic Media". *
  ROMANAZZI, G. (Autor); 3rd BR InterPore Conference on Porous Media, (05/08/2019 a 08/08/2019), Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Superconvergence of a finite difference method for solving parabolic-elliptic PDE systems, application in the numerical simulation of abnormal cell dynamics in the colon epithelium".
  HAYASHIDA, W. M. (Autor); CAMARGO BRANDT, ALEXANDRE (Autor); RODAMILANS, C. B. (Autor); ALVES COIMBRA, Tiago Antônio Alves Coimbra (Autor); RIBEIRO NETO, J. (Autor); BENEDICTO, C. (Autor); TYGEL, Martin (Autor); BORIN, E. (Autor); 16th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysycal Society & Expogef - SBGf, (19/08/2019 a 22/08/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"An analysis of the impact of Virtual Machines allocation on the cloud: The case of FullWaveform Inversion on Amazon Web Services". *
  SILVA, P. J. S. (Docente); ICCOPT 2019 - the Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization, (03/08/2019 a 08/08/2019), Berlim, Alemanha, Oral:"Sequential optimality conditions for mathematical problems with complementarity constraints".
  CORREA, M. R. (Docente); II Encontro Anual da Rede Geomecc, (26/08/2019 a 27/08/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Avanços na Modelagem Numérica de Escoamentos Multifásicos em Meios Poroelásticos". *
  VAZQUEZ SAA, Alberto (Autor); 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, (07/07/2019 a 12/07/2019), Valencia, Espanha, Oral:"Robinson-Trautman solutions In (2+1) dimensions".
  HELOU NETO, E. S. (Autor); SANTOS, Sandra Augusta (Autor); SIMÕES, L. E. A. (Autor); 71st Workshop of International School of Mathematics 'Guido Stampacchia' on 'Advances in Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization', (24/06/2019 a 01/07/2019), Erice, Itália, Oral:"A novel penalty algorithm for constrained nonsmooth optimization".
  ROMANAZZI, G. (Autor); 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, (15/07/2019 a 19/07/2019), Sevilla, Espanha, Oral:"Numerical modelling of crypt fission and visco-elastic deformations of the colon tissue".
  ALVES DO NASCIMENTO, Arlyson (Autor); MESQUITA, M. E. R. V. (Autor); 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM 2019), (08/07/2019 a 10/07/2019), Saarbrücken, Alemanha, Oral:"Characterization and Statistics of Distance-Based Elementary Morphological Operators".
  RIBEIRO LEITE DE OLIVEIRA, Aurélio (Docente); 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, (15/07/2019 a 19/07/2019), Sevilla, Espanha, Oral:"A constuctive convergence of mixed barrier-penalty method applied to interior point methods for linear programming ".
  MESQUITA, M. E. R. V. (Docente); 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM 2019), (08/07/2019 a 10/07/2019), Saarbrücken, Alemanha, Oral:"Approaches to Multivalued Mathematical Morphology Based on Urcertain Reduced Orderings".
  FERREIRA JR., Wilson Castro (Docente); International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Methods in Science & Engineering - CMMSE 2019, (30/06/2019 a 06/07/2019), Cadiz, Espanha, Oral:"A Dengue's DMD Model".
  VAZQUEZ SAA, Alberto (Autor); VI Amazonian Workshop on Black Holes and Analogue Models of Gravity, (10/06/2019 a 14/06/2019), Belém, PA, Brasil, Oral:"Finsler spaces and analogue gravity".
  SIMÕES, F. S. P. (Autor); ESMI LAUREANO, Estevão (Autor); CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio (Autor); 2019 IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Conference, (18/06/2019 a 21/06/2019), Lousiana, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Measure of Interactivity on Fuzzy Process Autocorrelated: Malthusian Model".
  IBANEZ, D (Autor); ESMI LAUREANO, Estevão (Autor); CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio (Autor); 2019 IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Conference, (18/06/2019 a 21/06/2019), Lousiana, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Discrete and Continuous Logistic p-Fuzzy Models".
  SUSSNER, Peter (Autor); ESMI LAUREANO, Estevão (Autor); FLORINDO, J. B. (Autor); 2019 FUZZ-IEEE - International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, (23/06/2019 a 26/06/2019), New Orleans, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"A New Algorithm for Designing Theta-Fuzzy Associative Memories Based on Subsethood Measures".
  SUSSNER, Peter (Autor); ESMI LAUREANO, Estevão (Autor); GUSTAVO JARDIM, Luis (Autor); 2019 IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Conference, (18/06/2019 a 21/06/2019), Lousiana, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"A Subsethood Interval Associative Memory with Competitive Learning".
  SANCHEZ, Daniel Vazquez (Autor); WASQUES, Vinicius F (Autor); ESMI LAUREANO, Estevão (Autor); CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio (Autor); SUSSNER, Peter (Autor); 2019 FUZZ-IEEE - International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, (23/06/2019 a 26/06/2019), New Orleans, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Fuzzy Initial Value Problems for Fuzzy Hypocycloid Curves".
  POLDI, K. C. (Autor); PIERINI, Livia Maria (Autor); EURO 2019 - 30th European Conference on Operational Research, (23/06/2019 a 26/06/2019), Dublin, Irlanda (Eire), Oral:"The multiperiod cutting stock problem: a biobjetive approach".
  RIBEIRO LEITE DE OLIVEIRA, Aurélio (Docente); GHIDINI, C. T. L. S. (Docente); EURO 2019 - 30th European Conference on Operational Research, (23/06/2019 a 26/06/2019), Dublin, Irlanda (Eire), Oral:"Preconditioning Linear Systems Arising from Interior Point Methods". *
  LAUREANO, E. E. (Docente); 2019 IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Conference, (18/06/2019 a 21/06/2019), Lousiana, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Some notes on additions of interactive fuzzy numbers".
  SUSSNER, Peter (Docente); 2019 FUZZ-IEEE - International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, (23/06/2019 a 26/06/2019), New Orleans, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Integrating Antonyms in Fuzzy Inferential Systems via Anti-Membership".
  ABREU, E. C. (Docente); InterPore - 11th Annual Meeting, (06/05/2019 a 10/05/2019), Valencia, Espanha, Oral:"A high-order conservative finite element method for Darcy flow problem with transport ". *
  CUNHA, M. O. T. (Docente); Quantum Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics and Beyond, (18/05/2019 a 19/05/2019), Praga, República Tcheca, Oral:"Fibre Bundle Approach to Contextuality".
  ABREU, E. C. (Docente); InterPore - 11th Annual Meeting, (06/05/2019 a 10/05/2019), Valencia, Espanha, Oral:"A relaxation projection analytical-numerical approach in hysteric two-phase flows in porous media". *
  CUNHA, M. O. T. (Docente); Emergent platforms for quantum information processing, (15/04/2019 a 17/04/2019), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Cotas de Lieb-Robinson e suas Aplicações".
  CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio (Autor); 5º Colóquio de matemática da Região Norte, (18/03/2019 a 22/03/2019), Rio Branco, AC, Brasil, Oral:"Sobre Lógica Fuzzy e Aplicações".
  ROMANAZZI, G. (Autor); Escola do Verão 2019, Simposio de Análise Numérica,, (27/02/2019 a 28/02/2019), Curitiba, PR, Brasil, Oral:"Numerical simulation and modelling of crypt fission and tissue deformation in the colon epithelium".
  CORREA, M. R. (Autor); SIAM CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL ISSUES IN THE GEOSCIENCES, (11/03/2019 a 14/03/2019), Houston, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"On Accurate Semi-Discrete Schemes for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media". *
  SILVA, P. J. S. (Docente); TACEMM Winter School on Energy Market Modelling, (03/03/2019 a 08/03/2019), Kvitfjell, Noruega, Oral:"Pricing frameworks for unit-commitment hydrothermal problems".
  DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS, José Plínio (Docente); XI Summer Workshop in Mathemacs, (18/02/2019 a 22/02/2019), Brasília, DF, Brasil, Oral:"A new approach to Integer Partitions".
  ROMANAZZI, G. (Autor); Seminários do Grupo de Trabalho GT Modelagem - CRIAB, (01/02/2019 a 01/05/2019), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Oral:"CADAM and IMPACT, European Projects".
  SUSSNER, Peter (Autor); 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), (09/09/2019 a 13/09/2019), Praga, República Tcheca, Oral:"Some Morphological Neural Networks and Their Use in Classification".
  BOZHKOV, Y D (Autor); Coloquio do Institute of Mathematics - Fudan University, (01/06/2019 a 05/06/2019), Fudan, China, Oral:"A mathematical mixture: Non-Kaehler Calabi-Yau manifolds, Pohozaev Identities, a connection between the Noether Theorem and the Sobolev Theorem".
  BOZHKOV, Y D (Autor); Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences - AMiTaNS 2019, (20/06/2019 a 25/06/2019), Albena, Bulgária, Oral:"Equivalence Group for Generalized Kudryashov-Sinelshchikov Equations of Second Order".
  ABREU, E. C. (Autor); Workshop on Optimization Methods and Applied Mathematics (WOMAP), (04/10/2019 a 05/10/2019), Bogotá, Colômbia, Oral:"A new computational method for multiscale two-phase porous media flows with high-order conservative FEM and Lagragian-Eulerian FVM". *
  ABREU, E. C. (Autor); 32 Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, (28/07/2019 a 02/08/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"An analytical-numerical approach for two-scale relaxation hysteretic two-phase flows". *
  ABREU, E. C. (Autor); 32 Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, (28/07/2019 a 02/08/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"High-order conservative FEM and Lagragian-Eulerian FVM for two-phase porous media flows". *
  ABREU, E. C. (Autor); II Simposio de Matemática Pura y Aplicada, (16/12/2019 a 20/12/2019), Arequipa, Peru, Oral:"Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Approximate Solutions in Partial Differential Equation Problems". *
  SCHLEICHER, Joerg (Docente); SEG International Exposition and 89th Annual Meeting, (15/09/2019 a 21/09/2019), San Antonio, Estados Unidos da América, Poster:"Robust implementation of MVA by double path-integral migration". *
  ABREU, E. C. (Docente); InterPore - 11th Annual Meeting, (06/05/2019 a 10/05/2019), Valencia, Espanha, Poster:"A Recursive Mixed Multiscale Method for Darcy problem". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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