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CLE - Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e Historia da Ciencia
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos
Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados
CONIGLIO, Marcelo E. (Expositor); Creativity 2019 - 1st World Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy in Honor of Newton da Costa 90th Birthday, (08/12/2019 a 13/12/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"A semantics of quasi-truth for the 3- valued first-order paraconsistent logic QCiore". *
DOTTAVIANO, Ítala M. Loffredo (Expositora); Creativity 2019 - 1st World Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy in Honor of Newton da Costa 90th Birthday, (08/12/2019 a 13/12/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"On the History of Paraconsistent Logic and Paraconsistency in the Western Thought Tradition". *
DOTTAVIANO, Ítala M. Loffredo (Autora); GOMES, Evandro Luís (Autor e Expositor); Creativity 2019 - 1st World Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy in Honor of Newton da Costa 90th Birthday, (08/12/2019 a 13/12/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Remarks Concerning the Notion of Semantic and Syntactic Contributions to the History of Logic". *
DOTTAVIANO, Ítala M. Loffredo (Expositora); Creativity 2019 - 1st World Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy in Honor of Newton da Costa 90th Birthday, (08/12/2019 a 13/12/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"Systemic Thinking". *
CARNIELLI, Walter A. (Expositor); Creativity 2019 - 1st World Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy in Honor of Newton da Costa 90th Birthday, (08/12/2019 a 13/12/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"How paraconsistency makes Gods mightier: a lesson on creativity". *
RUFFINO, Marco A. Caron (Autor); Homenaje a Maite Ezcurdia, (03/12/2019 a 04/12/2019), Ciudad del México, México, Oral:"Illocutionary Acts in Formal Sciences". *
RUFFINO, Marco A. Caron (Autor); X Encontro Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea, (25/11/2019 a 29/11/2019), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Definitions as Illocutionary Acts". *
CONIGLIO, Marcelo E. (Expositor); WIP Seminar - Buenos Aires Logic Group, (11/10/2019 a 11/10/2019), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oral:"Model theory based on pragmatic structures for the 3-valued first-order paraconsistent logic QCiore". *
VENTURI, Giorgio (Expositor); 1 1st Joint Meeting Brazil-France in Mathematics, (15/07/2019 a 19/07/2019), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Oral:"A semantic approach to the problem of independence". *
VENTURI, Giorgio (Expositor); 7th European Set Theory Conference, (01/07/2019 a 05/07/2019), Vienna, Austria, Oral:"A semantic approach to independence in set theory". *
VENTURI, Giorgio (Expositor); Set Theory: Bridging Set Theory and Philosophy - Forcing Project Networking Conference (FPNC 2019), (29/07/2019 a 31/07/2019), Konstanz, Alemanha, Oral:"A semantic approach to independence". *
ANGIONI, Lucas (Docente); 2nd NEFAH-UFU’s Colloquium on Aristotelian Philosophy, (06/06/2019 a 08/06/2019), Uberlândia, MG, Brasil, Oral:"Episteme and to epistemonikon in Aristotle?s Nicomachean Ethics VI.1-3". *
RUFFINO, Marco A. Caron (Autor); Palestra na Universidade de Lisboa ao Lancog, (01/06/2019 a 01/06/2019), Lisboa, Portugal, Oral:"Illocutionary Acts in Mathematics". *
RUFFINO, Marco A. Caron (Autor); Workshop on Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics of Science, (19/05/2019 a 19/05/2019), Londres, Reino Unido, Oral:"Jeshion on Donnellan on Neptune". *
RUFFINO, Marco A. Caron (Autor); Palestra na Universidade de Lisboa ao Lancog, (01/06/2019 a 01/06/2019), Lisboa, Portugal, Oral:"Performatives and Contingent A Priori Truths". *
ANGIONI, Lucas (Docente); Experience and reasoning in scientific methodology, (09/05/2019 a 11/05/2019), Praga, República Tcheca, Oral:"Experience and explanatory reasoning in Aristotle's Prior Analytics I.30". *
ANGIONI, Lucas (Docente); Inaugural Pan-American Symposium on the History of Logic: Validity Through History, (24/05/2019 a 27/05/2019), Los Angeles, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Aristotle on Imperfect Syllogisms". *
RUFFINO, Marco A. Caron (Autor); Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica (2019), (06/05/2019 a 10/05/2019), João Pessoa, PE, Brasil, Oral:"Illocutionary Acts in Mathematics". *
ANGIONI, Lucas (Docente); II Encontro DYNAMIS, (24/04/2019 a 26/04/2019), Recife, PE, Brasil, Oral:"Hexis e Energeia na discussão das virtudes em Aristóteles". *
ANGIONI, Lucas (Docente); Aristotle's notion of scientific knowledge, (08/04/2019 a 12/04/2019), Santiago, Chile, Oral:"Aristotle's notion of scientific knowledge". *
ANGIONI, Lucas (Docente); Aristotle Bash 2019, (04/03/2019 a 06/03/2019), Los Angeles, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"The necessity of scientific knowledge in Aristotle". *
RUFFINO, Marco A. Caron (Autor); APA Eastern Meeting Division (2019), (07/01/2019 a 10/01/2019), Nova York, Estados Unidos da América, Oral:"Performatives and Contingent A Priori Truths". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos
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