FEAGRI - Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
COSTA JUNIOR, Juscelino Martins; ESQUERDO, V. F. S.; BERGAMASCO, Sônia M. Pessoa P.; BORSATTO, Ricardo Serra; Infraestrutura e assistência técnica e extensão rural em assentamentos do Cariri Cearense: fatores limitantes para o acesso ao programa nacional de alimentação escolar, 01/2020, Retratos de Assentamentos,Vol. 23, pp.207-229, Araraquara, SP, Brasil, 2020 *
SILVA, G. K.; AGUIAR, R. H.; OLIVEIRA, R. A.; DAL FABBRO, Inacio Maria; Indirect determination of moisture using biospeckle technique, 01/2020, Revista Ciência Agronômica (UFC. Online),Vol. 51, Fac. 1, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 2020
CHOGI, M. A. N.; VIEIRA ARAÚJO, Ana Carolina; PRADO, P. F.; BATISTA DA SILVA, Douglas; SILVA, A. J.; SILVA, Gabriela Fiori da; DUARTE, Iolanda Cristina Silveira; Produção de Biocombustível e Ácidos Orgânicos para Agregar Valor ao Efluente de Mandioca, 01/2020, Revista Virtual de Química,Vol. 12, pp.1-10, Niteroi, RJ, Brasil, 2020
Circulação Internacional
VIEIRA NETO, J. G.; SORIANO, J.; Computational modelling applied to predict the pressure coefficients in deformed single arch-shape greenhouses, 12/2020, Biosystems Engineering,Vol. 200, pp.231-245, London, Reino Unido, 2020
REIS, Matheus Mendes; DA SILVA, Ariovaldo José; LOPES, Érika Manuela Gonçalves; SILVA DONATO, LUAN MATEUS; BARROS, RODRIGO EDUARDO; FACCO PEGORARO, RODINEI; SANTOS, Leonardo David Tuffi; SILVA, A. J.; Use of treated wastewater in irrigation: productive and nutritional aspects of millet and chemical properties of clay and sandy loam soils, 11/2020, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,Vol. -, pp.1-14, Abingdon, Reino Unido, 2020
REIS, Matheus Mendes; DA SILVA, Ariovaldo José; LOPES, Érika Manuela Gonçalves; SILVA DONATO, LUAN MATEUS; BARROS, RODRIGO EDUARDO; FACCO PEGORARO, RODINEI; SANTOS, Leonardo David Tuffi; Use of treated wastewater in irrigation: productive and nutritional aspects of millet and chemical properties of clay and sandy loam soils, 11/2020, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,Vol. 1, pp.1-15, Abingdon, Reino Unido, 2020
NOGUEIRA, G. F.; OLIVEIRA, R. A.; IGNÁCIO VELASCO, José; FAKHORI, F. M.; Methods of Incorporating Plant-Derived Bioactive Compounds into Films Made with Agro-Based Polymers for Application as Food Packaging: A Brief Review, 11/2020, Polymers,Vol. 12, Fac. 11, pp.2518-2523, Basel, Suiça, 2020
GELLI, Valéria; OSPINA-PATINO, M. T.; ROCHA, J. V.; BARBIERI, E; MIRANDA-FILHO, Kleber Campos; HENRIQUES, Marcelo Barbosa; PRODUCTION OF THE Kappaphycus alvarezii EXTRACT AS A LEAF BIOFERTILIZER: TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FOR THE NORTH COAST OF SÃO PAULO-BRAZIL., 10/2020, Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (Online),Vol. 46, Fac. 2, pp.1-12, A Branca, SP, Brasil, 2020
BARBOSA, Luís Alfredo Pires; Modelling the aggregate structure of a bulk soil to quantify fragmentation properties and energy demand of soil tillage tools in the formation of seedbeds, 09/2020, Biosystems Engineering,Vol. 197, pp.203-215, London, Reino Unido, 2020
BORSATTO, Ricardo Serra; JUNIOR, Wolney Felippe Antunes; ESQUERDO, V. F. S.; ESQUERDO, V. F. S.; Território, arranjos institucionais e os desafios para a governança territorial: apontamentos do Território Sudoeste Paulista (SP), 09/2020, Redes (Santa Cruz do Sul. Online),Vol. 25, Fac. 3, pp.940-961, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 2020 *
SOARES, M. P.; LUZ CARDOSO, Israel; MAYUMI ISHIKAWA, Márcia; OLIVEIRA, A. S. S.; SARTORATTO, A.; JONSSON, Claudio Martin; QUEIRÓZ, S. C. N.; DUARTE, Marta Cristina Teixeira; RANTIN, F.T.; ; Effects of Artemisia annua alcohol extract on physiological and innate immunity of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to improve health status, 08/2020, Fish and Shellfish Immunology,Vol. 105, pp.369-377, London, Reino Unido, 2020 *
REIS, Aliny A. Dos; MAGALHÃES, Paulo S. Graziano; WERNER, JOÃO P. S.; SILVA, BRUNA C.; FIGUEIREDO, G. K. D. A.; ANTUNES, J. F. G.; ESQUERDO, J. C. D. M.; COUTINHO, ALEXANDRE C.; LAMPARELLI, R. A. C.; ROCHA, Jansle Vieira; Monitoring Pasture Aboveground Biomass and Canopy Height in an Integrated Crop-Livestock System Using Textural Information from PlanetScope Imagery, 08/2020, Remote Sensing,Vol. 12, Fac. 16, pp.2534-2539, Basel, Suiça, 2020 *
AMORIM, F.; OSPINA-PATINO, M. T.; SANTOS, D. F. L.; BARTMEYER, P. M.; Productivity and Profitability of the Sugarcane Production in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 08/2020, Sugar Tech: an international journal of sugar crops and related industries,Vol. 22, Fac. 4, pp.596-604, New Delhi, Índia, 2020
HIRATA, Aloisia Rodrigues; ROCHA, Luiz Carlos Dias; ASSIS, Thiago Rodrigo de Paula; ESQUERDO, V. F. S.; BERGAMASCO, Sônia M. Pessoa P.; ESQUERDO, V. F. S.; Generating credibility in participatory guarantee system (PGS): a study at PGS Sul de Minas, Brazil, 07/2020, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (Online),Vol. 35, Fac. 4, pp.1-20, New York, NY, Estados Unidos da América, 2020 *
MEINHART, A. D.; DAMIN, FERNANDA MATEUS Damin; CALDEIRÃO, LUCAS; TEIXEIRA FILHO, José; GODOY, Helena Teixeira; Rutin in herbs and infusions: screening of new sources and consumption estimation, 06/2020, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos (Online),Vol. 40, pp.113-120, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2020 *
GONÇALVES, Raquel; Classification and inspection of reinforced concrete elements for use in retaining walls using ultrasound tests, 06/2020, Construction & Building Materials,Vol. 262, pp.120010-120022, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
PEDROSO, C. B.; KNONER SANTOS, Recieli; GONÇALVES, Raquel; Evaluation of Elastic Anisotropy of Concrete Using Ultrasound Wave Propagation, 04/2020, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,Vol. 32, Fac. 4, pp.4020056-40200569, Reston, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
PRACIANO, Aline Castro; ALBIERO, D.; POSSUELO, ORLANDO DE MORAES; SANTOS, LUCAS FERNANDO ARAÚJO; MONTEIRO, Leonardo de Almeida; CONTRIBUIÇÃO DE BIODIGESTORES PARA A AGRICULTURA FAMILIAR, 03/2020, Energia na Agricultura,Vol. 35, Fac. 1, pp.95-106, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2020
PAES, Michel Xocaria; MEDEIROS, Gerson Araújo de; MANCINI, Sandro Donnini; BORTOLETO, A. P.; OLIVEIRA, José Antonio Puppim; KULAY, Luiz Alexandre; Municipal solid waste management: Integrated analysis of environmental and economic indicators based on life cycle assessment, 03/2020, Journal of Cleaner Production,Vol. 254, pp.119848-119858, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2020
LUEBECK, Dieter; WIMMER, Christian; MOREIRA, L. F.; ALCANTARA, M. F.; HUACLES, G. C. O.; GÓES, J. A.; OLIVEIRA, L.P. de; MEDEROS, B. J. T.; SANT'ANNA BINS, Leonardo; HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique; GABRIELLI, L. H.; Drone-borne Differential SAR Interferometry, 03/2020, Remote Sensing,Vol. 12, Fac. 5, pp.778-788, Basel, Suiça, 2020 *
REIS, Matheus Mendes; SANTOS, Leonardo David Tuffi; DA SILVA, Ariovaldo José; PINHO, Gevany Paulino de; ROCHA, Leonardo Michel; SILVA, A. J.; Heavy metals in soils and forage grasses irrigated with Vieira River water, Montes Claros, Brazil, contaminated with sewage wastewater, 03/2020, Revista Ambiente & Água,Vol. 15, Fac. 2, pp.1-10, Taubaté, SP, Brasil, 2020
BARBOSA, Luís Alfredo Pires; FERRAZ, Antonio Carlos de O.; Which evidence attests for soil aggregate rupture? A new criterion to determine aggregate tensile strength, 03/2020, Soil & Tillage Research,Vol. 197, pp.1-10, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
COSTA, A. Z.; HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique; FRACAROLLI, J. A.; Computer vision based detection of external defects on tomatoes using deep learning, 02/2020, Biosystems Engineering,Vol. 190, pp.131-144, London, Reino Unido, 2020 *
OLIVEIRA, M. P. G.; RODRIGUES, L. H. A.; How good are the models available for estimating sugar content in sugarcane?, 02/2020, European Journal of Agronomy,Vol. 113, pp.125992-125997, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
SOUZA, Micael Felipe; AMARAL, L. R.; OLIVEIRA, Stanley Robson de Medeiros; MARCOS ANTONIO NERIS, Coutinho; NETTO, Camila Ferreira; Spectral differentiation of sugarcane from weeds, 02/2020, Geoderma (Amsterdam),Vol. 190, pp.41-46, New York, Holanda, 2020
HUACLES, G. C. O.; ALCÂNTARA, M. S.; GÓES, J. A.; OLIVEIRA, L.P. de; YEPES, J. A.; MEDEROS, B. J. T.; CASTRO, V. L. B.; SANT'ANNA BINS, Leonardo; CASTRO, Luebeck; LUEBECK, Dieter; MOREIRA, L. F.; HERNANDEZ FIGUEROA, Hugo Enrique; GABRIELLI, L. H.; Crop Growth Monitoring with Drone-Borne DInSAR, 02/2020, Remote Sensing,Vol. 12, Fac. 4, pp.615-632, Basel, Suiça, 2020 *
MEINHART, A. D.; SILVEIRA, T. F. F.; MORAES, M. R.; PETRARCA, MH; CONSTANT, L. S.; BALLUS, C. A.; SILVA, L. H.; CUNHA, E. C. E.; WAGNER, Roger; BOLINI, Helena Maria Andre; BRUNS, R.E.; TEIXEIRA FILHO, José; GODOY, Helena Teixeira; French fries processed with a high content of linolenic acid, low n-6/n-3 ratio and good sensory acceptance after successive frying, 01/2020, Atmosphere,Vol. 59, Fac. 2, pp.174-183, Basel, Suiça, 2020 *
ALVEZ, Sergio de Sousa; MELO, Rafaela Paula de; SANTOS, Priscila Alves dos; ALBIERO, D.; Design and development of mobile tower for wind turbine, 01/2020, Brazilian Journal of Development,Vol. 6, Fac. 9, pp.65202-65209, São José dos Pinhais, PR, Brasil, 2020
UCHOA, Mayara Rodrigues; BASTOS, Ricardo Leoni Gonçalves; ALBIERO, D.; FERNANDES, Francisco Ronaldo Belém; CAVALCANTE, RÔMULO; SILVESTRE, FILIPE EUGÊNIO RODRIGUES; MACEDO, DEIVIELISON XIMENES SIQUEIRA; SANTOS, VIVIANE CASTRO; Influência da rotação de trabalho de uma trilhadora estacionária na qualidade do feijão Caupi, 01/2020, Brazilian Journal of Development,Vol. 6, Fac. 4, pp.19678-19688, São José dos Pinhais, PR, Brasil, 2020
CAVALCANTI, Eduardo Santos; MELO, Rafaela Paula de; MONTEIRO, L. A.; GALVAO, Cezario Benedito; ALBIERO, D.; Study of process capacity of a air seeder analyzing longitudinal distribution of seed, 01/2020, Brazilian Journal of Development,Vol. 6, Fac. 8, pp.58133-58139, São José dos Pinhais, PR, Brasil, 2020
SILVA, D. C.; OLIVEIRA NETO, Rosalvo; RAMOS, Rodrigo; OLIVEIRA, Victor; MEDEROS, B. J. T.; COSTA, D. S.; RAMOS, R. P.; IRIS-GRAPE: An approach for prediction of quality attributes in vineyard grapes inspired by iris biometric recognition, 01/2020, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,Vol. 168, pp.105140-105148, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020 *
SILVA, Rodrigo Rogério Cerqueira da; GONÇALVES, Raquel; PEDROSO, C. B.; CLASSIFICATION AND INSPECTION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS FOR USE IN RETAINING WALLS USING ULTRASOUND TESTS, 01/2020, Construction & Building Materials,Vol. 262, pp.1-12, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
GOMES, C. E. M.; GARRY, ANNE-LAURE; MUNIZ, Elaine Freitas; PEDROSO, C. B.; SIQUEIRA, G. H.; Effects of Rice Husk Silica on microstructure and mechanical properties of Magnesium-oxychloride Fiber Cement (MOFC), 01/2020, Construction & Building Materials,Vol. 241, pp.118022-118032, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020 *
GALVAO, Cezario Benedito; GARCIA, A. P.; ALBIERO, D.; OKUNO, Marcos Takumi; Sistema de preparo do solo com paraplow rotativo, 01/2020, Cultivar Máquinas,Vol. 18, pp.52-58, Pelotas, RS, Brasil, 2020
OLIVEIRA, A. L. R.; MILANEZ, A. P.; ESTEVE, Maria Carolina de Paulo; Transaction Cost Index to agricultural exports ports, 01/2020, Custos e @gronegócio Online,Vol. 16, pp.335-353, Recife, PE, Brasil, 2020
SOUZA, Micael Felipe; COUTINHO J. FRANCO, Henrique; AMARAL, L. R.; Estimation of soil phosphorus availability via visible and near-infrared spectroscopy, 01/2020, Engenharia Agrícola,Vol. 77, Fac. 5, pp.93-93, Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil, 2020
MONTEIRO, Leonardo de A.; FIGUEIREDO, G. K. D. A.; LAMPARELLI, R. A. C.; MUELLER, NATHANIEL D.; GERBER, JAMES; CORTEZ, Luis Augusto Barbosa; SHEEHAN, John J.; ALLEE, Andrew M.; CAMPBELL, Eleanor E.; LYND, Lee R.; SOARES, Johnny R.; JAISWAL, D.; OLIVEIRA, J. C.; VIANNA, M. S.; MORISHIGE, ASHLEY E.; Assessment of yield gaps on global grazed-only permanent pasture using climate binning, 01/2020, Global Change Biology (on-line),Vol. 00, pp.1-13, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2020 *
OLIVEIRA, J. C.; SHEEHAN, John J.; CAMPBELL, Eleanor E.; LAMPARELLI, R. A. C.; FIGUEIREDO, G. K. D. A.; SOARES, Johnny R.; JAISWAL, D.; MONTEIRO, Leonardo de A.; VIANNA, MURILO S.; LYND, Lee R.; Choosing pasture maps: An assessment of pasture land classification definitions and a case study of Brazil, 01/2020, ITC Journal,Vol. 93, pp.102205-102212, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020 *
KATSURAYAMA, GEANCARLO T.; SOBENKO, LUIZ R.; CAMARGO, A. P.; BOTREL, Tarlei Arriel; J. A., Frizzone; DUARTE, SERGIO N.; A mathematical model for hydraulic characterization of microtube emitters using dimensional analysis, 01/2020, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (USA. Print),Vol. 22, pp.1123-1135, Libertyville, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
DE SOUSA PEREIRA, DIEGO JOSÉ de Sousa Pereira; LAVANHOLI, ROGÉRIO; DE ARAÚJO, ANA C. S.; CAMARGO, A. P.; AIT MOUHEB, NASSIM; FRIZZONE, JOSÉ A.; MOLLE, BRUNO; Evaluating Sensitivity to Clogging by Solid Particles in Irrigation Emitters: Assessment of a Laboratory Protocol, 01/2020, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,Vol. 146, Fac. 11, pp.4020033-4020037, Reston, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
SOBENKO, Luiz Ricardo; ÁVILA BOMBARDELL, Wagner Wilson; CAMARGO, A. P.; FRIZZONE, José Antonio; DUARTE, Sergio Nascimento; Minor Losses through Start Connectors in Microirrigation Laterals: Dimensional Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks Approaches, 01/2020, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,Vol. 146, Fac. 5, pp.4020005-4020009, Reston, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
LAVANHOLI, ROGÉRIO; CAMARGO, A. P.; ÁVILA BOMBARDELL, Wagner Wilson; FRIZZONE, José Antonio; AIT MOUHEB, NASSIM; SILVA, E. A.; OLIVEIRA, Fabricio Correia; Prediction of Pressure-Discharge Curves of Trapezoidal Labyrinth Channels from Nonlinear Regression and Artificial Neural Networks, 01/2020, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,Vol. 146, Fac. 8, pp.4020018-4020022, Reston, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
NOGUEIRA, G. F.; CYNTIA TREVISAN SOARES, Cyntia Trevisan Soares; MARTIN, L. G. P.; FAKHORI, F. M.; OLIVEIRA, R. A.; Influence of spray drying on bioactive compounds of blackberry pulp microencapsulated with arrowroot starch and gum arabic mixture, 01/2020, Journal of Microencapsulation,Vol. 37, pp.65-76, London, Inglaterra, 2020
RAMOS, Rodrigo; GOMES, Jéssica Santana; PRATES, Ricardo Menezes; SIMAS FILHO, Eduardo F.; SILVA, D. C.; MEDEROS, B. J. T.; <scp>Non-Invasive</scp> Setup for Grape Maturation Classification using Deep Learning, 01/2020, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,Vol. 44, pp.409-415, London, Reino Unido, 2020
MOCKAITIS, G.; BRUANT, Guillaume; GUIOT, SERGE R.; PEIXOTO, G.; FORESTI, Eugenio; ZAIAT, Marcelo; Acidic and thermal pre-treatments for anaerobic digestion inoculum to improve hydrogen and volatile fatty acid production using xylose as the substrate, 01/2020, Renewable Energy,Vol. 145, pp.1388-1398, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
BARBOSA, Fabio H. L.; SOUZA, Zigomar Menezes; LIMA, Elizeu de Souza; SILVA, R. B.; OLIVEIRA, I. N.; ESTEBAN, D. A. A.; LOVERA, Lenon Henrique; Structural quality and load-bearing capacity of an Ultisol (Argissolo Vermelho amarelo) in mechanized coffee areas with different deployment times, 01/2020, Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (Impresso),Vol. 44, pp.1-20, Viçosa, MG, Brasil, 2020
ESTEVE, Maria Carolina de Paulo; OLIVEIRA, A. L. R.; MILANEZ, A. P.; Exportações de produtos agrícolas e o ambiente portuário: a perspectiva da teoria dos custos de transação, 01/2020, Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural (Impresso),Vol. 58, Fac. 1, pp.33-36, Brasília, DF, Brasil, 2020
GONÇALVES, Raquel; Drag coefficient in urban trees, 01/2020, Trees (Berlin. Print),Vol. 363, Fac. 4, pp.1-15, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos
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