DBVEG - Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Instituto de Biologia
Departamento Biologia Vegetal
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Internacional
SALVADOR, M. J.; Growth, hematology, metabolism, and oxidative parameters of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) fed diets containing Lippia alba leaf, 12/2020, Aquaculture (Amsterdam),Vol. 529, Fac. 12, pp.735730-7357301, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
COSTA, M. G.; FELTRIM, D.; MAZZAFERA, P.; BALBUENA, Tiago; BALBUENA, T. S.; Revisiting the stem proteome of Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus globulus: Identification of temperature-induced changes, 12/2020, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Proteins and Proteomics,Vol. 1868, Fac. 12, pp.140530-140532, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
FERREIRA FILHO, J.A.; SOUZA, Anete Pereira; HORTA, M. A. C.; SANTOS, C.A. Santos; ALMEIDA, D. A.; MURAD, N.F.; MENDES, J. S.; SFORÇA, D. A.; SILVA, Claudio B. C.; CRUCELLO, A.; MENDES, JS; -Integrative genomic analysis of the bioprospection of regulators and accessory enzymes associated with cellulose degradation in a filamentous fungus (Trichoderma harzianum)-, 12/2020, BMC Genomics,Vol. 21, Fac. 1, pp.982-984, London, Reino Unido, 2020
OLIVEIRA, F. A.; VIGNA, Bianca Bacilli Zacatto; SILVA, C.C. da; FÁVERO, A. P.; MATTA, F. P.; AZEVEDO, A.L.S.; SOUZA, Anete Pereira; DA SILVA, CARLA C.; Coexpression and Transcriptome analyses identify active Apomixis-related genes in Paspalum notatum leaves, 12/2020, BMC Genomics,Vol. 21, Fac. 1, pp.5278-5293, London, Reino Unido, 2020
POLO, C.; PEREIRA, L.; MAZZAFERA, P.; FLORES, D.; MAYER, J. L. S.; SICAIROS, M. G.; HOLLER, M.; WESTFAHL, HARRY, Westfahl, Harry; MENEAU, F.; Correlations between lignin content and structural robustness in plants revealed by X-ray ptychography, 12/2020, Scientific Reports,Vol. 10, Fac. 1, pp.1229-1232, Londres, Reino Unido, 2020 *
ROCCO, Patricia Rieken Macedo; WALTER F. JÚNIOR, WALTER F. Júnior; FERNANDES, A.P. Fernandes; GOMES FRANCHINI, Kleber; MAGRI, E.; MORAES, N. G.; GONÇALVES, J.M.; CARBONIERI, M.N.; SANTOS, I S; PAES, N.; MACIEL, P.; SILVA, P.L.; ROCHA, R.; CARVALHO,, A.F.; ALVES, P. A.; PROENCA-MODENA, J. L.; CORDEIRO, A.T.Cordeiro; TRIVELLA, D. B. B.; MARQUES, R. E.; RAGGIO LUIZ, Ronir; PELOSI, P.; SILVA, J.R.; CRUZ, F.F.; C.M. JR., M. A.; TIERNO, P. F.G.M.M.; MOURA, MA; OLIVEIRA, L. F.; LIMA, C.C.; DOS SANTOS, E.A.; Early use of nitazoxanide in mild Covid-19 disease: randomised, placebo-controlled trial, 12/2020, The European Respiratory Journal,Vol. 8, pp.2003725-2003734, Lausanne, Suiça, 2020 *
SILVA, C. A.; ANDRADE, S. A. L.; LONDE, V.; JOLY, C. A.; VIEIRA, S. A.; Fine root-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi interaction in Tropical Montane Forests: Effects of cover modifications and season, 11/2020, Forest Ecology and Management,Vol. 476, pp.118478-118479, Amsterdan, Holanda, 2020
FIGUEIREDO, R; MAZZAFERA, P.; LLERENA, J. P. P.; KIYOTA, E.; FERREIRA, S.; CARDELI, B.; DE SOUZA, Sarah Caroline Ribeiro; DOS BRITO, M.; CESARINO, Igor; SODEK, L.; The sugarcane ShMYB78 transcription factor activates suberin biosynthesis in Nicotiana benthamiana, 11/2020, Plant Molecular Biology,Vol. 104, Fac. 4-5, pp.411-428, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
SANTOS, Élcio Ferreira; MATEUS, N. S.; ROSÁRIO, M. O.; GARCÊZ, T. B.; MAZZAFERA, P.; JUNIOR, Junior, J.L; Enhancing potassium content in leaves and stems improves drought tolerance of eucalyptus clones, 10/2020, Physiologia plantarum (Kobenhavn. 1948),Vol. 6, pp.2026-2038, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2020
SALVADOR, M. J.; Antiarthritic and Antihyperalgesic Properties of Ethanolic Extract from Gomphrena celosioides Mart. (Amaranthaceae) Aerial Parts, 09/2020, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Print),Vol. 2020, Fac. 8, pp.1-11, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2020
SALVADOR, M. J.; OLIVEIRA, R. J.; ARENA, A. C.; Blutaparon portulacoides ethanolic extract reduced IL-1β and inflammatory parameters induced by the Mycobacterium complex and carrageenan in mice, 09/2020, Inflammopharmacology: experimental and therapeutic studies,Vol. 82, Fac. 12, pp.2649-2655, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
BULGARELLI, R.G.; OLIVEIRA, V. H.; ANDRADE, S. A. L.; Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis alters the expression of PHT1 phosphate transporters in roots and nodules of P-starved soybean plants, 09/2020, Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology,Vol. 32, Fac. 3, pp.243-254, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
BOARETTO, L. F.; COELHO, F. S.; BAPTISTELLA, J. C.; MAZZAFERA, P.; Biomass growth and development in air-cured burley and flue-cured virginia tobacco varieties, 08/2020, Australian Journal of Crop Science,Vol. 14, Fac. 14(08):202, pp.1310-1318, Lismore, Austrália, 2020
HOBAN, S.; VERNESI, C.; AITKEN, S.; BÉRTOLA, L.D.; BLOOMER, P.; BREED, M.; CORRÊA, H.R.; FUNK, W.C.; GRUEBER, C.E.; HUNTER, M.E.; JAFFE, R.; BRUFORD, M.; LIGGINS, L.; MERGEAY, J.; MOHARREK, F.; BRIEN, D.O.; OGDEN, R.; PALMA-SILVA, C. Palma-Silva; PIERSON, J.; RAMAKRISHNAN, U.; DROISSART, M.S.; TANI, N.; JACKSON, J.D.U.; WAITS, L.; LAIKRE, L.; FERNANDES, M.L.; HEUERTZ, M.; HOHENLOHE, P.A.; VINÃS, I.P.; GULVE, P.S.; SEGELBACHER, G.; Genetic diversity targets and indicators in the CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework must be improved, 08/2020, Biological Conservation,Vol. 248, pp.108654-108654, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
BAPTISTELLA, J. C.; ANDRADE, S. A. L.; FAVARIN, J. L.; MAZZAFERA, P.; Urochloa in tropical agroecosystems, 08/2020, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems,Vol. 4, pp.277-344, Lausanne, Suiça, 2020
SALVADOR, M. J.; RUEDA, R. Y. R.; Phenotypic detection of quorum sensing inhibition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyoverdine and swarming by volatile organic products, 08/2020, Future Microbiology (Print),Vol. 15, Fac. 12, pp.1147-1156, London, Reino Unido, 2020
SCOPECE, G.; PALMA-SILVA, C. Palma-Silva; CAFASSO, D.; LEXER, C.; COZZOLINO, S.; Phenotypic expression of floral traits in hybrid zones provides insights into their genetic architecture, 08/2020, New Phytologist (Print),Vol. 227, Fac. 3, pp.967-975, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
RODRIGUES, M.; BAPTISTELLA, J. C.; ENGEL, D. C. H.; BORTOLATO, L. M.; MAZZAFERA, P.; Organic plant biostimulants and fruit quality ? a review, 07/2020, Agronomy,Vol. 10, Fac. 7, pp.988-991, Basel, Suiça, 2020
GONÇALVES, F. A.; DANTAS-QUEIRÓZ, M. V.; GUIMARÃES, T.; SOLIS-NEFFA, V.; PALMA-SILVA, C. Palma-Silva; High gene flow maintains wide-range species cohesion in a Neotropical epiphyte (Tillandsia aeranthos Lois. L.B. Smith ? Bromeliaceae), 07/2020, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (Print),Vol. 106, Fac. part 2, pp.971-991, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2020
SILVA, G. C.; SALVADOR, M. J.; BOTTOLI, C. B. G.; Towards the cosmetic application of Passiflora coccinea (Aubl.): antioxidant activity and photo protective capacity of the methanolic and glycolic leaf extracts, 07/2020, Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Online),Vol. 56, Fac. 2, pp.144-157, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2020 *
CAMPOS, B. K.; GALAZZI, R. M.; SANTOS, BM; BALBUENA, T. S.; SANTOS, FN; MOKOCHINSKI, J. B.; EBERLIN, M; ARRUDA, M.A.Z.; Comparison of generational effect on proteins and metabolites in non-transgenic and transgenic soybean seeds through the insertion of the cp4-EPSPS gene assessed by omics-based platforms, 07/2020, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,Vol. 202, pp.110918-110927, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2020 *
MOTA, M. R.; PINHEIRO, F.; SARDELLI, C.H.; LEAL, B. S. S.; WENDT, T.; PALMA-SILVA, C. Palma-Silva; From micro- to macroevolution: insights from a Neotropical bromeliad with high population genetic structure adapted to rock outcrops, 07/2020, Heredity (Edinburgh. Print),Vol. 26, pp.229-229, OXFORD, Reino Unido, 2020
TOMASIN, R.; PASCOAL, A. C. R. F.; SALVADOR, M. J.; MARCONDES, Maria Cristina C.; Aloe vera and Honey Solution and Their Ethanolic Extraction Solution Could Act on Metastasis-Regulating Processes in Walker 256 Tumor Tissues In Vivo?, 07/2020, Natural Product Research,Vol. 72, pp.1-9, Abingdon, Reino Unido, 2020 *
DE SOUZA, Sarah Caroline Ribeiro; DE SOUZA, Lucas Anjos; SILVA, F. M. O.; SCHIAVINATO, Marlene Aparecida; ANDRADE, S. A. L.; DE ANDRADE, S. A. L.; Zinc toxicity in seedlings of three trees from the Fabaceae associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, 06/2020, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,Vol. 195, pp.110450-110451, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
PALMA-SILVA, C. Palma-Silva; FAY, M. F.; Bromeliaceae as a model group in understanding the evolution of Neotropical biota, 04/2020, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (Print),Vol. 192, Fac. 4, pp.569-586, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2020
MERCIER, Helenice; WENDT, T.; VERSIEUX, L. M.; PALMA-SILVA, C. Palma-Silva; Report from the 2nd World Congress of Bromeliaceae Evolution - BromEvo II (Natal, Brazil, 2018), 04/2020, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (Print),Vol. 192, Fac. 4, pp.587-588, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2020
MOSCARDINI, D. B.; SOUZA, L T; MAZZAFERA, P.; FAVARIN, J. L.; Total Soluble Sugars Dynamics in Coffee Fruits Under Development, 04/2020, Journal of Agricultural Science,Vol. 12, Fac. 5, pp.94-97, Toronto, Canadá, 2020
SOUZA, S. C. R.; SODEK, L.; POLACCO, J. C.; MAZZAFERA, P.; SOUZA, S. C. R.; Urease deficiency alters nitrogen metabolism and gene expression in urease-null soybean without affecting growth or productivity under nitrate supply, 03/2020, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,Vol. 42, Fac. 3, pp.1237-1241, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
TASCO, A. J. H.; SARTORI, Fabiana Terezinha; SACILOTTO, Ana Cláudia Barrachi Costa; ITO, Izabel Yoko; VICHNEWSKI, Walter; SALVADOR, M. J.; Antibacterial and antifungal properties of crude extracts and isolated compounds from Lychnophora markgravii, 03/2020, Natural Product Research,Vol. 34, Fac. 6, pp.863-867, Abingdon, Reino Unido, 2020
MACEDO, L. O.; FAVARIN, J. L.; TEZOTTO, T.; DE PAULA NETO, A.; ANDRADE, S. A. L.; MAZZAFERA, P.; Soil and foliar nickel application in coffee seedlings alter leaf nutrient balance, 01/2020, Agrochimica: rivista internazionale di chimica vegetale, pedologia e fertilizzazione del suolo,Vol. LXIV, pp.167-180, Pisa, Itália, 2020
LABANCA, E.R.G. Labanca; ANDRADE, S. A. L.; KURAMAE, E. E.; SILVEIRA, A. P. D.; ANDRADE, S. A.L.; The modulation of sugarcane growth and nutritional profile under aluminum stress is dependent on beneficial endophytic bacteria and plantlet origin, 01/2020, Applied Soil Ecology (Print),Vol. 156, pp.103715-103716, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
PEREIRA, A. A.; CLÉMENT, C. R.; RODRIGUES, D.P.; VEASEY, Elizabeth Ann; DEQUIGIOVANNI, G.; RAMOS, S. L. F.; JOSÉ BALDIN PINHEIRO, ; SOUZA, Anete Pereira; ZUCCHI, M. I.; A population genomics appraisal suggests independent dispersals for bitter and sweet manioc in Brazilian Amazonia, 01/2020, Evolutionary Applications (Online),Vol. 13, pp.342-361, Hoboken, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
QUEIROZ, M. V.; OLIVEIRA, F. A.; SOUZA, Anete Pereira; SATO, Mário Eide; Development of microsatellite markers for the predatory mite Phytoseiulus macropilis and cross-amplification in three other species of phytoseiid mites, 01/2020, Experimental & Applied Acarology,Vol. 82, pp.1-10, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2020
ABRAHÃO, A.; COSTA, P. B.; TEODORO, G. S.; LAMBERS, H.; NASCIMENTO, D. L.; ANDRADE, S. A. L.; RYAN, M. H.; OLIVEIRA, R. S.; Vellozioid roots allow for habitat specialization among rock- and soil-dwelling Velloziaceae in campos rupestres, 01/2020, Functional Ecology (Print),Vol. 34, Fac. 2, pp.442-457, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2020
OLIVEIRA, G.L.; SOUZA, Anete Pereira; OLIVEIRA, F. A.; ZUCCHI, M. I.; SOUZA, L. M.; MOURA, M. F.; ZUCCHI, Maria Imaculada; Genetic structure and molecular diversity of Brazilian grapevine germplasm: Management and use in breeding programs, 01/2020, PLoS ONE,Vol. 15, Fac. 10, pp.1-3, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos
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