DMA - Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos
Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
RAMOS RIOS, Ariquele; POLDI, K. C.; Problema de corte de estoque unidimensional com sobras aproveitáveis: solução via metaheuristica GRASP, 01/2020, TEMA. Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional,Vol. 21, pp.441-460, Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil, 2020
Circulação Internacional
ZHANG, K; VILCHES, T. N.; TARIQ, M; P. GALVANI, Alison; M. MOGHADAS, Seyed; The impact of mask-wearing and shelter-in-place on COVID-19 outbreaks in the United States, 12/2020, International Journal of Infectious Diseases,Vol. 101, Fac., pp.334-341, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2020
CARLIP, S.; MOSNA, Ricardo Antonio; MANOEL, J. P. P.; Quantum fields, geometric fluctuations, and the structure of spacetime, 12/2020, Physical Review D: covering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology,Vol. 102, Fac. 12, pp.1-6, College Park, MD, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
APARECIDA KIKUCHI, Paula; RIBEIRO LEITE DE OLIVEIRA, Aurélio; OLIVEIRA, Aurelio R.L. Oliveira; New Preconditioners Applied to Linear Programming and the Compressive Sensing Problems, 12/2020, SN Operations Research Forum,Vol. 1, Fac. 4, pp.165-175, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
MESQUITA, M. E. R. V.; ANIBAL LOBO, Rodolfo; Quaternion-valued recurrent projection neural networks on unit quaternions, 12/2020, Theoretical Computer Science,Vol. 843, pp.136-152, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
M. S. CARVALHO, SILVIA; RIBEIRO LEITE DE OLIVEIRA, Aurélio; V. COELHO, MAYK.; OLIVEIRA, Aurelio R.L. Oliveira; Predispatch Linear System Solution With Preconditioned Iterative Methods, 11/2020, Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (print),Vol. 32, Fac. 1, pp.145-152, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2020
DE LEO, Stefano; Laser planar trapping, 11/2020, Laser Physics Letters,Vol. 17, Fac. 11, pp.1-11, Bristol, Reino Unido, 2020
DOBAL BALDIJÃO, Roberto; CUNHA, M. O. T.; Classical limits and contextuality in a scenario of multiple observers, 11/2020, Physical Review. A,Vol. 102, Fac. 5, pp.1-14, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020 *
VILCHES, T. N.; SHOUKAT, Affan; FERREIRA, C. P.; M. MOGHADAS, Seyed; Projecting influenza vaccine effectiveness: A simulation study, 11/2020, PLoS ONE,Vol. 15, Fac. 11, pp.1-13, San Francisco, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
SOUSA, J. Vanterler da C.; MACHADO, J. A. T.; CAPELAS DE OLIVEIRA, Edmundo; The psi-Hilfer fractional calculus of variable order and its applications, 10/2020, Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 39, Fac. 4, pp.1-36, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
DORAISWAMY, HARISH; TIERNY, JULIEN; SILVA, P. J. S.; NONATO, L. G.; SILVA, C; TopoMap: A 0-dimensional Homology Preserving Projection of High-Dimensional Data, 10/2020, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,Vol. 1, pp.1-1, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
ABREU, E. C.; JAVIER DÍAZ PENEDO, Ciro; GALVIS, J. C.; ALEXANDER PEREZ SEPULVEDA, John; On the Conservation Properties in Multiple Scale Coupling and Simulation for Darcy Flow with Hyperbolic-Transport in Complex Flows, 10/2020, Multiscale Modeling & Simulation: a siam interdisciplinary journal,Vol. 18, Fac. 4, pp.1375-1408, Philadelphia, PA, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
NEVES, J. C. S.; VAZQUEZ SAA, Alberto; Accretion of perfect fluids onto a class of regular black holes, 09/2020, Annals of Physics (Print),Vol. 420, pp.168269-168269, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
NEVES, J. C. S.; VAZQUEZ SAA, Alberto; Accretion of perfect fluids onto a class of regular black holes, 09/2020, Annals of Physics (Print),Vol. 420, pp.1-12, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
ANDREANI, Roberto; RAYDAN, Marcos; Properties of the delayed weighted gradient method, 09/2020, Computational Optimization and Applications,Vol. 1, pp.1-15, Norwell, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
CORREA, M. R.; RODRIGUEZ,, J.C.; SIQUEIRA, Denise de; FARIAS, A. M.; DEVLOO, Philippe Remy Bernard; Hierarchical high order finite element spaces in for a stabilized mixed formulation of Darcy problem, 09/2020, Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1987),Vol. 80, pp.1117-1141, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2020 *
CORREA, M. R.; RODRIGUEZ MIRANDA, Juan Carlos; FARIAS, A. M.; SIQUEIRA, Denise de; DEVLOO, Philippe Remy Bernard; Hierarchical high order finite element spaces in H(div, Omega) x H-1(Omega) fora stabilized mixed formulation of Darcy problem, 09/2020, Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1987),Vol. 80, Fac. 5, pp.1117-1141, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2020
DE LEO, Stefano; DUCATI, Gisele; The quaternionic Goos-Hanchen shift, 09/2020, European Physical Journal Plus,Vol. 135, Fac. 9, pp.1-13, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
MACIEL, Susanne; BILOTI, Ricardo; A statistic-based descriptor for automatic classification of scatterers in seismic sections, 09/2020, Geophysics,Vol. 85, Fac. 5, pp.1-93, Tulsa, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
ANDREANI, Roberto; OLIVEIRA, Valeriano A. de; PEREIRA, J. T.; NUNES SILVA, Geraldo; A weak maximum principle for optimal control problems with mixed constraints under a constant rank condition, 09/2020, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information,Vol. 37, Fac. 3, pp.1021-1047, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2020
WASQUES, Vinicius F; LAUREANO, E. E.; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; SUSSNER, Peter; Numerical Solution for Fuzzy Initial Value Problems via Interactive Arithmetic: Application to Chemical Reactions, 09/2020, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,Vol. 13, pp.1517-1529, Paris, França, 2020
VAZ JUNIOR, Jayme; MANN, Stephen; On the Clifford Algebraic Description of Transformations in a 3D Euclidean Space, 08/2020, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras,Vol. 30, Fac. 4, pp.1-28, México, México, 2020
SOUSA, J. Vanterler da C.; S. F. FREDERICO, Gastao; CAPELAS DE OLIVEIRA, Edmundo; psi-Hilfer pseudo-fractional operator: new results about fractional calculus, 08/2020, Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 39, Fac. 4, pp.1-34, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
OENNING SOARES, Anna Ligia; CARLOS BASSANEZI, RODNEY; Stability analysis of epidemiological models incorporating heterogeneous infectivity, 08/2020, Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 39, Fac. 3, pp.1-21, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
SOUSA, J. Vanterler da C.; BENCHOHRA, Mouffak; GUEREKATA, Gaston M.; ATTRACTIVITY FOR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FRACTIONAL ORDER AND psi-HILFER TYPE, 08/2020, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,Vol. 23, Fac. 4, pp.1188-1207, Warsaw, Polônia, 2020
LAUREANO, E. E.; IBANEZ, Daniel Eduardo Sanchez; WASQUES, Vinicius F; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; Solutions of higher order linear fuzzy differential equations with interactive fuzzy values, 08/2020, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Vol. 01, pp.59-72, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
U. SHIKHARE, Pallavi; D KUCCHE, Kishor; VANTERLER DA COSTA SOUSA, José; Analysis of Volterra integrodifferential equations with nonlocal and boundary conditions via Picard operator, 07/2020, Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 39, Fac. 3, pp.1-19, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
PABLO CAJAHUANCA LUNA, Juan; ALEJANDRA SAGASTIZABAL, Claudia; SOLODOV, Mikhail; A class of Benders decomposition methods for variational inequalities, 07/2020, Computational Optimization and Applications,Vol. 76, Fac. 3, pp.935-959, Norwell, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
DINIZ EHRHARDT, Maria Aparecida; FERREIRA, D. G.; SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; Applying the pattern search implicit filtering algorithm for solving a noisy problem of parameter identification, 07/2020, Computational Optimization and Applications,Vol. 76, Fac. 3, pp.835-866, Norwell, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
J. G. BIRGIN, Ernesto; BUENO, L. F. Bueno; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; On the complexity of solving feasibility problems with regularized models, 07/2020, Optimization Methods and Software (Online),Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-21, Abingdon, Reino Unido, 2020
MACHADO, R. A.; FIRER, M.; Weights Which Respect Support and NN-Decoding, 06/2020, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,Vol. 66, Fac. 6, pp.3664-3674, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
IOPPOLO, A.; Superalgebras with superinvolution or graded involution with colengths sequence bounded by 3, 06/2020, International Journal of Algebra and Computation,Vol. 30, Fac. 4, pp.821-838, River Edge, NJ, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
ABREU, E. C.; FERRAZ, Paola Ferraz; VIEIRA, Jardel; Numerical resolution of a pseudo-parabolic Buckley-Leverett model with gravity and dynamic capillary pressure in heterogeneous porous media, 06/2020, Journal of Computational Physics (Print),Vol. 411, pp.1-25, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
CARDIN, P. T.; TEIXEIRA, Marco Antonio; Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory for Systems with Symmetry, 06/2020, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations,Vol. 1, pp.1-14, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
FINARDI, E. C.; LOBATO, Rafael Durbano Lobato; L. DE MATOS, V.; ALEJANDRA SAGASTIZABAL, Claudia; TOMASGARD, A.; Stochastic hydro-thermal unit commitment via multi-level scenario trees and bundle regularization, 06/2020, Optimization and Engineering: international multidisciplinary journal to promote optimization theory and applications in engineering sciences,Vol. 21, Fac. 2, pp.393-426, New York, NY, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
J. G. BIRGIN, Ernesto; GARDENGHI, John Lenon; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; On the use of third-order models with fourth-order regularization for unconstrained optimization, 06/2020, Optimization Letters (Print),Vol. 14, Fac. 4, pp.815-838, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
DEVLOO, Philippe Remy Bernard; GOMES, Sonia Maria; QUINELATO, T. O.; TIAN, Shudan; Enriched two dimensional mixed finite element models for linear elasticity with weak stress symmetry, 05/2020, Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1987),Vol. 79, Fac. 9, pp.2678-2700, Oxford, Reino Unido, 2020
WASQUES, Vinicius F; LAUREANO, E. E.; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; SUSSNER, Peter; The generalized fuzzy derivative is interactive, 05/2020, Information Sciences,Vol. 519, pp.93-109, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
HELOU, E S; SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; SIMÕES, L. E. A.; Analysis of a New Sequential Optimality Condition Applied to Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints, 05/2020, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,Vol. 185, Fac. 2, pp.433-447, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
TARASCHI, G.; FLORINDO, J. B.; Computing fractal descriptors of texture images using sliding boxes: An application to the identification of Brazilian plant species, 05/2020, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (Print),Vol. 545, pp.1-14, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
J. G. BIRGIN, Ernesto; GARDENGHI, John Lenon; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; On the solution of linearly constrained optimization problems by means of barrier algorithms, 05/2020, Top (Madrid),Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-26, Madrid, Espanha, 2020
SILVA, I. D. B.; MESQUITA, M. E. R. V.; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; DA COSTA AZEVEDO MEYER, João Frederico; BARROS, L.C.; MEYER,, J.F.C.A.; A wildfire warning system applied to the state of Acre in the Brazilian Amazon, 04/2020, Applied Soft Computing (Print),Vol. 89, pp.106075-10607515, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
TEIXEIRA GODINHO, Hemar; DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS, José Plínio; A FAMILY OF PARTITIONS EQUINUMEROUS WITH THE SET OF NODES OF A FAMILY OF TREES, 04/2020, Integers: electronic journal of combinatorial number theory,Vol. 20, pp.1-22, Augusta, GA, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
MESQUITA, M. E. R. V.; Reduced Dilation-Erosion Perceptron for Binary Classification, 04/2020, Mathematics,Vol. 8, Fac. 4, pp.1-22, Basel, Suiça, 2020
SILVA CARVALHO, Pablo Giovanni; DEVLOO, Philippe Remy Bernard; GOMES, Sonia Maria; On the use of divergence balanced H(div)-L-2 pair of approximation spaces for divergence-free and robust simulations of Stokes, coupled Stokes-Darcy and Brinkman problems, 04/2020, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Print),Vol. 170, Fac., pp.51-78, Amstedam, Holanda, 2020
J. G. BIRGIN, Ernesto; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; RAMOS, A.; On constrained optimization with nonconvex regularization, 04/2020, Numerical Algorithms,Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-25, Bussum, Suiça, 2020
SOUZA, T R; MANCERA, Paulo Fernando de Arruda; CARLOS BASSANEZI, RODNEY; Dynamics of tumor growth: chemotherapy and integrative oncology, 03/2020, Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 39, Fac. 1, pp.1-19, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
BARROSO, V. S.; MANOEL, J. P. P.; Boundary conditions and vacuum fluctuations in AdS(4), 03/2020, General Relativity and Gravitation,Vol. 52, Fac. 3, pp.1-30, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020 *
DEVLOO, Philippe Remy Bernard; TRIANA, O. Y. D.; FARIAS, A. M.; GOMES, Sonia Maria; H(div) finite elements based on nonaffine meshes for 3D mixed formulations of flow problems with arbitrary high order accuracy of the divergence of the flux, 03/2020, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (Print),Vol. 1, pp.1-21, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
LEONENKO, Nikolai; VAZ JUNIOR, Jayme; Spectral Analysis of Fractional Hyperbolic Diffusion Equations with Random Data, 03/2020, Journal of Statistical Physics,Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-22, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
ANDREANI, Roberto; HAESER, G.; S. VIANA, Daiana; Optimality conditions and global convergence for nonlinear semidefinite programming, 03/2020, Mathematical Programming,Vol. 180, Fac. 1-2, pp.203-235, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
SUSSNER, Peter; CAMPIOTTI, I.; Extreme learning machine for a new hybrid morphological/linear perceptron, 03/2020, Neural Networks,Vol. 123, Fac., pp.288-298, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
BOZHKOV, Y D; RAMOS DA CONCEICAO, Pammela; On the Generalizations of the Kummer-Schwarz Equation, 03/2020, Nonlinear Analysis,Vol. 192, Fac., pp.1-19, Elmsford, NY, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
BARTMEYER, P. M.; BOCANEGRA, Silvana; RIBEIRO LEITE DE OLIVEIRA, Aurélio; Switching preconditioners using a hybrid approach for linear systems arising from interior point methods for linear programming, 03/2020, Numerical Algorithms,Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-29, Bussum, Suiça, 2020 *
ABUD, Germano; LIMA, J. F. A.; CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; LIBERTI, Leo; MUCHERINO, Antonio; The K-discretization and K-incident graphs for discretizable Distance Geometry, 03/2020, Optimization Letters (Print),Vol. 14, Fac. 2, pp.469-482, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
JUDICE, Joaquim J.; FUKUSHIMA, Masao Fukushima; IUSEM, Alfredo Noel; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; SESSA, Valentina; An alternating direction method of multipliers for the eigenvalue complementarity problem, 03/2020, Optimization Methods & Software (Print),Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-35, London, Reino Unido, 2020
J. G. BIRGIN, Ernesto; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; Complexity and performance of an Augmented Lagrangian algorithm, 03/2020, Optimization Methods and Software (Online),Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-37, Abingdon, Reino Unido, 2020
SIMÕES, F. S. P.; LAUREANO, E. E.; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; Calculus for linearly correlated fuzzy function using Frechet derivative and Riemann integral, 02/2020, Information Sciences,Vol. 512, Fac., pp.219-237, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
VAN ACKOOIJ, Wim; CHOROBURA, Ana Paula; ALEJANDRA SAGASTIZABAL, Claudia; ZIDANI, Hasnaa; Demand response versus storage flexibility in energy: multi-objective programming considerations, 02/2020, Optimization (Print),Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-29, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
CALDERON, L.; DINIZ EHRHARDT, Maria Aparecida; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; On high-order model regularization for multiobjective optimization, 02/2020, Optimization Methods & Software (Print),Vol. 1, Fac., pp.1-18, London, Reino Unido, 2020
SOUSA, J. Vanterler da C.; CAPELAS DE OLIVEIRA, Edmundo; RODRIGUES, Fábio G.; Ulam-Hyers stabilities of fractional functional differential equations, 01/2020, AIMS Mathematics,Vol. 5, Fac. 2, pp.1346-1358, Springfield, MO, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
SOUSA, J. Vanterler da C.; JARAD, Fahd; ABDELJAWAD, Thabet; Existence of mild solutions to Hilfer fractional evolution equations in Banach space, 01/2020, Annals of Functional Analysis,Vol. 12, Fac. 1, pp.1-17, Basel, Suiça, 2020
SIMÕES, F. S. P.; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; LAUREANO, E. E.; Modelo farmacocinético de compartimento único via equações diferenciais fuzzy, 01/2020, Biomatemática (UNICAMP),Vol. 29, pp.35-48, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2020
WASQUES, Vinicius F; LAUREANO, E. E.; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; Sequências recorrentes lineares de primeira e segunda ordem de números fuzzy interativos, 01/2020, Biomatemática (UNICAMP),Vol. 30, pp.159-176, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2020
CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; ALVES, R. S.; SOUZA, Michael Ferreira; ARAGÓN, José Luis; NMR protein structure calculation and sphere intersections, 01/2020, Computational and Mathematical Biophysics,Vol. 8, pp.89-101, Berlin, Alemanha, 2020
BEGIATO, R.G.; CUSTÓDIO, Ana Luisa; GOMES RUGGIERO, Márcia Aparecida; A global hybrid derivative-free method for high-dimensional systems of nonlinear equations, 01/2020, Computational Optimization and Applications,Vol. 75, Fac. 1, pp.93-112, Norwell, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
SIMÕES, F. S. P.; ESMI LAUREANO, Estevão; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; Calculus for linearly correlated fuzzy function using Fréchet derivative and Riemann integral, 01/2020, Information Sciences,Vol. 512, pp.219-237, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
FLORINDO, J. B.; DSTNet: Successive applications of the discrete Schroedinger transform for texture recognition, 01/2020, Information Sciences,Vol. 507, pp.356-364, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
WASQUES, Vinicius F; LAUREANO, E. E.; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; SUSSNER, Peter; The generalized fuzzy derivative is interactive, 01/2020, Information Sciences,Vol. 519, pp.93-109, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
IBANEZ, Daniel Eduardo Sanchez; LAUREANO, E. E.; CARVALHO DE BARROS, Laécio; MIEBACH, A.D.; DOS SANTOS CECCONELLO, Moiseis; Goodwin economic cycle via p -fuzzy system, 01/2020, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems,Vol. 38, Fac. 4, pp.4079-4090, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
BÁEZ-SÁNCHEZ, A. D.; CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; On the estimation of unknown distances for a class of Euclidean distance matrix completion problems with interval data, 01/2020, Linear Algebra and its Applications,Vol. 592, pp.287-305, New York, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
D KUCCHE, Kishor; P. KHARADE, Jyoti; SOUSA, J. Vanterler da C.; On the Nonlinear Impulsive Psi-Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations, 01/2020, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis,Vol. 25, Fac. 4, pp.642-660, Vilnius, Lituânia, 2020
JULIAN GOLDBERG BIRGIN, Ernesto; KREJIC, Natasha; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; ITERATION AND EVALUATION COMPLEXITY FOR THE MINIMIZATION OF FUNCTIONS WHOSE COMPUTATION IS INTRINSICALLY INEXACT, 01/2020, Mathematics of Computation,Vol. 89, Fac. 321, pp.253-278, Providence, Rhode Island, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
ZANETTI DE CASTRO, Fidelis; MESQUITA, M. E. R. V.; A broad class of discrete-time hypercomplex-valued Hopfield neural networks, 01/2020, Neural Networks,Vol. 122, pp.54-67, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020
P. ROSSETO, M.; EVANGELISTA, L.R.; DOS SANTOS SIMONÁRIO, Patrick; S. ZOLA, R.; Coarse-grained model of the nematic twist-bend phase from a stable state elastic energy, 01/2020, Physical Review E: covering statistical, nonlinear, biological, and soft matter physics,Vol. 101, Fac. 1, pp.1-8, College Park, MD, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
FERREIRA JR., Wilson Castro; TAKAHASHI, Lucy Tiemi; A. D'AFONSECA, Luis; Análise de Dados de Alta Dimensão via Decomposição em Modos Dinâmicos, 01/2020, Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 7, pp.100361-100362, São Carlos, SP, Brasil, 2020
NASCIMENTO GOIS, Aedson; LAUREANO, E. E.; DA SILVA SANTOS, David; IBANEZ, Daniel Eduardo Sanchez; SOUZA, Luiz Fernando; DE CASSIA ALMEIDA VIEIRA, Rita; CUNHA OLIVEIRA, Jussiely; S.S., Eduesley; Lockdown as an Intervention Measure to Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19: a modeling study, 01/2020, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (Impresso),Vol. 53, Fac., pp.1-7, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2020
FUSTER-SABATER, Amparo; CARDELL, S. D.; Linear complexity of generalized sequences by comparison of PN-sequences, 01/2020, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales,Vol. 114, Fac. 2, pp.1-19, Madrid, Espanha, 2020
HELOU NETO, E. S.; SANTOS, Sandra Augusta; SIMÕES, L. E. A.; A NEW SEQUENTIAL OPTIMALITY CONDITION FOR CONSTRAINED NONSMOOTH OPTIMIZATION, 01/2020, SIAM Journal on Optimization (Print),Vol. 30, Fac. 2, pp.1610-1637, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
BUENO, L. F. C. R.; MARTÍNEZ PÉREZ, José Mário; ON THE COMPLEXITY OF AN INEXACT RESTORATION METHOD FOR CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION, 01/2020, SIAM Journal on Optimization (Print),Vol. 30, Fac. 1, pp.80-101, Philadelphia, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
A. BARROS, Douglas; PEREZ-VILLEGAS, Angeles; R. D. LEPINE, Jacques; A. MICHTCHENKO, Tatiana; S. S. VIEIRA, RONALDO; Exploring the Origin of Moving Groups and Diagonal Ridges by Simulations of Stellar Orbits and Birthplaces, 01/2020, The Astrophysical Journal,Vol. 888, Fac. 2, pp.1-10, Chicago, IL 60637, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
TEIXEIRA GODINHO, Hemar; DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS, José Plínio; On new formulas for the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities, 01/2020, The Ramanujan Journal,Vol. 7, pp.33-46, Dordrecht, Holanda, 2020
CAMPOS LAVOR, CARLILE; Comments on Distance Geometry and Data Science, 01/2020, Top (Madrid),Vol. 28, pp.340-345, Madrid, Espanha, 2020
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