Faculty of Medical Sciences
Research lines
Arterial hypertension, collagenosis and pregnancy.Study of the associated factors, determinants, diagnoses and therapeutic forms of the different categories of arterial hypertension associated with pregnancy. Study of the association of collagenosis and antiphospholipid syndrome with gestational prognosis. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.Control, prevention, assistance and rehabilitation of sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Immunology and epidemiology of vaginal infections.Bacterial, fungal and viral vaginal infections affect various aspects of a woman's life during menacema. The identification of the etiological agents of female genital tract infections, their associated factors and the immune defense response. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Immunology and reproduction.To study the immunological aspects of the maternal-fetal interrelationship and its influence on the obstetric performance of women with infertility and sterility. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Infections in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle.Determining factors, diagnosis and consequences of intercurrent ascending or hematogenic infections, concomitant or resulting from the pregnancy-puerperal cycle. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Environmental influence on the pregnancy-puerperal cycle.Assess the environmental exposure of pregnant women and physical and chemical environmental agents, in addition to exposure in the work environment and physical effort during pregnancy. Study the influence of these conditions on the evolution of pregnancy and fetal development. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
investigation of the mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of urinary incontinence in women.This line of research studies mechanisms involved with etiology, pathophysiology and new therapies involved in urinary incontinence in women. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Biological markers in gynecological and breast oncology.Assessment of tumor markers in tumor biology, molecular genetics, diagnosis, therapeutic response, prognosis and others. Study with molecular hybridization, 'in situ' hybridization, immunohistochemistry, cytogenetics, radioimmunoassay, immunoenzyme (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Fetal Medicine.This line aims to improve, and mainly, the dissemination of knowledge and techniques for assessing fetal health. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Diagnostic methods in gynecological and breast oncology.Evaluation of screening methods, early diagnosis, differential diagnosis and others, including clinical, laboratory and surgical imaging approaches. Diagnostic test validation studies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Therapeutic methods and predictive and prognostic factors in gynecological and breast cancer.Evaluation of drugs, surgical techniques and radiotherapy on tumor response, disease-free time and survival of women with gynecological and breast cancer. Assessment of predictive factors and prognosis that affect this evolution. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Prematurity. Research risk factors (environmental, individual, infectious, markers), prevention measures, forms of treatment, definition of time and form of birth and perinatal mortality, related to the problem of prematurity and intranatal growth uterin (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Cervical preparation and labor induction.This line aims to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of pharmacological, mechanical and other methods used for cervical preparation and induction of labor. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000).
Rehabilitation in gynecological and breast cancer.Assessment of physiotherapy, psychology, clinical and surgical care, nursing, social services and others related to the quality of life of individuals with gynecological and breast cancer . (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Maternal and perinatal health.Epidemiology of conditions associated with morbidity and mortality of the mother, fetus and newborn and interventions to reduce it. Assessment and implementation of programs aimed at maternal and perinatal health. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Ultrasonography and pregnancy assessment.Use of ultrasound to evaluate different aspects of pregnancy, including dating of gestational age, evolution of the embryo/fetus and appendages, monitoring of fetal growth, lumen volume Aminitic fluid, changes in maternal structures. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Carcinogenesis of the large intestine. Advances in colorectal diseases and colonic and ileal reservoirs. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001).
Clinical, Epidemiology and Pharmacological Studies in pediatrics.ooooo (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS.
Acceptability of vaginal formulations that offer double protection (contraceptive and microbicin).The objective is to return different methodological techniques to evaluate the acceptability, by women, of vaginal formulations that offer double protection (contraceptive and microbicide). The intention is to identify the characteristics that would be accepted. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Clinical and social aspects of gynecological care for adolescents.The objective of this line is to study the reproductive, social and clinical aspects of female adolescents treated in a Specialized Multidisciplinary Adolescent Gynecology Service. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Birth assistance.Study of factors associated with the normal and pathological evolution of childbirth and the postpartum period. Assessment of techniques and procedures related to childbirth, analgesia, operative obstrency, maternal and perinatal morbidity associated with childbirth. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Childbirth assistance, psychological and physical preparation for low-risk pregnant women.Identification of psychological and physical factors that may favor (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Physical activity during pregnancy.Study of the association between physical activity during pregnancy and maternal physiological changes in the cardiovascular, circulatory and respiratory systems, influence on the development of pregnancy and the fetus , type of birth, painful experience. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Clinical, epidemiological evaluation and cardiovascular repercussions of hormone replacement therapy in climacteric women.The objective of this line is the study of epidemiological evidence, analysis of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and cardioprotection mechanisms of hormone replacement therapy in climacteric women. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Clinical, epidemiological and propaedeutic evaluation for measuring bone mineral density and osteoporosis in women.The objective of this line is the study of bone mineral density in women, its relationship with clinical and epidemiological parameters, risk factors and therapeutic alternatives for osteoporosis. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Assessment of contraceptive methods.This line teaches the student to evaluate the clinical performance and complications of using new contraceptive methods. It also participates in phase II and III clinical studies of methods not registered in the country. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Cesarean section - epidemiological aspects, consequences and incidence.The objective of this line of research is to evaluate the high incidence of cesarean sections in Brazil, their determinants, consequences on the health of women and children, associated factors, historical evolution and strategies for containment. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Endocrinopathies during pregnancy and their repercussions.Physiological changes in the endocrine system, pathological changes, including reduction and increase in gland function. Pituitary, adrenal and thyroid hypofunction. Pituitary and thyroid hyperfunction. Diabetes mellitus. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Study of the epidemiological, psycho-social, clinical and therapeutic aspects of climacteric women.The objective of this line is the study of the epidemiological, psychosocial, clinical and therapeutic aspects of climacteric women through the implementation of isolated or collaborative projects with other national and international institutions. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Ethics in research with human beings.The objectives of this line are: to evaluate researchers' opinions on the need to take care of ethical aspects when developing studies in which the subjects are human beings; assess researchers' knowledge of documents that address ethics. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Factors associated with the development of gynecological and mammary neoplasms.Behavioral, sociodemographic, environmental, endogenous, genetic and other factors related to the induction, promotion and progression of gynecological and breast tumors. Cross-sectional, case-control and cohort studies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Ethics, biotics and law in Tocogynecology.Study ethical and legal issues involving obstetric care, including aspects of biotic analysis of topics such as early life, abortion, fetal medicine, quality of care prenatal care, medical error, end-of-life decisions, care for fetuses in (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Etiopathogenic factors of endometriosis.This line aims to study factors determining the etiopathogenesis, prognosis and alternative treatment of endometriosis. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Teenage pregnancy, sexuality and violence.Epidemiology, associated factors, determinants and consequences of teenage pregnancy, psychology and sexuality in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle, with an emphasis on adolescence; determinants, characteristics and consequences of violence and sexual violence. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Work-related health problems. Research and practices that measure morbidity and mortality, aimed at improving criteria for diagnostic elucidation, favoring therapy, minimizing diagnosis, facilitating control and prevention of illnesses and accidents at work. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1991). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Modes of production, management and subjectivity in health.Analysis and understanding of the production processes of techno-assistance intervention methods of different collective subjects who formulate and implement health policies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Work process and institutional management in Health.Study practices, focusing on the territory of work processes, mapping the potential for change in care models. The investigations take place around action research and institutional analysis. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Troric-methodological foundations in Health, Culture and Society.This is a series of studies aiming to describe and analyze the scientific production of Public Health and Social Sciences, using a documentary basis. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Knowledge and practices in public health. Studies related to the constitution of knowledge and practices in the area of Public Health, its determinants and repercussions on health care. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Health Assessment. Projects related to health assessment in broad sense, using models that consider context, structure, processes and results of health policies, programs and services. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Relationships between health and work.This is a set of research and activities that involves mapping occupational risks (physical, chemical and biological), with general environmental interfaces, as determinants/aggravators of damage to worker health and the environment environment. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Worker health surveillance. Research and practices aimed at detecting risks and injuries to workers' health, as well as actions that can prevent, counter or minimize them. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Development of epidemiological methods and techniques applied to public health.Creation, testing, development and validation of methodological tools applied to epidemiology. Analysis of conditions of efficiency and effectiveness of assistance practices aimed at the population. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Epidemiology and living and health conditions.Theoretical studies of health and disease processes in the community, focusing on: mortality, morbidity, nutrition, occupationally exposed populations and risk groups. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Epidemiology and workers' health. Development and maintenance of epidemiological technology applied to surveillance and control of workers' health problems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Organization and evaluation of health systems.Research health policies and the organization of service networks, as techno-assistance models in the structural, procedural and results-generating spheres, both in the public and private sectors. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Mortality studies. Development of technical methods for monitoring, associated factors and morbidity and mortality in special groups. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Lacrimal ducts.Lacrimal ducts. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1987). Line linked to the OPHTHALMO/ENT DEPARTMENT.
Eye health administration and planning.It covers operational research on: Needs, material, financial and human resources for ophthalmological assistance to groups and communities. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line linked to the OPHTHALMO/ENT DEPARTMENT.
The influence of biomaterials on the bone remodeling and regeneration process.The influence of biomaterials on the bone remodeling and regeneration process. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORTOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY.
Experimental development of an orthopedic prosthesis model. Biomaterials.Pre-mechanical basis of osteosynthesis and postoperative segment. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Diagnostic investigation and therapeutic alternatives in trauma surgery.Study of multiple organ failure and sepsis in trauma surgery. Diagnosis (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic alternative investigation in critically ill patients.Shocks and monitoring, cardiocirculatory and pulmonary support, neuro-humoral axis and metabolic changes. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Cranio-maxillofacial reconstruction.Treatment of craniofacial defects. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Urological surgical techniques. Urological carcinogenesis.Treatment of urinary tract disorders Oncogenesis. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and research in urinary incontinence. Study of sexual infertility. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Carcinogenesis of the large intestine.Advances in colorectal diseases and colonic and ileal reservoirs. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Cardiac pathophysiology and cardiac stimulation.Study of multiple organ failure and sepsis in trauma surgery. Diagnosis and treatment of trauma complications. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Surgical techniques of the digestive system, transplantation and gastrointestinal carcinogenesis.Liver transplantation: Surgical technique, complications and pre-, post-operative monitoring. Anatomical bases of liver surgery and cholangiocarcinoma. Immunology and transplantation. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Techniques and advances in thoracic surgery.
Oncogenesis. Head and neck tumor.Treatment of acute and chronic lung conditions (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Motility and gastroesophageal reflux.Physiology and dynamics of motility and gastroesophageal reflux. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Assessment of the uterus and appendages of tuner syndrome
by ultrasound study.Assessment of the uterus and appendages of tuner syndrome by ultrasound study. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line connected to the RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Interventional angiographic study on embolizations.Interventional angiographic study on embolizations. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line connected to the RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Chest changes in excleroderma.Chest changes in excleroderma. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line connected to the RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Applications of helical CT in the evaluation of indeterminate pulmonary nodules.Evaluation of helical CT in the evaluation of indeterminate pulmonary nodules. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line connected to the RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Clinical, Epidemiological, experimental and therapeutic studies of infectious diseases.Clinical, Epidemiological, experimental and therapeutic studies of infectious diseases. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980).
Mitochondrial Bioenergetics, Calcium Transport in Pathophysiological Situations. Study of energy transduction processes in plant mitochondria. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1978). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Laboratory and Molecular Investigation of Biological Liquids.Study of changes in biological fluids (CSF, urine, semen, pleural, pericardial, peritoneal and synovial fluids) in the face of various pathologies. It consists of standardizing normal cytological and biochemical values of liquids in general; cytomorphological study (benign or malignant) and biochemical changes (mainly proteins). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Neuroimmunomodulation. Through CNS injuries and their effects on circulating levels of hormones and the immune response, we aim to clarify the mechanisms that integrate these systems in the regulation of the immune response. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1984). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Applied Immunology, Immunochemistry and Cellular Immunology. Identification, isolation and characterization of antigenic components of infectious and parasitic agents for the development of technology for the search for immunologically relevant antigens and specific antibodies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Laboratory and Molecular Investigation of Hereditary and Acquired Hemopathies. Laboratory investigation of anemia. Study of iron metabolism through routine laboratory tests and evaluation of soluble transferrin receptors. Physiopathogenesis of Anemia of Chronic Disease, factors involved. Pathophysiology of Anemia of Chronic Disease; factors involved. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1982). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Metabolism of Lipids, Lipoproteins, Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias.Investigation into the regulation of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism and its influence on atherogenesis. Study of the mechanisms involved in the physiology of primary and secondary dyslipidemia. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1983). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Diagnostic Microbiology/Virulence factors of microorganisms. Study of virulence factors of pathogenic microorganisms isolated from different human materials. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Hereditary Hemoglobinopathies and Their Molecular Bases / Human Haptoglobins. Laboratory investigation of hereditary hemoglobinopathies; application of Molecular Biology techniques to the study and characterization of the mutations responsible for them. Subtyping of haptoglobins and correlation with different pathologies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1987). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Histocompatibility, Human Immunogenetics, HLA and Cancer. Investigation into the interaction between cell surface receptors specific to T and B cells, antigen recognition and serum glycoproteins against these receptors. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1981). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Cellular Immunology/Applied Immunology. Characterization of the mechanisms involved in the regulation of the cellular immune response *in vitro*, in chronic Chagas patients. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1989). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Mitochondrial pathology induced by Ca2+ ions and free radicals. Study of the mechanisms by which the accumulation of Ca2+ by mitochondria under conditions of ischemia and reperfusion stimulates the production of free radicals that damage cells under these conditions. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1978). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Bioenergetics of plant mitochondria. Study of the mechanisms by which the oxidation-reduction reactions of the mitochondrial respiratory chain generate heat for thermogenesis. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1978). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Clinical Parasitology: Diagnosis and Epidemiology. Parasitological diagnosis of protozoa and helminths in the human digestive tract. Quantitative and qualitative methods. Special colors. Longitudinal epidemiological studies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1996). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Epidemiology and control of schistosomiasis mansoni in an area of low endemicity. Study of the transmission dynamics and prophylaxis of schistosomiasis mansoni in areas of low endemicity. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Neurodegenerative Diseases: Metabolism, Oxidative Stress and Cell Death. Understand the biochemical processes that lead to neurodegeneration and cell death in cerebral ischemia/reperfusion, and in Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases. This knowledge could allow for a better pharmacological approach in the treatment and even prevention of these pathologies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Clinical and Diagnostic Microbiology and Parasite-Host Relationship. Phenotypic characterization and antifungal susceptibility testing of fungi isolated from clinical specimens of immunocompromised patients. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1982). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Cellular Immunology/Control of cytokine production by TCD4+ cells.Study of the immune response mediated by cytokines (expression of surface molecules, production of antibodies, inflammation) in paracoccidiodomycosis and other pathologies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Molecular Mechanisms involved in Oxidative Damage and DNA Repair. Investigate the molecular mechanisms by which the accumulation of DNA damage can induce the appearance of a lesion and elucidate (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1987). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Identification and quantification of metabolites originating from endogenous and exogenous substances in biological fluids.Study of new methods for analyzing endogenous or exogenous substances for etiological identification and therapeutic follow-up, mainly of intoxicated patients. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Kidney injury markers.Early detection and study of the pathogenesis of renal abnormalities through non-invasive methodology. Filtration and reabsorption of proteins; correlation between molecular weight of urinary proteins and site of anatomical lesions. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1982). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Clinical and Diagnostic Microbiology/Mycobacteria/Molecular Biology.Investigation of mycobacterioses in patients treated at the Hospital de Clínicas, whether with AIDS or not. Epiemiological assessment of mycobacterioses using molecular biology methodology. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1987). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY.
Child care policies and practices.Studies of policies and programs for child care in the areas of education and health and their connection with the practices implemented (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS.
Growth and Endocrinology of Children and Adolescents.STUDY OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN IN BRAZIL (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1989). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS.
Gastroenterology. Includes studies of gastric emptying of liquids and contributes to the resolution of some aspects related to studying the pathophysiological mechanisms involved, using experimental models that are close to clinical situations in human beings (Approved by the Department /Scientific Council in 1988). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS.
Infectious diseases in childhood.CONSTANT ASSESSMENT OF HOSPITAL INFECTIONS TO ESTABLISH PREVENTION AND CONTROL MEASURES (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS.
Immunology, Allergy and Pulmonology. ooooooooooooo (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS.
Psychology and psychiatry of children and adolescents.PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY OF CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY.
Psychosomatics and Psychology Applied to Health.Theoretical, clinical or experimental studies of mind-body relationships, and their applications to Education and Health. Psychological studies of the process of becoming ill in its different aspects: personal, family, social, etc. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY.
Psychotherapies, Psychoanalysis and Consciousness Studies.Study of psychotherapeutic procedures regarding their theoretical foundations, procedures, clinical effectiveness, etc. The same applies to Psychoanalysis, including dissident authors and smaller, parallel schools. Psychological and psychoanalytic study of states of consciousness. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY.
Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychiatry.Psychological and psychiatric studies relating to childhood and adolescence. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY.
Psychopathology, Adult Psychiatry and Therapeutics.Adult psychopathological and psychiatric studies and therapies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY.
Psychology and Psychopathology of the Human Condition.Study, analysis and reflection of the human condition - from conception to death - in its psychic aspects, both individual and group, using the psychoanalytic framework as it was conceived by Freud, that is: as a theory, as a treatment method and as a research instrument. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY.
Brief Psychotherapy (Theory and Technique). . (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY.
Sociological and epidemiological studies and mental health.Sociological and epidemiological studies and mental health. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY.
Neuroimaging.Neuroimaging (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
Neuropsychiatric Lupus. Neuropsychiatric Lupus (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line connected to the RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Computed tomography of neuropsychiatric SLE lesions.Computed tomography of neuropsychiatric SLE lesions. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line connected to the RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
MRI of neuropsychiatric SLE with cognitive changes.MRI of neuropsychiatric SLE with cognitive changes. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line connected to the RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Environmental and population impacts of chemical agents.Clinical and epidemiological studies of control technologies, use, processing, transportation, consumption and final disposal, in industrial production, phytosanitary products, pesticides, chemical agents and sanitizers. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Health Policies intervention and evaluation. Analysis of socio-cultural factors related to health policies as well as evaluation processes. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Institutional analysis and educational practices in health.Analysis of intervention processes in groups and institutions and evaluation of educational practices. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Epidemiology of communicable diseases.Research and methodological development for acute and chronic diseases and conditions using the infectious disease paradigm. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Epidemiology and women's and children's health.Studies and research on the technological evaluation of population clinical intervention methodology and different assistance technologies for women and children. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Living and Health Conditions / Social Inequalities in Health.Theoretical and applied studies of health and disease processes in the community, focusing on: mortality, morbidity, nutrition, occupationally exposed populations and risk groups. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Epidemiological Methods and Techniques Applied to Public Health.Creation, testing, development and validation of methodological tools applied to epidemiology. Analysis of efficiency and effectiveness conditions of care practices aimed at the population. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Health and Work.This is a set of research and activities that involves mapping occupational risks (physical, chemical and biological), with general environmental interfaces, as determinants/aggravating factors of damage to worker health and the environment. environment. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Socio-historical-cultural foundations in health.Socio-historical-cultural foundations in health. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Social policies and social organization of health practices.Social policies and social organization of health practices. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Work process, institutional management and subjectivity in health.Study health practices, both at the level of networks and establishments, focusing on the territory of work processes, mapping the potential for change in care models. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Hospital management.Analysis and understanding of the production processes of techno-assistance intervention methods of different collective subjects who formulate and implement health policies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE.
Neurovascular Abnormalities. Neurovascular Abnormalities (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology. Semiology of epileptic manifestations, clinical and electroclinical classification, relationship with the different triggering and facilitating factors. Hormonal influence. Pathophysiological aspects. Etiology. Epileptic syndromes. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
Higher Cortical Functions and heredodegenerative diseases.Through standardized tests, neuropsychology studies abnormal behaviors secondary to brain lesions: cortical and subcortical. Neuropsychology aims to establish the neurological bases of behaviors. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
Infections and Parasites of the Central Nervous System.Different agents can attack the CNS and peripheral regions, causing structural, functional, transient and/or definitive abnormalities. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
Expansive intracranial lesions and cerebrospinal fluid.Neurological clinical assessment. CSF studies. Intracranial hypertension syndrome. Neuroradiological diagnostic methods. Angiographic studies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
Neurodevelopment, Learning and Schooling. Neurodevelopment, Learning and Schooling (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
Autonomic and Neuromuscular Nervous System. Study of neuromuscular diseases in adult patients and children (pregnant women and fetuses). Clinical-genetic aspects. Biochemical, histoenzymological, electrophysiological, neuroradiological diagnoses, simple and electron microscopy. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
Craniomedullary trauma. Epidemiological evaluation of head and spinal cord injuries in adult and child patients at a University Hospital. Clinical and laboratory study in the acute phase. Evolutionary neurological assessment. Complementary studies of sequelae. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
Epidemiology and community care in preventing blindness.Includes epidemiological studies relating to
distribution of eye diseases, risk factors and determinants of the appearance of specific conditions. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the OPHTHALMO/ENT DEPARTMENT.
Clinical and surgical therapy of eye diseases.Includes clinical and laboratory studies to
identify and validate treatments for eye diseases as well as surgical procedures. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line linked to the OPHTHALMO/ENT DEPARTMENT.
Anatomical, physiological aspects,
pathological and semiological in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck.This line of research contemplates the study of Otorhinolaryngology in a broad way, evaluating the processes involved in hearing, balance, voice production, speech, language development, chewing, swallowing in smell and taste and in breathing.
Anatomical, physiological, pathological and propedeutic aspects are considered. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the OPHTHALMO/ENT DEPARTMENT.
Physical processes and phenomena related to Otorhinolaryngology
and Head and Neck.In this line of research, phenomena and physical processes are studied related to the diagnosis, treatment and physiology of different biological tissues and organs, in their normal or pathological forms, and which comprise in the structures of Otorhinolaryngology
and Head and Neck. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the OPHTHALMO/ENT DEPARTMENT.
Clinical and surgical practice in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck diseases.Conventional therapeutic approaches are studied as well as recent technological advances from both a clinical and surgical point of view, evaluating the techniques used, results and associated complications. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the OPHTHALMO/ENT DEPARTMENT.
Biomechanics and rehabilitation of the locomotor system.Biomechanics and rehabilitation of the locomotor system. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORTOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY.
Elderly Health. Develop studies and research regarding nursing practices aimed at the elderly and their families (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Pediatrics.Knowledge of the care of diabetic children at home; Satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors of pediatric ICU nurses. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Health educational practices.Develop research related to educational practices in health, highlighting interdisciplinary aspects (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Nursing Diagnosis. Promotion of scientific meetings, discussion and dissemination of topics of interest such as biomedical informatics in nursing and the minimum nursing file, among others. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Women's Health. Research involving women's health care at different stages of the life cycle. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1983). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Continuing Education. Research and experience reports on strategic Continuing Education activities. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1991). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Biological Rhythms. Study physiological and behavioral phenomena of living beings under the theoretical framework of chronobiology. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Work and Health Education. Develop studies related to the health area linked to education and work (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Organization of health and nursing services.aaaa (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Human resources in health and nursing. HUMAN RESOURCES IN HEALTH AND NURSING (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Worker health. Research and develop projects aimed at raising problems and solutions relating to worker health (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Mental Health Nursing. Studies on mental health (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
The nursing care process: theoretical, methodological and technological foundation. The nursing care process (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Philosophy and ethics in health and nursing.Study on nursing ethics and its influences on healthcare practices. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1998). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Management of Health and Nursing Services. Theories, principles and purposes of administration and organization of services, management of the structure, process and results of health and nursing care (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001 ). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Information/Communication in Health and Nursing. Theories, principles, purposes and operationalization of information systems and communication processes in Health and Nursing (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Work, Health and Education. Studies relating to the field of work, health and education; Production, work process in health and nursing; Relationship between work and health (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Process of Care in Health and Nursing. Systematized process of caring for healthy or sick human beings, at the individual or collective level; subjective or objective dimensions of caring and being cared for (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Technology in Health and Nursing. Production processes and incorporation of goods and services into the care process in light of advances in knowledge in Health and Nursing (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
Toxinology. Studies the pharmacology of snakebites, scorpions, spiders and their fractions on the NMJ, skeletal muscle and cardiovascular system; also studies the isolation, biochemical and immunochemical characterization of toxins and the implications for the local effects of snake poisoning. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Pharmacology of the inflammatory process. It aims to study pharmacological mediators involved in acute and chronic inflammatory processes. New anti-inflammatory drugs are also studied in animal models (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Clinical Pharmacology. It involves aspects of applied pharmacokinetics, phase I and bioequivalence studies, as well as studies of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships in healthy volunteers and patients. It also includes the analytical part of quantifying medicines in biological liquids, through the use of high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Neuropsychopharmacology. We investigated the impact of psychological stress and lithium treatment on adult and developing rats. We used animal models of mental illness, models of acute and chronic stress and other behavioral tests for the investigation neurobiology of drug/stress interaction in experimental animals. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Clinical Pharmacology - Pharmacoepidemiology. Studies on the Use of Medicines, Pharmacovigilance, Promotion of the Rational Use of Medicines, Therapeutic Consultation.
The Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology activities began in March
1994, with studies on the use of medicines at the university hospital. These
studies were themes of master's dissertations, such as: evaluation of
prescription pattern for the elderly, for children, for pregnant women, prescription pattern for
special groups of medicines such as benzodiazepines, acid secretion inhibitors
stomach, antibiotics. Hospital pharmacovigilance studies were developed
in the Adult General Infirmary along with discussions of clinical pharmacology at the bedside
bed and with informal activities therapeutic consultation, and involved monitoring
intensive care unit for hospitalized patients, in close collaboration with the medical team at this
nursery. Both drug use and pharmacovigilance studies
have provided undergraduate teaching and the promotion of more rational therapy. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Toxinology II/Plant and bacterial toxins.1-Effects of concanavalin A on hormonal secretion. 2- Study of inflammation produced by staphylococcal enterotoxins in mice. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Kinetics and dynamics of antihypertensive drugs.Isolated and/or coupled studies of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs used to treat hypertension. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Endothelium and cardiovascular regulation.Assessment of pathological states in which endothelial dysfunction participates as a cause or consequence of the primary disease (animal and human models). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Cardiovascular effects of smoking.Cardiovascular effects of nicotine as a disease-causing drug and as an adjunct to smoking cessation (animal and human models). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Cardiovascular Pharmacology. 1. Studies in rodents, which receive an inhibitor of nitric oxide biosynthesis (L-NAME) to evaluate hemodynamics and function
cardiac, in addition to histological aspects of vessels, heart and kidneys; 2. Endothelial dysfunction in animals and humans caused by nicotine, high blood pressure and drugs that prevent or reverse its onset; 3. Pharmacological studies with animal toxins in isolated organs such as vessels, heart and corpora cavernosa. Fractionation and purification of animal poisons; 4. Investigation and use of antihypertensive drugs in animal models and
humans. Studies of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-kinetic system.
Correlation of function-genetic bases in refractory hypertensive patients (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Inflammation.This line of research aims at the following aspects: I) understanding the mechanism of action of secretory and cytosolic phospholipases A2 in inflammatory edema and leukocyte chemotaxis, II) understanding the mechanism of nitric oxide action in leukocyte chemotaxis, III) importance of vanilloid receptors and purinoceptors in experimental neurogenic inflammation (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995) . Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Clinical Pharmacology.It involves aspects of applied pharmacokinetics, phase I and bioequivalence studies, as well as studies of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships in healthy volunteers and patients. It also includes the analytical part of quantifying medicines in biological liquids, through the use of high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Immunotoxicology.Study of the effects of exposure to chemical and environmental agents. About the immunological response of experimental animals and individuals (workers) exposed to these agents. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Disorders of sex determination and differentiation.Study of the clinical, cytogenetic, endocrine and molecular aspects of disorders of sexual determination and differentiation. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1989). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Clinical Genetics.Dysmorphology and related topics in clinical genetics. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1970). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Genetics in Public Health. Study frequent genetic changes in Brazilian populations, with special emphasis on the process of population screening and genetic guidance of heterozygotes. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1975). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Etiology of mental deficiency and related disorders.Study on the etiology of mental disability and related disorders. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1970). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Biomedical Informatics.Application of computers in medicine. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1991). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Inborn Errors of Metabolism.Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Genetics and Cancer.Study on Genetics and Cancer. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1996). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Neurogenetics.It involves the study of the genetic aspects of neurological diseases, mainly in the area of heredodegenerative diseases and epilepsies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Medical Education. Projects and courses aimed at improving undergraduate medical education. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Study of Infertility and Sterility.Study of infertility and sterility. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1996). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
Biotics I and II. Study of issues related to the autonomy of the human person, with justice in the distribution of health goods. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF FORECAST MEDICINE.
Morphological Changes and Adaptive and Degenerative Phenomena. Study of changes caused by arterial hypertension in different tissues, reperfusion injury and tissue changes caused by cachexia. Includes collagen degenerative processes and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system as well as muscular diseases. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.
Proliferation and differentiation.Study of possible proliferation markers, such as p. ex. PCNA or AgNORSin various tissues or cytological examination, aiming at the pathophysiology, diagnostic value and limitations of the methods. Study of the role of viral agents in the genesis of pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions. Assessment of tissue differentiation characteristics, especially tumors from different regions, using special techniques (e.g., immunohistochemistry), in an attempt to improve the classification of lesions. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.
Inflammatory phenomena and immunopathology.Study of pathophysiological mechanisms of sensu lato inflammatory processes through morphological findings with the help of immunofluorescence or immunoperoxidase methods in comparison with clinical data. These studies are implicated in inflammatory phenomena of the endometrial placenta, myocarditis, viral hepatitis, glomerulonephritis, changes after transplantation and autoimmune diseases. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.
Study and Update in Pathological Anatomy.Study and update in pathological anatomy. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.
Clinical Anesthesiology: Anesthetic Agents and Anesthetic Techniques.In this line of applied clinical research, we seek to demonstrate which anesthetic techniques, types of ventilation, induction and maintenance agents best suit certain anesthetic procedures, as well as complications occurring during and after anesthesia. Particular attention has been given to anesthesia for pelvic laparoscopy. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Anesthesia in Obstetrics and its Repercussion on the Maternal-Fetal Organism.In this line of research, we aim to evaluate, clinically and laboratory, the impact of anesthetic techniques and anesthetic agents used on the mother and the newborn, adequately monitoring the evolution of labor, as well as evaluating the vitality conditions of the newborn in the next 24 hours. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Neurophysiology, Pharmacology and Pain Therapy.The International Association for the Study of Pain, in 1979, defined pain as *an unpleasant sensation and emotional experience associated with current or potential tissue damage*. In our research at UNICAMP, we aim to integrate anatomophysiological knowledge of pain, to introduce new methods for the treatment, control and prevention of chronic pain, through clinical work carried out on various patients treated at the Chronic Pain Outpatient Clinic of the UNICAMP Hospital de Clinicas. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1984). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Chronic Pain and Post-Operative Pain.Through this line of research, the types of treatment and their possible failures are being studied, mainly in cancer patients with postoperative pain, when undergoing major surgery. The study has been particularly restricted to the use of opioids and neurolytics in the epidural space. This is clinical research carried out at the Chronic Pain Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital de Clinicas (HC) and at the Center for Comprehensive Health Care for Women (CAISM/UNICAMP). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1984). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Neurophysiology and Pharmacology of the Neuromuscular Junction.The number of neuromuscular relaxants in use in clinical practice is increasing. We aim to standardize a technique that allows a comparative study between these recently launched drugs, with those that are already in use, regarding their effects on the neuromuscular junction and the incidence of side effects when using equipotent doses. We also propose to standardize a decurarization technique that allows a comparative study of the reversal of neuromuscular blockade produced by different competitive relaxants using different antihealing drugs. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Anesthesia for Kidney Transplantation.Line of research involving the study of different anesthetic techniques performed on patients undergoing kidney transplantation. Behavior of anesthetic agents and muscle relaxants in patients with absent renal function. Correlation between anesthesia and acute tubular necrosis. Study of pre-operative fasting in patients undergoing kidney transplantation: gastric emptying. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1987). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Pediatric Anesthesia.Induction agents in pediatric anesthesia. Cardiocirculatory repercussions. Muscle relaxation for tracheal intubation: inhalational agents, intravenous agents, depolarizing and competitive neuromuscular blockers. Regional Anesthesia. Post-operative analgesia: patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). Monitoring. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Immunology and Anesthesia.Joint study with the Discipline of Clinical Immunology of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at UNICAMP, on possible immunological changes in doctors from the beginning to the conclusion of the Medical Residency in Anesthesiology. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1991). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Cardiovascular Effects of Volatile and Venous Anesthetics. Interaction with Other Drugs Used in Anesthesia.In this line of research, the cardiovascular effects produced by volatile and intravenous anesthetic agents have been studied, in isolation and in interaction with other drugs used in anesthesia or by the patient. Its objective is to search for agents for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia, providing greater cardiocirculatory safety. This is clinical research during the anesthetic-surgical and experimental procedure in anesthetized animals, whether or not they have undergone surgery, being developed at the Experimental Medicine and Surgery Center of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at UNICAMP. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1984). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Assessment of Peripheral Flow using the Pneumoplestimographic Method.Among the actions and effects of halogenated anesthetics on the cardiocirculatory system, there are some such as peripheral vasodilation and myocardial depression which, as a result, can cause variations in peripheral arterial flow. Also, some conductive anesthesia techniques that cause sympathetic blockade and arterial vasodilation alter arterial flow. We aimed, using the pneumoplestimographic method, to study the variations in peripheral flow produced by halogenated anesthetics and conductive anesthesia in anesthetized patients with and without peripheral vascular disease. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Electrophysiology of the Neuromuscular Junction.Through this line of research, the effects of various agents such as aminopyridines, antibiotics, general anesthetics and muscle relaxants on the neuromuscular junction are studied. These studies have been developed experimentally at the Department of Pharmacology of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at UNICAMP, studying the phenomenon of desensitization of the terminal plate receptor in the peripheral nerve preparation. Single rat diaphragm, and to a lesser extent, clinically, during the anesthetic-surgical procedure. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Anesthesia for bone marrow transplant.Study of anesthetic techniques in bone marrow donors. Research: a) Use of nitrous oxide and possible damage to the bone marrow; b) Use of morphine in the epidural space for postoperative analgesia; c) The need or not for self-transfusion. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Clinical and Experimental Liver Transplantation.In this line of research, various anesthetic techniques, monitoring and pre-, intra- and post-operative care of patients undergoing liver transplants are being studied. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1989). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Liver and Anesthesia.In this line of research, the effects of the combination of several drugs on the liver are being studied. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1989). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Liver and anesthesia.In this line of research, the effects of the combination of several drugs on the liver are being studied. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1989). Line connected to the ANESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
Diagnosis and therapy in ischemia and reperfusion.Assessment of venous circulation using a non-invasive method. Treatment of claudicants with external compression. Assessment of lymphadenectomy with plethysmograph. Varicose vein surgery - Preservation of the great saphenous vein: duplex study. Chronic venous hypertension: home care. Treatment of telangiectasias: laser, cryosclerosis. Ischemia and reperfusion. Tissue protection and angiogenesis. Development of a solution for tissue protection. Development of arterial replacements (Stents). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Cardiac pathophysiology and cardiac stimulation.Myocardial preservation - Experimental models, crystalloid cardioplegic solutions. Studies of myocardial changes and functions after ischemia: study of the variation in the physiological parameters of myocardial contraction. ischemia;Study of the variation in the physiological parameters of myocardial contraction.Electrical stimulation of the heart - Total AV experimental model.Study of the anatomy of the heart.Consequent changes the use of extracoepreal circulation. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Techniques and advances in thoracic surgery.Oncogenesis.Treatment of acute and chronic lung conditions. Oncogenesis (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Maxillofacial reconstruction.Treatment of craniofacial defects. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Head and neck tumors.Etiological research, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of head and neck tumors. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Surgical techniques of the digestive system. Transplantation. Gastrointestinal carcinogeny.Liver transplantation-surgical technique. Complications of transplantation preoperative monitoring. Surgical anatomy of the liver: division of the liver for transplantation (split liver). Anatomical bases of liver surgery. Surgical treatment of carcinoma liver disease and cholangiocarcinoma;immunology and transplantation, rejection, malnutrition, liver failure and treatment, ascites, pathophysiology and treatment, post-transplant gastrointestinal hemorrhage.Pre-ep clinical evaluation Transplant surgery. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Carcinogenesis of the large intestine.Advances in colorectal diseases and colonic and ileal reservoirs. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Motility and gastro-esophageal reflux.Physiology and dynamics of motility and gastro esophageal reflux. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Cardiac and pulmonary ischemia and rerfusion.Shock and pulmonary cardiac resuscitation. Invasive monitoring. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Diagnostic and alternative therapeutic investigation in trauma surgery.Study of multiple organ failure and sepsis in trauma surgery. Diagnosis and treatment of trauma complications. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Urological surgical techniques. Urological carcinogenesis.Treatment of urinary tract disorders.Anatomical and pathophysiological aspects of pelvic floor defects.Clinical and imaging evaluation of urogenital prolapses.Treatment of cystoceles, rectoceles and perineal ruptures .Prevention and treatment of vaginal dome prolapse. Pathophysiology of stress urinary incontinence. Contribution of prenatal and postpartum physiotherapy in the prevention of stress urinary incontinence. Alternatives in the conservative treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Treatment of detrusor instability, interpretation and treatment of postmenopausal urinary symptoms. Critical analysis of pubovaginal sligs. Injections periurethral.Perspectives on the treatment of urinary incontinence in women.Research on urinary incontinence.critical aspects. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic alternative investigation in the patient
critical.This is a line of clinical and experimental research whose primary objective is to study aspects of pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapy with applications in the evaluation and management of critically ill patients. Fields of study include the adult ICU at HC-UNICAMP and the Center for Experimental Medicine and Surgery at FCM-UNICAMP. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Assessment of peripheral circulation by method
non-invasive and experimental trials, ischemia and reperfusion.Measurements of pressures, columns and venous flows
and arterial by non-invasive and experimental invasive methods. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Fetal Surgery to Correct Congenital Defects.This line of research is new and involves experimental models in rat fetuses. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the SURGERY DEPARTMENT.
Studies of Chronic Liver Diseases.Study of patients with chronic liver disease, with regard to the etiology of their disease (alcohol, viral diseases, post-transfusion diseases, etc.), to diagnose characteristics (ultrasound, viral markers, etc.) and complications, including (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Pathophysiology and Therapy of Auto-Immune, Allergic, Metabolic and Degenerative Diseases.Clinical and laboratory characterization of autoimmune, allergic, immunodeficiency, osteoarticular, metabolic, degenerative, inflammatory and osteopathic diseases. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Human nutrition.Research into the nutrition of hospitalized patients, including the implementation of diagnostic investigation methods used in nutritional assessment. This line includes field work correlating nutritional status in children included in (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Clinical, morphological, biochemical and molecular changes in acquired and hereditary blood diseases.It comprises the study of bone marrow cytology and hemopathology in malignant hemopathies and the biochemical and molecular abnormalities of hemoglobin and erythrocyte enzymes in hereditary red blood cell diseases. Additionally, it includes the biochemical and molecular study of hemostasis disorders. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Clinical Epidemiology, Therapy and Morphological Changes in Dermatoses.Clinical-morphological analysis of dermatoses and anatomopathological, direct mycological, parasitological and culture examinations. Grouping of childhood dermatoses, tumors, leprosy, collagenosis, bullous allergies and surgeries. Epidemiological and therapeutic study. A (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Experimental clinical study and nephron.It aims to evaluate the morphological and functional impairment of the nephron in different experimental situations. For this purpose, the study is used in individual metabolic cages and functional marking techniques such as cretinin clearance, lithium in a situation of aqueous diuresis. Psychosomatic disorders related to nephropathic patients. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Transplantation and conservation of organs.Clinical, therapeutic and epidemiological evaluation of organ transplantation. Study of the role of different experimental study methods and conservation solutions on viability and tissue biology. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Acid-Peptic Diseases - Etilogy, pathophysiology, epidemiology and clinic of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.Prospective study involving patients with dyspeptic symptoms and chronic gastritis caused by Helicobacter Pylori. Treatment with antimicrobials and evaluation of improvement in the symptoms of gastritis and duodenal ulcer related to the disappearance of H.pylo (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Arterial hypertension.Pathophysiological study of hypertensive patients regarding their neurohumoral response to oral carbohydrate intake. Study of the lateral hypothalamus on blood pressure control and renal excretion of H20 and ions in SHR rats. Psychosomatic disorders relationship (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Diarrhea and other disorders of transit, absorption and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract.A-) 1. Diagnosis of diseases of the digestive tract, especially those that cause malabsorption and losses; 2. Jejunal biopsies are a method of diagnosing small intestine disease. B-) Treatment of diseases that cause diarrhea and malabsorption, both dietary and medicinal. Assessment of the evolution and analysis of the diagnosis and frequency of lactose malabsorption and its association with clinical complications. Assessment of the use of milk, modified milk and its substitutes. C-) Psychosomatic disorders related to colopathies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Study of the Metabolic Pathways of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins.Clinical, biochemical and molecular evaluation of different pathophysiological conditions of intermediary metabolism and its repercussions on the neurohumoral axis. Psychosomatic disorders related to endocrinological patients. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Clinical, epidemiological, experimental, microbiological, therapeutic and prophylactic studies of infectious diseases.Research into various aspects of parasitic infectious diseases included in care or field research. This topic includes research on the application of laboratory techniques for diagnosis, epidemiological studies, clinical aspects (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Chagas disease and other heart diseases.Clinical, epidemiological and experimental evaluation of various clinical forms of Chagas disease and other cardiomyopathies, as well as medical-labor, social and psycho-affective assessment of Chagas patients level of primary, secondary and tertiary care in the Health sector. Psychosomatic disorders related to chagasic patients. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Coronary Circulation and Cardio-Circulatory Pathophysiology.Study of the pathophysiological mechanisms that contribute to changes in coronary circulation. Functional scientific study of the left ventricle in normal and pathological situations. Psychosomatic disorders related to heart disease patients. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
Functional and Morphological Changes in Pulmonary Diseases.Study of morphological changes in the lung in situations of genetic anomalies and exposure to chemical, physical and biological aggressors. Analysis of the functional repercussions produced by these changes. Characterization of clinical syndromes (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.