Faculty of Education
General framework of activities
Projects with funding started in 2002: 26  
FAPESP projects started in 2002: 16
Contracted Value: R$289.856,70

TEACHER BODY      106  
      MS6      7  
      MS5      9  
      MS3      89  
      MS2      1  
      Master's theses      103  
      Doctoral theses      62  
PRODUCTIONS      782  
published books      25  
Books      22  
      Published without reprint      10  
      Published with reissue (without revision)      2  
      Published with reissue (with revision)      6  
      Editing or organizing books      4  
Textbooks      3  
      Published without reprint      2  
      Editing or organizing books      1  
Articles published in periodicals      53  
      Articles published in specialized refereed journals with (international) circulation      19  
      Articles published in specialized refereed periodicals with (national) circulation      17  
      Articles published in specialized non-refereed journals      9  
      Articles published in non-specialized periodicals (National)      8  
Published book chapters      80  
Books      76  
      Published book chapters      76  
Textbooks      4  
      Published book chapters      4  
Complete works published in conference proceedings      40  
      Complete works in conference proceedings (international)      17  
      Complete works in conference proceedings (national)      23  
Published abstracts      68  
      Abstracts published in conference proceedings (international)      20  
      Abstracts published in conference proceedings (national)      48  
Articles, works and book chapters accepted for publication      14  
Articles accepted for publication in journals      3  
      Complete articles accepted for publication in refereed journals (international)      1  
      Complete articles accepted for publication in refereed journals (national)      2  
Complete works accepted for publication in conference proceedings      2  
      Complete works accepted for publication in conference proceedings (national)      2  
Book chapters accepted for publication      9  
      Books      7  
            Book chapters accepted for publication      7  
      Textbooks      2  
            Textbook chapters accepted for publication      2  
Participation in congresses and other events      257  
      Participation in specialized international conferences with works presented (orally)      56  
      Participation in specialized international conferences with works presented (poster)      1  
      Participation in national specialized conferences with works presented (orally)      158  
      Participation in national specialized conferences with works presented (poster)      21  
      Communications in other types of events      21  
            Interviews and other disclosures      21  
Other publications of a varied nature      80  
Other      57  
      Other Publications      8  
      Other Books      13  
      Other Translations      5  
      Summaries and Event Papers in General      31  
Books      23  
      Preface to books      19  
      Reviews / Illustration / Entry      1  
      Book Ears      3  
Artistic productions      1  
Other forms of artistic production      1  
Editorial Activities      16  
      Activities as referee/editor of scientific, educational, cultural or artistic periodicals, national or foreign, or as a member of the editorial board      16  
Technical work      12  
Development or generation of technical work      11  
      Others      11  
            Other technical productions      11  
Development of teaching support material      1  
      Support Texts      1  
Organization of Events and Lectures      30  
      Organization of congresses, summer schools, workshops, meetings, etc.      3  
      Organization of scientific, cultural and artistic events, linked to teaching      27  
Consulting and/or advisory      17  
      Consultancy and/or assistance to municipal/state/federal public bodies      8  
      Consultancy and/or assistance to private companies and other organizations      9  
Extension courses      14  
      Participation in extension courses and subjects and specialization courses and subjects      14  
Other services      75