civil engineering College
Research lines
Computational Simulations for Structure Analysis.Development of computer programs and implementation of mathematical algorithms for the linear and/or non-linear analysis of structures subjected to static or dynamic behavior. The programs are prepared by rule using the Finite Element Method based on the displacement process. Mathematical programming techniques and linear and non-linear optimization algorithms are also used. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Study of Stresses and Deformations in Composite Beams.Study of stresses and deformations in wooden composite beams with emphasis on the connections between the pieces. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Non-Linear Analysis of Concrete Structures using the Finite Element Method.Study of concrete structures using the Finite Element Method and its non-linearity. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Interactive Numerical Analysis.Graphics and processing resources of graphics stations are explored in optimizing the work of structural engineers, through the automation of repeated tasks. Automated tasks include mesh generation, post-processing analysis and two- and three-dimensional visualization using finite element and contour techniques. The work includes the application of the developed systems to practical problems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Analysis of Thin Section Parts by Numerical Treatment.Analysis of short or long thin-walled parts with instability effects and physical linearity through numerical methods such as finite elements and boundary elements. Analyzes can be done by global balance or by interaction between local and global effects. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Concrete Structural Elements.Analysis of design criteria and reinforcement rules for high-strength and usual-strength concrete structural elements. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Design Methodology and Comfort in the Built Environment.It encompasses three major research themes: post-occupancy evaluation of buildings; methodology and project automation; and environmental comfort (analysis of the comfort of buildings in terms of thermal, acoustic and lighting aspects). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Building Systems and Energy. It comprises four major themes: rationalization of inputs and quality of building systems; development of design procedures and execution of building systems; modeling of building systems; and energy planning in civil construction. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Management, Techniques and Construction Materials. It groups two major themes: management and civil construction techniques (quality and productivity) and civil construction materials (research on concrete, mortar, cement, lime and plaster, additives and protective additions internal and external to the mass). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Study of the Behavior of Railway Subgrade Implemented on Compressible Soils.Compressible soils, due to their geotechnical characteristics, present serious stability problems for railway and even road infrastructures that are implemented on this type of soil. This line seeks to understand the behavior of this type of soil, in order to allow engineering solutions that allow the construction of railway platforms that require continuous preventive maintenance. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Development of radial compaction test.Since the beginning of the Soil Mechanics Study, attempts have been made to standardize a laboratory test to obtain the Density coefficient of FineSaturated soils in Radial Drainage. The proposals presented have been criticized, mainly due to the inadequacy of the chosen drainage system. Even sophisticated equipment has been the target of unfavorable criticism. The proposed line of research aims to establish an unprecedented, efficient and simple process that uses conventional equipment for soil compaction tests with the objective of obtaining that coefficient. The process has already been presented at the X Brazilian Congress of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, (1994), at the international Symposium on Compression and Consolidation of Clay Soils (1995), Hiroshima, Japan. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Georeferenced Information Systems. Application of Georeferenced information systems in the analysis of the balance of the physical environment. More specifically in understanding the variables involved in the hydrological cycle and the landscape. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Drainage of flooded areas using geotextiles.Of relevant importance in a sports venue, drainage often goes beyond the condition of an auxiliary element for the smooth running of a competition, assuming the most vulnerable role on the field. Many problems could be minimized with technically correct drainage, which provides sufficient flow for precipitated water and, of greater importance, which accelerates infiltration and maintains its drainage capacity constant over time. However, even with efficient horizontal drainage, the surface soil necessary for grass growth can (and is often what is observed) make it difficult for water to pass through it due to its low permeability, thus compromising the efficiency of the horizontal drainage system. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1978). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Conception and Transport Infrastructure Project. Develop studies and research in the area of Transport Infrastructure, covering all aspects related to projects: geometric, drainage and paving. Road operations will also be the subject of research, covering aspects of safety and operation management. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Urban Pavements. Develop studies and research on construction procedures in all dimensions of urban pavements, aiming to obtain more economical structures in relation to those traditionally executed. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Construction and Maintenance Methods for Transport Infrastructure Works.Develop studies and research in the area of road works, especially in the construction procedures of new works and maintenance criteria for land transport infrastructures. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Railway Engineering. Develop studies and research in the field of railway engineering, encompassing aspects relating to permanent track, railway vehicles, the interaction between the vehicle and the track and the operation of railway systems rivers. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Study of Railway Platforms. Develop studies and research related to the construction processes and behavior of railway platforms. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Dynamic Behavior of the Permanent Way. Develop computational models for analysis and study of stresses in permanent track subjected to dynamic loading. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Planning, Technique and Operation of Logistics and Transport Systems. Studies and research in the area of planning and operation of logistics and transport systems, encompassing the problems of urban and interurban transport, logistics, cargo and passenger movement. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1996). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Geotechnics. Studies of the physical and constructive technical properties related to soils with the purpose of application in Civil Engineering, and specifically, in the area of transport infrastructures (roads, railways and airports). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1971). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Analysis of Deficiencies in the Fratar Method for estimating Traffic OD matrices and Development of Improvements to the Method.The Fratar method is used to distribute trips within a transport planning study area, allowing the obtaining of origin-destination matrices for each type of trip under analysis. This distribution is expected to reflect the true travel desires of transport users within the study area. This objective can only be assessed through calibration of the model based on the analysis of the current situation, which allows the quality of the results obtained with the model to be assessed. The aim is to develop calibration methods that allow the verification of the model's qualities. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Flexible Pavement Design. Review of the AASHTO Method, aiming to eliminate the existing iteration; compatibility of processes based on the CBR test with the concept of structural coefficients. Analysis of significance and usage criteria; correlations of CBR values with SPT-type investigation indices; critical analysis of the DNER process and its framing within the general structure of the basic CBR method; establishment of a basic methodology for defining the project CBR; criticism of current procedures and resulting errors; extension of the S�o Carlos analysis to formalize a practical methodology. Compatibility analysis of resurfacing criteria. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Drainage and Protection Filters. Systematization of filter sizing criteria with extension to geosynthetics. Studies to standardize percolation tests, taking into account the compatibility conditions for natural and geosynthetic materials. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Road geometry teaching strategy involving a physical model.The research sought to analyze the response of undergraduate civil engineering students, involving the presentation of a physical model representing a stretch of highway, the project of which was developed in the classroom. The model also has importance in the non-traditional approach to teaching road geometry, including behaviorist and cognitive approaches to teaching. Results of pedagogical evaluations were prepared and are part of the work presented at the Brazilian Congress of Engineering Education. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Shear Resistance of Soils. Analysis of the criteria for defining resistance envelopes and formulation of a new conceptualization based on equilibrium conditions in comparison with the formulation of saturation and non-saturation. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Permeability of Porous Media. The void distribution curves of granular materials are studied. Statistical analyzes are carried out correlating the permeabilities and the void distribution curves. Permeability tests are performed in the laminar regime through control. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1984). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Study of the shear resistance and pre-consolidation pressure of saturated clays.We only study the undrained shear strength of saturated clays as a function of their pre-consolidation pressure. This study is carried out on dented and pre-condensed samples in a laboratory with well-defined and controlled pressures. An indirect method is defined for determining the pre-consolidation pressure of saturated clays, through their undrained shear strength obtained in the reed test carried out in the laboratory . (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Extension of Terzaghi's densification theory. The basic idea is to extend Terzaghi's classical theory in order to contemplate other boundary conditions and provide its application to other practical cases not covered by it. similarity criteria of the dimensional analysis should be used as a supporting element. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Computerized method for calculating service levels point by point along a succession of road inclines and inclines.In the capacity analysis of highways with uninterrupted flow, the service level analysis is carried out for specific sections, using uphill or downhill ramps for each section. The aim is to develop a methodology that, through the use of a computer program, makes it possible to develop point-by-point analysis on the highway. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Permanent Railway Way. Study of the behavior of components of the permanent railway track and railway vehicles, as well as the interaction between vehicles and the track. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Geotechnics Applied to Transport Infrastructure. Develop studies and research in the area of geotechnical engineering specifically in the fields of Soil Mechanics, earthworks, involving road construction. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Assessment of Quality of Transport Services. Develop instruments for assessing quality in different types of transport services, using opinion surveys to assess expectations and perceptions. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1996). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Logistics. Logistics Process Planning (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Geographic information systems in municipal planning. Development of methodologies aimed at implementing geographic and cadastral information systems as an instrument in the elaboration of public policies aimed at urban and regional development. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1996). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Road Infrastructure and Superstructure: Conception and Project, Construction and Maintenance Methods. Design and maintenance criteria in project methods for implementing projects such as highways, urban roads, railways and aerodromes, involving aspects of geometric design, earthworks, drainage and superstructures. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1996). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Sediment Transport.It aims to study the sediments transported by river channels: Surface and localized erosion. Transport modalities in the river channel are studied aiming at quantification through mathematical models. The total sediment load deposited in the reservoirs is quantified with the aim of determining its useful life. It also aims to associate solid transport transported by water courses with quality parameters. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Fundamental Hydraulics. Study basic phenomena of fluid transport applied to hydraulics. The objective is the theoretical-experimental development of these phenomena with a view to their application in the design of hydraulic systems. Great emphasis is given to such models resulting in computational applications, facilitating their application in projects. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
evaluation of the shape of the section on the coefficient of friction in non-circular penstocks. evaluation of the shape of the section in the coefficient of friction in non-circular penstocks (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Assessment of the shape of the section on the coefficient of friction in non-circular penstocks. It aims to experimentally evaluate the effect of section shape on the calculation of the coefficient of friction in non-circular penstocks. The objective is to determine parameters that can be used in the design of hydraulic systems for non-circular sections. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Assessment of the shape of the section on the coefficient of friction in non-circular penstocks. It aims to experimentally determine the friction factor in non-circular forced conduits, with the aim of obtaining corrective parameters to be used in the design of hydraulic installations with non-circular sections. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Applied Hydraulics. Apply concepts of fluid mechanics and related disciplines in the development of models to be used in the design of hydraulic structures, involving the rational use of water resources. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1989). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Flow of solid-liquid mixtures through forced conduits. Flow of solid-liquid mixtures through forced conduits (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Study of tulip spillways. The tulip spillway can be a good solution in cases where there is no space for another spillway. As it is a revolutionary body, it has reduced dimensions. Among the problems with these structures are the shape of the elbow that connects the vertical well to the discharge tunnel, air entrainment and energy dissipation at the gallery's mouth. To solve these problems, physical models are used. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Determination of air flow depending on the length of the vertical well.The use of knowledge of the amount of air that can be transported in this spillway is evident when sizing works downstream of the curve, as it must be remembered that an air flow that could be maximum can be transported, especially if it is designed for the free operation with air flow due to the vertical shaft. In this way, the air flow entrained for variable lengths in the vertical well will be evaluated. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Reuse of water and solid waste. Characterization of wastewater and solid waste; feasibility of new techniques for reuse and recycling; studies of changes in production processes to optimize raw material consumption. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Solid Waste Treatment. Characterization of waste, its packaging and storage, recycling and ethermal biological treatment processes. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Wastewater Treatment - Alternative Systems. Biological, physical and chemical processes for treating wastewater of sanitary and industrial origin. Systems that combine the advantages of anaerobic and aerobic processes are studied. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Two-Phase Flow in Forced Conduits - Booster Installations. The study of the behavior of two-phase flow in forced conduits in general. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Erosion, Transport in Channel Sediments, Silting of Reservoirs. Erosion, Transport in Channel Sediments, Silting of Reservoirs (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Environmental Planning and Management. This line aims to develop, based on technical bases, methodological scripts for ornament and environment planning, where the component elements refer to natural and/or anthropogenic factors. The final goal is to formulate measures and guidelines that aim to create desirable scenarios and quality of life for living beings, that is, aimed at environmental sanitation. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Environmental comfort. Investigate and evaluate acoustic, thermal and lighting parameters that contribute to environmental comfort. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Systems Operation. Planning and operation of water resources systems with multiple purposes. Studies of large hydroelectric systems, through simulation and optimization. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Fundamental Hydraulics. The fundamental hydraulic line of research studies the basic phenomena of fluid transport applied to hydraulics. The objective is to develop experimental theoretical models for these phenomena, aiming for their application in the design of hydraulic systems. Great emphasis is placed on such models resulting in computational applications, facilitating their application. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Recycling of Urban Solid Waste. Study of Solid Waste Recycling Methodology. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Control and Operational Management of Public Water Supply Systems. Control and Operational Management of Public Water Supply Systems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Complete Operational Analysis of Hydroelectric Power Plants, permanent, transient and oscillatory regimes.Complete Operational Analysis of Hydroelectric Power Plants, permanent, transient and oscillatory regimes. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Evaluation of Valves as Control Devices in Hydraulic Installations. Assessment of Valves as Control Devices in Hydraulic Installations (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Analysis of Oscillatory Phenomena in Forced Conduit Installations. Analysis of Oscillatory Phenomena in Forced Conduit Installations (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Building Systems. The Building Systems research line groups research in the area of hydraulic-sanitary building installations, fire prevention and combat, energy (electricity and fuel gas) and building automation, with the main objectives being the conservation of water and energy and their quality. systems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Energy Planning in Civil Engineering. Energy Planning in Civil Engineering seeking to rationalize processes, minimize costs and optimize materials within the scope of Civil Engineering. Energy conservation and its rational use in Civil Engineering. Building Systems, their installations and energy use. Energy generation, hydroenergy systems and environmental impacts. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Nuclear Analytical Techniques Applied to Environmental and Industrial Research.Develop and Apply Nuclear Analytical Techniques to Environmental and Industrial Research. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Sanitation and Environment. Sanitation and Environment (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Sanitation and Environment. This line's main objective is to develop projects related to: qualitative characteristics, techniques and processes for treating water for supply and wastewater; characterization, collection, transportation, storage and reuse of solid waste; and, methodological guides for ordering and planning aimed at environmental sanitation. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Water for Supply. This sub-line encompasses work related to the determination of qualitative characteristics: physical, chemical and microbiological, of surface and underground waters, used for water supply; conventional or alternative treatment techniques and processes to meet potability standards; and, modeling of unit processes and their influence on the quality of produced water (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Wastewater. This sub-line encompasses research on the study of alternative processes for the treatment of sanitary and industrial wastewater. Some specific objectives include: determination of parameters and measurement of kinetic models, study of reactor hydrodynamics, sludge production, removal of biodegradable compounds , nutrients and toxic inorganics. It also includes studies on the reuse of these waters. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Environmental Planning and Management. Efficiency studies of methods to aid decision-making in environmental planning and management. Efficiency studies of methods to aid decision-making in environmental planning and management. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Solid Waste. This sub-line encompasses research into: characterization, collection, transportation, storage, treatment, minimization and reuse of municipal solid waste, industrial solid waste, waste from health services and special waste. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Environmental Chemistry. This sub-line encompasses work related to the development of advanced oxidative processes (POAs) and analytical techniques in FIA systems, aimed at the assessment and monitoring of environmental quality (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Supply water treatment - Alternative systems. Influence of pre-ozonization, use of activated carbon and potassium permanganate on coagulation and flocculation. Mechanisms and construction of coagulation diagrams using metallic salts and polymers. Advanced oxidative processes in water disinfection. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT.
Structure Behavior Analysis. Studies the responses of structures, considering the mechanical properties already characterized. Includes analysis of structures under static or dynamic loading, and effects of physical and/or geometric nonlinearity. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.
Analysis of the Behavior of Materials for Structures. Characterization of material properties aimed at understanding their behavior from a structural point of view. Includes determination of elastic constants, rupture limits, toughness, visco-elastic properties, flow surfaces. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.
Numerical Methods in Engineering Problems. Development and implementation of numerical algorithms for engineering problems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.
Structural systems. Solutions to structural problems for specific purposes, analyzing viable structural designs and, eventually, including methodology for their optimization. It basically comprises research that is directly related to structural design. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.
Nonlinear Analysis of Trusses. Calculation of Efforts in Non-Linear Trusses (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line connected to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.
Irrigation and Drainage. Hydraulics of Irrigation and Drainage Systems and Equipment, Study of Chemical and Organic Irrigation. Assessment of Crop Water Demand. Energy Conservation in an Irrigation System. Irrigation assessment, control and management. Hydrological Parameters in Irrigation and Drainage. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT.
Hydrology and Water Resources. It comprises the Study of Water Resources in the quantitative aspect, their occurrence, distribution and use. As the use of water resources in small river basins has grown, where data are generally sparse, when available, one of the objectives is the evaluation, adaptation and study of new methodologies that apply to these cases. Also included are flood forecasting methods, study of internal rainfall, rainfall-runoff models, urban drainage, water resources management, determination of environmental pollution, atmospheric and water analysis by nuclear analytical techniques and others. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT.
Hydraulic Engineering. It deals with the investigation of static and hydrodynamic phenomena, involving flows in free and forced conduits, through modeling techniques. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT.
Hydraulic Engineering. Water, as it is the vital element and is present in all activities, is given special attention through investigations of static and hydrodynamic phenomena involving flows in free conduits and forces. data, through modeling techniques. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT.
Hydrology and Water Resources Management. It comprises the study of water resources in the quantitative aspect, their occurrence, propagation, distribution and use. It also studies the application of X-ray fluorescence to Environmental Research . (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT.