Faculty of Physical Education
Research lines
Test. test (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002).
Public Health/Epidemiology and Physical Activity. It aims to make the epidemiological methodology viable for confronting and elucidating specific managements of Sports Sciences, as well as seeking, through research and field projects, to bring them into the scope of interest and action of Public Health. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SPORT SCIENCES.
Physical Activity and Human Performance.Search for organic responses to motor activities, as a factor in improving physical fitness. Investigate human performance within the scope of movement science and develop assessments and methodologies linked to sports science. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SPORT SCIENCES.
Sports Pedagogy. Research teaching and learning strategies for practicing sports and motor skills linked to different stages of an individual's growth and development. Organize and develop programs under socio-cultural and educational guidelines (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SPORT SCIENCES, DEPARTMENT OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STUDIES, DEPARTMENT OF LEISURE STUDIES, DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR EDUCATION.
Sports Training Theory with an auxological and performance approach. Study of the different responses of organic systems as a factor in improving sporting performance and in the human evolutionary process. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SPORT SCIENCES.
Morphological Bases and Motor Assessments Applied to Sports Training and Chronic Degenerative Diseases. Study of the importance of morphological conceptions in a global vision applied to the dynamics of motor assessments, in relation to sports training and chronic degenerative diseases (Approved by the Department/Council Scientific in 2000). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SPORT SCIENCES.
Physical Activity and Human Performance. . Research human performance, development of assessments and methodologies within the scope of physical activity and sports science (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SPORT SCIENCES.
Physical Activity for Groups with Special Needs. Set of intervention and research practices, within the scope of physical activity, that can be applied to groups with special needs, such as individuals with disabilities, the elderly, those who are thirsty journals, among others, aiming to elucidate pro (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STUDIES.
Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Adjustments and Adaptations. Study of the responses of cardiorespiratory variables to physical exercise, as well as the effects of aerobic physical training at different physiological stages in men aged 40 to 60 years , young athletes, women during pregnancy and menopause (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STUDIES.
Body Image and Movement. It comprises investigations of a conceptual, evaluative and interventional nature related to body image, from a multidimensional perspective, privileging issues related to human movement in an interdisciplinary view. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STUDIES.
Quality of Life, Public Health and Physical Activity. Study of physical activity and its influence on adaptive processes and specific health promotion and protection, considering subjective health states, capacity for a full life, integration social and functional competence. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STUDIES.
Body Development in the Context of Society and Culture. Studies of Physical Activity in a historical, anthropological and social dimension in past and contemporary societies, choosing social representations, leisure, bio-socio-cultural adaptations and ethnic groups. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STUDIES.
The Interrelationships of Leisure in Society. Study of leisure covering rest, fun, human development, including psychological and motor aspects. Considers differences in age group, sex or specific social groups and their relationships with other dimensions of human activity, t (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1991). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LEISURE STUDIES.
Leisure Cultural Contents. Study of leisure cultural contents, based on the predominant interests in their experience, considering the relationships established between them and privileging those more directly related to Physical Education. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1991). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LEISURE STUDIES.
Policies and Action Guidelines in the Leisure Field. Studies relating to policy formulation and administration as a whole, focusing on their functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling physical, material, human and financial resources in the provision of leisure services by the public and private sectors. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LEISURE STUDIES.
Neurological and Psychological Studies in Motor Education and Sport. Studies of neurological and psychological phenomena related to pedagogical processes in Motor Education and Sport. Study of neurological and psychological phenomena related to training and competition in Sport. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the MOTOR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT.
Corporeity. It relates the dynamic discourse of the body and its expressions in the motor, symbolic, aesthetic and existential dimensions (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the MOTOR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT.
Methodology and Instrumentation in Biomechanics. It brings together research projects in: Methods and Instrumentation. Measurement and data processing. Computer modeling. Simulation and optimization.
Teaching Biomechanics. Biomechanics of Human Movement. Biomechanics and Motor Learning. Biomechanics of Sport. Occupational biomechanics. Biomechanics in the context of Rehabilitation. Cardiac and vascular biomechanics. Respiratory Biomechanics. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the MOTOR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT.
Gymnastics Studies. Investigates the implications and applications of Gymnastics in its historical, aesthetic, expressive, methodological, curricular and sporting aspects (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the MOTOR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT.
School Physical Education. Studies of the foundations, implications and applications of Physical Education in the school environment. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the MOTOR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT.
Kinesthetic Body Intelligence. Deepening the studies and research developed on Kinesthetic Body Intelligence. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the MOTOR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT.
Professional Training and the Job Market. Study of the training of Education Professionals - Human Motricity in relation to the existing job market and the possibilities of opening it, with the establishment of the profiles necessary for society and the planning of curricula and discipli programs (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the MOTOR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT.