Faculty of Chemical Engineering
  University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EXECUTOR). Collaboration in the Implementation of the Textile Chemistry Course. Responsible: EDISON BITTENCOURT .Project linked to the POLYMER TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
  State University of Campinas (EXECUTOR), Federal University of S�o Carlos (FINANCER). Mutual Cooperation Agreement, Scientific Technician. Responsible: EDISON BITTENCOURT .Project linked to the POLYMER TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
  State University of Campinas (EXECUTOR), McGill University (EXECUTOR). Cooperation with Mcgill university - Canada for drying laboratories. Responsible: SANDRA CRISTINA DOS SANTOS ROCHA .Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF THERMOFLUIDDYNAMICS.
  University of Leeds (EXECUTOR). Modeling and Control of Chemical Processes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES.
  State University of Campinas (EXECUTOR). Participation in cooperation with the postgraduate course in Petroleum Engineering - FEM. Responsible: RAHOMA SADEG MOHAMED .Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF THERMOFLUIDDYNAMICS.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (EXECUTOR). Research on Pollution in Paul�nia and Region C-2292
Petrobr�s/Replan/UNICAMP/FUNCAMP. Responsible: EDSON TOMAZ. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES.