Institute of Arts
Research lines
  Theoretical Foundations. Study of Musical Language through the investigation of musicological, pedagogical, aesthetic and technological aspects. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
  Interpretive Practices (in Music). Study of technical, stylistic, historical and repertoire aspects in instrumental interpretation (singing, harpsichord, violin, viola, acoustic guitar and electric guitar), and musical conducting together. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
  Creative process. Music creation processes from the perspective of composition and improvisation for acoustic and digital media. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line connected to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
  Interpretive Practices. Technique and Creativity in Dance and Theatre, Choral and Orchestral Conducting, Singing, Harpsichord, Piano, Viola, Interpretation of Baroque Music. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS, DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE ARTS.
  Creative Process in Artistic Composition. Musical Composition and Improvisation, Two-Dimensional Expression, Choreographic Composition, Dramaturgy, Art and Technology (Video, Graphic Composition) (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS, DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE ARTS, DEPARTMENT OF PLASTIC ARTS.
  Theoretical Foundations of the Arts. Theories of Art History, Aesthetic Anthropology, Musical Analysis and Structuring, Analysis of Expressive Movement, Anatomy, Physiology of Dance, Psychology of Art, Art and Literature. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1995). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS, DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE ARTS, DEPARTMENT OF PLASTIC ARTS.
  Research and collection of documentation and creation of collections. Collection of data, repertoire, bibliography, discography and scores and creation of collections. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1996). Line connected to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
  Multimedia and Sciences. - Use of audiovisual resources for research purposes in the field of science, in order to build theories, research methodologies and techniques for exploring these languages ​​as forms of knowledge, including the following themes: - Di (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council I live in 1993). Line connected to the MULTIMEDIA DEPARTMENT.
  Multimedia and Arts. Development of research and poetic projects that relate Arts and Technologies in the creative, productive and reflective paradigms, including the following themes: aesthetics and semiotics of technical and digital images; multimedia: operational methods (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line connected to the MULTIMEDIA DEPARTMENT.