Institute of Biology
  State University of Campinas (EXECUTOR), Pasteur Institute (CONSULTANT), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (FINANCIAR), Institut National de La Saute et de La Recherche Medicale (FINANCER). Analysis of the genetic determinism of souris sensitization to experimental infection for Trypanosoma cruzi. Responsible: HUMBERTO DE ARAUJO RANGEL, ANA MARIA APARECIDA GUARALDO, JEAN LOUIS GUENET.
  State University of Campinas (EXECUTOR), Universidad Austral de Chile (EXECUTOR). Agreement between the Department of Parasitology IB/UNICAMP and the Institute of Parasitology at the Universidad Austral de Chile. Responsible: LUIZ AUGUSTO MAGALH�ES, ELIANA MARIA ZANOTTI MAGALHAES .Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PARASITOLOGY.
  Paulista School of Medicine (EXECUTOR). Effect of glycolipids on Leishmania infection. Responsible: SELMA GIORGIO .Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PARASITOLOGY.
  University of São Paulo/Interunit Program - EP-FEA-IEE-IF (EXECUTOR). Study of the action of peroxynitrite on murine Leishmania infection. Responsible: SELMA GIORGIO .Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PARASITOLOGY.
  State University of Campinas (EXECUTOR), Centro de Investigaci� i Desenvolupament (EXECUTOR), Center for Inter Cooperation. in Recherche Agron. pour le Developpement (EXECUTOR), Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (EXECUTOR), Universitat Hannover (COORDINATOR). Maize for sustainable cropping systems on tropical acid soils - from molecular biology to field cultivation. Responsible: MARCELO MENOSSI TEIXEIRA .Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS AND EVOLUTION.
  Superintendency of Endemic Disease Control (EXECUTOR). Schistosomiasis mansoni research in the State of São Paulo. Responsible: LUIZ CANDIDO DE SOUZA DIAS .Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PARASITOLOGY.