Institute of Biology
Awards and Honors
  Honorable Mention in the National Competition "Governor of the State Award - Brazilian Invention. , participant(s): LAURO TATSUO KUBOTA, AA ALVES, DENISE VAZ DE MACEDO. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY.
  3rd. Award at the International Futbol Scientific Congress. , participant(s): Rodrigo Hohl, CR Lopes, A. Dav�lio, LF Goulart, Claudio Cesar Zoppi, H. Moura, LS Tessuti, Mirtes Stancanelli, OC Lago, EC LIMA-FILHO, RML BARROS, DENISE VAZ DE MACEDO . Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY.
  Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO)
World Bank Global Environmental Facility (GEF), participant(s): rica Speglich, CARLOS ALFREDO JOLY. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY.