Institute of Economics
Research lines
Economic Policy and Brazilian Economy. Renegotiation of external debt and the balance of payments; analysis of the national financial system, proposals for its reorganization; effects of the recession on employment and wages and emergency policy, public budgets; trends in state investment. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1974). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Social Protection in a Comparative International Perspective. Comparative study of the various national social protection systems, both in the developing world and in Latin America. The general characteristics of these systems and their sectoral particularities are considered (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Labor Conditions and Relations in the Recent Period in Developed Economies. Issues relating to working conditions (occupation, unemployment and precariousness) are analyzed in the form of comparative studies. These themes are approached from the perspective of negotiation and the participation of social actors in the process (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Challenges of Employment and Labor Relations in the 90s in Brazil and Mercosur. The impacts of economic and organizational opening policies on the market and labor relations are analyzed (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Sectoral Social Policies. Assessment of social policies and programs in the areas of social security, health, education, housing and urban infrastructure. Priority is given to studying the profile of financing and spending, unemployment and the impact on living standards (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Historical Formation of the Capitalist Economy in Brazil. The structural trends of Brazilian capitalism: economic dynamism, social inequalities and concentration of power. The evolution of forms of capitalist organization. The debate on State and Dependency. The movement of the agricultural frontier (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2000). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
State and Capitalism in Brazilian Thought. a) The problem of Independence; b) nature and crisis of the Imperial State; c) State and formation of territorial property; d) taxation and public finances; e) state intervention and economic life (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Quantitative Methods Applied to Economics. Development of statistical and econometric methods applied to economic and social problems in support of research and teaching activities carried out at the Institute of Economics (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Currency and Public and Private Financing Structures. This line of research proposes to advance the study of monetary and financial theory from a post-Keynesian perspective, with an emphasis on the transmission mechanisms of monetary policy and the interdependence of policies macroeconomic ethics (fiscal, monetary and exchange rate). Additionally, from the point of view of analyzing financing structures, the objective is to: a) recover institutional changes in financial markets worldwide; b) study the impact of liberalization and stabilization policies within the scope of public finances and the evolution of strategies and equity results of the private system in Brazil. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
International Economy. Develop institutional capacity for research, analysis, situational monitoring, prospecting of trends and scenarios for the international economy (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1985). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Industrial and Technology Economics. Investigate industry trends in Brazil and abroad, covering aspects: technological, organizational, business strategies, market, industrial policy, etc. Investigate changes in industrial structure, foreign trade, investment and financing patterns, inter-company relations, etc. Analyze industrial sectors, in Brazil and abroad (production, investment, trade, technology, competitive factors, business strategies, government policies, etc.) (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Economic Situation Studies. Monitor the national and international economic situation, prioritizing fiscal, monetary, exchange rate and foreign trade dimensions (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1985). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Economic and Social Development, Planning. Studies on economic and social development: Planning and Diagnostics; National and Regional Effects of the 3rd Industrial Revolution; Local Planning. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1985). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Income Distribution. Analysis of income distribution in Brazil; Evolution of inequality and poverty measures; Methodological issues in the analysis of inequality and poverty (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Urban Management and Planning. Investigations into urban management and planning for aspects of taxation, financing of urbanization costs and urban infrastructure, management instruments and urban policy experiences (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Regional Economy. Investigation of the São Paulo and national reality, consequences of the development process, its consequences in space and in the social dimension in the analysis of concentration and deconcentration of economic activity, regional development and employment. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Historical Perspective of Economic Development. Breakdown of the set of studies carried out within the scope of the Unicamp Institute of Economics, involving the challenges of Brazilian economic development, through thematic studies and comparative approaches with underdeveloped countries. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Research in Agricultural, Agricultural and Environmental Economics. Relationships between macroeconomic and agricultural policies and agricultural performance; Technological perspectives in different agri-food chains; Dynamics of the land market, agrarian and social policies in the countryside, environmental economics (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
The Current Crisis of Capitalism in Historical Perspective. Structural trends of Brazilian capitalism: dynamism, social inequalities and concentration of power. Evolution of forms of capitalist organization. The role of the State. The dependency. Growth, employment structure, social mobility (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
State and Capitalism in Brazilian Economic Thought. The problem of independence; nature and crisis of the Imperial State, State and Formation of territorial property, taxation and public finances. state intervention and economic life. Strategic policies of Brazilian thought in the 1997th and XNUMXth centuries (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in XNUMX). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
The Slave Mercantile Economy in the Modern World. Historiographical debate on the nature of slavery; The debate surrounding African slavery; The slave trade: quantitative aspects; The slave economic system in Brazil and the issue of the transition to free labor (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Challenges of Employment and Labor Relations in Brazil and Mercosur. Impacts of macroeconomic policies (economic opening, deregulation, stabilization and fiscal adjustment) and productive and organizational transformations on the labor market and labor relations systems in Mercosur countries (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
History of Brazilian Industrialization. The issue of peripheral industrialization; the debate on the periodization of Brazilian industrialization; coffee and industry; State and promotion of industrialization; industrialization and regional issue; financing industrialization. Company history (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Urbanization. Studies of issues such as the dynamic analysis of the country's urbanization process, processes of agglomeration and metropolization, determinants of the evolution of the Brazilian urban system, dynamics demographic and migration (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Studies in Brazilian and International Economic History, emphasizing the historical peculiarities of Brazilian capitalism. Studies of themes that allow us to understand the current Brazilian economy in light of its historical formation: the colonial past, the dynamics and effects of slavery on the social and political economic formation Ethics of Brazil, the origins and stages of Brazilian industrialization and the evolution of Brazilian economic thought. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Studies of Labor Economics, Trade Unionism and Labor Relations. CESIT's research activities are guided by the systematization and expansion of knowledge regarding the profound transformations that the world of work has been undergoing in Brazil and around the world. The reversal of dominant post-war trends and the worsening of relations and working conditions impose research activities that incorporate structural and conjunctural dimensions. Furthermore, these research activities are fundamental for the production of teaching material for undergraduate and postgraduate courses, taught by CESIT. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1989). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Agricultural and Environmental Economics Studies. Analyze and monitor topics related to agriculture and agroindustry, both nationally and internationally, encompassing: the macroeconomic dimensions that affect agricultural performance; technological transformations; the dynamics of land markets; labor relations and social policies in the countryside; environmental issues related to agriculture. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.
Studies on social, urban and regional economy. Evaluate trends, development processes and their implications for regional and urban spaces and social issues in Brazil and Latin America. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC POLITICS AND HISTORY.