Faculty of Medical Sciences
Awards and Honors
"Unicamp awards 'Zeferino Vaz' academic award", "Zeferino Vaz" Academic Recognition Award granted to Professor scia Lopes Cendes for having stood out in her teaching and research activities during 2006, among the teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences from UNICAMP, participant: Iscia Teresinha L�pes Cendes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
"A Pictorial Review of the uncommon Presentations of Primary Chondrosarcoma Imaging Features with Pathological Correlation", Prize 1: Certificate of Merit
Prize 2: Excellence in Design, participants: Elisa Maria de Brito Pach�co, Eliane Maria Ingrid Amstalden, Maur�cio Etchebehere, Nelson M�rcio Gomes Caserta, Ver�nica de Ara�jo Zanardi, Andr�ia Vasconcellos Faria. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORTOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.
"Biographies of immigrant families.", Diploma of Merit awarded by the Brazilian Academy of History, Culture, Genealogy and Heraldry for the significant contribution of Prof. Ramalho to the genetic study of immigrant populations in Brazil, fundamental to the preparation of the book, participant: Antonio S�rgio Ramalho. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
"Overexpression of ANKHDHD1 in acute leukemia cells and its association with SIVA-1, a proapoptotic protein", Michel Jamra Award (best work in General Hematology), participants: Fabiola M Traina, Patr�cia Maria Bergamo F�varo, Adriana da Silva Santos Duarte, Sheila Maria Brochado Winnischofer, Fernando Ferreira Costa, Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad. Awards linked to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
"High-resolution proton spectroscopy of CSF findings from 25 patients with multiple sclerosis", HOURS CONCOURS
Curitiba-PR at the XXXV Brazilian Congress of Radiology; X Congress of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Radiology (SLARP); IV South Journey of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis, participants: Fabiano Reis, ísis Martins Figueiredo, Andr�ia Vasconcellos Faria, Ver�nica de Ara�jo Zanardi, Carlos Ot�vio Brand�o, M�rcia Miguel Castro Ferreira , Anita Jocelyne Marsaioli, Fernando Cendes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY.
"Study of the relationship between CSF pressure in the spinal canal and intracranial canal in patients with craniosynostosis.", Silvio Zanini Award 2005 for the article: "Study of the relationship between CSF pressure in the spinal canal and intracranial canal in patients with craniosynostosis", Buzzo, CL; Raposo do Amaral, CM; Magna,LA, participants: Celso Lu�s Buzzo, C�ssio Men�zes Raposo do Amaral, Lu�s Alberto Magna. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS, DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY.
"Reduced expression of FLIP (SHORT) in low-risk myelodysplasia bone marrow cells", Honorable Mention for student guidance: Paula de Melo Campos, participant: Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad. Awards linked to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
"Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and Ki67 as related to disease severity and HPV detection in squamous lesions of the cervix.", Latin America Oncology Health Award, Aguilla Sa�de and NOVARTIS, participants: Lu�s Ot�vio Zanatta Sarian, Sophie Fran�oise Mauricette Derchain, Adriana Yoshida, Jos� Vassallo, Francisco Pignataro Lima, Liliana Aparecida L de A Andrade. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF TOCOGYNECOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.
"Cortical Development Disorders: molecular study of a group of patients.", SCIENTIFIC INITIATION AWARD - Honorable Mention for the work presented during the 52nd Brazilian Congress of Genetics, participants: Daniela Aguiar de Souza, F�bio Rossi Torres, Camila Fernanda L�pes, Maria Augusta S Montenegro, Marilisa Mantovani Guerreiro, Fernando Cendes, Iscia Teresinha L�pes Cendes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
"Analysis of the gene expression of inflammatory mediators in mononuclear cells in patients with deep vein thrombosis", Honorable Mention (among the first 5 posters), participants: Michelle Servais Rubin, Ana Carolina Deckmann, Marcelo Falsarella Carazzolle, Gon�alo Amarante Guimar�es Pereira, Joyce Maria Annichino Bizzacchi.
"Mutation Screening in Candidate Genes in a Large Cohort of Patients with Cortical malformations.", Student Daniela Aguiar de Souza awarded the TRAVEL GRANT AWARD for participation in the 4th Latin American Epilepsy Congress Guatemala 2006, participants: Daniela Aguiar de Souza, F�bio Rossi Torres, Camila Fernanda L�pes, Maria CS Rodrigues, Maria Augusta S Montenegro, Juan Clinton Llerena Jr., Ana Maria Sedrez Gonzaga Piovesana, Marilisa Mantovani Guerreiro, Ant�nia Paula Marques de Faria, Fernando Cendes, Iscia Teresinha L�pes Cendes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
"Expression pattern of the Lgi1 gene in the central nervous system of rodents suggests a possible function.", Student Patricia AO Ribeiro Recipient of the TRAVEL GRANT AWARD for participation in the 4th Latin American Epilepsy Congress Guatemala 2006, participants: Patr�cia Aline Oliveira Ribeiro, Louren�o Sbragia Neto, Rovilson Gilioli, Fernando Cendes, Iscia Teresinha L� pes Cendes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
"Study of the expression of the mRib72-1/Efhc1 gene during the development of the central nervous system.", Student F�bio F. Conte awarded the TRAVEL GRANT AWARD for participation in the 4th Latin American Epilepsy Congress Guatemala 2006, participants: F�bio Frangiotti Conte, Rovilson Gilioli, Louren�o Sbragia Neto, Fernando Cendes, Iscia Teresinha L�pes Cendes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
"Molecular analysis of mutations in the FLN1 gene in patients with bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia (HNPB)", Student Simone Sayuri Tsuneda awarded the TRAVEL GRANT AWARD for participation in the 4th Latin American Epilepsy Congress Guatemala 2006, participants: Simone Sayuri Tsuneda, F�bio Rossi Torres, Maria Augusta S Montenegro, Marilisa Mantovani Guerreiro, Fernando Cendes, Iscia Teresinha L�pes Cendes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
"Searching for the second locus for autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy (ADLTLE).", Student F�bio Rossi Torres awarded the TRAVEL GRANT AWARD for participation in the 4th Latin American Epilepsy Congress Guatemala 2006, participants: F�bio Rossi Torres, Rodrigo Secolin, Neide Ferreira dos Santos, Marina Coelho Gonsalves, Eliane Kobayashi, Lu�s Ant�nio Costa Sardinha, Fernando Cendes, Iscia Teresinha L�pes Cendes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
"Fluid slip from the oropharyngeal cavity to the trachea influenced by respiratory physiotherapy in patients under mechanical ventilation.", 2nd PLACE, participants: Carla de Oliveira Yokota, Ronan Jos� Vieira, Maria Isabel Pedreira de F Ceribelli. Awards linked to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
"Identification of a new locus for congenital bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (PPBC) on chromosome XQ27-Q28.", Scientific Merit Award to student Rodrigo Secolin for presenting the work during the XIV Internal Congress of Scientific Initiation/UNICAMP-2006, participants: Rodrigo Secolin, Neide Ferreira dos Santos, Iara Leda Brand�o Almeida, Marilza Santos Silva, Marilisa Mantovani Guerreiro, Fernando Cendes, Iscia Teresinha L�pes Cendes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS.
"Audit as an intervention to reduce unnecessary cesarean sections", Honorable Mention, poster modality, 08/2006 - Rio de Janeiro - 11th World Public Health Congress, participants: Eliana Martorano Amaral Freitas da Silva, Jo�o Lu�z de Carvalho Pinto E Silva, Egle Couto, Belmiro Gon�alves Pereira. Awards linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
"Endometrial chemokines, uterine natural killer cells and mast cells in users of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system with and without uterine bleeding in the third year of use", 1st place as Free Oral Gynecology Theme, 19/08/2006, Goiânia-GO Convention Center, participants: Alessandra Cachut� Pel�ggia Pinto, Carlos Alberto Petta, Lu�s Guillermo Bahamondes, Marilia Oliveira Ribeiro, Jin Zhang, Lois Salamonsen. Awards linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
"Endometrial histology, density, microvascular caliber and matrix metalloproteinase-3 in users of the nestorone-releasing subdermal implant with and without endometrial bleeding", 2nd place as Free Oral Gynecology Theme, 19/08/2006, Centro de Conven��es de Goi�nia-GO, participants: Marilia Oliveira Ribeiro, Carlos Alberto Petta, Liliana Aparecida L de A Andrade, Maria Margarete Hidalgo, Alessandra Cachut� Pel�ggia Pinto, Lu�s Guillermo Bahamondes. Awards linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
"PP2500 MRNA, a splice variant of the multiple ankirin repeat single KH domain (Mask), is highly expressed in plasma cells of multiple myeloma", Student Adriana Duarte received a Travel Grant for the work presented, participant: Fernando Ferreira Costa. Awards linked to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
"Rapid 100% review is an efficient method for detecting false-negatives in cervical cytopathology", PNCQ Award, Best work on quality control, 04/06/2006, Curitiba-PR, participants: Edna Joana Cl�udia Manrique, Rita Goreti Amaral, Nadja Lindany Alves de Souza, Suelene Brito do Nascimento Tavares, Zair Benedita Pinheiro Albuquerque, Andrea Alves Ribeiro, Gislaine Aparecida Fonsechi Carvasan, Lu�z Carlos Zeferino. Awards linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
"Thyroid dysfunction during interferon treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis C", Award for best work in Viral Infections - 26/08/2006 - The Royal Palm Plaza - Campinas/SP, participants: Maria Helena Postal Pavan, Elizabeth Jo�o Pavin, M Vasconcelos, Denise Engelbrecht Zantut Wittmann, Fernando L�pes Gon�ales J�nior. Awards linked to the MEDICAL CLINIC DEPARTMENT.
"Comparison of three risk classification models for deep vein thrombosis in patients in an Intensive Care Unit.", 2nd place, participants: Marisa Lopes Corr�ia Gomes da Silva, Maria Cecilia Bueno Jayme Gallani, Maria Filomena Ceolim. Awards linked to the NURSING DEPARTMENT.
"Expansion of Gamadelta+ TCR cells in infants immunized at birth with BCG vaccines alone or in combination with Hepatitis B", Award: Incentive Membership for Research in Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Pediatrics, participants: Ta�s Nitsch Mazzola, Yara Maria Franco Moreno, Marcos Tadeu Nolasco da Silva, SCBS Lima, Em�lia de Faria Carniel, Andr� Moreno Morcillo, Maria Angela Reis de GM Antônio, Maria de Lurdes Zanolli, Abimael Aranha Netto, Fernando Perazzini Facchini, Heloisa M. Blotta, Maria Helosa de Souza Lima Blotta, Isaias Raw, Maria Marluce dos Santos Vilela. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS.
"LATE WITTING IN INFANTS UNDER 12 MONTHS WITH RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS INFECTION AND SUBMITTED TO INVASIVE MECHANICAL LUNG VENTILATION", First place Ades Incentive Award for Research in Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Pediatrics, participants: Adriana Gut L�pes Riccetto, Em�lio Carlos Elias Baracat, Clarice Weis Arns, Jos� Dirceu Ribeiro, Marcos Tadeu Nolasco da Silva . Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS.
"Relationship between HPV persistence, expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and KI 67 protein with the risk of recurrence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia after conization diathermic", 1st Latin America Oncology Health Prize, Finalist - Scientific Works Category, 04/05/2006 - São Paulo, participants: Sophie Fran�oise Mauricette Derchain, Lu�s Ot�vio Zanatta Sarian , Adriana Yoshida, Jos� Vassalo, Francisco Pignataro Lima, Liliana Aparecida L de A Andrade. Awards linked to the TOCOGYNECOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
"Haliometry profile in patients with chronic caseous tonsils selected for CO2 laser treatment", Received "Travel Grant" Award, participants: Ana Cristina Coelho dal Rioteixeira, C�ndida Aparecida da Concei��ão Passos, Ester Maria Danielli Nicola. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMO/OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY.
"Halitometry profile in patients with chronic caseous tonsillitis selected for CO2 laser treatment", Received "Travel Grant" award, participants: Ana Cristina Coelho dal Rioteixeira, C�ndida Aparecida da Concei��ão Passos, Ester Maria Danielli Nicola. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMO/OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY.