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Faculty of Education
  State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Amazonas (Financier). Academic-scientific cooperation agreement between FUA and UNICAMP to implement the Postgraduate / Doctorate program at the University of Amazonas. Responsible: Ezequiel Theod�ro da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF TEACHING METHODOLOGY.
  Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp (Executor). Cooperation Agreement FAPESP-FE-UNICAMP-Escola de Barão Geraldo de Rezende. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF TEACHING METHODOLOGY.
  CPqD Foundation - Telecommunications Research and Development Center (Financier). Agreement Funda���o Cpqd and Unicamp free loan of equipment for the Content Production Laboratory for the SBTVD Project. Responsible: Sergio Ferreira do Amaral. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION.
  CPqD Foundation - Telecommunications Research and Development Center (Financier). Agreement aimed at supporting Cpqd in setting up the Content Production Laboratory within Unicamp through the provision of equipment. Responsible: Sergio Ferreira do Amaral. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), Secretariat of Education of the State of S�o Paulo (Executor). Lato sensu Specialization Course in Educational Management. Responsible: JORGE MEGID NETO.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), CAPES-Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Executor). Postgraduate Development. Responsible: JORGE MEGID NETO.
  CPqD Foundation - Telecommunications Research and Development Center (Financier). Development and Thesis of Educational Content for the Brazilian Digital TV System Project - SBTVD. Responsible: Sergio Ferreira do Amaral. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION.
  State University of Campinas (Executor). FE/UNICAMP/Fundação Carlos Chagas. Responsible: Hermas Gon�alves Arana. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION.
  CPqD Foundation - Telecommunications Research and Development Center (Financier). CPqD Foundation and UNICAMP/Funcamp - aiming at free loan of goods for use in the Brazilian Digital TV System Project - SBTVD. Responsible: Sergio Ferreira do Amaral.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), Universidad Pinar del Rio (Executor), State University of Campinas - Rio Claro Campus (Executor), National University of San Luis (Executor), University of Aveiro (Executor), Autonomous University of Barcelona (Executor), Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Executor), Federal University of São Carlos (Executor), Universitat de Girona (Coordinator). Rede Ambientalizaci�n Curricular en Estudios Superiores - Programa ALFA. Responsible: Antônio Carlos Rodrigues de Amorim, WENCESLAO MACHADO DE OLIVEIRA JUNIOR. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF TEACHING METHODOLOGY.
  Carlos Chagas Foundation (Executor), State University of Campinas (Consultant). Addendum from FE/UNICAMP together with the Carlos Chagas Foundation, through the REDUC-BID Project. Responsible: Pedro Laudinor Goergen, Hermas Gon�alves Arana. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), Universite de Paris V (Rene Descartes) (Executor). Unicamp / Rene Descartes University. Paris V. Responsible: Maria Teresa Egl�r Mantoan, Ulisses Ferreira de Ara�jo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF TEACHING METHODOLOGY.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Barcelona (Executor). Unicamp/University of Barcelona - Exchange of teachers, researchers and students, research project, prom. of scientific and cultural events. Responsible: Ulisses Ferreira de Ara�jo, Maria Teresa Egl�r Mantoan. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF TEACHING METHODOLOGY.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP