Faculty of Education
Event promotion
GERES performance and Geres Al: possibilities for interaction in qualitative and quantitative research, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (12/12/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: DEPRAC - FE - Unicamp.
II Seminar on Epistemology and Theories of Education (Episted) and III Colloquium on Epistemology of Physical Education, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (11/12/2006-13 /12/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: PAID�IA / Episteduc / DEFHE - FE - Unicamp / Epistemology Thematic Working Group of the Brazilian College of Sports Sciences (CBCE).
III Col�quium on Epistemology of Physical Education and II Seminar on Epistemology and Theories of Education, Faculty of Education, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (11/12/2006-13 /12/2006).
Seminar: Pedagogy Meetings - Internship Project, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (06/12/2006). Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.
"What is the social meaning of modernization at work?" - Prof. Dr. Lucie Tanguy (CNRS Research Director, Sociologist, Professor Emeritus, Coordinator of Scientific Cooperation in France/CNRS, Laboratoire Genre,Travail,Mobilit�s, Universit� Paris 10), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (05/12/2006-07/12/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: Scientific Cooperation Agreement FAPESP/CNRS - GEPEDISC - DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
V Thesis Seminar in Progress "Research in Education: production of knowledge and social commitment?", FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (04/12/2006-07/12/ 2006). Promoting Institution: APG-FE / Postgraduate Coordination - FE - Unicamp.
VI Meeting of undergraduate students of teacher training courses at Unicamp, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (02/12/2006). Promoting Institution: Pedagogy and Degree Coordinations - FE - Unicamp.
Philosophy and History of Education Colloquiums - "Distance Education: a look at the prevailing rationality in educator training programs" - Profa. Dr. Lucilia Pesce, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (01/12/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Communications in History of Education, FE/UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (30/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: FE/UNICAMP.
Communications in History of Education - "Public Policies in Early Childhood Education" Profa. Isabel Cristina de Jesus Brandão; "Rereading the dissertation 'The Xavantes and indigenous politics in Brazil'" - Prof. Dr. Jos� Claudinei Lombardi, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (29/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Research Seminar on Social Sciences in Education - Lecture: "Gramsci, the Enlightenment and the democratization of education and culture" - Prof. Dr. Patrizia Piozzi, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (29/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: GPPE - DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
Statistical Education and the Capacity to Statistics taught by Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude R�gnier (Professeur des Universit�s - Lyon 2- France), FE- UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (28/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
Seminar of Dissertations and Theses on Childhood, Politics and Art, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (28/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: DECISE - FE - UNICAMP.
Symposium on Institutional Assessment in Basic Education. Lecture "Institutional assessment: emancipation or regulation?" - Prof. Dr. Mara Regina Lemes de Sordi, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (28/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: LOED - FE - Unicamp.
XXIII National Meeting of PROEPRE Teachers "Education and social inclusion", Hotel Majestic, �guas de Lind�ia, SP, Brazil, (27/11/2006-01/12/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Promoting Institution: LPG - FE - Unicamp.
Debate: Education and Subjectivation in "AM� Education" by Almod�var - Prof. Dr. S�lvio Gallo (FE - Unicamp); Prof. Dr. C�sar D. Pereira Leite (Unesp - Rio Claro), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (24/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Promoting Institution: DIS - FE - Unicamp.
The place of the teacher in Brazilian schools - Profa. Dr. Maria Cec�lia Cortiz C. de Souza, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (24/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: Formar/Sciences - DEPRAC - FE - Unicamp.
Dance Teacher/Artist: identity, training and performance - Profa. Ana Terra (Dance Institute/SP); Prof. Uxa Xavier (Instituto de Dan�a/SP), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (24/11/2006-25/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: LABORARTE - FE - Unicamp.
Construction of WEB environments - Prof. Dr. Jarbas Novelino Barato (Educational coordinator of the WebQuest portal: Learning on the Internet, from Escola do Futuro/USP), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (23/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Promoting Institution: LEIA - FE - Unicamp.
II Internal Seminar of the Department of Teaching and Cultural Practices - School and Culture in Debate, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (22/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: DEPRAC - FE - Unicamp.
Evaluation of the GERES 2005 project for Applicators of the 3rd Wave of the GERES 2005 Project, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (16/11/2006). Promoting Institution: DEPRAC / LOED - FE - Unicamp.
III Seminar - Fala Outra Escola, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (16/11/2006-18/11/2006). Promoting Institution: GEPEC - FE - Unicamp.
III Fala Outra Escola Seminar, Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (16/11/2006-18/11/2006).
Action Research and Teacher Training - Prof. Dr. Charly Ryan (University of Winchester/UK), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (16/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: CEMPEM - FE - Unicamp.
School and Culture: rhizomatic writings (de)teacher training - Charly Ryan (Faculty of Education, University of Winchester, England), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (14/11/ 2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: School and Culture Discipline (Class J) / DELART - FE - Unicamp.
Young people and work: research reflections - Selma Venco, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (14/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: GEPEDISC / DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
The Teaching Mentoring Program in Higher Education: the experience of the Faculty of Medicine of USP in Ribeirão Preto - Dr. Maria de F�tima Aveiro Colares (Psychologist at the Educational and Psychological Support Center of the Faculty of Medicine USP Ribeirão Preto), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (14/11/2006). Promoting Institution: PES - FE - Unicamp.
Educational research in the context of continuing teacher training, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (10/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: DEPRAC - FE - Unicamp.
Launch of the book "The architects of the anarchic order. From Rouseau to Proudhon and Bakunin" - Patrizia Piozzi, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (08/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
Round table and launch of the book "Books, catalogs, magazines and websites for the school universe" - Norma Sandra de Almeida Ferreira, Yara M�ximo Sena, Iris Mendes de Oiveira, Fernanda Romanezi da Silveira, Maria das Dores S Maziero, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (08/11/2006). Promoting Institution: ALLE - FE - Unicamp.
Images: research reflections - Profa. Dr. Olga Rodrigues de Moraes von Simson (FE/Centro de Mem�ria/Unicamp), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (07/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: GEPEDISC / DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
Readings for school: between books, catalogues, magazines and websites, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (07/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: DEPRAC - FE - Unicamp.
Philosophical Afternoon - II Colloquium of Postgraduate Students in Philosophy of Education "Nietzsche: Life, work and possibilities" - By Vagner da Silva (PhD student in History and Philosophy of Education) , FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (07/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.
Presentation of the course completion work of Pedagogy students:
06 and 07/11 - work linked to DECISE, DEFHE or DEPE
08 and 09/11 - works linked to DEPRAC, DELART or DEPASE, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (06/11/2006-09/11/2006). Promoting Institution: Pedagogy Coordination - FE - Unicamp.
III Scientific Fair of the "Science at School" Project, Gin�sio Multidisciplinar Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (01/11/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Promoting Institution: LEIA - FE - Unicamp
Support: Vygotsky Institute - São Paulo.
"The Experience of Truth" - Prof. Dr. Antônio Muniz de Rezende, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (31/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Promoting Institution: DIS - FE - Unicamp
Support: Postgraduate Coordination / Pedagogy Coordination - FE - Unicamp.
Teaching Challenges Forum "Internships and Practices in Teacher Training", Unicamp Convention Center, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (31/10/2006). Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp
CGU / CORI - Unicamp.
The School's problems: guiding its institutional evaluation process, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (31/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: DEPRAC - FE - Unicamp.
Training of Applicators of the Assessment Project of the Municipality of Amparo, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (30/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: DEPRAC - FE - Unicamp.
Philosophy and History of Education Colloquiums "Post-modernity and Education" - Luiz Carlos de Freitas; Pedro Goergen; Jos� Luis Sanfelice - Launch of the book "A postmodernity of liberation: rebuilding hopes" (Luiz Carlos de Freitas), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (27/10 /2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Communications in History of Education "A school in Bethel: relationships, practices, students, families and teachers - 1997 to 2000" - Maria Estela Sigrist Betini; "Educational and professional expectations of high school students" - Manoel Nelito Nascimento, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (26/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Map and Mosaic: Oral History in Mathematics Education - Prof. Dr. Antonio Vicente Marafioti, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (26/10/2006). Promoting Institution: HIFEM / Research Group 'Memory, History and Education' / VIOLAR - FE - Unicamp.
Training of Applicators of the GERES 2005 Project - 3rd wave, FE- UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (23/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
V Pedagogy Week - Pedagogy and Your Action, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (23/10/2006-27/10/2006). Promoting Institution: CAP - FE - Unicamp.
"Curriculum, Narratives and History" - Conversation Sessions about research on curriculum that dialogue with the theories of Ivor Goodson - Prof. Dr. Ivor Goodson (University of Brighton/UK), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (20/10/2006). Promoting Institution: DEPRAC / DELART / Curriculum Studies Laboratory / Postgraduate Program - FE - Unicamp
GT ANPEd Curriculum.
Lecture: "Cycles, serialization and evaluation: confrontation of logics", given by Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos de Freitas, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (18/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: Study and Research Group on School Physical Education (GEPEFE), coordinated by Profa. Dr. Eliana Ayoub (linked to Laborarte - FE/Unicamp).
Lecture cycle Education and Social Regulation "Education at the crossroads of our time" - Profa. Dr. Guillermina Tiramonti (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences - FLACSO/Argentina), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (17/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: GPPE - DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
Science in Cinema Exhibition in Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (16/10/2006-22/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: Labjor / OLHO FE - Unicamp
Street Biotechnology Project/CNPq.
Meeting: Evaluation of the Pedagogy and Pefopex Course and the New National Curricular Guidelines, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (10/10/2006). Promoting Institution: Pedadogy Coordination - FE - Unicamp.
Debating research with researchers from the Mem�ria, Hist�ria, Education Group - Profa. Dr. Maria do C�u de Melo Esteves Pereira (Institute of Social Sciences, Department of History - University of Minho, Portugal), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (06/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: DELART - FE - Unicamp.
Fictional Narratives and Research - Profa. Dr. Maria do C�u de Melo Esteves Pereira (Institute of Social Sciences, Department of History - University of Minho, Portugal), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (05/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: DELART - FE - Unicamp.
Bureaucracy in Weber - Profa. Dr. Raquel Gandini (Unimep), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (04/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF POLICIES, ADMINISTRATION AND EDUC SYSTEMS. Promoting Institution: Lapplane - FE - Unicamp.
Youth Culture and History Teaching - Profa. Dr. Maria do C�u de Melo Esteves Pereira (Institute of Social Sciences, Department of History - University of Minho, Portugal), with the participation of Prof. Dr. Selva Guimar�es Fonseca (UFU), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (03/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: DELART - FE - Unicamp.
School and culture: school curricula in images - Luciana Maria Viviani (School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (03/10/2006) . Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: DELART - FE - Unicamp.
Fictional Narratives and History Teaching - Profa. Dr. Maria do C�u de Melo Esteves Pereira (Institute of Social Sciences, Department of History - University of Minho, Portugal), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (03/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: DELART - FE - Unicamp.
Educational Practices in Health: a dialogue with cultural studies - Rog�rio Dias Renovato; L�cia Pedroso da Cruz, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (02/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: PRAESA - FE - Unicamp.
Symposium on Institutional Assessment in Basic Education, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (02/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: DEPRAC - FE - Unicamp.
"Policies, research and perspectives on textbooks in the area of Science". Launch of the book "The Science Textbook in Brazil" - Hilário Fracalanza and Jorge Megid Neto (eds.), FE- Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (29/09/2006). Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.
Philosophy and History of Education Colloquiums "Anarchism and Education" - S�lvio Gallo (FE/Unicamp); Jos� Damiro de Moraes (FE/Unicamp); Angela Maria Souza Martins (UNIRIO), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (29/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR / PAIDEIA - FE - Unicamp.
Communications in Hist. Education: "Current public policies on education and work and worker qualifications in PR" Ana L�cia T.Cardoso; "From technological education to professional training: the reform of technical education in question" Paulo CSIgn�cio, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (28/09/2006) . Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Research Projects: 28/09 The world of need, the problem, the questions and the question; Elaboration of answers from the point of science / 05/10 The logic of the scientific method; The relationships between research and exhibition methods (Silvio Gamboa), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (28/09/2006-05/10/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: EPISTEDUC / PAID�IA - FE - Unicamp.
The case and example in research in Social Sciences "The idea of childhood in settlements" - Profa. Dr. Elizabeth Linhares (Universidade Federal Fluminense), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (27/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: FOCUS - FE - Unicamp.
The Dilemmas of the anarcho-syndicalist professor: between the celebration of freedom and the demands of work - Prof. Dr. Ivan Russef, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (27/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
Oral reports: reflections and research - Profa. Dr. Zeila de Brito Fabri Demartini (UMESP and CERU - USP), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (26/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: GEPEDISC - DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
Pedagogy Meetings - Internship Project, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (20/09/2006). Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.
HIFEM Lectures "On the concept of epistemological obstacles and their contemporary uses by the French School of Mathematics Education"; "Methodological Aspects of Research in the History of Mathematics Education" - Gert Schubring (Univ.Bielefeld Germany), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (19/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: HIFEM - FE - Unicamp.
HIFEM Lectures - "On the history of the graphic representation of imaginary numbers" - Prof. Dr. Gert Schubring (Institute of Mathematics Didactics of the University of Bielefeld - Germany, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (18/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Institute Promoter: HIFEM - FE - Unicamp.
Video Conference: "The Research Professor", FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (16/09/2006-18/09/2006). Promoting Institution: ANFOPE - FE - Unicamp.
"Teaching in Higher Education and its Assessment: principles and strategies" - Prof. Dr. M�rio Rueda Beltr�n (University of Mexico), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (15/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: GEPES / LOED - FE - Unicamp.
Virtual Round Table "Teacher training, linguistic/cultural identity and decree 5.626" - Angela Soligo (FE/Unicamp), Ronice M�ller de Quadros (UFSC), Luis Ernesto Behares (Udelar/AUGM ), Gladis Perlin (UFSC); coordinator:Regina Maria de Souza, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (15/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Promoting Institution: DEPE - FE - Unicamp.
Lecture "Cinema and Video: Philosophical Experimentation of Image" - Profa. Dr. Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer (UFRGS), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (13/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: OLHO - FE - Unicamp.
HIFEM Lectures "On the History of Negative Numbers" - Prof. Dr. Gert Schubring (Institute of Mathematics Didactics at the University of Bielefeld - Germany, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (12/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Institute Promoter: HIFEM - FE - Unicamp.
The Government of Schoolchildren from the theoretical perspective of Michel Foucault - Prof. Dr. Jorge Ramos do � (University of Lisbon - Portugal), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (11/09/2006-12/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: DEFHE - FE - Unicamp.
"The Clown, the dancer and the actress - trajectories and memories of teaching artists" - Clermont Pithan (clown Circus Bouglione - France); Isabelle Dufau (dancer Cia Dominique Dupuis - France); Ver�nica Fabrini (Director Boa Companhia and IA/Unicamp), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (06/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: LABORARTE - FE - Unicamp.
Permanent Forum Challenges for Teachers "School Assessment: problems and challenges", Unicamp Convention Center, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (06/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: LOED / FE - Unicamp / RAC / Acorde.
The PALOP and the �Land of the Other�: the presence of African students in Brazil - Profa. Dr. Neusa Gusmão, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (31/08/2006). Promoting Institution: GEPEDISC / DECISE / Pedagogy Coordination - FE - Unicamp.
Lecture "Photography and representations of reality" - Profa. Dr. Rosana Horio Monteiro (Federal University of Goiás - Faculty of Visual Arts - Master's in Visual Culture), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (30/08/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: OLHO - FE - Unicamp.
Pedagogy and Teaching Degree Ceremony, Noble Hall of the Faculty of Education, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (25/08/2006). Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.
Colloquiums on Philosophy and History of Education "LENIN: education is not a talisman / democracy and education in Soviet Russia (1918 - 1920)" M� uri de Carvalho (UFES), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (25/08/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Communications in History of Education "Historical Source for the History of Education"; "Society, Education and Curriculum in Brazil: from the Jesuits to the 1980s" - Meire Terezinha Muller, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (24/08/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
"Education in debate: diagnosis and proposals from political parties for São Paulo and Brazil": 23/08/06 - Representative of the PSDB; 30/08/2006 - PDT representative; 13/09/2006 - PT representative; 20/09/2006 - Representative of PSOL, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (23/08/2006-20/09/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: Public Policy and Education Group (GPPE) - FE - Unicamp.
What is the social meaning of modernization at work? - Helena Hirata, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (08/08/2006-10/08/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
Harvard University's Curriculum Reform: Revisions and Current Propositions - Profa. Sueli Petry Lus (Univali), Prof. Dr. Elisabete MA Pereira (FE - Unicamp), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (07/08/2006). Promoting Institution: GEPES - FE - Unicamp.
XIII National Chemistry Teaching Meeting "Chemistry Education in Brazil - 25 years of ENEQ", Unicamp Convention Center and Gymnasium, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (24/07/ 2006-27/07/2006). Promoting Institution: FE / IQ - Unicamp
Brazilian Chemical Society.
I SHIAM - Seminar on Histories and Investigations of/in Mathematics Classes, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (13/07/2006-15/07/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: Saturday Group - FE - Unicamp.
VII Studies and Research Seminar "History, Society and Education in Brazil" General Theme: "20 years of HISTEDBR: Navigating the History of Brazilian Education", Convention Center Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (10/07/2006-13/07/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
VII National Seminar of Studies and Research "History, Society and Education in Brazil", Faculty of Education/UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (10/07/2006-13/07/ 2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: Faculty of Education/UNICAMP.
Philosophy and History of Education Colloquia es in the dissemination of New School ideology in Brazil" - Alessandra Arce, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (30/06/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Communications in History of Education "The impact of industrialization on the system of agrarian municipalities: the trajectory of Paul�nia/SP" - Meire Terezinha Muller, FE - Unicamp , Campinas, SP, Brazil, (29/06/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
�I Proesf� General Gymnastics Festival � Special Teacher Training Program for the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (RMC) of the Faculty of Education of Unicamp, Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, ( 21/06/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.
Permanent Forum Challenges for Teaching "The Bankruptcy of Brazilian Secondary Education?", Unicamp Convention Center, Campionas, SP, Brazil, (21/06/2006). Promoting Institution: Formar-Ci�ncias/FE- Unicamp - ACORDE - RAC.
Pedagogy Seminar: Internships at FE: conceptions and actions, FE-UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (21/06/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
Research Seminar in Social Sciences and Education "Work and Training in Art: from the construction of a thematic project to the challenges of a research field" - Profa. Dr. Liliana Rolfsen Petrilli Segnini, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (21/06/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
Meeting - Institutional Assessment Project GERES Campinas 2005, CEPROCAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (20/06/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
Current affairs in Brazilian Higher Education - Round Table "Higher Education Census and ENADE" - Prof. Dr. Jaime Giolo (General Coordinator of the Higher Education Census), Prof. Dr. Amir Limana General Coordinator of ENADE), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (19/06/2006). Promoting Institution: GEPES - FE - Unicamp.
Exhibition of course completion works (TCC) - Pedagogy students, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (19/06/2006-22/06/2006). Promoting Institution: Pedagogy Coordination - FE - Unicamp.
Meeting of Directors of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (12/06/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.
Lecture cycle Education and Social Regulation "From the summit of social to the reinvention of the community" - Prof. Dr. Pablo Marinis (FLACSO / Argentina), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (07/06/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: Brazil/Argentina-Capes Associated Centers Project
GPPE, DECISE, Pedagogy Coordination, Postgraduate Coordination - FE - Unicamp.
Colloquium "The contribution of Historical-cultural Psychology to the Work Clinic and Physical Therapy" - Prof. Yves Clot (CNAM - Paris); Prof. Dr. Edwiges Maria Morato (IEL - Unicamp), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (26/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Promoting Institution: GPPL - FE - Unicamp.
Colloquium on Philosophy and History of Education: Launch of the book "Marxism and Education: contemporary debates" - Prof. Dr. Dermeval Saviani, Prof. Dr. José Claudinei Lombardi, Prof. Dr. Jos� Lu�s Sanfelice (orgs.), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (26/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Colloquiums on Philosophy and History of Education - Marxism and Education: contemporary debates, FE/UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (26/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: FE/UNICAMP.
Communications in History of Education "The invention of Aleijadinho: historiography and collecting around Antonio Francisco Lisboa" - S�nia Maria Fonseca; "The anarchist educational trajectory in the First Republic" - Jos� Damiro de Moraes, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (25/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Round Table and launch of the book "Affectivity and pedagogical practices" - Prof. Dr. S�rgio Antonio da Silva Leite (org.), Convention Center - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (25/05/2006). Promoting Institution: ALLE - FE - Unicamp.
Vygotski: the elaboration of a General Psychology - Prof. Yves Clot (CNAM/Paris), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (24/05/2006). Promoting Institution: GPPL - FE - Unicamp.
Regional Meeting of Schools - GERES 2005 Project held on May 18, 2006, FE-UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (18/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
Lecture "The meanings of Pedagogical Projects in the process of curricular reconfiguration of Higher Education: the case of Unioeste/PR" - Profa. Dr. Carmen C�lia BC Bastos (Unioeste/PR), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (15/05/2006). Promoting Institution: GEPES - FE - Unicamp.
Unveiling and Acting in the Pedagogical Space, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (12/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND ART. Promoting Institution: Proesf - FE - Unicamp.
Regional Meeting of Schools - GERES 2005 Project held on May 11, 2006, FE-UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (11/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
Lecture cycle - Education and Social Regulation - "Current debates on Education Economics" - Prof. Dr. Alejandro Mordujovich (FLACSO - Argentina), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (10/05/2006). Promoting Institution: Brazil/Argentina Associated Centers Project - Capes
GPPE / DECISE / Pedagogy Coordination / Postgraduate Coordination - FE - Unicamp.
Regional Meeting of Schools - GERES 2005 Project held on May 05, 2006, FE-UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (05/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
2nd Gerontology Research Seminar at Unicamp, Sesc - Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (04/05/2006-05/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Promoting Institution: Postgraduate Program in Gerontology - FE - Unicamp
SESC - Campinas.
Pedagogy Seminar: Internships at FE: conceptions and actions - held on 03/05/2006, FE-UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (03/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
Research Seminar in Social Sciences in Education "Gender, work and training" - Profa. Dr. M�rcia de Paula Leite, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (03/05/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.
Philosophy and History of Education Colloquiums: "Ethics and Education: philosophical and historical reflections", FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (28/04 /2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Colloquiums on Philosophy and History of Education: ethics and education: philosophical and historical reflections, FE/UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (28/04/2006 ). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: FE/UNICAMP.
Discussion panel: "Differences in everyday school life - deafness and education" - Profa. Dr. Carmen Sanches (UNIRIO), Renata Costa (UNIRIO), Renata Ferreira (ISERJ), Ana Paula Ven�ncio (Prof. Rede Municipal Rio de Janeiro), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (28/04/ 2006). Promoting Institution: DIS - FE - Unicamp.
Teaching knowledge, teacher training and research - Profa. Dr. Corinta Geraldi, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (28/04/2006). Promoting Institution: Formar-Ci�ncias - FE - Unicamp.
Communications in History of Education: "Voices in defense of order: the debate between public and private in education (1945-1968)", Marco Antoni ode Oliveira Gomes; "The reforms of Brazilian higher education: from the 1964 coup to the 90s", Lalo W. Minto, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (27/04/2006). Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Permanent Education and Culture Forum "Education, Culture and Art", Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (25/04/2006). Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.
Teaching and Research in Comparative Education - Prof. Dr. Ant�nio Gomes Ferreira (University of Coimbra/Portugal), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (24/04/2006). Promoting Institution: Lapplane - FE - Unicamp.
Postgraduate Seminars "Education and Heritage: school material culture" / Questions on the History of Education - Prof. Dr. Rog�rio Fernandes (University of Lisbon - Portugal), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (24/04/2006). Promoting Institution: DEFHE - FE - Unicamp.
International Seminar - Teaching and artistic work: strength and fragility of professions, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (18/04/2006-19/04/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: DECISE / GEPEDISC - Faculty of Education - UNICAMP - Support: Fapesp, Faepex Unicamp.
International Seminar "Teaching and Artistic Work: strength and fragility of professions", Faculty of Education-Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (18/04/2006-19/04/2006) .
GERES 2005: Institutional Assessment, FE, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (17/04/2006).
Opening of the 2006 academic year, FE-UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (13/04/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
Public Policies in Early Childhood Education - Profa. Isabel Cristina J. Brand�o, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (11/04/2006). Promoting Institution: Lapplane - FE - Unicamp.
University Education: beyond the paradigm of modernity - Profa. Eliana Bernardes Louren�o (UNIFAL), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (10/04/2006). Promoting Institution: GEPES - FE - Unicamp.
The experience of Escola da Ponte - Prof. Jos� Pacheco (Portugal), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (06/04/2006). Promoting Institution: GEPEC - FE - Unicamp.
The constitution of the educational system in modernity - Prof. Dr. Pablo Pineau (FLACSO), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (05/04/2006). Promoting Institution: GPPE / DECISE - FE - Unicamp.
Colloquiums on Philosophy and History of Education and launch of Prof. Dr. Jos� Dias Sobrinho: "Dilemmas of Higher Education in the globalized world. Knowledge society or knowledge economy?", FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (31/03/2006). Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR / GEPES - FE - Unicamp.
Perspectives of the Historiography of the History of Mathematics - Prof. Dr. Lu�s Saraiva (Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon - Portugal), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (31/03/2006). Promoting Institution: DEFHE - FE - Unicamp.
Communications in History of Education: "Analysis of National Curricular Parameters for religious education in public schools", FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (30/03/ 2006). Promoting Institution: HISTEDBR - FE - Unicamp.
Brazil in the ethics of work and professions - Profa. Dr. Liliana Rolfsen Petrilli Segnini, Faculty of Education, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (29/03/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: FE / Brazil-Portugal Chair in Social Sciences - Unicamp.
Trajectory and experiences of a libertarian in Brazil: Maur�cio Tragtenberg - Launch of the complete collection by Maur�cio Tragtenberg (Editora da Unesp), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (29/03/2006). Promoting Institution: DEFHE - FE - Unicamp.
Round Table: Affectivity and Pedagogical Practices, Faculty of Education, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (25/03/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Promoting Institution: State University of Campinas.
PROESF Cultural Activities, Faculty of Education/UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (23/03/2006). Promoting Institution: FE/UNICAMP.
Teacher training in Japan and possibilities for academic exchange - Prof. Dr. Yoshisuke Nakaoka (Pre-Dean of International Relations Hyogo University of Teaching Education/Japan), FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (23/03/2006). Promoting Institution: Lapplane - FE - Unicamp.
23st Extension Day of the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Education/UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (03/2006/XNUMX).
23st Extension Day of the Faculty of Education at Unicamp - guests: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Habib, Prof. Dr. Roberto Teixeira Mendes, Prof. Dr. Vicente Rodriguez, M�rcia Soraia Teani, Rosa Maria Marins Gobbi Sebinelli, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (03/2006/XNUMX). Promoting Institution: Extension Coordination - FE - Unicamp.
Colloquium "Discourse and Memory" - Prof. Dr. David Midleton, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (22/03/2006-23/03/2006). Promoting Institution: GPPL - FE - Unicamp.
Colloquium "Experience and Memory" - Prof. Dr. David Midleton, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (22/03/2006-23/03/2006). Promoting Institution: GPPL - FE - Unicamp.
Pedagogy Seminar: Internships at FE: conceptions and actions - held on 22/03/2006, FE-UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (22/03/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES.
"On Memory and Forgetting" - Prof. Dr. David Midleton, FE - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (21/03/2006). Promoting Institution: GPPL - FE - Unicamp.
Challenges for Teaching Forum "Literacy in Brazil: current issues and provocations", Unicamp Convention Center, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (15/03/2006). Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp / RAC - Acorde.
Permanent Forum Challenges for Teachers "Literacy in Brazil: current issues and provocations", Unicamp Convention Center, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (15/03/2006) . Promoting Institution: ALLE - FE / RAC / ACORDE.
Lecture cycle: Education and Social Regulation, Faculty of Education - UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (01/03/2006-07/06/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN EDUCATION. Promoting Institution: Faculty of Education - UNICAMP
Department of Social Sciences in Education.
Between boys and drums - Plastic Interpretation on the thesis of master's student Luciane Vieira Palma, Galeria de Arte Unicamp / IA, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (20/02/2006-14/03/2006). Event promoted by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL PRACTICES. Promoting Institution: State University of Campinas.
Building a political pedagogical project at school, Convention Center - Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil, (15/02/2006). Promoting Institution: FE - Unicamp.