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Faculty of Food Engineering
  Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (Financier). �Assessment of the Composition and Antioxidant and Coloring Properties of Carotenoids from Cashew Stalk Pomace. Responsible: Adriana Zerlotti Mercadante. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE.
  Federal University of Santa Catarina (Executor), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Executor), Tropical Foundation for Technological Research "Andr� Tosello" (Coordinator), Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (Financier). �Quality Improvement of Tropical Fruit Juices Through Contaminant Control and Use of High Pressure Process� - Value: R$499.873,00. Responsible: Pilar Rodriguez de Massaguer. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE.
  Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (Financier), Association of Tropical Fruit Processing Industries (Financier), MV Engenharia (Financier), Tetrapak (Financier). �Microbiological Safety of Aseptically Packaged Fruit Juices and Drinks� - Value R$297.777,60. Responsible: Pilar Rodriguez de Massaguer. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE.
  State University of Campinas (Executor). APSPM 36.91/Food Nutrient Steam. Responsible: Carlos Raimundo Ferreira Grosso. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION.
  Center for Inter Cooperation. in Recherche Agron. pour le Developpement (Executor). Unicamp x Department of Systems Agro-Alimentaires et Ruraux Cooperation Agreement. Responsible: Satoshi Tobinaga. Project linked to the FOOD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), National University of Santiago del Estero (Executor). Cooperation Agreement FEA-UNICAMP x Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero Facultad de Agronomia y Agroindustrias (UNSE-FAA). Project linked to the FOOD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  National University of Santiago del Estero (Executor). Postgraduate Teaching Agreement. Responsible: Enrique Ortega Rodríguez. Project linked to the FOOD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  State University of Campinas (Executor). Cooperation between Lab'RIE/Depan/FEA and Xenobioticos de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Responsible: D�bora de Queir�z Tavares. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION.
  Technical University of Lisbon (Executor). Technical-scientific and cultural cooperation between UNICAMP and the Technical University of Lisbon.
  University of La Habana (Executor). AGREEMENT/FEA/FUNCAMP/University of La Habana - Collaboration exchange in the areas of Food Engineering.
  Financier of Studies and Projects (Financier). Development of Functional Foods for the Prevention and Treatment of Dioxin Toxicity. Responsible: Yong Kun Park. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Consultant), Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (Consultant), Ibero-American Science and Technology Program for Development (Consultant) , Universidad Iberoamericana (Consultant), Universidad de Chile (Consultant). Development and Standardization of Descriptors for Sensory Analysis. Responsible: Maria Helena Dam�sio. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION.
  State University of Campinas (Executor). Studies on Carotinoids. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator). FEA-Toxicology of Food-Services. This agreement is used to carry out university extension activities. Responsible: FELIX GUILLERMO REYES REYES. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE.
  United States Department of Agriculture (Executor), University of Massachusetts (Executor). Private Incentives for Safe Food Supply: case studies from the American beef industry. Responsible: Elisabete Salay. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION.
  State University of Canpinas (Executor), UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator), Hoffmann-La Roche (Financier). Isolation and Purification of Natural Pigments. Responsible: Adriana Zerlotti Mercadante. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE.
  State University of Campinas (Executor). Production and evaluation of protein products for special purposes. Responsible: Jaime Amaya Farf�n. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION.
  Universitat Hannover (Executor). Brazil-Germany Bi-national Cooperation Project in Biotechnology and Use of Genetic Resources. Responsible: Gl�ucia Maria Pastore. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE.
  State University of Campinas (Executor). Theobroma and Technology. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION.
  Faculty of Food Engineering - UNICAMP (Executor), Ecole Nationale Sup�rieure de Chimie de Montpellier (Executor), Comite Francaise D'Evaluation De La Cooperacion Universitaire-CAPES (Financier), International Society for the Advancement of Supercritical Fluids (Financier) . Valorization of Vetiver Essential Oil is scientific and technological research. Responsible: Maria �ngela de Almeida Meireles, Paulo de Tarso Vieira and Rosa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF FOOD ENGINEERING, DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP