Faculty of Agricultural Engineering
Awards and Honors
"Effect of Concentration and Temperature on Kinetics and Texture and Color Properties of Osmotically Dehydrated Mango Slices", SBCTA-PR Research Incentive Award Renato Sossela de Freitas - 2nd place for work, participants: Ana Paula Ito, Marina Cavenaghi, Cinthya Bertoldo, Kil Jin Park, Miriam Dupas Hubinger.
"Behavior Study of a Vibro-fluidized Dryer", Honorable Mention for the work, participants: Marcos Chiorato, Rafael Augustus de Oliveira, Kil Jin Park.
"Automation of the Table Tomato Washing Stage in the Unimac System (Mobile Harvest Aid Unit)", Honorable Mention - PIBIC - 2006, participants: Rafael Panach�o Ben�cio, Marcos David Ferreira.