Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism
UNICAMP Development Foundation (Financier). 205 - Structures (Small Service Provision Area). Responsible: Isa�as Vizotto. Project linked to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.
Technical University (Coordinator). Cooperation agreement between the State University of Campinas (Brazil) - Unicamp and the Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey. Responsible: Doris Catharine Cornelie K Kowaltowski. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
University of Southampton (Coordinator). Cooperation Agreement between the State University of Campinas and the University of Southampton. Responsible: Carlos Alberto Mariotoni. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
University of Kassel (Consultant). Analysis of climate parameters in Campinas: application of the method of mobile temperature measurements. Responsible: Rosana Maria Caram. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Companhia Paulista de For�ae Luz (Financier). Aspects of the Multiple Use of Small Hydropower Plants Considering Energy Planning, Environmental Impacts and their Costs. Responsible: Carlos Alberto Mariotoni, Paulo S�rgio Franco Barbosa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
State University of Campinas (Executor). Service provision area - Environmental Comfort Laboratory. Responsible: Stelamaris Rolla Bertoli, Regina Coeli Ruschel. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
State University of Campinas (Consultant). Agreement for the Provision of Minor Services with the Department of Structures at FEC-Unicamp (205). Responsible: Armando L�pes Moreno J�nior.
University of Pittsburgh (Coordinator). Agreement with the University of Pittsburgh in the area of Sustainable Engineering, Planning and Design. Responsible: Doris Catharine Cornelie K Kowaltowski. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Companhia Paulista de For�ae Luz (Financier). Study of the Confrontation Between the Use of Water for Electricity Generation and Irrigation in the Microbasin of a PCH. Responsible: Carlos Alberto Mariotoni, Paulo S�rgio Franco Barbosa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
Financier of Studies and Projects (Financier). FINEP CTINFRA I. Responsible: Carlos Alberto Bandeira Guimar�es. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Financier of Studies and Projects (Financier). FINEP CTINFRA III. Responsible: Carlos Alberto Bandeira Guimarães, Cassio Eduardo Lima de Paiva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOTECHNICS AND TRANSPORT.
Companhia Paulista de For�ae Luz (Executor). Generation and Analysis of Scenarios Applied to Risk Assessment in the Commercialization of Electric Energy - Phase II. Responsible: Paulo S�rgio Franco Barbosa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES.
Financier of Studies and Projects (Executor). Innovation in the production process of social housing complexes to reduce costs and increase the value delivered. Responsible: Doris Catharine Cornelie K Kowaltowski, Ariovaldo Denis Granja. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION.
UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator). Medabil Sistemas Construtivos SA Responsible: Newton de Oliveira Pinto J�nior.
PETROBRAS (Financier). Programming modeling of hydraulic fractures induced in water injection wells. Responsible: Philippe Remy Bernard Devloo, S�nia Maria Gomes. Project linked to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Federal University of Ouro Preto (Financier). FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF OURO PRETO/UNICAMP/FUNCAMP. Responsible: João Alberto Venegas Requena. Project linked to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais S/A (Financier). USINAS SIDERGICAS DE MINAS GERAIS SA/UNICAMP/FUNCAMP. Responsible: Leandro Palermo J�nior, Jo�o Alberto Venegas Requena. Project linked to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Vallourec Mannesmann do Brasil SA (Financier). Vallourec Mannesmann do Brasil SA/UNICAMP/FUNCAMP. Responsible: João Alberto Venegas Requena. Project linked to the STRUCTURES DEPARTMENT.