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Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research lines
  Microelectronics and photonics technology. Design and manufacture of analog and digital circuits using bipolar, MOS and GAAS technologies and implementation of conventional and non-conventional manufacturing processes. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1984). Line connected to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT, SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS DEPARTMENT, ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT.
  Bioengineering. Quantitative study of biological phenomena and systems. It involves the application of engineering concepts, methods and techniques in the treatment of biological problems from the point of view of basic research. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line linked to the BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Medical and Biological Engineering. Development, production and evaluation of devices and equipment that assist in medical and hospital care and biomedical research, including hardware and software used in signal and data processing. This part is often known as in (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line connected to DEPT. OF MACHINE COMPONENTS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
  Clinical and hospital engineering. Technical and scientific advice in the acquisition, use, adaptation and maintenance of biomedical equipment in both healthcare and biomedical research, and in the development of hospital construction and installation projects. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line linked to the BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Microwave devices and circuits. Monitoring the area of ​​microwave devices and circuits aiming at scientific cooperation and human resources training. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1973). Line connected to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  CG. This line is focused on the development of activities in image synthesis, including geometric modeling, lighting and image rendering, animation and interaction techniques. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1983). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Electrical Power Systems. Modeling, Planning, Optimization and Analysis of Electric Power Systems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1977). Line connected to DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, DEPT. OF MACHINES COMPONENTS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Antennas and propagation. Monitor and contribute to the state of the art in this area, emphasizing personnel training. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1979). Line connected to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Digital signal processing. Research and development in digital processing of voice and video signals. Spectral analysis. Adaptive Filtering. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1980). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF TELEMATICS.
  Optical communications. Analysis, simulation, design and development of optical signal transmission systems. Propagation and modeling of the optical channel. Modeling of electro-optical devices. Optical receivers and transmitters. Optical signal processing techniques (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT, MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Dynamic Systems Control. Control is the process of making a given variable in a dynamic system behave in a desired way. The control line can be subdivided depending on the type of controller and the dynamic system into linear or non-linear, deterministic or and (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to DEPT. OF ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, DEPARTMENT OF TELEMATICS, DEPT. OF MACHINE COMPONENTS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.
  Design of integrated circuits. Design of analog and digital integrated circuits in bipolar, MOS and GAAS technology. ASICS development. High performance circuits (accuracy and speed). Software for designing and evaluating integrated circuits. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, DEPT. OF ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  Semiconductor devices: processes and models.Design, characterization and modeling of semiconductor devices. Measurement techniques and parameter extraction. Software tools for modeling semiconductor devices. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography. Determination of channel capacity for multi-user systems, determination of reliability functions for systems using block and convolutional codes. Determination of optimal, variant and time-invariant, linear and non-linear codes. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Image processing and computer vision.Hardware pattern recognition for computer vision, knowledge representation, algebraic methods for scene segmentation and interpretation. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1987). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  New Materials. Optical semiconductors, diamond films at low pressures and temperatures. Film growth techniques and study of doping methods. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to DEPT. OF MACHINES COMPONENTS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  Electromechanical Energy Conversion. Studies related to modeling, control, design and applications of electrical machines. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL, DEPT. OF MACHINE COMPONENTS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.
  Electromagnetic Compatibility. Study of electromagnetic phenomena including, high voltage techniques, partial discharges in dielectrics, atmospheric discharges, insulation coordination, electromagnetic interference, modeling of transient phenomena distributed parameters, depe (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Power Electronics. Development of electronic converters and regulators: switching sources, active filters, power conditioners, stative reactive compensators, converters for driving electrical machines. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Robotics. Design of robot structures: design of manipulators, development of robot control techniques; mathematical models for trajectory control, simulators for typical robot environments, application of artificial intelligence and re techniques (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Digital modulation. Coded modulations and demodulations. Satellite transmission. Multi-user communications. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Mobile communications. Mobile radio systems. Co-channel and adjacent interference. Propagation in mobile telephony. Performance analysis, simulation, equalization, reception. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT, MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Pattern Recognition. Correspondence analysis, feature extraction and selection and pattern classification using neural networks, character recognition, three-dimensional object recognition, speaker recognition, signature technology. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Rehabilitation Engineering. Development and clinical application of control systems (closed and open loops, sensors), biomedical instrumentation (artificial neuromuscular stimulators, electromechanical orthoses), biomechanical transducers, biofeedback systems *, evaluation (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line linked to the BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Manufacturing systems. Development of algorithms for production planning and control. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, DEPARTMENT OF TELEMATICS.
  Information systems. Development of models and techniques aimed at storing and retrieving information. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Software Engineering. Development of techniques and tools associated with the software systems development cycle. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Intelligent systems. Development of methods and implementation of tools aimed at applying intelligent algorithms in engineering. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to DEPT. OF ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, DEPARTMENT OF TELEMATICS, DEPT. OF MACHINE COMPONENTS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.
  Planning and management of telecommunications systems. Planning the external network of telecommunications systems. Planning the transmission of telecommunications systems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Digital speech processing. Low rate coding, speech synthesis, speech recognition, voice synthesis using the KLATT formant technique, noise reduction of voice signals. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Systems Identification. Identification involves obtaining mathematical models (structures and parameters) of the behavior of dynamic systems. It involves the use of physical modeling techniques (Newton's laws, Kirkhoff, Maxwell, ...) and experimental techniques such as, for example, minimums (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Systems Modeling and Optimization. Using mathematical models to describe decision-making problems, the aim is to determine the alternative, among all viable alternatives to the problem, that leads to the minimization or maximization of one or more performance criteria. includes tec (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Communications networks. It concerns the set of links and those that interconnect devices such as computers and measuring equipment or that allow human communication. It includes the study of new architectures and their protocols and the analysis of monthly performance (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Distributed systems. Study and analysis of the architecture of distributed digital switching systems, broadband services, multiservice access networks. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Sensors and Actuators. Development of integrated and discrete sensors and actuators, application of new technologies for sensor manufacturing. Smart sensors. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to DEPT. OF ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  Instrumentation and Measurements. Development of equipment for laboratories: sources, signal generators, meters, analyzers, test benches, acquisition systems, digital control systems, analog controllers, switched amplifiers (for laboratory application (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994 ).Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  Digital TV. Research in Digital TV involving the following topics: Transmission and Reception, Channel Coding and Modulation; Transport Channel; Interactivity Channel; Coding of Source Signals; middleware; Services, Applications and Content. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2004). Line connected to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP