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Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Awards and Honors
  "Instrumentation for measuring Ca2+ transients in isolated cardiac myocytes: effects of beta-adrenergic stimulation.", Work selected among the 5 finalists (among ~180 works) for the C�ndido Pinto de Mello Prize, offered by the Brazilian Society of Biomedical Engineering, participants: Diogo Coutinho Soriano, Rafael de Almeida Ricardo, Pedro Xavier de Oliveira, Rosana Almada Bassani, Jos� Wilson Magalh�es Bassani. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
  "Estimation of lethal transmembrane potential in rat ventricular myocytes.", Honorable mention (awarded on 26/08/2006), participants: Pedro Xavier de Oliveira, Rosana Almada Bassani, Jos� Wilson Magalh�es Bassani. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
  "Evolvable Hardware a New Approach for Control Design", Best Student Paper Award to Tatiane Jesus de Campos, participants: Tatiane Jesus de Campos, Jos� Raimundo de Oliveira, M�rio Jungbeck. Awards linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  "PRO2PI: Process Capability Profiles for Process Improvement", Third Place: �Dorgival Brand�nior Award for Quality and Productivity in Software�, Cycle 2005, participants: Cl�nio Figueiredo Salviano, M�rio Jino. Awards linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP