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Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Projects with financing
  Renato Baldini Filho. "5-ARY TURBO CODES WITH 4-5-PSK MODULATION". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-09/2006), Aid part. Meeting / aid-reunion-brazil, value: R$ 6.220,00, Process #2006/03073-5. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Lee Luan Ling. "A FUZZY APPROACH FOR ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF MPLS NETWORK TRAFFIC FLOWS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-09/2006), Aid part. Meeting / aid-reunion-brazil, value: R$ 2.558,17, Process #2006/03638-2. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Carlos Alberto Favarin Murari. "A FUZZY LOAD FLOW BASED ON COMPLEX FUZZY NUMBERS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-05/2006), Aid part. Meeting / aid-reunion-brazil, value: R$ 2.288,66, Process #2006/00661-3. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Ernesto Ruppert Filho. "A LOW POWER MATRIX CONVERTER PROTOTYPE". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-04/2006), Aid part. Meeting / aid-reunion-brazil, value: R$ 2.500,00, Process #2006/50415-9. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Divanilson Rodrigo de Sousa Camp�lo. "ROUTE ALLOCATION AND WAVELENGTH ON MULTIGRANULAR DEMAND ("GROOMING") IN OPTICAL NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 46.935,18 , Process #2005/03131-2.
  L�o Pini Magalh�es. "Collaborative Engineering Environment for Visualization and Remote Interaction with Large Volumes of Data - POJETO GIGA". Financier of Studies and Projects, (03/2005), Research Grant, value: R$ 107.000,00. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "RF Power Amplifiers". Celestica do Brasil Ltda, (03/2004-03/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 532.000,00, Process #2989. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  HE Hernandez Figueroa. "Antennas for Airborne Radar in the X Band". Orbisat da Amaz�nia Ind�stria e Aerolevantamento S/A, (08/2005-07/2006), Research/Development Grant, value: R$ 100.000,00. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  HE Hernandez Figueroa. "Antennas for Aircraft Surveillance Radar". Orbisat da Amaz�nia Ind�stria e Aerolevantamento S/A, (03/2005-02/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 180.000,00. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  José Claudio Geromel. "STABILITY ANALYSIS AND STATE FEEDBACK IN POLYTOPIC DYNAMIC SYSTEMS VIA MULTIPLIERS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-04/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 14.401,09, Process # 2004/09983-8. Student: Rubens Hideo Korogui. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Vitaly F�lix Rodr�guez Esquerre. "ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX 3D PHOTONIC STRUCTURES USING THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 33.625,12 , Process #2005/51339-1.
  Hugo Enrique Hernandez Figueroa. "ANALYSIS OF PHOTONIC STRUCTURES GUIDED BY FINITE ELEMENTS IN THE SPACE-TEMPORAL DOMAIN". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2010), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-1, value: R$ 97.344,00, Process # 2006/50912-2. Student: Jos� Amilton Mores J�nior. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Daniel Queir�z Vasconcelos Cunha. "ANALYSIS OF NEW RELAYS FOR ISLAND DETECTION OF DISTRIBUTED SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #03031/0-XNUMX. Student: Daniel Queir�z Vasconcelos Cunha.
  Aldário Chrestani Bordonalli. "ANALYSIS OF ERBIUM-DOPED FIBER OPTICAL AMPLIFIER FOR APPLICATIONS IN MULTICHANNEL SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #54876/0-XNUMX. Student: Rafael Martins Buck de Godoy. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Fernando José Von Zuben. "ANALYSIS OF LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE OF CLASSIFYING SYSTEMS MODELS APPLIED TO AUTONOMOUS ROBOT NAVIGATION". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.686,00, 2005, Process #03519/0-XNUMX. Student: Renan Cipriano Moioli. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Ricardo Hiroshi Takahashi. "ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF THE CONNECTION OF INDUCTION GENERATORS ON THE VOLTAGE STABILITY OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #03810/0-XNUMX. Student: Ricardo Hiroshi Takahashi.
  Taciana de Vasconcelos Menzes. "ANALYSIS AND DIAGNOSIS OF THE BRAZILIAN INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM WITH RESPECT TO VIOLATION OF ELECTRICAL RESTRICTIONS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-06/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 25.218,84 , Process #2005/02123-6.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND LAYOUT OF A NEW VOLTAGE REGULATOR CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY FOR APPLICATION IN MICROPROCESSORS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/58020-0. Student: Fernando Zamprono Neto. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Pedro Luis Dias Peres. "ANALYSE ET COMMANDE ROBUSTE DE SYSTEMES INCERTAINS AVEC RETARDS ET SATURATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-04/2009), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 37.650,00, Process #2006/50335 -5. Project linked to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Jos� Mario De Martino. "FACIAL ANIMATION FOR MOBILE DEVICES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-11/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #04943/3-XNUMX. Student: Tatiane S�lvia Leite. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  V�tor Baranauskas. "Support for the maintenance of the atomic force nanoscope applied in the characterization of new materials for prostheses on the nano and micro scale". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2003), Research Grant, value: R$ 48.693,00, Process #411851/2003-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Amauri L�pes. "APPLICATION OF DATA FILTERING IN ESTIMATING THE DIRECTION OF ARRIVAL OF PLANE WAVES USING SENSOR ARRANGEMENTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/52358-0. Student: Rafael Krummenauer. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Elnatan Chagas Ferreira. "Architecture for remote access laboratory with educational applications". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  Jos� Wilson Magalh�es Bassani. "Arrhythmias evoked by electrical stimulation: Study of electrophysiological mechanisms". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
  Hugo Enrique Hernandez Figueroa. "AUTOMACY AND REMOTE CONTROL OF AN OPTIC FIBER CHARACTERIZATION SYSTEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/51340-0. Student: Gustavo Moreira Calixto. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Jos� Carlos de M�lo Vieira J�nior. "ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACTS OF THE PROTECTION SYSTEM ON THE VOLTAGE STABILITY OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS IN THE PRESENCE OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATORS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2007), Post doctorate scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2005/03043-6. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  José Alexandre Diniz. "ELECTRICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SILICON OXINITIDE (SIOXNY) AND ALUMINUM (ALNXOY) DIELECTRIC FILM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-11/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #05690/1-XNUMX. Student: Augusto Ronchini Ximenes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  L. C. Kretly. "Shunt-type MEMS switches for application in Mobile Communications". Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  L. C. Kretly. "CMOS Circuits Using the Gyrator Structure". Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Antônio Carlos Aido de Almeida. "CLASSES OF STABILIZING QUANTUM CONVOLUTIONAL CODES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2005-01/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2004/10979-5.
  Jayme Garcia Arnal Barbedo. "CLASSIFICATION OF AUDIO SIGNALS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2008), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/08281-0.
  Ariovaldo Verandio Garcia. "COMPUTER CLUSTER FOR PARALLEL PROCESSING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-06/2006), Research grant / research grant, amount: R$ 77.415,87, Process #2004/12071 -0. Area: Energy. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa. "GEOMETRICALLY UNIFORM CODES IN HOMOGENEOUS SPACES". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2003-06/2007), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 392.044,00, Process #2002/07473-7. Project linked to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  V�tor Baranauskas. "DIGITAL CAMERA REPAIR". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-11/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 2.628,62, Process #2005 /58191-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Ernesto Ruppert Filho. "CONTROL OF A SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER WITH NEURAL NETWORKS - THEORY AN PRACTICAL RESULTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-04/2007), Publication grant / publication grant, value: R$ 933,95, Process #2006/ 52405-0. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  José Claudio Geromel. "CONTROL OF SYSTEMS WITH MARKOVIAN JUMPS VIA DYNAMIC OUTPUT FEEDBACK". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-04/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 23.522,40, Process # 2006/53581-7. Student: Andr� Ricardo Fioravanti. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Lu�z Carlos Pereira da Silva. "VOLTAGE CONTROL IN ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS WITH DISTRIBUTED GENERATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 17.181,52, Process # 2005/50020-1. Student: Marcelo Silva Castro. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Edson Bim. "SPEED CONTROL OF THE INDUCTION MOTOR USING THE MPBC STRATEGY AND REACTIVE POWER CONTROL IN A DOUBLE-EXCITED INDUCTION GENERATOR". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2005-06/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 19.175,58, Process #2005/52152 -two. Area: Energy. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  João Bosco Ribeiro do Val. "CONTROL AND FILTERING OF MARKOVIAN STOCHASTIC SYSTEMS WITH JUMPING IN PARAMETERS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2004-04/2008), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 386.055,16, Process #2003/06736-7.
  Aldário Chrestani Bordonalli. "COST EFFECTIVE MULTI FUNCTIONAL EDFA FOR METROPOLITAN AERA NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-06/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting assistance, value: R$ 9.108,00, Process #2006/02301-4. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Ioshiaki Doi. "CV CHARACTERIZATIONS OF POLYCRYSTALLINE SIGE FILMS WITH LOW GE CONCENTRATION". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-06/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 8.020,23, Process #2006/01106-3. Project linked to the DEPT. OF COMPONENT MACHINES AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.
  Lauro Tatsuo Kubota. "Development of Biosensors based on Ag Nanowires and
Au employing field-effect transistors".

  Maria Cristina Dias Tavares. "Development of Models for Electromagnetic Transient Studies and Monopolar Reclosing Studies". School of Engineering of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ, (04/2005), Research Grant, amount: R$ 4.115.000,00. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  V�tor Baranauskas. "Development of diamond prostheses". State University of Campinas, (04/2003), Research Grant, value: R$ 20.000,00, Process #637/03. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "Development of Silicon Voltage Suppressor for Telecommunications". State University of Campinas, (06/2004), Research grant / co-financing intervenor, value: R$ 205.200,00; Financier of Studies and Projects, (06/2004), Research Grant / Intervening co-financier, value: R$ 205.200,00; Corning do Brasil, (06/2004), Research Grant / co-financing intervenor, value: R$ 160.768,00; AEGIS Semiconductors Ltda, (06/2004), Research grant / intervening co-financier, amount: R$ 257.674,40. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Newton Cesário Frateschi. "Infrared Detector". Mectron Engenharia Ind�stria e Com�rcio Ltda, (11/2005-11/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 437.500,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Lu�z Carlos Pereira da Silva. "DEFINITIONS OF PERFORMANCE INDEXES FOR OPTIMAL ALLOCATION OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION IN ELECTRICAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS. ELECTRICAL". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-12/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 92.666,60, Process # 2005/54924-2. Student: Hugo Murici Ayres. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Maria Cristina Dias Tavares. "DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC TRANSIENT STUDIES AND MONOPOLAR RECLOSURE STUDY". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2004-03/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 83.160,64, Process #2004/09311 -0. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  V�tor Baranauskas. "DEVELOPMENT OF DIAMOND PROSTHESIS AND NANOSTRUCTURED DIAMOND MATERIALS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-08/2007), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 1.090.482,50, Process #2003/10101-7 . Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Celso de Almeida. "DEVELOPMENT OF A DIGITAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS SIMULATOR". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-09/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.488,00, 2005, Process #02306/3-XNUMX. Student: Enos Aderval Vaciloto Ferreira de Lima. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  José Antenor Pomilio. "DEVELOPMENT OF A DIGITAL COMMAND AND CONTROL SYSTEM FOR DRIVING A THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 2.772,00, 2006, Process #51128/3-XNUMX. Student: Fellipe Saldanha Garcia. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Carlos Alberto de Castro J�nior. "DEVELOPMENT OF A ROBUST AND EFFICIENT METHODOLOGY FOR THE LOAD FLOW OF OPTIMAL MULTI-OBJECTIVE CONTINUATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/00037-8. Student: Manfred Fritz Bedri Ana Aron�s. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "Ultrafast Diode with Epitaxial Sheet". Financier of Studies and Projects, (09/2005-02/2007), Research Grant, amount: R$ 662.200,00; AEGIS Semiconductors Ltda, (09/2005), Other grants, value: R$ 215.000,05. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Hugo Enrique Hernandez Figueroa. "DIFFRACTION -ATTENNUATION RESISTANT BEAMS IN ABSORBING MEDIA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Publication grant / publication grant, value: R$ 774,93, Process #2006/ 56413-8. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Arismar Cerqueira Sodr� J�nior. "NON-LINEAR DEVICES BASED ON HYBRID PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBERS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/52952-1. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  S�rgio Santos M�hlen. "ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE IN A PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-04/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 6.773,11, Process #2006/00417-5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
  V�tor Baranauskas. "Electron emission by porous diamond structures". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2003), Research Grant, value: R$ 100.000,00, Process #471933/2003-1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Jos� Wilson Magalh�es Bassani. "Electrical stimulation of the heart - Research, technological development and application". National Research Council-CNPq, (03/2002), Productivity grant / plus R$1.100,00/month referring to the Grant, value: R$51.724,32. Area: Health. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
  José Antônio Siqueira Dias. "Study and development of an electric car". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  José Antenor Pomilio. "Study and Development of a Multilevel Inverter for Applications in the Electric Energy Distribution System: Active Power Filter and Reactive Compensator". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (10/2005-09/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 30.000,00, Process #470536/2004-7. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Pedro Luis Dias Peres. "STABILITY AND CONTROL OF LINEAR SYSTEMS WITH STRUCTURE CONSTRAINTS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2003-03/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 73.636,55, Process # 2002/13523-7. Student: Ricardo Cora��ão de Le�o F de Oliveira. Project linked to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Vin�cius Foletto Montagner. "STABILITY AND CONTROL OF TIME-VARIANT LINEAR SYSTEMS VIA LMIS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-10/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 79.859,66 , Process #2004/10689-7.
  Pedro Luis Dias Peres. "STABILITY, CONTROL AND FILTERING OF UNCERTAIN LINEAR SYSTEMS THROUGH PARAMETER-DEPENDENT LYAPUNOV FUNCTIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 42.786,24, Process # 2004/13333-9. Student: Renato Alves Borges. Project linked to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Michel Daoud Yacoub. "HIGHER ORDER STATISTICS FOR GENERALIZED WIRELESS CHANNEL ENVIRONMENTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-04/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/59259-7. Student: Daniel Benevides da Costa. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Michel Daoud Yacoub. "HIGHER ORDER STATISTICS FOR WEIBULL FADING CHANNELS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-04/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 15.860,20, Process # 2004/12733-3. Student: Daniel Benevides da Costa. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Michel Daoud Yacoub. "SECOND ORDER STATISTICS OF RICIAN WIRELESS CHANNELS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-01/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 19.023,00, Process # 2004/05031-2. Student: José Ricardo Mendes. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Ariovaldo Verandio Garcia. "THREE-PHASE GENERALIZED STATE ESTIMATION IN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2004-06/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 85.355,40, Process # 2003/12464-0. Area: Energy. Student: Madson C�rtes de Almeida. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  José Antenor Pomilio. "CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR POWER ELECTRONIC INTERFACES FOR ENERGY SOURCES AND ACCUMULATORS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2004-08/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 69.491,95, Process #2003/09103 -5. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Pedro Luis Dias Peres. "STUDY OF THE STABILITY OF LINEAR SYSTEMS WITH DELAYS AND PARAMETRIC UNCERTAINTY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 19.808,00, Process # 2004/04646-3. Student: Gi�rgio Valm�rbida. Project linked to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Maria Cristina Dias Tavares. "STUDY OF MONOPOLAR OPENING AND RECLOSURE MANEUVER IN TRANSMISSION LINES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2005-06/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.290,00, 2004, Process #10681/6-XNUMX. Student: Allan Alves Montanari. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  José Antenor Pomilio. "STUDY OF POWER FLOW CONTROL AND ISLAND MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES IN DISTRIBUTED GENERATION SYSTEMS WITH POWER ELECTRONIC INTERFACES FOR CONNECTION TO THE EL GRID". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/54525-0. Student: Rodolfo Manuel Moreno Martínez. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  João Marcos Travassos Romano. "STUDY OF SUPERVISED, BLIND AND SEMI-BLIND TECHNIQUES FOR MIMO CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-09/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 91.551,20, Process # 2005/55310-8. Student: Murilo Bellezoni Loiola. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Aldário Chrestani Bordonalli. "EVALUATION OF TRANSIENT DYNAMIC IMPACT IN GAIN CONTROLLED EDFAS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-09/2006), Aid part. Meeting / aid-reunion-brazil, value: R$ 3.635,24, Process #2006/03679-0. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Fernando José Von Zuben. "EXTENSIONS AND ADVANCED APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 26.606,00, Process # 2003/10326-9. Student: H�lder Knidel. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  João Marcos Travassos Romano. "ROBUST FILTERING AND MINIMAL PROCESSING FOR MITIGATION OF DISTURBANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-11/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/57884-4. Student: Fabiano de Sousa Chaves. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  José Claudio Geromel. "ROBUST FILTERING VIA CONVEX POLYTOPIC APPROXIMATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 27.948,38, Process # 2004/10651-0. Student: Rafael de Castro Duarte Martins. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Edmundo da Silva Braga. "Holographic photography for applications in photorefractive crystals". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  Hélio Waldman. "TRAFFIC FORMATTING AND SEGREGATION IN OPTICAL BURST NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-08/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 6.673,60, Process # 2005/03275-4. Student: Fernando Luiz Trazzi J�nior. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Hugo Enrique Hernandez Figueroa. "3D NUMERICAL FORMULATIONS IN THE TIME AND FREQUENCY DOMAINS FOR MICROWAVES AND PHOTONICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 90.064,00, Process # 2004/13794-6. Student: Luciano Prado de Oliveira. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Paulo C�sar Magalh�es Meira. "AUTOMATIC GENERATION OF SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2005, Process #04748/3-XNUMX. Student: Paulo C�sar Magalh�es Meira.
  Ros�ngela Ballini. "GENERATION OF SCENARIOS USING FUZZY GROUPING AND FORECASTING ALGORITHM APPLIED TO THE STUDY OF ELECTRIC POWER MARKET IN THE SHORT AND MEDIUM TERM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/58879-1. Student: Elton M�rio de Lima.
  Edmundo da Silva Braga. "Recording of different structures in two-dimensional photonic crystals using two-beam interferometric exposure". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  L. C. Kretly. "Ion Implantation of Phosphorus (P) (double and single) for incorporation into ceramic material for applications in electrochemical microcells". Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Walmir de Freitas Filho. "IMPACTS CAUSED BY THE CONNECTION OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATORS ON VOLTAGE SINKING IN DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS DUE TO SHORT CIRCUITS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #03684/4-XNUMX. Student: David Rodrigues de Carvalho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Daniel da Costa Picchi. "IMPLEMENTATION OF A SIMULATION PACKAGE FOR VOLTAGE STABILITY PROBLEMS IN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #03433/1-XNUMX. Student: Daniel da Costa Picchi.
  Ernesto Ruppert Filho. "INFLUENCES OF SPEED ESTIMATOR AND SAMPLING FREQUENCY ON DIRECT CONTROL OF TORQUE AND FLOW OF THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-07/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 27.759,60, Process # 2004/04595-0. Student: Marcos Vincius Lazarini. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  João Gorenstein Dedecca. "INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF ALGORITHMS FOR ROOM AURALIZATION". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2005, Process #60466/7-XNUMX. Student: João Gorenstein Dedecca.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "Electron beam lithography". Financier of Studies and Projects, (05/2004-05/2006), Research Grant, amount: R$ 125.000,00, Process #2967. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Pedro Luis Dias Peres. "LINEARITY IN SIGNALS, CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-05/2008), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 188.000,00, Process #2003/09858-6. Project linked to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo Cora����o de Le�o F de Oliveira. "PARAMETER-DEPENDENT LMIS IN UNCERTAIN LINEAR SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2005/59807-4.
  Jos� Wilson Magalh�es Bassani. "MECHANISM INVOLVED IN CONTRACTILE DEPRESSION AND INJURY OF CARDIAC MYOCYTES SUBJECTED TO HIGH INTENSITY ELECTRIC FIELDS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-03/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 89.320,40, Process # 2004/10652-6. Student: Pedro Xavier de Oliveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
  Marcos J�lio Rider Flores. "META-HEURISTICS FOR PLANNING THE EXPANSION OF TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS USING THE CA MODEL". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2005/02357-7.
  Fernando José Von Zuben. "SOUND PROCESSING METHOD BY TIMBRIC MIMETICIZATION VIA BIO-INSPIRED COMPUTING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/03428-5. Student: C�sar Renn� Costa. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Fernando José Von Zuben. "EVOLUTIONARY SOUND SYNTHESIS METHOD: EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING APPLICATIONS IN DIGITAL SOUND SYNTHESIS TARGETED AT CREATIVE PROCESSES DESTINED FOR INTERACTIVE ALGORITHMIC COMPOSITION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 26.606,00, Process # 2003/11122-8. Student: Marcelo Freitas Caetano. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Fernando Antônio Campos Gomide. "FECTIONING METHODOLOGIES FOR ENERGY SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2004-04/2007), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 178.000,00, Process #2003/10019-9. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Carlos Alberto Favarin Murari. "ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CAPACITY OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 90.064,00, Process # 2004/13389-4. Area: Energy. Student: Ahda Pionkoski Grilo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Alexandre de Assis Mota. "ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE PERMISSIBLE LIMIT OF PENETRATION OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION IN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-08/2007), Post doctorate scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/06725-8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Secundino Soares Filho. "INTERIOR POINT METHODS APPLIED TO OPTIMAL LOAD FLOW USING CARTESIAN COORDINATES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 104.223,60, Process # 2002/13490-1. Student: Adriano Thomaz. Project linked to the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Anbal Tavares de Azevedo. "INTERIOR POINT METHODS APPLIED IN POWER SYSTEMS;". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/01091-6.
  Vin�cius Amaral Armentano. "SURROGATE BRANCHING METHODS FOR MIXED INTEGER PROGRAMMING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in the country-ic, value: R$ 0,00, 2006, Process #03344/9-XNUMX. Student: Edson Mikio Nishida. Project linked to the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "Microfabrication by Plasma Processes of Power Devices". National Research Council-CNPq, (07/2004-06/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 263.850,00, Process #401701/03-4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Fernando Antônio Campos Gomide. "MODELING NON-LINEAR DYNAMIC SYSTEMS WITH PARTIAL ANALYTIC KNOWLEDGE AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE METHODOLOGIES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-07/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 85.815,60, Process # 2003/05042-1. Student: Michel Bortolini Hell. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Lu�z Carlos Pereira da Silva. "MODELING OF A SMALL STEAM THERMOELECTRIC POWER PLANT AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE VOLTAGE REGULATOR". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-08/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.422,00, 2005, Process #02038/9-XNUMX. Student: Maurício Passador Valério. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Lu�z Carlos Pereira da Silva. "MODELING OF A SMALL STEAM THERMOELECTRIC PLANT AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE SPEED REGULATOR". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-08/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.422,00, 2005, Process #02037/2-XNUMX. Student: Danilo Eynstan Nalesso Santos. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  João Bosco Ribeiro do Val. "MODELING AND TRACKING OF TARGET IN MANEUVERS USING MARKOVIAN OR SEMI-MARKOVIAN JUMP PROCESSES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #55171/0-XNUMX. Student: V�ctor Baptista Frencl. Project linked to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Jos� C�ndido Silveira Santos Filho. "MODELING, ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF THE NAKAGAMI-M COMPLEX CHANNEL". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-11/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/03785-5.
  Secundino Soares Filho. "OPTIMIZATION MODEL FOR INDIVIDUALIZED PLANTS FOR THE NATIONAL INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-08/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 86.400,60, Process # 2005/02168-0. Student: Leonardo Silveira de Albuquerque Martins. Project linked to the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Jos� Wilson Magalh�es Bassani. "EXPERIMENTAL MODEL AND INSTRUMENTATION TO STUDY THE FUNCTION OF THE SARCOPLASMATIC RETICULUM IN CA2+ TRANSPORT IN THE HEART". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/52601-1. Student: Diogo Coutinho Soriano. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
  Adriana Luiza Tognete. "EQUIVALENT MODELS OF OPTIMAL POWER FLOW - APPLICATIONS IN VOLTAGE CONTROL AND REACTIVE MANAGEMENT STUDIES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Post doctorate scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/03599-7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Carlos Alberto de Castro J�nior. "MONITORING, ANALYSIS AND CONTROL OF VOLTAGE INSTABILITY IN ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2005-12/2007), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 471.654,00, Process #2004/07567-7. Area: Energy. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Wu Shin Ting. "MTK: A SET OF TOOLS FOR CONSTRUCTING 3D INTERACTIVE GRAPHIC INTERFACES IN CONVENTIONAL STATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-07/2006), Research grant / research grant, amount: R$ 20.088,90, Process #2003/13090 -6. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  V�tor Baranauskas. "Nanoengineering of advanced materials that emit electrons by electric field and development of new types of luminescent lamps by electron emission". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (04/2003), Research Grant, value: R$ 262.960,00, Process #400762/2003-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "NAMITEC - Micro and Nanoelectronics Technology for Intelligent Integrated Systems". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (10/2005-10/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 4.540.000,00, Process #420031/2005-7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Adriana Scheffer Quintela Ferreira. "NEW POWER FLOW RESOLUTION METHODOLOGY WITH REPRESENTATION OF CONTROLS AND LIMITS VIA NON-LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/01634-0.
  João Marcos Travassos Romano. "NEW MATHEMATICAL APPROACHES TO SIGNAL HANDLING PROBLEMS IN COMMUNICATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-04/2009), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 37.650,00, Process #2006/50340 -9. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Hélio Waldman. "NEW FORMS OF INTELLIGENCE FOR THE CONTROL OF OPTICAL NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2003-09/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 78.869,51, Process # 2003/05412-3. Student: Gustavo Sousa Pavani. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Carlos Alberto de Castro J�nior. "OBTAINING THE MINIMUM MARGIN OF VOLTAGE STABILITY FOR ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/50623-8. Area: Energy. Student: Duvier Rolando Bedoya Bedoya. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  Hugo Enrique Hernandez Figueroa. "LOCALIZED WAVES APPLIED TO OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS IN FREE SPACE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-09/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 91.551,20, Process # 2005/54265-9. Student: Leonardo Andr� Ambr�sio. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Leonardo de Souza Mendes. "RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN IP NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (QOS AND PERFORMANCE) BASED ON CHARGING TICKETS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 111.020,40, Process # 2002/13222-7. Student: Gean Davis Breda. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Mica de Souza Zambelli. "PLANNING THE ENERGY OPERATION OF THE NATIONAL INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/03986-0. Student: Mica de Souza Zambelli.
  Marconi Pereira Fardin. "DISTRIBUTED CONTROL PLAN BASED ON STRUCTURED SMALL WORLD FOR OPTICAL NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/03836-6. Student: Marconi Pereira Fardin.
  Ana L�cia Mendes Cruz Silvestre da Silva. "ADVANCED PROCEDURES FOR HYBRID DIGITAL IMAGE COMPRESSION METHOD USING WAVELET TRANSFORMS AND FRACTAL CODING". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-10/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2005/55622-0.
  José Alexandre Diniz. "PROCEEDINGS - MICROELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-09/2006), Aid part. Meeting / aid-reunion-brazil, value: R$ 973,68, Process #2006/03492-8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Carlos Alberto dos Reis Filho. "SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR MANUFACTURE OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ABROAD - PHASE 5". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-04/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 1.129.485,10, Process #2004 /07781-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Secundino Soares Filho. "PROGRAMMING THE OPERATION OF POWER SYSTEMS CONSIDERING THE INCLUSION OF ELECTRICAL RESTRICTIONS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2009), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 368.400,00, Process #2004/14531-9. Project linked to the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "DESIGN OF CMOS CLASS-AB OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS OPERATING AT LOW SUPPLY VOLTAGE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 26.599,00, Process # 2003/09836-2. Student: Peterson Ribeiro Agostinho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "DESIGN OF DOMINIO-LOG BICMOS FILTERS COMPATIBLE WITH LOW SUPPLY VOLTAGE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 26.165,13, Process # 2003/09837-9. Student: Fernando EM Alcaide. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "PROJECT OF INTEGRATED REGULATORS CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS FOR HIGH CURRENT APPLICATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/58019-2. Student: Andr� Lu�s Rodrigues Mansano. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  José Antenor Pomilio. "ACHIEVEMENT OF NEGATIVE INDUCTION USING THE SYNTHESIS TECHNIQUE". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-10/2006), Aid part. Meeting / aid-reunion-brazil, value: R$ 1.890,00, Process #2006/04063-3. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Jaime Portugheis. "INTERACTIVE RECEIVERS FOR MULTIPLE ACCESS CHANNELS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-04/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 87.516,00, Process # 2006/00330-7. Student: Manish Sharma. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Jaime Portugheis. "ITERATIVE RECEIVERS: DEMODULATION AND JOINT DECODING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-05/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 56.933,84, Process # 2003/05385-6. Student: Daniel Carvalho da Cunha. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Fbio Violaro. "CONTINUED SPEECH RECOGNITION/SPEAKER ADAPTATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-03/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 13.175,00, Process # 2004/10876-1. Student: L�vio Carvalho Sousa. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Ros�ngela Ballini. "NEURAL NETWORKS AS TIME SERIES MODELS: AN APPLICATION FOR FLOW FORECASTING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2003-08/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 113.887,80, Process # 2002/13873-8. Student: Ivette Luna Huamani.
  Ernesto Martin Mari Barrientos. "REDLART - RECONFIGURABLE DIGITAL LABORATORY FOR ADVANCED RESEARCH AND TEACHING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2005-04/2007), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-5, value: R$ 100.875,36, Process #2005/51208-4.
  Edson Moschim. "PACKET ROUTING AND QOS REQUIREMENTS IN OPTICAL NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-5, value: R$ 50.437,68, Process #2006/03769-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Roberto de Alencar Lotufo. "SAMUEL JEROZOLIMSKI". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-04/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 5.953,98, Process #2006/ 00737-0. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Fabiano Fruett. "Microelectronic and microelectromechanical sensors for specific applications". University of São Paulo, (04/2005-04/2007), Other scholarships, value: R$ 35.000,00; National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (04/2005), Research Grant, value: R$ 35.000,00, Process #472832/04-2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Roberto de Alencar Lotufo. "SEGMENTATION AND AUTOMATED CHARACTERIZATION OF THE HIPPOCAMPUS IN MR IMAGES USING MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2003-10/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 41.082,59, Process # 2003/05037-8. Student: Andr� Vital Sa�de. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  José Alexandre Diniz. "BOLOMETRIC SENSORS FOR THE THZ BAND IN FOCAL PLANES OF RADIATION COLLECTORS FOR METEOROLOGICAL AND SOLAR APPLICATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2004-11/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 87.656,40, Process # 2004/07835-1. Student: Arline Maria M�lo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  João Marcos Travassos Romano. "BLIND SOURCE SEPARATION: ALGORITHMS, APPLICATIONS AND NEW PERSPECTIVES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-08/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 57.215,17, Process # 2004/00642-3. Student: Ricardo Suyama. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Romis Ribeiro de Faissol Attux. "SOURCE SEPARATION, EQUALIZATION AND GAME THEORY". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2005-04/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/14636-5.
  Elnatan Chagas Ferreira. "Two-wire system for power and data transmission". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND MICROELECTRONICS.
  HE Hernandez Figueroa. "RFID System at 915 MHz". STP Telematica, (08/2005-07/2006), Research/Development Grant, value: R$ 100.000,00. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Lia Toledo Moreira Mota. "SHORT-TERM MARKET SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT WITH UNCERTAINTY". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-08/2007), Post doctorate scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/05893-4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS.
  José Claudio Geromel. "CONTROL SYNTHESIS FOR DYNAMIC SYSTEMS WITH SWITCHING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/56990-2. Student: Grace Silva Deaecto. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  José Claudio Geromel. "SYNTHESIS OF ROBUST FILTERS AND CONTROLLERS VIA MULTIPLIERS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/50352-7. Student: Rubens Hideo Korogui. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  José Antenor Pomilio. "SYNTHESIS OF NON-NATURAL IMPEDANCES AND APPLICATIONS IN ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 106.524,60, Process # 2002/11739-2. Student: Leonardo de Ara�jo Silva. Project linked to the ENERGY SYSTEMS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT.
  Takaaki Ohishi. "COMPUTER BUS LOAD FORECASTING SYSTEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2004-11/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 87.656,40, Process # 2004/07879-9. Student: Ricardo Men�zes Salgado. Project linked to the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Leonardo de Souza Mendes. "ANOMALY DETECTION AND LOCATION SYSTEM (SDLA)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-09/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-1, value: R$ 96.335,20, Process # 2005/52973-6. Student: Bruno Bogaz Zarpel�o. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  João Bosco Ribeiro do Val. "LINEAR SYSTEMS SUBJECT TO MARKOVIAN JUMP: STABILITY AND CONTROL WITH INCOMPLETE CHAIN ​​OBSERVATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2005-01/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 51.460,42, Process # 2004/06947-0. Student: Alessandro do Nascimento Vargas. Project linked to the TELEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  HE Hernandez Figueroa. "Electromagnetic Emission simulation software for Mobile Terminals (cell phones)". CNPq Telecom & IT Solutions, (03/2006-12/2007), Research/Development Grant, value: R$ 220.000,00. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Yaro Burian J�nior. "STATIC AND DYNAMIC ELECTRIC BEHAVIOR OF FLUORESCENT COMPACT LAMPS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-09/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 10.626,19, Process #2006/54725-2. Project linked to the DEPT. OF COMPONENT MACHINES AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.
  Hélio Waldman. "SUPPORT FOR HETEROGENEOUS TRAFFIC THROUGH THE OPTICAL NETWORK". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2003-04/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 71.763,38, Process # 2002/13269-3. Student: Darli Augusto de Arruda Mello. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "SYNTHESIS OF GE NANOCRYSTALS GROWN BY ION IMPLANTATION AND SUBSEQUENT ANNEALIGN". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-04/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 5.800,00, Process #2006/00691-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Jos� Wilson Magalh�es Bassani. "Atrial tachyarrhythmia induced by high-frequency electrical stimulation in isolated rat atria: study of electrophysiological mechanisms". Area: Health. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "Integrated circuit and MEM technology in Si". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (08/2004-07/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 11.592,24. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "Microfabrication technology for sensors, power devices and radio frequency integrated circuits". National Research Council-CNPq, (08/2005-08/2008), Research grant / financial support, value: R$ 679.768,56, Process #507392/2004-3. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "Micro and Nanoelectronics Technologies for Intelligent Integrated Systems". FINEP/CNPq, (12/2005-05/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 4.500.000,00, Process #1422/05. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  João Marcos Travassos Romano. "ADVANCED SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNIQUES IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS: DECONVOLUTION AND IDENTIFICATION". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2003-04/2007), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 217.006,00, Process #2002/12216-3. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  João Marcos Travassos Romano. "SPATIO-TEMPORAL PROCESSING TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO TERRESTRIAL DIGITAL TELEVISION RECEPTION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-03/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 34.330,01, Process # 2004/00057-3. Student: Tarciano Facco Pegoraro. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Jacobus Willibrordus Swart. "METALLIC FILM DEPOSITION TECHNOLOGY BY VACUUM AND CHEMICAL PROCESS FOR MAKING INTEGRATED MICROWAVE CIRCUITS (MIC) IN SINGLE AND MULTI LAYERS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-04/2007), Research Grant/technological innovation-2, value: R$ 1.759.462,20, Process # 2005/50025-3. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Rafael Santos Mendes. "THE MAX PLUS ALGEBRA AND THE NETWORK CALCULUS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-07/2006), Support part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 2.830,71, Process #2006/02357-0. Project linked to the DEPT. ENGINEERING COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
  Carlos Alberto dos Reis Filho. "TRACKING-VGS: A TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION TECHNIQUE TO IMPLEMENT ALL-MOS REFERENCE VOLTAGES". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-04/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 5.478,36, Process #2006/50394-1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SEMICONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND PHOTONICS.
  Evandro Conforti. "ULTRA-FAST HIGH GAIN OPTICAL TRANSISTOR IN WIDE RANGE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-08/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 90.277,20, Process # 2006/55074-5. Student: Napoleão dos Santos Ribeiro. Project linked to the MICROWAVE AND OPTICS DEPARTMENT.
  João Marcos Travassos Romano. "A STUDY ON BLIND SOURCE SEPARATION AND SOLUTIONS BASED ON ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-07/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 25.863,58, Process # 2004/05018-6. Student: Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Aline de Oliveira Neves. "A CONTINUOUS-TIME APPROACH TO PROBLEMS OF PARAMETER ESTIMATION AND SOURCE SEPARATION". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-07/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 42.031,40 , Process #2005/00543-8. Project linked to the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT.
  Vin�cius Amaral Armentano. "AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION PLANNING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2003-11/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 67.330,97, Process # 2003/05018-3. Student: Eliane Aparecida Ducati. Project linked to the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Takaaki Ohishi. "A VISUAL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR PREDICTION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-09/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 21.123,86, Process # 2004/11959-8. Student: Joaquim José Fantin Pereira. Project linked to the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
  Saide Jorge Calil. "USING NEURAL NWTWORKS TO SELECT MEDICAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASING PROPOSALS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-09/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 11.443,32, Process #2006/54646-5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP