Faculty of Physical Education
University of São Paulo (Consultant), State University of Campinas (Consultant). Agreement between UNICAMP/IMECC/FEF and USP/Fac.de Medic.de Rib.Preto, with the aim of promoting interc.of experience in the field of teaching and research in scientific and technical development. Responsible: Roseli Golfetti. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STUDIES.
Center for Chinese Martial Arts Studies (Coordinator). Agreement between the State University of Campinas and the Chinese Martial Arts Study Center. Responsible: Pedro Jos� Winterstein, Roberto Rodrigues Paes, Jos� J�lio Gavi�o de Almeida.
State University of Campinas (Coordinator). SCIENTIFIC EXCHANGE WITH THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LISBON. Responsible: �dison Duarte, Ana Isabel de Figueiredo Ferreira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STUDIES.