Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Research lines
Corrosion. Assessment of corrosion resistance of metals, alloys with and without coatings, or anodization using the Electrochemical Impedance method and conventional techniques. ( (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1992). Line connected to the MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Mechanic project. Applied Mechanics, Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis, Machine Construction. Development of Vibration Measurement Instruments and Sensors. Construction of Special Devices. Fine Mechanics Devices. Systems Reliability. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MECHANICAL DESIGN DEPARTMENT.
Dynamics, Identification and Control of Structures. Dynamics of Mechanical Systems. Identification of Parameters and Modal Analysis of Structures. Monitoring and Maintenance of Machines. Fault Detection in Dynamic Systems. Active Control of Flexible Structures. Dynamics of Rotating Machines. Vibroacoustic Analysis. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1993). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS.
Mechatronics, Robotics and Active Mechanical Systems. Active mechanical systems. Study your control. Industrial mechanisms and manipulators. Robotics. Fine Mechanics Devices. Modeling, Control and Optimization of Mechanical Systems with an Emphasis on Vehicle Dynamics. Adaptive and Neuro-Adaptive Control of Mechanical Systems. Non-Linear Systems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL DESIGN.
Railway Project. Railway Engineering Project Studies, involving: design of permanent track vehicles; railway compositions; patios and terminals; dynamics of the vehicle, the road and vehicle-road interaction; railway braking; railway operation and train driving; development and optimization of railway systems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MECHANICAL DESIGN DEPARTMENT.
Computational Structural Modeling and Stress Analysis.Structural Mechanics. Modeling and static and dynamic analysis of structures. Computational methods. Finite element methods. Boundary element methods. Rigid body systems methods. Computer-aided design. Structural Optimization. Experimental stress analysis. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL DESIGN.
Computational Methods in Continuum Mechanics. Development of strategies based on the Finite and Boundary Element and Finite Difference Methods for treating linear and non-linear Continuous, Solid or Fluid problems. Fracture. Anisotropic Materials. Modeling of Vibroacoustic Systems. Dynamic Analysis of Foundations. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL DESIGN.
Metal Machining. Automation, monitoring and control of processes. Precision and ultra-precision machining. Machinability. Economic feasibility studies. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Metal Welding. Metal welding. Dissimilar. Welding automation. Mechanical properties of welded joints. Optimization and processes. Thermal spraying (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Solidification of Metals, Alloys and Composites. Modeling and simulation of static and dynamic casting processors, Optimization of casting processes with numerical modeling, Control of solidification structures, Recasting of ferrous and non-ferrous materials, solidification of eutectic alloys, amorphous metals and metal matrix composites, Processing of metal alloys in remelted semi-solid state, by forging and extrusion. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Manufacturing automation and integration. Industrial Automation, Machine Tools and Numerical Control (CNC), Industrial Robotics, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), Concurrent Engineering . (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Plastic formation of metals. Fine mechanical forming processes. Process modeling and simulation. Applied tribology. Formability of metals and alloys. Tixoformation. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Reservoirs. Study of characterization and behavior of reservoirs, characterization and behavior of fluids, special recovery methods, simulation of reservoirs, include geophysical modeling work, methods numerical for simulation, heat and mass transfer in porous media, test analysis in wells, tracers, computed tomography, phase equilibrium (Approved by the Department on 01/1994). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the PETROLEUM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Physical Metallurgy and Fracture Mechanics. Mechanical behavior of materials. Thermodynamic treatments. Phase transformations. Wear of metallic and ceramic materials. Metal fatigue. Steel technology. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Corrosion and Surface Treatment. Studies of corrosive processes. Processes for deposition of metallic layers and metallic alloys. Laser surface treatments. Characterization of coatings. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Characterization of Materials. Chemical and structural characterization methods. Optical microscopy techniques. Electron and scanning microscopy. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Vibration Analysis in Machines and Mechanical Components.Signal analysis techniques. Diagnosis of defects in rotating machines. Pattern recognition and expert system. Analysis of non-linear systems. Dynamic behavior of shafts, bearings and foundations. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1975). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL DESIGN.
Oil and Gas Production. In the current Brazilian scenario in the oil sector - characterized by the opening of the exploration and exploitation market of Brazilian oil and gas reserves, and by growing pressure on the competitiveness of companies in the sector - universities must play an important role, particularly in carrying out basic and applied research and professional training, as the experience of several countries shows. The Oil and Gas Production Research Group's central objective is the integrated study of new techniques and technologies that seek to make oil and gas production viable, ensuring the flow of this production in land and sea fields, and aiming to reduce costs through intelligent production management. The Group develops activities in an interdisciplinary manner in Petroleum Production Engineering, involving the Department of Petroleum Engineering and the Department of Energy of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at UNICAMP. Particularly noteworthy are research in: - Artificial Lift - Gas-liquid-solid separators - Intelligent Systems and - Production & Transport of Heavy Oils. The Group has been operating over the years through the Center for Petroleum Studies - CEPETRO at UNICAMP, which constitutes a Center of Excellence supported by PRONEX - FINEP. Human resources training is carried out through the Postgraduate Program in Petroleum Engineering at FEM-UNICAMP, where the Group has already trained dozens of Masters and Doctors. A significant number of publications in specialized journals and at national and international conferences have been published by the Group's members. Furthermore, the Group's impact on the industrial sector has been achieved through basic and applied research, generating technological innovation through patents and software. Approval by the Department/Scientific Council on 01/1994). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the PETROLEUM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Ceramic Materials. Manufacturing processes. Mechanical properties. Quartz technology. Development of prostheses with ceramic materials. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Electronic Grade Materials. Chemical purification and directional solidification of silicon. Optical fibers. Characterization and properties of electronic grade materials. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Production Engineering Systems. Studies of topics in the area of production engineering (quality, automation, modeling and simulation of processes, costs, strategies and manufacturing systems) in an integrated manner with the topics of materials and manufacturing engineering and with concepts of simultaneous engineering. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, MATERIALS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Analysis of Energy Demand and Supply. The analysis of the socio-economic and technological determinants of energy demand, the analysis and development of energy use and conversion technologies, the planning of the operation and expansion of energy systems power and the development and application of methods for projecting energy demand and supply. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY DEPARTMENT.
Metrology. Surface Roughness. Errors in MMC. Geometric Deviations. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
Energy Policy. The analysis of relations between the energy sector and other institutions of society, regional and national energy planning, the analysis of the consequences on the political energy sector Macroeconomic ethics, the institutional organization of the energy sector and the analysis of the evolution of prices and tariffs in the energy sector. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY DEPARTMENT.
Energy, Society and Environment.The evaluation of production processes in the energy sector and the industrial sector, the study of energy policies on conservation, recycling, use of less energy-intensive materials, etc., and the study of relations between political, financial and environmental decisions in the energy area. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY DEPARTMENT.
Fundamental Research and Computational Methods in Transport Phenomena.Research, development and application of computational methods such as differences and finite elements in the study of flows, phase changes, convection, radiation and heat and mass exchange problems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY DEPARTMENT, THERMAL ENGINEERING AND FLUIDS DEPARTMENT.
Applied fluid mechanics. Development and studies related to biofluid dynamics, development of small radial compressors, small gas turbines and silent fans, sizing and manufacturing of various instruments. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY DEPARTMENT, THERMAL ENGINEERING AND FLUIDS DEPARTMENT.
Applied research in heat and mass transfer.Research and development of drying processes and equipment, thermal analysis of electronic equipment, modeling of furnaces and boilers, heat exchanger designs, new concepts and designs of household appliances. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY DEPARTMENT, THERMAL ENGINEERING AND FLUIDS DEPARTMENT.
Energy analysis of thermal processes. Research and development in integrated thermal systems, co-generation, energy assessment of processes and systems, energy management in industrial plants, studies on internal combustion engines. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY DEPARTMENT.
Fluid dynamics and heat transfer in multiphase flow.Development and studies on gas-solid and gas-liquid multiphase flow systems, heat transfer studies, measurements and instrumentation for characterization and evaluation of parameters. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY DEPARTMENT, THERMAL ENGINEERING AND FLUIDS DEPARTMENT.
Combustion and pollution control.Equipment projects are developed for the efficient combustion of biomass, waste and other alternative fuels. Biomass gasification studies are being carried out to produce low caloric gas. Combustion chamber aerodynamics are studied and methods of reducing atmospheric pollutant emissions (such as NOx and SO2) are researched. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1994). Line connected to the ENERGY DEPARTMENT, THERMAL ENGINEERING AND FLUIDS DEPARTMENT.
Thermal storage and heat pipes.Modeling, analysis and experimental numerical development of new concepts in the area of thermal storage of sensible, latent and hybrid heat, including conventional and non-conventional applications. Modeling and experimental numerical development (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1976). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF THERMAL ENGINEERING AND FLUIDS.
Development of thermal processes and equipment.Study of thermohydraulic optimization of shell-tube heat exchangers, air coolers and metal heating processes for heat treatment. Study and optimization of heat transfer in boilers, process furnaces and heat exchangers. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1983). Line connected to the DEPARTMENT OF THERMAL ENGINEERING AND FLUIDS.