Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Chemical Engineering - Unicamp (Executor). Alfa Polylife -. Responsible: Telma Teixeira Franco.
Faculty of Chemical Engineering - Unicamp (Coordinator). Antimicrobial Effect of Chitosans Against Phythopathogenic Fungi. Responsible: Telma Teixeira Franco.
Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS (Financier). Low density polyethylene (LDPE) blends. Responsible: Lucia Helena Innocentini Mei. Project linked to the POLYMER TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Executor). Collaboration in the Implementation of the Textile Chemistry Course. Responsible: Edison Bittencourt. Project linked to the POLYMER TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Federal University of São Carlos (Financier). Mutual Cooperation Agreement, Scientific Technician. Responsible: Edison Bittencourt. Project linked to the POLYMER TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT.
State University of Campinas (Executor), McGill University (Executor). Cooperation with Mcgill university - Canada for drying laboratories. Responsible: Sandra Cristina dos Santos Rocha. Project linked to the THERMOFLUIDDYNAMICS DEPARTMENT.
Financier of Studies and Projects (Financier), PETROBRAS (Financier). Study of Downflow Reactor for Catalytic Cracking Reactions. Responsible: Marco Aur�lio Cremasco. Project linked to the THERMOFLUIDDYNAMICS DEPARTMENT.
University of Leeds (Executor). Modeling and Control of Chemical Processes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES.
UNICAMP Development Foundation (Executor). Research on Pollution in Paul�nia and Region C-2292
Petrobr�s/Replan/UNICAMP/FUNCAMP. Responsible: Edson Tomaz. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES.
Space Science, Applications and Technologies Foundation (Financier). Production of heavy oils in Campos Marítimos. Responsible: Osvair Vidal Trevisan, Fernando de Almeida Fran�a. Project linked to the THERMOFLUIDDYNAMICS DEPARTMENT.
Financier of Studies and Projects (Financier), PETROBRAS (Financier). Multiphase Production and Transport of Heavy Oils. Responsible: Antônio Carlos Bannwart, Rahoma Sadeg Mohamed. Project linked to the THERMOFLUIDDYNAMICS DEPARTMENT.
Financier of Studies and Projects (Financier), Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS (Financier). Ultraheavy Waste. Responsible: Rubens Maciel Filho, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES.