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Piracicaba School of Dentistry
Awards and Honors
  "The importance of the dental record in identification", 2nd place - poster- 03/11/2006- Macei�/AL, participants: Eduardo Daruge J�nior, Rhonan Ferreira da Silva. Awards linked to the SOCIAL DENTISTRY DEPARTMENT.
  "Periodontal and microbiological evaluation in patients with two types of orthodontic ligatures", 3. Place in the Orthodontics Research Panel Category, participants: Ricardo Alves de Souza, Maria Beatriz Borges de Ara�jo Magnani, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer, Reginaldo Bruno Gon�alves. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Rhinolito - literature review and case report", Award received in the work category now (Rinolito - literature review and case report), at the Piracicaba Dental Day 2006, participants: Lucielma Salmito Soares Pinto, Eduardo Búml Campagnoli, Rebeca de Souza Azevedo, Val�ria Totti, Jacks Jorge J�nior, Oswaldo di Hip�lito J�nior. Awards linked to the ORAL DIAGNOSTIC DEPARTMENT.
  "Influence of root depth and type of post on the degree of polymerization of resin cement", Honorable Mention and winner in the Scientific Forum category, presented on 05/10/2006, during the IV International Dental Congress of UNICAMP and XIII Piracicaba Odontological Conference, participants: Murilo de Souza Menzes , Rodrigo Borges Fonseca, Andr� Lu�s Faria E Silva, Lu�s Roberto Marcondes Martins, Carlos Jos� Soares. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY.
  "The use of rapid prototyping in maxillomandibular reconstructions - clinical case report", Honorable Mention, referring to work: The use of rapid prototyping in maxillo-mandibular reconstructions - clinical case report, at the 8th São Paulo Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, 10/2006, participants: An �bal Henrique Barbosa Luna, Alexander Tadeu Sverzut, M�rcio de Moraes. Awards linked to the ORAL DIAGNOSTIC DEPARTMENT.
  "Solitary bone cyst - report of 10 new cases.", Honorable Mention, referring to the work Solitary bone cyst - report of 10 new cases, at the 8th São Paulo Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, 10/2006, participants: Miguel Angel Jaimes Perez, An�bal Henrique Barbosa Luna, Márcio de Moraes. Awards linked to the ORAL DIAGNOSTIC DEPARTMENT.
  "Identification of charred teeth: Report of the legal odontological technique (oral presentation)", Received honorable mention -28/10/2006, 28th Dental Conference of Ribeir�o Preto/SP - FORP/USP, participants: Eduardo Daruge J�nior, Rhonan Ferreira da Silva. Awards linked to the SOCIAL DENTISTRY DEPARTMENT.
  "Evaluation of the bracket/enamel interface using optical microscopy and fluorescence laser.", 4th. place in the SPO National Award "Prevention of Oral Diseases in Orthodontics", participant: Simonides Consani. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY.
  "Evaluation of the bracket/enamel interface using optical microscopy and fluorescence laser", 4. Place in the National Award for the Prevention of Oral Diseases in Orthodontics Category, participants: Darcy Fl�vio Nouer, Van�ssa Salvadego de Queir�z, Paulo Roberto Aranha Nou�r, Simonides Consani. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Evaluation of the bracket/enamel interface using optical microscopy and fluorescence laser", 4. Place in the National Prize for the Prevention of Oral Diseases in Orthodontics, participants: Van�ssa Salvadego de Queir�z, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer, Paulo Roberto Aranha Nou�r, Simonides Consani. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "The orthodontic priority by TPI", Winner in the Oral Presentation Category, participants: Van�ssa Salvadego de Queir�z, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer, Paulo Roberto Aranha Nou�r, Jo�o Sarmento Pereira Neto, Maria Beatriz Borges de Ara�jo Magnani, V �nia C�lia Vieira de Siqueira. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Antimicrobial activity of plants extracts rich in polyphenol on bacteria related to halitosis.", Honorable mention of the Halton session and one of 06 of 40 works selected for the final of the Hetton prize, participants: Brenda Paula Figueiredo de Almeida Gomes, Frederico Canato Martinho. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY.
  "Antimicrobial action of intracanal medications on the external root surface against different microorganisms.", Winner of session Ic of panels, participants: Brenda Paula Figueiredo de Almeida Gomes, Van�ssa Bellocchio Berber, Caio C�zar Randi Ferraz, Alexandre Augusto Zaia, Francisco Jos� de Souza Filho. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY.
  "In vivo evaluation of the effect of endodontic procedures on microorganisms and LPS.", Selected in session A2 of panels - SBPqO - September/2006, participants: Morgana Eli Vianna, Brenda Paula Figueiredo de Almeida Gomes, Caio C�zar Randi Ferraz, Alexandre Augusto Zaia, Francisco Jos� de Souza Filho. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY.
  "Influence of light source and photoinitiator system on knoop hardness and cross-link density.", Honorable Mention, participants: Simonides Consani, Louren�no Correr Sobrinho, M�rio Alexandre Coelho Sinhoreti. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY.
  "Electrognathographic evaluations in edentulous patients.", Honorable Mention of the Scientific Forum, 06/09/2006, 23rd Annual Meeting of SBPqO, participants: Henrique Casselli, Frederico Andrade E Silva, Alexandre Brait Landulpho, Wilkens Aur�lio Buarque E Silva. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHESIS AND PERIODONTICS.
  "Influence of Mikania diterpenes on the virulence and formation of biofilms of S. mutans UA159.", Honorable mention from Group A3, during the 23rd SBPqO meeting, participants: Regiane Yatsuda, Pedro Lu�z Rosalen, Vera L�cia Garcia Rehder, Jaime Aparecido Cury, Simone Duarte, Ramiro Mendon�a Murata, William H Bowen, Hyun Koo. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
  "Adsorption of salivary and serum proteins and bacterial adhesion on titanium surfaces.", Honorable mention from Group A6 during the 23rd SBPqO meeting, participants: Emilena Maria Castor Xisto Lima, Hyun Koo, Altair Antoninha Del Bel Cury, Pedro Lu�z Rosalen, Willian H Bowen. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
  "Effect of doxycycline on the immune response in periodontal disease.", Honorable mention from Group A8 during the 23rd annual meeting of SBPqO, participants: Gilson Cesar Nobre Franco, Pedro Lu�z Rosalen, Francisco Carlos Groppo. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
  "Assessment of the stability of propolis extract in relation to its chemical and biological profile.", Honorable mention from Group B3 during the 23rd SBPqO meeting, participants: Bruno Bueno Silva, Severino Matias de Alencar, Hyun Koo, Jaime Aparecido Cury, Pedro Lu�z Rosalen. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
  "Antitumor potential of 7-epiclusianone against oral and other cells.", Honorable mention of Group C3 during the 23rd SBPqO meeting, participants: Pedro Lu�z Rosalen, Ramiro Mendon�a Murata, Regiane Yatsuda, Hyun Koo, Severino Matias de Alencar, Luciana Konecny ​​Kohn. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
  "In vitro induction of subsurface demineralization in enamel for evaluation of imaging diagnostic methods.", Honorable Mention of Group B7, participants: Rivea In�s Ferreira, Francisco Haiter Neto, C�nthia Pereira Machado Tabchoury, Frab Norberto B�scolo. Awards linked to the ORAL DIAGNOSTIC DEPARTMENT.
  "Clinical evaluation of the anticariogenic effect of a toothpaste containing 500ppm of fluorine.", Honorable mention from Group A4 during the 23rd annual meeting of SBPqO, participants: Cecilia Cl�udia Costa Ribeiro, L�via Maria Andal� Tenuta, Jaime Aparecido Cury. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
  "Determination of gtB mRNAs and rRNA in planktonic cells and biofilm of S. mutans.", Selected in the C3 Group Panel Session, during the 23rd annual meeting of SBPqO, 2006, participant: Jaime Aparecido Cury. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
  "The importance of therapeutic management in traumatized young permanent teeth.", 2nd. Free topic, participants: Adriana de Jesus Soares, Jos� Fl�vio Affonso de Almeida, Francisco Jos� de Souza Filho. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY.
  "Comparison of different diagnostic criteria for tooth decay.", honorable mention in the panel category, participants: Marcelo de Castro Meneghin, Andr�a Videira Assaf, Antonio Carlos Pereira, Gl�ucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano, Ariana Bellotto Corr�a Kassawara. Awards linked to the SOCIAL DENTISTRY DEPARTMENT.
  "Correlation between 2E-9 metalloproteinases in healthy and inflamed human dental pulp.", Honorable mention in the oral category, participants: Tha�s Accorsi Mendon�a, Brenda Paula Figueiredo de Almeida Gomes, Francisco Jos� de Souza Filho, Alexandre Augusto Zaia, S�rgio Roberto Peres Line. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY.
  "Radiographic aspects of patients with Thalassemia.", Category Panels Clinical case obtained 3rd place, VI CONABRO in Cuiab�-MT, participants: Carolina Cintra Gomes, Rafaella Silva Campos Resende Cunha, Marcella Silva Campos Resende Cunha, Solange Maria de Almeida, Fl�vio Ricardo Manzi. Awards linked to the ORAL DIAGNOSTIC DEPARTMENT.
  "Forensic Dentistry: anthropological examination and photographs of the smile - expert importance", Honorable Mention - category (Theme - Professional Free), participants: Rhonan Ferreira da Silva, Eduardo Daruge J�nior. Awards linked to the SOCIAL DENTISTRY DEPARTMENT.
  "Most common pathologies that affect the maxillary sinus.", 1st place in the area of ​​Surgery, Postgraduate category, participants: Frab Norberto Biscolo, M�rio Loureiro da Costa Neto, Felipe de Rubim Costa Calife, �llen Gaby Neves, Marcelle Amorim de Moraes . Awards linked to the ORAL DIAGNOSTIC DEPARTMENT.
  "Interaction between Orthodontics and Dentistry in a clinical case with Bolton discrepancy", Honorable Mention in the Clinical Panel category, participants: Ricardo Alves de Souza, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer, Maria Beatriz Borges de Ara�jo Magnani, V�nia C�lia Vieira de Siqueira. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Sources of error in cephalometry", Honorable Mention in the Clinical Panel category, participants: Ana Paula da Silva Tiengo, V�nia C�lia Vieira de Siqueira, Maria Beatriz Borges de Ara�jo Magnani, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Evaluation of the shear resistance of metal brackets bonded to enamel with an adhesion enhancer", Honorable Mention in the Scientific Panel category, participants: Edivaldo de Morais, Louren�no Correr Sobrinho, F�bio Louren�o Romano, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Evaluation of the shear resistance of metal brackets bonded to enamel with an adhesion enhancer", Honorable Mention in the Scientific Panel category, participants: Louren�no Correr Sobrinho, F�bio Louren�o Romano, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer, Edivaldo de Morais. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Assessment of apical root resorption after the use of AEB in the treatment of Class II, division 1 malocclusion", Honorable Mention in the Scientific Panel category, participants: V�nia C�lia Vieira de Siqueira, Maria Beatriz Borges de Ara�jo Magnani, Gustavo Hauber Gameiro, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Bracket/enamel interface: marginal evaluation using optical microscopy and fluorescence laser", Honorable Mention in the Free Theme category, participants: Paulo Roberto Aranha Nou�r, Van�ssa Salvadego de Queir�z, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer, Simonides Consani. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "The influence of the light source and exposure time on the shear strength of metallic bracket bonding", Honorable Mention in the Free Theme category, participants: F�bio Louren�o Romano, Louren�o Correr Sobrinho, Maria Beatriz Borges de Ara�jo Magnani, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Interaction between orthodontics and dentistry in a clinical case with Bolton discrepancy", Honorable Mention in the Clinical Panel category, participants: Ricardo Alves de Souza, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer, Maria Beatriz Borges de Ara�jo Magnani, V�nia C�lia Vieira de Siqueira. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Influence of the light source and exposure time on the shear strength of metallic bracket bonding", Honorable Mention in the Free Theme category, participants: F�bio Louren�o Romano, Louren�o Correr Sobrinho, Maria Beatriz Borges de Ara�jo Magnani, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
  "Assessment of apical root resorption after the use of AEB in the treatment of Class II, division 1 malocclusion", Honorable Mention in the Scientific Panel category, participants: V�nia C�lia Vieira de Siqueira, Maria Beatriz Borges de Ara�jo Magnani, Gustavo Hauber Gameiro, Darcy Fl�vio Nouer. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP