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Institute of Arts
  State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Extremadura (Executor). Cooperation Agreement between the University of Extremadura and Unicamp. Responsible: Ra�l Thomaz Oliveira do Valle, Jonatas Manzolli. Project linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Plymouth (Executor). International Cooperation Agreement between Unicamp and the University of Plymouth. Responsible: Jonatas Manzolli, Adolfo Maia J�nior.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Salamanca (Executor). International Cooperation Agreement between Unicamp and the University of Salamanca. Responsible: Ra�l Thomaz Oliveira do Valle, Jonatas Manzolli. Project linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Vigo (Executor). International Cooperation Agreement between Unicamp and the University of Vigo. Responsible: Ra�l Thomaz Oliveira do Valle, Jonatas Manzolli. Project linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
  Interdisciplinary Center for Sound Communication (Executor), Politecnico de Milano (Executor). International Agreement between Unicamp and Milan Polytechnic. Responsible: Jonatas Manzolli, Adolfo Maia J�nior.
  State University of Campinas (Executor). UNICAMP/CASA DA GýVEA Agreement. Responsible: Waterloo Jos� Greg�rio da Silva, Regina Aparecida Polo M�ller. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS, DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE ARTS.
  State University of Campinas (Consultant). Creation of the Arts Center in Paraty. Responsible: Ubaldo �lvaro Bautista Breijo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PLASTIC ARTS.
  Campinas Municipal Symphony Orchestra (Performer). Department of Music - Campinas Municipal Symphony Orchestra. Responsible: Carlos Fernando Fiorini. Project linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
  State University of Campinas (Coordinator). Exchange between Universidad de Lanus B. Aires, Argentina and IA/Multimeios/Unicamo - Brazil. Responsible: Nelly de Camargo. Project linked to the MULTIMEDIA DEPARTMENT.
  Federal University of Uberlândia - FOUFU (Executor), State University of Campinas (Executor). Institutional Qualification Program - PQI between the Department of Music at UFU and the Postgraduate Program in Music at UNICAMP. Responsible: Denise Hortencia L�pes Garcia. Project linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP