Institute of Arts
Awards and Honors
"Awarding of the 2006 PDK Prize at the Historical and Geographical Institute of São Paulo - presentation by the Cantares Female Choir.", "PAUL DONOVAN KIGAR AWARD 2006", participant: Miriam Emerick de Souza Carpinetti.
"SURFACES DESIGNED WITH SERIAL SEQUENCES PRODUCING SCATTERING AND ACOUSTIC DIFFUSION OF INCIDENT SOUND WAVES", Project Selected by the PIT Technological Innovation Program of the State of S�o Paulo, participant: Jos� Augusto Mannis. Awards linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
""Of love" - shown at the International Audiovisual Exhibition - Ouro Preto -2006", Shown in the Special Program of the International Audiovisual Exhibition - Ouro Preto - 2006, participants: Carolina Natal Duarte, Marcos Patrizzii Luporini, Javier Esteban Cencig, L�gia Maria Thom� Sanch�z, Mariana Pamplona, Marcos Corr�a, Luciane Modenese, Adriana Alves da Silva. Awards linked to the CINEMA DEPARTMENT.
"The Man Who Mistook His Wife for the Hat", Best concert of the Year - Veja S�o Paulo Magazine December 18, 2006, participant: Nahim Marun Filho.
"Direction; Theatrical Show; FETECO; "Trag�dia de Margarida"", The show received the awards for best direction, best actress, best supporting actor, best supporting actress and best lighting in the adult theater category, participant: Cl�udio de Souza Castro Filho. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS.
"Interpretation and Creation; Dance Show; Teatro Italia Season - TD Teatro de Dan�a; Butterfly", 2000 Dance Estmulo Award for assembly aid for new projects from the State Secretariat for Culture of S�o Paulo, participant: S�lvia Maria Geraldi.
"Almeida Prado Fund for Musical Documentation: 273 Sheet Music and 65 sound recordings. Facsimiles of the originals with notes and original illustrations by the composer. (2000)", Conservation Project Selected by the ADAI Program - Support for the Development of Iberoamerican Archives (2003-2004), participants: José Augusto Mannis, Cristiano Melli. Awards linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
"Beatriz Balzi Fund for Musical Documentation: 367 Sheet Music (1st batch) + 2nd batch in technical processing [sn] Rarities with notes and interpretation instructions by the great pianist . (2003)", Conservation Project selected by the ADAI Program - Support for the Development of Ibero-American Archives, participant: Jos� Augusto Mannis. Awards linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
"Est�rcio Marquez Cunha Fund for Musical Documentation: 129 Sheet Music. Facsimiles of the originals collected in 2002.", XI Internal Congress of Scientific Initiation at Unicamp (25 to 26/Sep/2006), participants: Jos� Augusto Mannis, Maria L�cia Senna Machado Pascoal, Gustavo Oliveira Alfaix Assis. Awards linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
"Presentation of QIOGUEM?! at the 10th NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF AMERICANA THEATER", Winner in the categories: best show, direction, costumes, sound design and scenography, participant: Alice Kiyomi Yagyu. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS.
"Presentation of QIOGUEM?! at riocenacontempornea -2006", Winner of best costume, participant: Alice Kiyomi Yagyu. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS.
"Maria Duschenes - The space of movement", Funarte Kaluss Vianna Award 2006, participant: In�s Vieira Bog�a. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE ARTS.
"ES-BO�O at the Ourinhos Dance Festival", Work selected to participate in the Festival, participant: Sayonara Sousa Pereira. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE ARTS.
"Honorable Mention for the guidance of student Beatriz Benesi Emboaba Moreira (IC) - "Collection of tasteful Modinhas composed and arranged for piano forte by JF Leal: A Political Musical Analysis for performance "", Honorable Mention for the guidance of student Beatriz Benesi Emboaba Moreira (IC) - "Collection of tasteful Modinhas composed and arranged for piano forte by JF Leal: A Political Musical Analysis for performance" . October 10, 2006, UNICAMP, participant: Adriana Giarola Kayama. Awards linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
"Maria Duschenes- the space of the S�o Paulo workshop movement", Klauss Vianna Funarte Prize, 2006, participant: In�s Vieira Bog�a.
"Agoras - Videodan�a - Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival", Selected for the Special Program of the Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival - 2006, participants: Carolina Natal Duarte, Marcos Patrizzii Luporini. Awards linked to the CINEMA DEPARTMENT.
"Agoras- Teresina Video Festival", 2nd place in the experimental category at the Teresina Video Festival, participants: Carolina Natal Duarte, Marcos Patrizzii Luporini. Awards linked to the CINEMA DEPARTMENT.
"Agoras - Videodan�a - Tiradentes Film Festival", Participation in the 10th Tiradentes Film Festival, participants: Carolina Natal Duarte, Marcos Patrizzii Luporini. Awards linked to the CINEMA DEPARTMENT.
"My poor songs - Antonio Carlos Gomes - Adaptation of the original text of the Doctoral thesis "The chamber vocal music of Carlos Gomes" by Niza de Castro Tank", Guarany Prize, participants: Niza de Castro Tank, Sara Pereira Lopes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS.
"10th MARACANTO - Maranhense Festival of Lyric Singing", 1st place as interpreter in the masters category by the Popular Jury, participant: Marilia Teixeira de Aguiar Machado. Awards linked to the MUSIC DEPARTMENT.
"Corporeality in narration", Scientific Merit Award, participants: Gisele Alves Nunes, Sara Pereira Lopes. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS.
"Hues", Third prize "Francisco Guerrero Martín" at the XVII Premio J�venes Compositores Fundaci�n Autor-CDMC 2006 in Madrid, Spain, participant: Rodrigo da Silva Lima.
"Decameron", 2nd Best Show, participant: Roberto Peixoto Mallet. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS.
"Presentation of QIOGUEM?! at the 20th. BLUMENAU UNIVERSITY THEATER FESTIVAL-2006", Winner in seven categories: best show, direction, sound design, costumes, actor and group, participant: Alice Kiyomi Yagyu. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS.
"Elevator Piece", Nominated for the Shell Award for Best Costume Design, participant: Marcelo Ramos Lazzaratto. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS.
"Direction, Lighting and Sound Design; Theatrical Spectacle; Presentation at the Belo Horizonte International Puppet Theater Festival; "O Principio do Espanto"", Award for Best Show of the Festival by the Popular Jury, participant: Luiz Fernando N�thlich de Andrade.
"Singular - Videodance - Presented at FAM", Selected for the Mercosul Audiovisual Festival Exhibition, in Florianpolis, participants: Carolina Natal Duarte, Marcos Patrizzii Luporini. Awards linked to the CINEMA DEPARTMENT.
"Singular - Video dance presented at PUTZ - 3rd Festival Universitario de Curitiba", 3rd place in the Experimental Video/Art category; at the PUTZ Festival promoted by the Federal University of Parana in May 2006, participants: Carolina Natal Duarte, Marcos Patrizzii Luporini. Awards linked to the CINEMA DEPARTMENT.
"For Everyone to Listen, 35 mm Documentary, Winner of the Support Program for the Production of Completion Works of Cinema and Audiovisual Courses 2005, promoted by the Audiovisual Secretariat (SAV) of the Ministry of Culture (MinC), in partnership with FORCINE (Cinema Schools Forum). Winner of the Support Program for the Production of Completion Works of Cinema and Audiovisual Courses 2005, promoted by the Audiovisual Secretariat (SAV) of the Ministry of Culture (MinC), in partnership with FORCINE (F� rum from Cinema Schools), participant: Gabriela Rufino Maruno. Awards linked to the CINEMA DEPARTMENT.
"Singular - Videodan�a - shown on Tv Cultura's ZOOM program", Selected to be shown on Tv Cultura's Zoom program, showing in this edition the best of the country's independent production, participants: Carolina Natal Duarte, Marcos Patrizzii Luporini. Awards linked to the CINEMA DEPARTMENT.
"Terminals", Official Selection, participant: Marcos Patrizzii Luporini.
"Letter to the Father", Funarte Dance Prize Klauss Vianna 2006 and Estimulo Dance Prize 2005 - Government of the state of S�o Paulo, participant: Van�ssa Freitas de Paiva Mac�do. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE ARTS.
"Agoras - Videodan�a - 6th Free Film Festival - RJ", Selected for the Free Film Showcase, participants: Carolina Natal Duarte, Marcos Patrizzii Luporini. Awards linked to the CINEMA DEPARTMENT.
"The interview", Nominated for the Shell Award for Best Actress, participant: Marcelo Ramos Lazzaratto. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS.
"Mapa Cultural Paulista - 2005/2006 - participation of Madrigal Vivace - 2nd place in the Choral Singing category and conductor Vast� Atique honorable mention "Best Conductor".", Paulista Cultural Map - 2005/2006
Madrigal Vivace - 2nd. Place - Choral Singing category
Vast� Atique - honorable mention "Best Conductor"
Awards: 28/04/2006 at 18:30 pm - Memorial da América Latina, Simon Bolivar auditorium, participant: Vast� Atique Ferraz de Toledo.
""Pa�uelos" - Pierre Verger Prize for Photographic Essay - 2006 Edition (Brazilian Association of Anthropology)", Pierre Verger Prize for Photographic Essay – 2006 Edition, from the Brazilian Association of Anthropology, participant: Fernando Cury de Tacca. Awards linked to the MULTIMEDIA DEPARTMENT.
"Piano Recital - School of Pre-Music Arts. Works by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms and Prokofieff", School of Pre-music Arts, Rua dos Alecrinsm 301 Cambu� - Campinas SP, participant: Tarc�sio Gomes Filho.
""Directed Group Creation": a look at the process of choreographic creation in the Parangol� group", Approved by the UFV undergraduate dance teachers, participants: Carla Cristina Oliveira de �vila, Gabriele Generoso. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE ARTS.
"Boca do Lixo. fiction script for a feature film.", 2004 MINC Script Development Award
Prize for Promoting Cinema Paulista, from the Secretariat of Culture in 2006, participant: Mariana Pamplona. Awards linked to the MULTIMEDIA DEPARTMENT.
"Collaboration on the Script for the Feature Film Capara�", Best film award at the 2006 Tudo Verdade festival
Award for best script, best film and best research at Recine in 2006, participant: Mariana Pamplona. Awards linked to the MULTIMEDIA DEPARTMENT.
"Ginger documentary video", Classification in the 1st Film and Video Festival of the Federal University of Vi�osa, participant: Carla Cristina Oliveira de �vila. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE ARTS.
"Campos El�seos. Script for a documentary about the history of the neighborhood. Winner of the Public Notice History of neighborhoods from the Secretariat of Culture and Secretariat of Education of S�o Paulo.", Award for making the film by the Secretariat of Culture and the Secretariat of Education of the State of S�o Paulo, participant: Mariana Pamplona. Awards linked to the MULTIMEDIA DEPARTMENT.
""Question of Time". phonographic publication on CD", Latin Grammy nomination in the Best Instrumental Album category, participant: Marcelo Silva Gomes.
"LAND ESCAPES series", solo exhibition held through a public notice from the federal government, within the trajectories project, by FUNDAJ, participant: Marcelo Edmilson Moscheta. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PLASTIC ARTS.