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Institute of Biology
Awards and Honors
  "Biodiversity of Prokaryotes in corals", This work received an Honorable Mention at the Congress, participants: Luciane Alessandra Chimetto, Gustavo Bueno Gregoracci, Marcelo Brocchi, Fabiano L�pes Thompson, �lvaro E Migotto. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY.
  "Analysis of the gene expression of inflammatory mediators in mononuclear cells in patients with deep vein thrombosis", Honorable Mention (among the first 5 posters), participants: Michelle Servais Rubin, Ana Carolina Deckmann, Marcelo Falsarella Carazzolle, Gon�alo Amarante Guimar�es Pereira, Joyce Maria Annichino Bizzacchi. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS AND EVOLUTION.
  "Myocardial remodeling of transgenic mice subjected to physical exercise and treated with mesterolone", Awards: 2nd PLACE at the XII Physiotherapy Symposium of the �XVII Congress of Cardiology� - Oral communication, �Remodeling of the myocardium of transgenic mice subjected to physical exercise and treated with mesterolona�, participants: Karina Fontana, Maria Alice da Cruz H�fling, C. Mandarim de Lacerda, Helena Coutinho Franco de Oliveira, MB Leonardo. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS, DEPARTMENT OF HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP