Institute of Computing
Awards and Honors
"Ipzip - An IP Distribution Framework", Best IP Design Award, IP/SoC 2006, in Grenoble, France, developed by Brazil-IP, participant: Guido Costa Souza de Ara�jo. Awards linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"Silicon Validated IP Cores Designed by the Brazil-IP Network", CTD Award (1st Place Doctorate), Brazilian Computing Society. Capes Theses Prize (1st place), CAPES.
Intel Multicore Curriculum Award 2006 - Intel Corporation, participant: Guido Costa Souza de Ara�jo. Awards linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"Access Control in Geographic Databases", Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Award, 2006, participant: Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros. Awards linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"Active Queue Management (in Press)", Doctoral Thesis Michele ME Lima awarded third place in the XIX Theses and Dissertations Competition, Brazilian Computer Society, participants: Michele Mara de Ara�jo Esp�ndula Lima, Nelson Lu�s Saldanha da Fonseca. Awards linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"Robust Visualization of Strange Attractors using Affine Arithmetic", Prof. Jorge Stolfi - "Zeferino Vaz" Academic Recognition Award, 2006, participants: Afonso Paiva, Lu�z H de Figueiredo, Jorge Stolfi. Awards linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
"Dual Selective Code Compression", - HP Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative 2006 Higher Education Edition, HP.
- Class Paraninfo - Students of the Engineering Course. of Computing.
- Honored Professor - Students of the Computer Science Course, participant: Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. Awards linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"Reimplementation of an Image Search Component by Content", Scientific Merit, XIV Internal Congress of Scientific Initiation at Unicamp, 2006, participants: Ricardo da Silva Torres, Roberto Breglio Marchesini. Awards linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"Flexible and Adjustable Interfaces", Diploma of Educational Merit "Prof. Darcy Ribeiro", Campinas City Council, 2006, participant: Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas. Awards linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"An Inclusive Approach to Cooperative Evaluation of Web User Interfaces", Diploma of Educational Merit "Prof. Darcy Ribeiro", Campinas City Council, 2006, participants: Amanda Meincke M�lo, Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas. Awards linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"ArchC: A SystemC-Based Architecture Description Language", - Intel Multicore Curriculum Award 2006 - Intel Corporation.
- Forte Cynthesizer Design Contest 2006 (Contest winners: Felipe Portavales Goldstein and Rodolfo Azevedo), participant: Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. Awards linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"A Code Generation Tool for the TIDIA-Ae Component-Based Architecture", Finalist of the JEMS system usability evaluation competition - IHC 2006, SBC, participant: Helo�sa Vieira da Rocha. Awards linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
"Design of Communication Tools Based on Discourse Genres", Third Place in the SBIE 2006 Thesis and Dissertation Competition, SBC, for the PhD thesis by Janne Yukiko Yoshikawa Oeiras, participant: Helo�sa Vieira da Rocha. Awards linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.