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Institute of Computing
Projects with financing
  Alexandre Xavier Falcão. "THE EVOLUTION OF POINT-BASED RENDERING AND ITS APPLICATION IN MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #60514/1-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Karina Mochetti de Magalhões. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Siome Klein Goldenstein. "DYNAMIC ADAPTATION OF DEFORMABLE SURFACES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 2.772,00, 2006, Process #50980/8-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Fernando Ferrari de Gées. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros. "AgroFlow: Workflow Systems for Automating Cooperative Processes in Agriculture". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (12/2003-05/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 70.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Arnaldo Vieira Moura. "SCHEDULING TASKS FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF MULTIPLE OIL PRODUCTS IN OIL PIPELINES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 11.872,80, Process # 2005/57344-7. Area: IT. Student: Andr� Augusto Cir�. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Orlando Lee. "APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS FOR THE STEINER TREE PROBLEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #54375/1-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: M�rio C�sar San Felice. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Flávio Keidi Miyazawa. "APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS FOR PARTITIONING PROBLEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2004-06/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 85.355,40, Process # 2003/13815-0. Area: IT. Student: Evandro C�sar Bracht. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Cid Carvalho de Souza. "INTEGER PROGRAMMING ALGORITHMS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF NETWORK MATRIXES IN LINEAR SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #00793/7-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Rafael Forte Ara�jo Cavalcanti. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Anamaria Gomide. "NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ON THE SPHERE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-02/2006), Post doctorate scholarship abroad PD / scholarship abroad-pd, value: R$ 28.629,67, Process #2005/00243-4. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "BELLATRIX Integrated Development Environment (Component-based integrated development environment) in partnership with the company Autbank". Autbank - Software development company, (03/2003-02/2007), Research grant / partnership with industry, value: R$ 10.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. "An annotation-based tool for collaborative learning using mobile technology". Hewlett Packard do Brasil Ind. Com. Ltda, (01/2006), Research Grant, value: US$65.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Alexandre Xavier Falcão. "IMAGE ANALYSIS OF HUMAN INTESTINAL PARASITES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-06/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 66.498,10, Process #2003/14096 -8. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  João Meidanis. "ALGABRAICAL ANALYSIS OF REARRANGEMENT PROBLEMS IN GENOMES: ALGORITHMS AND COMPLEXITY". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2003-04/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-3, value: R$ 68.429,40, Process # 2003/00731-3. Area: IT. Student: Cl�ber Valgas Gomes Mira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Siome Klein Goldenstein. "ANALYSIS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TECHNIQUES FOR DETECTING HIDDEN MESSAGES IN DIGITAL IMAGES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 19.624,06, Process # 2004/02384-1. Area: IT. Student: Anderson de Rezende Rocha. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. "POWER ANALYSIS/OTIMIZATION OF HETEROGENEOUS SOCS BY WEIGHTING HARDWARE/SOFTWARE COMPONENTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-03/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 51.620,40, Process # 2005/02565-9. Area: IT. Student: Felipe Vieira Klein. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo da Silva Torres. "ANNOTATING AND SEARCHING IMAGES THROUGH THE USE OF ONTOLOGIES AND KEYWORDS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2004-04/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 8.118,00, 2004, Process #00196/3-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Ricardo Batista Freitas. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Helo�sa Vieira da Rocha. "ELECTRONIC LEARNING (EA)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2005-08/2006), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-5, value: R$ 37.828,26, Process #2005/56629-8. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Helo�sa Vieira da Rocha. "ELECTRONIC LEARNING (TIDIA - AE)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-11/2006), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-5, value: R$ 58.843,96, Process #2005/56625-2. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas. "LEARNING IN THE ERA OF NEW PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGIES: KNOWLEDGE, WORK IN THE COMPANY AND SYSTEMS DESIGN". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2007), Publication grant / publication grant, value: R$ 8.000,00, Process #2005/ 56246-1. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Guido Costa Souza de Ara�jo. "Dedicated Systems Design Automation Using an Architecture Description Language". Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros. "Meeting organization assistance". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-05/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 3.000,00, Process # 2005/60589-1. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Arnaldo Vieira Moura. "FINITE AUTOMATA: THEORY, ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #55597/8-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Gustavo Lima Chaves. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas. "HELP IN ORGANIZING MEETINGS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-07/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 7.705,84, Process # 2006/51382-7. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. "Evaluation of Energy Consumption in Dedicated Systems". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2004), Research Grant, value: R$10.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Elaine Martins. "Benchmarking Confidence in the Functioning of Software Components, CAPES/GRICES project". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (01/2005-12/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 5.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "Research Productivity Grant level 2". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2004-02/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 10.000,00, Process #351592/97-0. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  dna Natividade da Silva Barros. "BrazilIP - Consortium for Training Talents in the Conception and Design of Digital Systems and Intellectual Property (IPs) - CT-Info/CNPq: USP, UNICAMP, UFPE, UNB, UFMG, UFRGS, UFCG and PUCRS ". Federal University of Pernambuco, (06/2002), Research Grant, value: R$ 150.000,00, Process #55.2078/02-6; National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (06/2003), Research Grant, value: R$ 2.000.000,00; Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo, (06/2003), Other grants, value: R$ 5.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Orlando Lee. "BRUCE ALAN REED". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2006-05/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 18.164,08, Process #2005/ 59048-6. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. "ChameLeon: Processor Specialization for Dedicated Systems". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2003), Research Grant, value: R$ 300.000,00, Process #552117/02-1. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Siome Klein Goldenstein. "CLASSIFIERS AND LEARNING IN IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/58103-3. Area: IT. Student: Anderson de Rezende Rocha. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "CompGov: Shared Component Library for E-gov, FINEP". Teaching, Research and Extension Support Fund - UNICAMP, (12/2004-12/2006), Research Grant / public call MCT/FINEP/A��oTransversal-Library, value: R$ 1.799.653,00 ,1843, Process #04/XNUMX. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "Construction and Evolution of Software Product Lines based on Components, financed by CNPq, process 484138/2006-5, Notice MCT/CNPq 02/2006-Universal". Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  C�lia Picinin de Mello. "Cooperation between UNICAMP and Universit� degli Studi di Roma". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (12/2004-12/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 20.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  João Meidanis. "COMPARISON BETWEEN COMPLETE GENOMES OF SPECIES OF THE VIBRIONACEA FAMILY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-09/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 16.989,00, Process # 2005/53279-6. Area: IT. Student: Patrícia Pilisson C�go. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Jacques Wainer. "COMPOSITIONALITY OF PROCESS SCHEDULING TECHNIQUES IN WORKFLOW SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2004-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 81.496,80, Process # 2003/12742-0. Area: IT. Student: Gregário Baggio Tramontina. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo Dahab. "TUTTE CONJECTURES AND PAIRINGS IN BIPARTITE GRAPHS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-02/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 50.274,00, Process # 2002/05665-6. Area: IT. Student: C�ndida Nunes da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Ricardo da Silva Torres. "SHAPE DESCRIPTORS BASED ON THE MULTIESCALE FRACTAL DIMENSION". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #57406/5-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: V�tor Baccetti Garcia. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo da Silva Torres. "SKELETON-BASED IMAGE DESCRIPTORS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #57311/4-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Márcio Alexandre Marar Moreno. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Alexandre Xavier Falcão. "AUTOMATIC OBJECT DETECTION IN IMAGES USING SIFT". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 79.232,40, Process # 2005/59902-7. Area: IT. Student: F�bio Augusto Menocci Cappabianco. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros. "PROVISION AND MANAGEMENT OF SENSOR DATA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2005-04/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 89.692,20, Process # 2004/14052-3. Area: IT. Student: Gilberto Zonta Pastorello J�nior. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  S�nia Maria Gomes. "Study of Numerical Methods for Solving Maxwell's Equations". Coordination of the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (01/2006-02/2008), Research Assistance / Provided according to demand, value: R$ 10.000,00, Process #Grices 142-05. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira. "DYNAMIC TASK SCHEDULING IN COMPUTATIONAL GRIDS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-04/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 81.993,60, Process # 2005/59706-3. Area: IT. Student: Luiz Fernando Bittencourt. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Paulo Cesar Centoducatte. "SPECIALIZATION OF ARCHITECTURES FOR CRYPTOGRAPHY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 26.606,00, Process # 2003/11674-0. Area: IT. Student: Márcio Rog�rio Juliato. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Siome Klein Goldenstein. "STUDY AND APPLICATION OF TECHNIQUES FOR REUSE OF CAPTURED MOVEMENTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-08/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 5.432,00, Process # 2004/12703-7. Area: IT. Student: Carlos Eduardo Scussiatto. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Siome Klein Goldenstein. "STUDY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TECHNIQUES FOR DESCRIPTION OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODELS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/52959-3. Area: IT. Student: Jurandy Gomes de Almeida J�nior. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas. "STUDY AND PROPOSAL OF A FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN OF ADJUSTABLE USER INTERFACES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/54747-6. Area: IT. Student: V�nia Paula de Almeida Neris. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Jacques Wainer. "STUDY ON THE GENERATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF WORKFLOW AND WEB SERVICE PROCESSES BASED ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ALGORITHMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2005-11/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.620,00, 2005, Process #03127/5-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Amaury Bosso André. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Neucimar Jer�nimo Leite. "Manufacture of the National Fingerprint Reader and Accessories". Financier of Studies and Projects, (01/2006-12/2009), Research Grant / together with two other funding agencies, value: R$ 567.774,70; Center for Studies and Strategic Management, Ministry of Science and Technology, (01/2006), Research Grant / together with two other funding agencies, value: R$ 567.774,70; Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses, (01/2006), Research Aid / together with two other development agencies, value: R$ 567.774,70. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Nelson Lu�s Saldanha da Fonseca. "FAPESP TIDIA Kyatera, Optical Internet Laboratory". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo, (01/2005), Research Grant, value: R$ 140.000,00, Process #2003/08277-0. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Siome Klein Goldenstein. "TOOL FOR EXTRACTION AND MANIPULATION OF CORRESPONDENCES BETWEEN IMAGES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2004-03/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 8.052,00, 2004, Process #00641/7-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Fernando Ferrari de Gées. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Orlando Lee. "NETWORK FLOWS AND COMBINATIONAL OPTIMIZATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-02/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 2.376,00, 2006, Process #53560/0-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Felipe Sodr� dos Santos Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Orlando Lee. "FLOWS IN NETWORKS AND COMBINATORY OPTIMIZATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #54001/4-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Erick Nogueira do Nascimento. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Hans Kurt Edmund Liesenberg. "Free Libre and Open Source Software: Worldwide Impact Study (FLOSSWorld)". European Community, (05/2005), Research Grant, value: R$ 23.032,78, Process #34-P-4864/05. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros. "TRACEABILITY MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION CHAINS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/53183-9. Area: IT. Student: Andr�ia Akemi Kondo. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Eleri Cardozo. "GigaBOT - Remote Access Laboratory on Advanced Networks". Ministry of Science and Technology - MCT, (01/2005-12/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 300.000,00, Process #2463/2004. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Uppaluri Siva Ramachandra Murty. "Graphs covered by matchings". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/1990), Productivity grant / Level 1A - Monthly financing amount, value: R$ 1.300,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Ricardo Dahab. "PFAFFIAN GRAPHS - ALGORITHMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 18.457,64, Process # 2004/04589-0. Area: IT. Student: Alberto Alexandre Assis Miranda. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Ricardo Dahab. "PFAFFIAN GRAPHS AND RELATED PROBLEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/04426-6. Area: IT. Student: Alberto Alexandre Assis Miranda. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Cid Carvalho de Souza. "GRASP HEURISTICS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF NETWORK MATRIXES IN LINEAR SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #00952/8-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: João Marcos da Cunha Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Iscia Teresinha L�pes Cendes. "IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ETIOLOGIES, MECHANISMS OF INJURY, NEURONAL DYSFUNCTION AND MOLECULAR DEFECTS IN MESIAL TEMPORAL LOBE EPILEPSY AND THEIR RELATION TO RESPONSE TO TREATMENT". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2005-01/2009), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 954.805,40, Process #2003/13424-1. Area: Health. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo Dahab. "IMPLEMENTATION OF IDENTITY-BASED CIPHRASIGNATURE USING TATE PAIRING IN BINARY BODIES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/04248-0. Area: IT. Student: Eduardo Moraes de Morais. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Sandro Rigo. "Open Source Interoperability and the Microsoft Platform". Microsoft Corporation, (09/2006-01/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 24.960,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Nelson Lu�s Saldanha da Fonseca. "InterTV". Ministry of Science and Technology - MCT, (01/2005-12/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 1.000.000,00, Process #01/2005-09-28. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Arnaldo Vieira Moura. "COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 2.376,00, 2006, Process #52389/5-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Dav� de M�lo Jorge Barbosa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Neucimar Jer�nimo Leite. "Improving the Availability and Quality of Griaule AFIS Recognition". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (12/2004), Research Grant, value: R$138.566,64, Process #505459/2004-3. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Jorge Stolfi. "Approximation methods on the sphere". Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Nelson Lu�s Saldanha da Fonseca. "MICHAEL DEVETSIKIOTIS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-11/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 9.591,54, Process #2006/ 56014-6. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Jacques Wainer. "MINING WORKFLOW PROCESSES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-03/2006), Post doctorate scholarship abroad PD / scholarship abroad-pd, value: R$ 14.099,13, Process #2005/02808-9. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Gordana Manic. "Mathematical Modeling and Applications of Optimization Problems Related to the Search for Subgraphs with Common Structures". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/01817-7. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Nelson Lu�s Saldanha da Fonseca. "Modeling, Sizing and Performance Analysis of the Optical Packet Switching Network". CPqD Foundation - Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications, (01/2004-12/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 50.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Cid Carvalho de Souza. "Computational Models, Optimization and Discrete Structures - CNPq Universal Process 471460/2004-4". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (07/2005-08/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 39.458,00, Process #471460/2004-4. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Jorge Stolfi. "GEOLOGICAL MODELING FOR SIMULATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-03/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-2, value: R$ 57.096,00, Process # 2006/50344-4. Area: IT. Student: Lucas Batista Freitas. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Jorge Stolfi. "3D SESMIC MODELING BY CONSTRUCTION OF WAVEFRONTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-11/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 23.546,90, Process # 2004/12562-4. Area: IT. Student: Lucas Batista Freitas. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Arnaldo Vieira Moura. "MODELS AND ALGORITHMS FOR THE PROBLEM OF SCHEDULING OPERATIONS IN OIL PIPELINES WITH MULTIPLE PRODUCTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 11.523,60, Process # 2005/57343-0. Area: IT. Student: Tony Minoru Tamura L�pes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Arnaldo Vieira Moura. "MODELS AND ALGORITHMS FOR THE CABLING PROBLEM IN TELEPHONE NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-04/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 24.618,00, Process # 2003/09754-6. Area: IT. Student: Daniel F�lix Ferber. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Arnaldo Vieira Moura. "MODELS AND ALGORITHMS FOR A MACHINE TOOL SCHEDULING PROBLEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/58216-2. Area: IT. Student: Rafael Augusto Scaraficci. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Jorge Stolfi. "NEW DATA STRUCTURES FOR REPRESENTING N-DIMENSIONAL MAPS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-11/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 18.358,80, Process # 2005/53270-9. Area: IT. Student: Arnaldo Jovanini Montagner. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Hélio Waldman. "Center of Excellence in Optical Connectivity". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2004-12/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 300.000,00, Process #2003/09850-5. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Neucimar Jer�nimo Leite. "MORPHOLOGICAL SPACE-SCALE AND IMAGE TRANSFORMATIONS USING NON-PLANAR STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 76.471,20, Process # 2005/04462-2. Area: IT. Student: Leyza Elmeri Baldo Dorini. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo de Oliveira Anido. "PEERS - A communication environment for peer-to-peer games". Financier of Studies and Projects, (01/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 80.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  José Carlos Maldonado. "Plavis - Space Systems Validation Platform (CNPq - Universal)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2003), Infrastructure assistance, value: R$ 99.900,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Paulo Lúcio de Geus. "POLICY VIEWER A TOOL FOR VISUALIZING SECURITY POLICIES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #01229/8-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Leonardo Loures L�pes. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  C�lia Picinin de Mello. "Problems in graph classes - Productivity Scholarship - level 1d". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2002), Productivity grant, value: R$ 22.578,24. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Alexandre Xavier Falcão. "Processing, Visualization and Analysis of Medical Images - Productivity Grant at CNPq (LEVEL 1D)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2003-02/2008), Productivity grant, value: R$ 69.084,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros. "Producing and publishing component-based digital content building blocks (HP)". Hewlett Packard do Brasil Ind. Com. Ltda, (01/2006-12/2007), Research Grant / Including Equipment, value: US$ 40.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo da Silva Torres. "Genetic Programming applied to Image Recovery by Content (Universal CNPq)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (10/2006-09/2008), Research Grant / Notice MCT/CNPq 02/2006 - Universal, value: R$ 49.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Guido Costa Souza de Ara�jo. "Casadinho Project Notice 007/2006 CNPq". Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho. "ProCaCoSA Project - PROCESSING CO-reference chains for the Automatic Summarization of Texts in Portuguese". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (01/2005), Research Grant, value: R$ 0,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "RODIN Project: Rigorous Open Development Environment for Complex Systems". Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Yoshiharu Kohayakawa. "PRONEX Thematic Project - CNPq - FAPESP: Fundamentals of Computer Science: Combinatorial Algorithms and Discrete Structures". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2004), Thematic Project / Thematic Project ProNEx-FAPESP/CNPq Proc. 2003/09925-5, value: R$ 229.934,34, Process #2003/09925-5; Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo, (01/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 1,34, Process #2003/09925-5. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Paulo Cesar Centoducatte. "Platform-Based Projects: Establishing a Common Environment for Research and Developing New Project Methodologies". Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Flávio Keidi Miyazawa. "K-MEDIAN PROBLEM". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #54396/6-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Gabriel Pedro de Castro. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Flávio Keidi Miyazawa. "PROBLEMS OF CUTTING AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL PACKAGING IN PLATES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-09/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 22.534,60, Process # 2004/12711-0. Area: IT. Student: Jacques Wainer. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Orlando Lee. "PAIRING PROBLEMS IN GRAPHS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-12/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #53556/2-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Igor Carboni Oliveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Flávio Keidi Miyazawa. "RESOURCE LOCATION PROBLEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #54397/2-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Daniel Bueno Donadon. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Orlando Lee. "PROBLEMS IN GRAPH THEORY". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #51468/6-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Tiago Fassoni Alves dos Alencar Leite. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Alexandre Xavier Falcão. "DESIGN OF GRAPHIC INTERFACES FOR MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.026,00, 2004, Process #14067/0-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Marcelo Bianchini. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. "DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN MP3 DECODER IN BRAZIL-IP PROJETO HARDWARE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2005-03/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 3.102,00, 2005, Process #52759/4-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Felipe Portavales Goldstein. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Helo�sa Vieira da Rocha. "TIDIA PROJECT - DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY LABORATORIO E-LABORA/ UNICAMP". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-11/2006), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-4, value: R$ 26.550,00, Process #2005/53763-5. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Helo�sa Vieira da Rocha. "TIDIA PROJECT - ELECTRONIC LEARNING MODALITY (TIDIA - AE) - DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY - E-LABORATORY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-08/2006), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-5, value: R$ 100.875,36, Process #2004/08230-6. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Yoshiko Wakabayashi. "PROSUL - Discrete Optimization and Graphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2005-01/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 70.000,00, Process #490333/2004-4. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Elaine Martins. "QSEE - Software Quality in Embedded Systems (FINEP)". Financier of Studies and Projects, (01/2004), Research Assistance / Part Assistance, Meeting Organization, Equipment Assistance, value: R$ 754.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo de Oliveira Anido. "QuickFrame - Framework for developing applications with mobile devices". Financier of Studies and Projects, (01/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 577.760,10; Intel Corporation, (01/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 80.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Neucimar Jer�nimo Leite. "TRACKING OF ANIMALS BY VIDEO IMAGES IN LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/03534-0. Area: IT. Student: Rafael Henrique C de Souza. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo da Silva Torres. "REIMPLEMENTATION OF AN IMAGE SEARCH COMPONENT BY CONTENT". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2005, Process #59167/5-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Roberto Breglio Marchesini. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira. "RNP/Giga � �Integrity: Developing Computational Grid Middleware for the Giga Network�". Financier of Studies and Projects, (01/2004-12/2007), Research Grant / FUNTTEL/FINEP, value: R$ 200.000,00, Process #FUNTTEL/FINEP. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira. "RNP/Giga � �Taquara: Technology, Applications and Quality of Service in Advanced Networks". Financier of Studies and Projects, (01/2004-12/2007), Research Grant / FUNTTEL/FINEP, value: R$ 500.000,00, Process #FUNTTEL/FINEP. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Alexandre Xavier Falcão. "IMAGE SEGMENTATION BY THE IMAGE-FOREST TRANSFORM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 25.548,60, Process # 2003/09793-1. Area: IT. Student: Paulo André Vechiatto de Miranda. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Alexandre Xavier Falcão. "IMAGE SEGMENTATION OF HUMAN INTESTINAL PARASITES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 28.423,86, Process # 2004/11218-8. Area: IT. Student: Celso Tetsuo Nagase Suzuki. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Alexandre Xavier Falcão. "SEGMENTATION OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGES OF THE HUMAN BRAIN". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/59808-0. Area: IT. Student: Paulo André Vechiatto de Miranda. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo da Silva Torres. "Information Systems for Image Management". Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas. "Adjustable Interactive Systems via User Interface CNPq 476381/2004-5) Universal Notice (2005-2007)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2005-12/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 10.000,00, Process #476381/2004-5. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Sandro Rigo. "SYNTHESIS OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR RISC ARCHITECTURES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-07/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 27.313,65, Process # 2003/09792-5. Area: IT. Student: Richard Maciel Costa. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo Dahab. "SECURITY SOLUTIONS FOR HIERARCHICAL WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2005-06/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 50.929,40, Process # 2005/00557-9. Area: IT. Student: Leonardo Barbosa E Oliveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Otto CMB Duarte. "Technology, Applications and Quality of Service in Advanced Networks - MCT/RNP". Ministry of Science and Technology - MCT, (01/2005-12/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 500.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  C�lia Picinin de Mello. "Graph theory: Coloring - CNPq Universal Project". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (09/2005-08/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 35.000,00, Process #470420/2004-9. Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Guido Costa Souza de Ara�jo. "CODE GENERATION TECHNIQUES INSTRUCTION SYNTHESIS FOR RECONFIGURABLE COMPUTING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-08/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-4, value: R$ 80.578,42, Process # 2002/08139-3. Area: IT. Student: Edson Borin. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo. "Transactions for the mobile computing environment". Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Sandro Rigo. "TRANSFORMATIONS IN LOOPS FOR COMPILATION ON MULTICORE ARCHITECTURES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2006/54455-5. Area: IT. Student: Mário Luiz Rodrigues Oliveira. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "An integrated development environment for building component-based software architectures, Process 305723/2003-0, CNPq, PQ - Research Productivity". Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "An Architectural Approach for Developing the Exceptional Behavior of Reliable Component-Based Systems, Process no. 301446/2006-7, CNPq, PQ - Research Productivity". Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Guido Costa Souza de Ara�jo. "An Infrastructure for Research, Design and Simulation of Dedicated Systems". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (01/2006-01/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 50.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Cid Carvalho de Souza. "A STUDY ON THE APPLICATION OF TABOO HEURISTICS TO A REAL VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-08/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 6.402,00, 2004, Process #15019/0-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Peterson Katagiri Zilli. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Cid Carvalho de Souza. "A STUDY ON THE APPLICATION OF GA HEURISTICS TO A REAL VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.026,00, 2004, Process #15017/7-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Henrique Miranda Mendes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "A DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING METHOD FOR COMPONENT-BASED SYSTEMS WITH EXCEPTION HANDLING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2005-04/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 39.177,50, Process #2004/10663 -8. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros. "AN ONTOLOGY SERVER FOR THE SEMANTIC WEB TO SUPPORT BIODIVERSITY SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-10/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 26.241,60, Process # 2005/57424-0. Area: IT. Student: Jaudete Daltio. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "AN ARCHITECTURAL APPROACH FOR THE RIGOROUS DEVELOPMENT OF RELIABLE COMPONENT-BASED SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-11/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 68.187,60, Process # 2006/02116-2. Area: IT. Student: Patrick Henrique da Silva Brito. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Arnaldo Vieira Moura. "AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO THE TRAVEL SCHEDULING PROBLEM THROUGH THE GRASP META-HEURISTICS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2005-01/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 3.960,00, 2004, Process #13159/9-XNUMX. Area: IT. Student: Thiago Serra Azevedo Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Cecilia Mary Fischer Rubira. "A RELIABLE SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE FOR SYSTEMS BASED ON COTS COMPONENTS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2003-10/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-4, value: R$ 77.267,42, Process # 2002/13996-2. Area: IT. Student: Fernando José Castor de Lima Filho. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira. "AN ARCHITECTURE FOR SELF-MANAGED WIRELESS MESH NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/50512-4. Area: IT. Student: Neumar Costa Malheiros. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Guido Costa Souza de Ara�jo. "A HARDWARE PLATFORM FOR IMAGE PROCESSING BASED ON IMAGE-FOREST TRANSFORM (IFT)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 24.499,63, Process # 2003/11673-4. Area: IT. Student: F�bio Augusto Menocci Cappabianco. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Siome Klein Goldenstein. "Using high-speed networking for graphics processing". Area: IT. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Cid Carvalho de Souza. "USE OF CANONICAL CUTS IN THE LOCAL BRANCHING METHOD FOR MIXED 0-1 INTEGER PROBLEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-06/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 17.526,60, Process # 2004/12890-1. Area: IT. Student: Rafael Francisco dos Santos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER THEORY.
  Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. "USE OF MULTIPLE PROCESSORS TO REPLACE HARDWARE MODULES IN THE SOCS PROJECT". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 16.790,00, Process # 2004/05090-9. Area: IT. Student: Thiago Massariolli Sigrist. Project linked to the COMPUTER SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo da Silva Torres. "USE OF GENETIC PROGRAMMING IN RECOVERY OF IMAGES BY CONTENT IN RELEVANCE FEEDBACK". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-09/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 24.882,00, Process # 2005/58228-0. Area: IT. Student: Cristiano Dalmaschio Ferreira. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros. "WebBios - Web Service Multimodal Tools for Strategic Biodiversity Research, Assessment and Monitoring". Microsoft Corporation, (05/2005), Research Grant, amount: US$46.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.
  Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros. "WebMAPS II (Universal CNPq)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (08/2006-08/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 48.000,00. Area: IT. Project linked to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP